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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57889617 No.57889617 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you desperate gamblers still talking about crypto?

>> No.57889636

HN is dumb money

>> No.57889692

>shows """hacker""" """"""""news""""""""
(you) mean (you)

>> No.57891529

HN is just web 2 boomers and their exit liquidity

>> No.57891893

You are poor.

>> No.57891957
File: 22 KB, 320x320, 81b86dce98d07d8e365145403cc9e4a3821896a1a170dec386ee54265a704ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfags boomer bitches

>> No.57892012

Name one "web3" business that delivers value and generates a positive cash flow.
Don't pretend crypto is anything other than speculation with no real use case.

>> No.57892100

Chainlink employs dozens of HR roasties

>> No.57892199


>> No.57892276

The fact we're in the dotcom bubble 2.0 doesn't mean the underlying idea us unsound. For every Amazon there will be a hundred Pets.com.

>> No.57894124

>I have a severe disinclination to risk
>why don't others?

>> No.57894371

People were saying this shit in 2017, and as far as fecal-thereum goes for instance, its narratives still look like shit floating in mid air about to hit the ground. A con looking to put itself forward as a solution to SOME problem - any problem - even if it is all narrative quicksand. Aside from speculative gains driven by other midwits pretending they are "in it for the tech", it has been a colossal midwit trap. Muh blockchain is good for a decentralized money only, and free market money in the long run is network effect winner-take-all competition. PoS takes ethereum out of the running for that competition entirely as well as it simply lacking any monetary credibility in comparison to bitcoin. The "use case" for ethereum is to enable scams, which isn't a real use case any of you would admit to when you're trying to unload your bags on normie dupes.

>> No.57894529

>The "use case" for ethereum is to enable scams, which isn't a real use case any of you would admit to when you're trying to unload your bags on normie dupes.
yep. token not needed and there is no usecase for ethereum. POS killed the usecase as freedom money/asset

>> No.57894579

>at this point

>> No.57894721


>> No.57894750

>platform for cryptotards to dump shitcoins on each other
>platform for cryptotards to dump shitcoins on each other
>token not needed
>platform for cryptotards to dump shitcoins on each other
>platform for cryptotards to dump shitcoins on each other

>> No.57894787

HN are permanently coping because they knew about bitcoin but missed it.

They think they're the tech insiders so "should" be the ones getting the gains and not us.

>> No.57894788 [DELETED] 

>20 minutes till close
>wire still pending

>> No.57895275
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because it is quite easy to put all your money in some shitcoin and wait to see if you lose or gain money. Likewise when buying incognito NFTs through platforms such as Eesee

>> No.57895298
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>buy avax at $41
>down to $32
>I sell
>I try one more time by buying doge at 0.19
>down to 0.15
>I sell