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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 1200x517, Lambo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5781164 No.5781164 [Reply] [Original]

Get in now or kill yourself later.

>> No.5781335

Going to sell out in the next 24hours get in at the ground floor retards.

>> No.5781468

What's the purpose of this coin? too lazy to read white paper so give me summary

>> No.5781473

It’s a scam. Some anon on /biz already confirmed it was a scam. For that reason, I am out.


>> No.5781724

Where is the proof faggot?

>> No.5781783

watch the youtube video.

>> No.5781869
File: 112 KB, 403x360, 56.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some anon on /biz already confirmed

>> No.5781894

lol, prove it faggot

>> No.5782322

How many tokens per eth do you get?

>> No.5782602


>> No.5783394


nobody confirmed anything of the sort, just look at the previous thread on the archive.

you're probably mad because we're on track to make a shitload off of this and you're a nocoiner

also, does anyone know if the total on decarium (https://lamden.decarium.com/)) takes into account the 2.5 million USD presale ?

>> No.5783559

It's XRB (free transactions) with smart contracts and multi-blockchain trading
get in

>> No.5783594

i think the website just totals the ethereum that's been deposited into that wallet.

>> No.5783596
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1. You need an ETH wallet that you OWN the private key to.
Use: MyEtherWallet / Metamask / whatever supports ERC-20 tokens

2. Transfer your ETH to your wallet adress

3. Send your ETH from your wallet to the following address: 0xb4925b5a1e7c00752f686f988926478ae0516115 (if you want to verify this just go to https://lamden.io/Sale).). set GAS (transaction fee) to 250000.

4. Wait a bit

You now have your tokens. to verify this, you can add the token manually to your light wallet client. if you're using Myetherwallet as you should, this is what you need:

Decimals, 18
And token symbol, TAU

should be similar for other light wallets. otherwise just use an ETH blockchain browser or something to confirm you've received the tokens.

5) welcome to the club ! hope we strike it rich or at least make some dough to buy beer !

>> No.5783631


and i meant Lamden, not Camden.


>> No.5783682

do we know when this will hit the exchanges?

>> No.5783748


it should hit cryptopia as soon as the ICO is over. devs paid the fee for it i think. should not take long before it hits the other exchanges too

>> No.5783791

Dear Anon i bought 23 TAU since i had some ETH left but now am more interested BUT why is it an ERC20 token=? Do we trade the TAU for Lamden when it goes live?

>> No.5783820

Im not buying Lamden mostly because I dont like the coin concept at all.

It does everything worse than a lot of other alternatives.

>> No.5783835

the fuck? 23 tau??? its like 0.001 eth??

>> No.5783846

thanks just bought 20k because i am a poorfag

>> No.5783870

They are obviously brainlets. They don't even know how to indent properly in LaTeX in their whitepaper.

>> No.5783926
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lol. 20k and YOU're a poorfag ? i only have 6k

>> No.5783951


lol. if you dont like a coin that does same as lisk, dragon, icx,aion,wan together. they u r unfit for crypto. fuck off faggot

>> No.5784041

I don't want to hear your shit.

All I could afford right now.

>> No.5784076
File: 22 KB, 563x227, Tau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.5784188

Why 250k GAS?

>> No.5784208


well that's a reasonable amount.

>> No.5784224
File: 279 KB, 536x356, Artboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't you heard comrades?

>> No.5784260


i honestly have no idea, but that's what lamden recommends on their website. maybe someone who knows more about ETH can explain why

>> No.5784286

Stay away from this shit. Has anyone ever shilled an ico before it closed before?

>> No.5784287

This shit will moon and redeem me, tiny marketcap and it is basically selling shovels during the goldrush

Watch the video of then spinning up a private erc20 token in 15mins using their software, this shit is going to get lapped up

dumped 12eth in

>> No.5784304


If I had to guess, the contract does a lot of work when you buy in.

>> No.5784358

>dumped 12eth in

Requesting proof

>> No.5784360
File: 12 KB, 297x93, gfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My career is now shilling this coin.

>> No.5784389

Yes you dumb fuck.

ICX, Jibrel Network, Bounty,

Have fun buying coins that have already mooned. I can't to dump on your ass. Welcome to crypto.

>> No.5784400


i already said this in the other thread but i'm gonna repeat myself.

nobody is shilling this. the coin has like 2000 followers on twitter. i wouldn't know about it if it wasn't for the anon who posted the first thread yesterday. and yet the ICO is almost over in less than a day.

don't invest if you don't believe in this coin. and don't invest what you can't afford to lose. i personally am feeling pretty confident about this as long as the market doesnt crash.

>> No.5784451

So we are getting into this at around 10-15M mcap

easy 10-15x

>> No.5784462
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>> No.5784587

Pretty expensive transaction cost..
0.00000002x908$x250000 GAS = 4.54$

I only want to invest 100$ so that's 5% almost..

>> No.5784609
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>> No.5784638

What is the max supply and how many are sold in the ICO?

>> No.5784642

In for a comfy 1.5 eth

>> No.5784731

250000 is the GAS LIMIT, not the GAS cost. You likely spent way less.

I paid 0.001164534 ETH (~$1)

>> No.5784854
File: 82 KB, 400x400, 1510979410823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k Tau reporting in, very comfy rn

>> No.5784856
File: 301 KB, 1103x1029, Artboard Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comy af with 40 eth in

>> No.5784902

They sell 10m during ICO, max supply is 500m. At current Eth prices that's 0.09$/coin, average 500m max supply coin is around 1$ so seems like a solid investment.

>> No.5784954

Correction: They sell 100m during ICO

>> No.5784959

Goddammit, I don't know whether to believe you, but I'm in for 2 ETH now...

>> No.5784979
File: 34 KB, 573x430, 1511341507142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it anon

>> No.5785020


don't believe anything, just do some calculations yourself.

my personal opinion is: if the shitcoin markets don't take a dive, we're on track to make a shitload

>> No.5785028

Haven't invested yet desu but tempting to do so. Might throw 100$ in. Glad my information convinced you tho

>> No.5785071

10m hard cap after ico closes. Stay poor, poorfag. WEEEEEE

>> No.5785112

what do u think this will sell at the moment it hits exchanges?

>> No.5785197

where do i see my coins in my mew?

>> No.5785214


who the fuck knows ? might take off right away, might take a little dip as the weak ICO hands sell and come up after a day or two. where it ends up depends on if the devs are able to deliver on their promises. if they are, this is a winner.

>> No.5785233

1 ETH / 9,713 TAU

$872 / 1 ETH

$872 / 9713 TAU ~= $0.09

If it sells for less than $0.09, you lost money.

>> No.5785317

Where can I see the how far the ICO sale is?

>> No.5785369


almost over. few hours left if that.

>> No.5785446

900 ETH left is all. Gon' be filled quick

>> No.5785448


Why not just buy it on ED?

>> No.5785462

>that huge spike caused by shilling on /biz/

lmao you idiots

>> No.5785483
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>> No.5785505

ED not actually have trade action. They are ridiculously high and low buys/sells. They are just fishing for idiots

>> No.5785538

shoo shoo poo loo

>> No.5785539

i cant see TAU on my mew. i can only view it in the tokenexplorer. is that correct?

>> No.5785583


>> No.5785594


that huge spike is caused by the start of the ICO.

so, YOU idiot for implying us retards have enough coin to buy 7.5 million USD worth during the course of 3 or 4 threads. get real

>> No.5785625

so where's the lambo meetup happening

>> No.5785705

and how do i send them when the time has come? sorry that i am a newfaggot but thats my first ico ever

>> No.5785736

This is my ICO as well.

I dunno

>> No.5785764

Just bought 1eth. See you on the moon boiz.

>> No.5785836
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i just want anons to profit from this, not wall street faggot bankers

>> No.5785908


>> No.5786017

for me its still at 8.3 mil

>> No.5786056

Had to convert some NEO for this since fiat entry from AUD is SLOW AS SHIT

>> No.5786089

We'll be hooning in lambos soon

>> No.5786116
File: 202 KB, 2442x1443, lamdennnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is what i have. there's still time

>> No.5786149


Well I'm an idiot.

They will trade on ed though? Right?

>> No.5786174

Weird mine says same ETH but $8.3 million

>> No.5786195

So can I still buy this or...?

>> No.5786200

Hope I make it. Transferring ETH from JewBase right now to my wallet.

>> No.5786217

myetherwallet (MEW) is able to send tokens.

You can send them with the Mist desktop wallet as well.

It's really easy honestly.

>> No.5786289
File: 50 KB, 498x383, 1503235538650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in for 1 eth if it goes through fast enough, using metamask and just sent it to the sale address

>> No.5786324

its finished as they have additinal 700k money from earlier contribution

congrats to all who bought best lambo material

>> No.5786329

aight, thanks

>> No.5786350

Anyone know the total supply???

>> No.5786395

In with 1 ETH

>> No.5786417

>open developer console via ctrl shift i
>penis 2

What the fuck

>> No.5786498

Please someone answer before I buy.

>> No.5786537

Out of the 500,000,000 TAU tokens minted, 70% will be sold to the community, while the remaining 30% are locked up for 2 years.

>> No.5786554

reeee, why's the wallet transfer have to take so long?

>> No.5786597

20k lambos reportin

>> No.5786598

TAU is the primary currency to be used on their chain to execute anything. it will also be the main currency pair when arbitraging on the chain

>> No.5786616

let's shill the shit out of this in the following days

>> No.5786624


500 million, but there'll be a burn after the ICO so probably less

feel free to correct me though as i'm still a bit new to this stuff, i'm an OG from the BTC/LTC/DOGE time and don't know much about this ICO/ETH newfangled stuff the kids these days like so much

>> No.5786645

it's pretty fast, did you add the coin address to your wallet?

>> No.5786652

They hype behind this is already insane...

>> No.5786657

i did 250 k gas with 4 gwei, took about 15 minutes but it went through and cost like 10 cents. get in or forever be poor

>> No.5786677

wtf???????? just burned 100k

>> No.5786690

Can I still get in?

>> No.5786729

Holy shit did I just miss it.....

>> No.5786731


maybe anon, i did just a few minutes ago

>> No.5786737


>> No.5786772



>> No.5786793


That went way faster than I thought... if this moons I'm going to kms

>> No.5786846

More like, get in now and kill yourself later.

>> No.5786868

I missed it too

Oh well, lets wait for the inevitable dump at reputable exchance (not ED) Im sure it will be cheaper

>> No.5786880

No way this goes below ICO

>> No.5786947

Fuck was about to buy more, thank fuck I FOMO in last night and got a few, only 0.11eth tho, but fuck it

>> No.5786954

Wait, so do I still get any coins if I already sent my ETH to the address?

>> No.5786963

It always does when it hits an exchange other than ED. We aint buying ICO bags at 10 cents

>> No.5786987

i paid 10 cents, put it on 4 gwei

>> No.5787002

comfy as fuck. sent 50 eth. got 480k lambos.

>> No.5787013

fuck, damn eth wallet took 10 years to sync so I couldn't get in

>> No.5787021

kek you wish

>> No.5787023


>> No.5787038

>We aint buying ICO bags at 10 cents
That's my biggest fear -- this is why I only put in 2 ETH. I bought into the meme, though. Fuck me, right?

>> No.5787062

Well BNTY had an ico price of .016, p sure it wasn't that low once it hit KuCoin

>> No.5787069

>my transaction all failed

>> No.5787076

I know that feel, anon.

Buy a ledger nano, use MyEtherWallet and never worry about it again. I can finally delete Mist off of my desktop. Worst wallet ever.

>> No.5787083

>Buying snake oil


>> No.5787175

The point is the initial exchange dump will happen. And maybe it may rise, but for sure it will go lower.

>> No.5787247


hahaha the fuck?

>> No.5787303

this is not official website from devs it was fan made website you can read about it on telegram

>> No.5787316

only 1800 TAU I'm never going to make it

>> No.5787321


You can still buy it on ed

>> No.5787362

Holy shit I think was one of the last people to get some. Fuck yes. Shit was literally concluded after I closed my ether wallet.

>> No.5787371

kek, cope harder

microcap ICOs never dump

>> No.5787421
File: 27 KB, 500x208, 1514367148764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is drgn, but a shitty and shady team with criminal connections and they don't follow American ico securities laws.
Have fun following the court case on this while your money is locked up.

>> No.5787448

Well, this sucks. I missed out. How do you avoid your transactions from failing? I set the gas limit to 250000 on MEW.

>> No.5787465

We'll see... Im predicting 5 cent TAU at first listing? No one will buy overpriced bags

>> No.5787484

>criminal connections

pinking out this hard

>> No.5787499


What was the ico price in eth?

>> No.5787524

bought 1m PAU's 1h30 ago, i'm so lucky that my kucoin withdrawal went fast, last time i withdrew from kucoin they held my coins hostage for a day

>> No.5787532

Reeeeeeeeeeee only my test contribution went through. You fucks better shill this with me so i can get my .2 eth out of this

>> No.5787550

Wake the fuck up dude you made a poor choice here

>> No.5787552

Fuck was about to buy more, thank fuck I FOMO in last night and got a few, only 0.11eth tho, but fuck it

>> No.5787559

>anon writes he is pissed about missing ICO
>now he acts as if ICO was overpriced and it's gonna dump anyway


>> No.5787591

What exhcnage will this be listed on first?

>> No.5787621

A 10 million dollar marketcap. Where pretty much all sold out of in 48 hours.

Anon hopes it dumps when it hits exchanges. LMAOOOO The demand for this token far exceed the supply.

I'll repeat it is a 10 million cap coin. There is FOMO on every single outlet I read about this coin now. Just face it you missed out.

I'll dump my ICO bags for you x50 rate. No one is selling this below the ICO price.

>> No.5787625

Why does everyone say that its marketcap will be $10m at the start? If I understand it correctly there is almost 300m tokens in existence and with the selling price of $0.1 doesn't it make $30m?

>> No.5787653

10mil. They are burning any excess

>> No.5787654
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>> No.5787674

It's not the network, you either sent too late or with a wrong gas limit (not price)

>> No.5787698

30% of tokens supply locked

>> No.5787724


>> No.5787731

they only sell 11k eth of tokens on public crowdsale

>> No.5787765

All it takes is one lawsuit for your money to be locked up.
Follow the securities laws anon.

>> No.5787769

Exchange when? I want some of the pie.

>> No.5787776

We shall see! can't wait to scoop up the dump.

>> No.5787802

yes we will dump on you for 10x anon

>> No.5787805



>> No.5787828


>> No.5787846


>> No.5787854

You're afraid aren't you? Your bags will dump below ICO

>> No.5787862
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>> No.5787893

More like Scamd'em
Fuck this shitcoin, i'm comfy with my coins. Would rather miss out on the 1 moon this coin gets , then be worried about pajeet scam

>> No.5787894


>> No.5787911

no need to be afraid when comfy bought on ico
holding till 10x

>> No.5787917


Well where the hell are we gonna sell this shitcoin then? No one here actually plans on holding this dumb as fuck bubble token do they? Which exchange is gonna push it?

>> No.5787927

Does anyone know what total and circulating supply will be?

>> No.5787934


>> No.5787939
File: 467 KB, 1903x946, Lamden (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please FUD more

>> No.5787946

IN. Let's roll buys. The next $DRGN

>> No.5787972

EtherDelta faggot

>> No.5787981



>> No.5787995

Nigga fuck your bags, this is a scam bag.

>> No.5788007

fuck my soul I was too late. Is cryptopia confirmed first exchange?

>> No.5788037
File: 10 KB, 226x223, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when this is next raiblocks and you didnt get in

>> No.5788064




why are you so mad ? we get it, you don't like this coin. why don't you go post somewhere else ?

>> No.5788095

Enjoy your scam bags

>> No.5788097


why so salty anon
>tfw comfy with my bags

>> No.5788128

lol this guy

>> No.5788167

Its dropping lower than ico price on release faggot

>> No.5788215

threw 5 eth lunch money into this. Let's moon boys

>> No.5788303

why would anyone sell at a loss? people aint stupid

>> No.5788352

Most icos do drop when exchanges listings happen. Not sure if a coin w/10m market cap will follow this trend though...

>> No.5788377

I don't see the token available there

>> No.5788397

Dragonchain was $18mm marketcap at ICO and it double upon ED exchange listing

>> No.5788400
File: 8 KB, 301x167, photo_2018-01-03_13-10-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for shilling me this coin /biz/tards
You were right with Raiblocks, Icon, Req, Link, VEN, DRGN and now $tau

>> No.5788412

>tfw I invested in ethbet

>> No.5788442


>> No.5788460

not in bullmarket faggot when mosto of people have thousands of profits to jump on new coin

>> No.5788462

you can buy on ether delta for x2 right now if you want.

>> No.5788572

>Those prices


>> No.5788584

I mean I doubt that this coin will drop below ICO. It does happen frequently though

>> No.5788789

I will buy 50 ETH worth at 1.5x on Etherdelta right now.

>> No.5788957

Holy shit -- that's like instant 80% gains :-o

>> No.5789169
File: 90 KB, 1100x618, photo_2018-01-02_19-51-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People already buying at 2x. You don't want to buy at 2x? Fine, you will buy at 3x or 4x or 5x.

Seriously tho. It's early. Check the whitepaper out. Solid idea and tech if they pull it off. Website redesign coming this month as well as marketing initiatives

>> No.5789194

Insane slowness of depositing to Etherdelta from MM is likely keeping me from being a retard and buying at inflated rates

>> No.5789224
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I hate life

>> No.5789237

>people already buying at 2x

>3 transactions

>> No.5789284


The first one was me, i already had eth in ed. I might not get 10x but I'll still get 5x.

>> No.5789289
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Lol. Ya I would hope for a dip, but wouldn't much of one. Exchange listing happening anytime. I'm all in and up for riding this one.

>> No.5789404

I am holding this until hit 100 mill mcap, then i will take my initial investment , then I can keep it until 1 bil mcap. this is no brainer

>> No.5789476
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whats your ETH address ill send you 500

>> No.5789499
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ITT: Not a single person who checked their Github.

You just bought into an ICO where the devs genuinely believes code is subjective.

>> No.5789522

lol, thwarted by gas prices

im not cut out for this life

>> No.5789557
File: 19 KB, 331x309, a83c90c2-a451-46be-8f2e-d2478489cf30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First 10x of 2018

>> No.5789594


Prove you did it and I'll do the same for him.

>> No.5789609

fucking hate cilantro anyways

>> No.5789654


You don't need to send me anything although I would appreciate it immensely.

>> No.5789687

lamden sounds like what two gay days would name their transgender son.

>> No.5789714
File: 431 KB, 556x644, 1462307654892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are they giving the presale bonus?

>> No.5789761

Had to make rent this month so couldn't afford to get in on this. Fuck my life

>> No.5789768

it's a hebrew word

>> No.5789824
File: 54 KB, 277x324, 145556756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys nice enough to trade some of your coins for .15 ETH? Pl-Pls

>> No.5789825


That's a completely empty wallet, anon -- you could be hoarding millions and I'd never know. C'mon now.

>> No.5789951
File: 102 KB, 1305x723, TAU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5790090

Dammit man -- he could be a big bags hodler :-(. It's an empty address.

But I'm as good as my word.

>> No.5790106

All of you got justd go lookup Atoria ICO, abandomware from the same people

>> No.5790158
File: 58 KB, 1200x675, CuXxtCtVUAATDAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont have to have to, i have many TAU.

>> No.5790220

for faggot?

>> No.5790228

nothing comes up.

>> No.5790229
File: 66 KB, 602x709, 1511453832537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots realize ED was just hacked again like 3 hours ago, right? Either that or the new owners pulled an exitscam.

Thousands of peoples balances were wiped. And nobody knows if the hacker still has control.

Please don't fucking tell me you deposited anything into ED.

>> No.5790328

Theyre burning 90mm tokens tomorrow

>> No.5790355

Learn to Google nerd.


>> No.5790379
File: 68 KB, 1145x532, binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I didn't have a MEW wallet, I made this one especially for TAU. I'm not a big holder trust me I'm a very small fish, I have about 0.40 ETH left in Binance. I was about to put at least $100 in but wanted to research it first but then it already filled in record time :(

Thank you so much man I was feeling really down because I missed this opportunity, pretty incredible to know there are actually nice people here. I will shill this coin at the best of my abilities, this is the least I can do in return. Seriously thank you anon, you brightened up my day :)

>> No.5790406


I thought the SEC said no ICOs for the US. What is stopping them from shutting it down at any second?

why does their ToS say nothing about US participation?

>> No.5790407


they cancelled the ICO, so?

>> No.5790417

yea maybe spell it right next time dipshit.

>> No.5790439


Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.5790478


He's talking about a phishing website that stole everyone's shit.

>> No.5790486

I did my phone is an asshole my bad anon
Sell to normies asap if you were dumb enough to buy

>> No.5790536

They took everyone's money and abandoned the project so?

>>state of biz

>> No.5790546

what's the problem, retard?

they walked away from a project before the ICO. They didnt collect a penny and cancelled the project officially

>> No.5790558

where does it say that?

>> No.5790563

Go check the ED subreddit. And there was a 300-reply thread that 404'd not long ago. ED was recently sold to some people who appear to either be scammers or incompetent.

A lot of people are having their balances wiped, so everyone's fleeing. Remove all caches from your browser after withdrawing. They'll be able to sniff out any private keys from the cache and wipe your wallet.

>> No.5790600

nice scam.

almost got fucked myself.

>> No.5790617

Here's the thread:


>> No.5790690


You guys are too nice, I would suck your cocks for sure.

>> No.5790703


and by fucked you mean bought into a coin that's gonna 10x at the least ?

>> No.5790748


They even rebranded as some mining bullshit and no one bought that time. That one was cancelled

>> No.5790755


no, they do not started crowdsale for that project and ditched it,

they confirmed it on telegram that this previous project was crap and dont have anything related to Lamden

>> No.5790873

>>doesn't have anything to so with lamden
>>same people as lamden.


>> No.5790957


That was like a week ago you stupid faggots. Not 3 hours. Fuck you kukoin shills are fucking canadians.

>> No.5790962

Is it known on which day this will be listed on cryptopia?

>> No.5791034

it doesn't say anything about taking everyone's money though.

>> No.5791047

>kukoin shills
Are you replying to the right person?

I don't even use kucoin. What the hell are you even talking about...

Regardless, use a hardware wallet and you have nothing to fear. You can't steal a private key from a ledger.

>> No.5791153
File: 169 KB, 500x720, ce9fe52a0fd9a88de0bee7f2f1991d7f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I go all in on this coin or TRX? I like both of their technologies but fuck give me opinions biz

>> No.5791178

Proof is in Discord. This is a pump and dump scheme from the get go.

discord = 25CucCU

Check for yourself.

>> No.5791180

You dumb nigger. It happened again, TODAY.

>> No.5791215

It was a phishing site, though. I don't think ED has been hacked. They're still pumping their crowd sale thing.

>> No.5791281

im not going to your discord

>> No.5791481


ED is working fine though.

>> No.5791900

Buy my bags here

>> No.5791935

I mean here

>> No.5791973

CONGRATS TO https://etherscan.io/tx/0xd662f11b158d05884870b8aeb3c8041139fbc15b1c207d22ecc4dbc73b6e284d


SORRY, https://etherscan.io/tx/0x4a80a7f81072476542fb0b19462883edff1f17c2c10db451363790a02a8aac53...... YOU ARE THE FIRST LOSER.

Bunch of fucking cucks fudding this 50x moon mission because they're either afraid of money or being greedy. Hard to tell which. Anyway. I shilled this shit to biz first a few days ago. Glad some of you got in. We're gonna make it.

>> No.5792025


were you the OP from yesterday's thread ?

if so, thank you

>> No.5792030
File: 33 KB, 567x422, 1514417695343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5792186
File: 81 KB, 1394x636, 9238472349023423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you missed lamden register for ShipChain as soon as it fucking opens

>> No.5792197
File: 101 KB, 1080x1080, d11a4948eb55a1ac3372462567bec065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so when is FUN going to moon /biz/

>>95% portfolio

>> No.5792204


I'm OP here:

>> No.5792658

Buy at 2x... or be forced to buy at 3x. Coin burn and coin burn announcement is tomorrow. Listing to cryptopia is any day now. Just get on before we skyrocket.

>> No.5792703

Can't afford to man
My portfolio is sub 1k

>> No.5793157

No date? I don't really trust cryptopia enough to stall my ETH there, currently have my ETH on binance and want it ready for when it hits the market.

>> No.5793367

10k TAU for 2.9 ETH on etherdelta just now

>> No.5793475


delete this nephew

>> No.5794397

what does that have to do with anything

>> No.5794418

Meaning I cant exit my coins im hodling at a loss