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57900585 No.57900585 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57900633

>inb4 WoolongInu
history repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce

>> No.57900731

i already checked coinbase for dbz shitcoins and found a few that already exist, the question is are they gonna moon or is it gonna be some newfag solana token

>> No.57900743 [DELETED] 

Biz we need your help for real

>> No.57900745

I was about to ask how to make a Toricoin in Toriyama's honor.

>> No.57900752

$goku already exists and it rugged

>> No.57900793

lol how much is it to deploy a contract ill do it a lot of biz tards know my wallet id and have seen me flip a lot of coins so they might not buy it ill renounce it tho kek just as an experiment

>> No.57900800

also to add, i woudln't make a TG, website or anything. Just the coin and deploy it. Dont care about the rest, you retards can 'community take over' it. I'll think about it.

>> No.57900941

buy seiyan
easy 1 billion

>> No.57900968

i thought its a ariyama token, fuck off

>> No.57900974

Where can I buy it?

>> No.57900984

>i woudln't make a TG, website or anything.
based it might be the first shitcoin i ever buy. I fucking hate these jeets and their tg discord bs

>> No.57900995

honestly ill consider it, i checked the deployer and it would cost me like a eth total to do it all including a locked LP and deploying the contract + making the calls to renounce etc.
Maybe kek it might be a real good meme.

>> No.57901008

kek if i decide to do it there is going to buy a 1% buy and sell tax jeets, im not doing it for free. im making something out of it.

>> No.57901013

ETH costs too much for GAS, and nobody will buy a Solana casino coin. Make sure it's on BSC.

>> No.57901014

astroport SEI network
25M mcap 6 month old token

>> No.57901021

nah i only know how solidity and how to deploy through eth, youre right those the gas is gay

>> No.57901031

BSC supports solidity

>> No.57901034

nigga put it on a cosmos chain. eth is too fucking expensive, solana fucking sucks with its constant halts and jew connections. make it cosmos. they have lots of chains where $$$ can flow in and out of it along with dirt cheap fees.

>> No.57901042

fuck it ill look into it why not

>> No.57901053

I literally only know Binance and a random app called crypto.com I have on my phone so I have no clue what you people are on about.

>> No.57901068

Are you using Remix to deploy?

Cosmos Chain is too complicated, that's the same thing I tell people using Oasis. ETH, Solana, and BSC are the three main chains people are using for tokens. If an Akira Toriyama coin is to take off, it'd have to be one of those three.

>> No.57901078

talking about nothing really
yes i use remix to compile & deploy

>> No.57901087

All EVM chains work the same and Base is the hottest right now. No reason to deploy on Arbitrum/Optimism/Polygon/Avalanche/BSC

>> No.57901108

I have $50 of shitcoins I can throw at it, why not

>> No.57901116

How is Base hotter than Solana and BSC? I'd say ETH too but ETH's fees are ridiculous and I have no idea why people are still playing with ETH.

>> No.57901124

Really is base that hot?

I've only tried shitcoining on Solana and Arbitrum

>> No.57901153

am gunna look into this base shit and get back to ya niggers

>> No.57901189

bsc is dead

>> No.57901203

just bought 8000 seiyan what am i in for?
(guess need to buy enough to get over 9k for me meme xdd)

>> No.57901220
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, gokus-spirit-bomb-sword-d6soys5yvxomj14v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga juno chain built a way to make meme coins with copy and paste kind of mechanics awhile back.


make the coin on juno, open pool in osmosis. can we give a cut to charity? where the $$$ actually gets used for something? like martial arts for kids. akira toryiama did so much for us.

>> No.57901239

>hotter than Solana
Solana is also super hot but it's not EVM. If he knows how to deploy a token on Solana, then sure go ahead.
>and BSC
Ghost town and only full of low quality garbage, to be frank.
Only for whales. Fees are way too big for anyone below big 4 digits, and shitcoins are meant to be normie-friendy.

>> No.57901242

If it's so easy, why are 99% of meme tokens on this board ETH, Solana, or BSC?

>> No.57901269

the tax goes in my pocket sorry bud i was planning to add a 1% buy / sell because im renouncing it if i do and locking any access.
I just am worried about distribution, i don't want faggot whales getting in fast and ruining it. So i need time to think about it. I'll keep the name as his name though

>> No.57901273

cause theyre the only chains allowed on this this site, how many gems have been jannied off the site? they pick winners and losers.

>> No.57901296

Do you know how to write anti-whale technology into the coin? I've seen some coins do that. Maybe keep buys at a max 1% of total circulating supply so whales don't come in and slurp 90% and wash trade among themselves.

>> No.57901313

nope in the past ive just copied whatever the current contract standard is and changed the totaly spply, name etc and deployed it. Well i use to that in 2018/2017 to make fun shitcoins, but it was way cheaper back then. havent done it in forever. Still remember how to do it all though

>> No.57901333

Anti-whale doesn't work because people will just use multiple wallets.

>> No.57901341

True. It does stop a lot of whale bots though, but I guess smart whales can always set up a bot manually to exploit it.

>> No.57901350 [DELETED] 

here fren

>> No.57901491

what the fuck is this activity at this time of day on a 1h old token HOLY SHIT

>> No.57901547

>4,546 TXs in an hour
>posted on /biz/ at the token's ATH
>token is now rugging, but it doesn't matter because whale bots can just pump it or dump it whenever it wants

I'm so tired of bots.

>> No.57901583

4 others already exist on solana lol. Someone make one on base already.

>> No.57901632


>> No.57901648

this one has the best security score out of all the eth tokens.
not sure how big of an issue it is that it's tax modifiable

>> No.57901651

>not sure how big of an issue it is that it's tax modifiable
They can literally set the tax to 100%. That's what tax modifiable means.

>> No.57901699
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he was b0nked on the head unironically
dog with a bat bros went too far this time

>> No.57901702

>4 others already exist
I counted around 35 and more keep coming. Most of them complete garbage or instant rugs.
>make one on base
There's 3 but all rugs or 0 liq. There is a chance for token creator anon if he deploys fast enough. This kind of shitcoining is more of a solana thing though. But hey he gets to be the only good Akira coin on Base.

>> No.57901777

>another latinx faggot

>> No.57901781

found it. how to make meme coins on juno.create in juno chain, open the pool on osmosis or a dex already on juno. though osmosis chain has plenty of liquidity and eyes on it. the whole ecosystem 50+ chains are intergrated and its easy af to move $$$ around.

>> No.57902055

i bought this akira because it's trending #17 and this website says there's no major issues

I put $1000 on it despite being a poor-fag

>> No.57902087

>another regular faggot

>> No.57902138

>no major issues
>8,000+ TXs in the span of 4 hours

Uh huh.

>> No.57902172

even if they are creating fake volume, they still won't be able to take people's funds directly, they can only do soft rugs

>> No.57902181

Oh, so because they can't take them "directly", it's alright? Because a bot slowly bleeding it to death after it tops out is so much better?

No thanks.

>> No.57902199

i need it on fantom plz :(

>> No.57902228 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 178x178, 123315-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


literally just launched. easy x10 from here.


>> No.57902242

Dragon Quest token

>> No.57902295 [DELETED] 


2M volume no adverts this is a no brainer

>> No.57902568

akira already #3 on dexscreener/solana, might be a rug though

>> No.57902605

if they're smart, they'll shill and let it hit 10m at least

>> No.57902626

Should use Goku on DRC20. It’s not even all the way minted yet.

>> No.57902868
File: 80 KB, 640x640, 2024-03-08 03.44.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I found this on Geckoterminal new pairs under $10K MCAP. Was launched almost 12 hours ago and BEFORE the sad news of Akira's passing where the dev has planned to launch it as a meme since 4 days ago. Could be different than the cash grabs.

>> No.57903001

Ballsack logo, what the fuck. Millennials and zoomers are in mourning. Degen plays will happen a few days from now starting with a babygoku or something retarded.

Akira seems to be the play

>> No.57903178

This meme token/logo was launched well before any news came. Diamond BALLZ Chads know it's out of love for Akira's creations. DEV had no idea when launching this 12 hours ago and planning it 4 days ago.

>> No.57903348
File: 236 KB, 1242x1242, IMG_5642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BALLZ on ton blockchain is the play ! only 10k Marketcap !

tg @dragonballZton

>> No.57903438

Here I just made one minutes ago. It's RIPakiraToriyamaINU (Ticker: AKINU) on BASE - Uniswap


Get the fuck in

>> No.57903449
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I forgot the image

>> No.57903619

>this transaction is expected to fail
and anyway it won't highlight the buy. I guess you're not getting my $20

>> No.57903657


>> No.57903670

Once you've verified the contract on base scan and locked the LP you've done everything needed for a good token launch.

>> No.57903759

kek you faggots are ruthless, aped in
I just bought, you must be doing something wrong my dude

>> No.57903806
File: 159 KB, 750x1090, IMG_0402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if this million times's and i'm sidelined

>> No.57903892


>> No.57903993

I managed yo buy just fine swapping ETH for it

>> No.57904110

WTF is this name bro

>> No.57904195
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>found out toriyama died from a shitcoin thread

>> No.57904413
File: 136 KB, 1280x676, IMG_1848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> F for an all time great
childhood's end

>> No.57904593

Can someone making a self-shorting token. One where you can "loan" out up to 40% of your token with an interest rate that is paid from the remaining portion. If the balance reaches 50/50 your balance is liquidated.

If the point of this is not obvious, you assume a down trend and loan out your balance while accruing interest for the entire amount you hold.

>> No.57904669

Why inu?

>> No.57906434

i just got a 100x on goku on solana. stay poor

>> No.57906532

damn big RIP, never gonna see super 2....never gonna see the god of destruction ffa get animated...never gonna see beast trunks...fuck bros. RIP Toriyama

>> No.57907984

That's good, and now you can take profits and invest in Peaq soon. It's the home for DePINs, and there's no reason not to be bullish since it has major partnerships and integrations like Wormhole for liquidity matters.