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57894241 No.57894241 [Reply] [Original]

Weight loss drugs will probably shake out as the most important invention of the 2020s in terms of impact on the market. The prospects of fast food companies and anyone using a bunch of HFCS and fat and other pseudo-addicting additives to consumables will take a huge hit downward, and an enormous burden will be removed from the healthcare system due to all the expensive diseases caused by obesity that will be prevented.
If you don’t know, this stuff is basically narcan for goyslop. People with lifelong obesity who fail every diet and lifestyle change they’ve tried suddenly have self control, stop feeling the same cravings, and shed a ton of weight. Soon it will be available as a daily pill instead of a weekly injection.
So many elements of the economy will be impacted. Fashion, clothing, transportation (thing the average weight of every passenger in the US going down 50-100 lbs), food, healthcare.
Wouldn’t be surprised if a ton of lobbyists try to get this stuff banned. This is almost the “engine that runs on water” of nutrition.

>> No.57894342

yeah it is great. its funny because the active chemical isnt a controlled substance and never needed a prescription to buy. obesity could have been solved decades ago

people were just becoming fat fucks until big pharma made a convenient prefilled syringe

>> No.57894359

Are the health risks real I’ve been obese my whole life (28). Someone redpill me

>> No.57894423

i havent read of any health risks ive only seen a bunch of disinfo from salty fatfucks that cant afford ozempic

>> No.57894425

The health risks of obesity far outweigh (no pun intended) the health risks of semaglutide (ozempic, wegovy) or tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Zepbound, newer more effective type).
The most concerning side effect in animal trials was mice developing tumors in their thyroid. So far this has not happened at all in human users, and it was probably because mice have receptors in their thyroid that aren’t present in humans.
There’s also reports of freak cases like the drug allegedly permanently paralyzing a person’s GI tract.
Compare to long term obesity almost guaranteeing at least one of diabetes, heart diseases, brittle bones, cancers, and overall severely reduced quality of life.

>> No.57894428


How do I get it? I'm too fat and lazy to go to a doctor

>> No.57894438

People were talking about permanent diarrhea. That was a fringe case?

>> No.57894446

It's the MRNA vaccine rebranded. Lets them cull fat people specifically.

>> No.57894476


mix with 2 ml bacteriostatic water and inject 0.66 ml weekly with an insulin syringe on amazon

it seems scary but its very straightforward and you get used to it

>> No.57894488

Yes that’s the same story as the paralyzed GI tract. To be clear this happened to exactly 1 person. Can’t guarantee it won’t ever happen again, but honestly if you’re obese you already take unpleasant shits idk.
I think this was also a woman using it for vanity weight loss instead of managing actual obesity. But honestly it’s hard to say because the sources I’m seeing looking it up makes it appear to be a tabloid story.
It’s not something a doctor would even think about when deciding if the drug is right for you, as opposed to they might ask if you have a family history of certain thyroid cancers.

>> No.57894568

It’s that easy? Wtf

>> No.57894583


You're right, that seems extremely sketchy. I don't even know how to inject myself with a syringe like that. It is tempting for my fat ass though

>> No.57894706
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no lol. peptides are fragile protein chains and break in the mail. they break even if you shake the container or set it down hard. if you buy it online youre a dumbass

peptides are miracles tho there are many, not just for weight loss. e.g. you can heal faster like a superhero and cure previously uncurable health issues

>> No.57894747

Downside is that you have to take it all your life. The cravings will come back. Other than that it's way too early to tell. As others have said, obesity is a far worse condition than the side effects.

>> No.57894757

it doesnt work if you buy the powder you are being scammed

>> No.57894922

I'm scared of needles. Any other way to do this?

>> No.57894958
File: 510 KB, 1271x1581, TFW Fats Try to Shame Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, lmao

>> No.57895028

Pancreas cancer rates about to skyrocket

>> No.57895034

probably way worse to be fat. It’s so bad for your health, longevity and quality of life

>> No.57895052

it works for me but thanks for the tip about not shaking the jar, i didnt know that

yeah it sucks but idk, wait for pill form to become cheap and easily accessible

>> No.57895098

the biggest plus is perhaps the dating pool will have more attractive women

>> No.57895277

thanks bro, it does seem pretty simple. my doctor is a jew, so I doubt I can get my hands on this peptide shit through proper protocols, oral or injectable.

>> No.57895356

I don't get it; why go to the trouble of buying and injecting this when all you have to do is eat less? If you eat less (energy) you will 100% lose weight (mass), it is literally the laws of thermodynamics. You don't have to spend a cent on anything, just "do nothing" by eating less or even just one meal a day.

>> No.57895484

The problem is that people who are epigenetically predisposed to obesity find it far, far more challenging to hold firm and just eat less than other people do. They may continue to experience severe cravings and ‘food noise’ for as long as they’re at a calorie deficit, for example.
Besides upbringing, one reason for this might be that a lot of people have “famine survival” genes. Since first-worlders now live in an era of a forever-surplus of calories available, people with this predisposition will find maintaining a lower body weight way more mentally strenuous than someone without that predisposition.
Childhood obesity seems to be a big factor too, once someone like this hits higher weights then it’s difficult for them psychologically to not only lose it but keep it off.

>> No.57895521


Just excuses, Asian people don't have this "problem"

>> No.57895540

This thread isn't even funny, it's fucking pathetic. This is the worst psyop yet, but I respect only fatties will be intrigued by it.

>> No.57895561

Lmao at the pharmashills in this thread.

Apart from the fact that Ozempic raises the chance of numerous forms of cancer, it makes you lose muscle and bone density. If there is one thing more unhealthy than being a fat fuck, it's having little muscle mass, especially as you age.

This shit is no fix. Pull yourself together, work out and stop eating junk. I can guarantee that if you switch to drinking water only and cutting out anything that contains sugar, you will lose weight. Calories matter when you're trying to get lean. I never count calories unless I want to get shredded for summer and I never go above 13-15% bodyfat.

>> No.57895577

>contains sugar
*and yes that includes fruit n shit.

>> No.57895607

I sell a shit ton of semaglutide anon, just start out with a low dose of 250mcg a week. Use it as a tool to help you stop eating so much and eat healthier foods. Exercise and you will create good habits in time and won't gain it back.

>> No.57895653

If Asian people really are less obese while having access to the same food surplus, then taking into account how Asians have some of the worst history of famines, that would lend support to the epigenetic predisposition argument.

>> No.57895710

what a load of shit kek. are you pretending or just a fatso in denial?

>> No.57895718

You’ve been injecting yourself? How much weight have you lost

>> No.57895721

>It makes you lose muscle and bone density
Large weight loss makes you lose muscle and bone density. People in ozempic trials didn’t have their musculature stripped away in any significantly faster fashion than someone losing that much weight without the drug would, as long as both subjects were sedentary.
No matter what you need to get exercise and some good nutrients in to minimize those losses.
The fact is that these drugs do make it easier to make healthy choices as reported by the users.

>> No.57895739

Take the Catholic Pill and go to confession.
Drink water
Skip a meal a day

>> No.57895754

It’s my genetics for hunger it doesn’t work

>> No.57895816

yea bro it's your genetics fault, not yours. never look inwardly and improve yourself just blame outside forces that are out of your control

>> No.57895820

Generics coming within a year once patent expires. Think of all the therapists who will go out of business now that people aren't fully of self loathing.
>Protip: invest in anything fitness related
I can never tell if this nigga is an old looking 30 or a young looking 50.

>> No.57895859

Most people are genetically predisposed to become fat when food is abundant see the rising obesity rates in the developed world.

>> No.57895890

This drug pisses off a lot of people who have nothing exceptional about their lives except that they’re lower weight than the average Ameriburger. Ultimately the bitching and moaning is because they soon won’t be able to feel superior to a huge chunk of the population. For example that recent Josh Peck tiktok where he was like “All that dieting and hard work… and then ozempic gets invented.” That’s basically the attitude of all these people. These drugs break the status quo and will let fatties “cheat” weight loss and “lie” about what their body “should” be. Thinness is super glorified in the US and suddenly it’s about to be way less exclusive.

>> No.57895917

I sold all my LLY a little while ago so I could care less about the stock now. It'll definitely cause absurd amounts of cancer in the future, there's no such thing as a free lunch in this world

>> No.57895931

have you seen the faces of the people who take this shit? they look like literal zombies. imagine trusting anything pharma related after living through the past few years.

>> No.57896011

Pretty sure it would work, after two months you'd probably be down 10-15lbs
But OK. good luck on your journey.

>> No.57896069

well yeah
Losing weight is actually hard
And people are proud of it
These people are cheating

>> No.57896076

When’s the exact date? Don’t want to inject myself really

>> No.57896097

it causes your digestion to slow to a crawl. Sounds good on paper but it literally causes you to vomit poop if you eat at your normal rate because your stomache and intestines get full. The constant vomiting literally melts your teeth.

>> No.57896110
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That’s the future. Can’t stifle progress. Everyone benefits

>> No.57896129

This >>57894488
says it was one person

>> No.57896157

How do I profit off it?

>> No.57896170
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>> No.57896221

This thread should probably be more about the financial aspect you braindead preachy fat fucking morons. Novo nordisk is the company and their stock went from 30 dollars in 2020 to 130 in 2024. Is this the top or will it go higher? No one here cares buy high sell low you fat fucks

>> No.57896231

>Large weight loss makes you lose muscle and bone density. People in ozempic trials didn’t have their musculature stripped away in any significantly faster fashion than someone losing that much weight without the drug would, as long as both subjects were sedentary.
>(((ozempic trials)))
That's 100% bullshit. When you're FAT you can lose weight without barely losing any muscle as long as you work out and eat enough protein. Maintaining muscle gets difficult once you hit low BF%. I don't need some fat fuck like you to tell me how shit works.

>> No.57896244

well, it kind of matters if there will be a bunch of sideeffects
Everyone gets sued nowadays

>> No.57896263

>without the drug would
>uses Ozempic
Tell me how taking Testosterone or a DHT derivate + losing weight is worse than taking Ozempic LMAO

>> No.57896279

BTC made faster gains in 2 years

>> No.57896305

too bad it doesn't fucking work, lmao
boomers got rused AGAIN, there are now stories all over the media about people who tried it, lost 10 pounds, felt bad (constant indigestion, burping, farting, diarrhea, etc.), stopped it, and gained 15 pounds back instantly

i have a relative who was put on one of the semaglutide analogs, for his beetus
in OVER A YEAR he lost an incredible... 15 pounds then started gaining weight again
oh and he was at 1.5x the normal dose most of that time LOL
>People with lifelong obesity who fail every diet and lifestyle change they’ve tried suddenly have self control, stop feeling the same cravings, and shed a ton of weight.
fucking no, what happens is they simply adapt their eating habits to the time-delayed effect of the injection
so instead of gorging 3, 4, 5, 6 times a day, they will eat a more normal amount 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 times a day, lots of smaller meals and lots of snacking in between
the effect intensifies a few days after the injection and diminishes a few days before the next injection, so they also make up for eating less during the peak period by eating more during the "withdrawal" period

most i can say is i guess if they make it into a daily time-release pill some gigalards will be downgraded to megalards

>> No.57896574

Is there also a pill that cures being a trans retarded faggot nigger feminist?

>> No.57897008

as I recall she was also using black market semaglutide, incorrect dosage, without a prescription KSAD

>> No.57897085

>Tell me how taking Testosterone or a DHT derivate + losing weight is worse than taking Ozempic
well for one, exogenous testosterone will permanently fuck up your body's natural testosterone production, so you have to keep supplementing testosterone for the rest of your life, or embrace being a eunuch

also T supplementation damages your heart over time; this is well-documented and indisputable

thirdly exogenous T also increases estrogen in your body, so supplementing T can cause you to grow breasts

and finally, T and DHT make you go bald

so there's four reasons why using steroids to lose weight is retarded when you could use ozempic instead

>> No.57897096

When you fast for a week, you lose 20 pounds.
If you can't do this once then you shouldn't be making your own decisions.
Each day is easier than the last because you make less and less ghrelin (the hormone in your body that causes "hunger pain")

>> No.57897125

I heard fasting gives you gallstones. Any counter to that?

>> No.57897148

>well for one, exogenous testosterone will permanently fuck up your body's natural testosterone production, so you have to keep supplementing testosterone for the rest of your life, or embrace being a eunuch
Who talks about permanent and no it won't? You can take 100mg of Metenolone per week for a couple of months and your own endogenous production will kick back. You do realize that's how cachexic people were treated right? If you want to be really safe, you could safe something like Mesterolone which has almost no effect on your endogenous production because it's pretty much non anabolic but acts like DHT.
>also T supplementation damages your heart over time; this is well-documented and indisputable
Absolute fucking nonsense. That happens with large doses and when the subject doesn't do any cardio.
>thirdly exogenous T also increases estrogen in your body, so supplementing T can cause you to grow breasts
Doesn't happen with DHT derivatives like Metenolone or Mesterolone.
>and finally, T and DHT make you go bald
LMFAO. No they don't They only make you bald if you're a faggot with balding genes. Let me guess, you take Finasteride as well. Kys you fucking tranny.
>so there's four reasons why using steroids to lose weight is retarded when you could use ozempic instead
Fucking Jew Pharmashill.

>> No.57897172
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>When you fast for a week, you lose 20 pounds.
sorry but this is retarded and you're retarded

A pound of fat is about 3,500 calories. An average human burns 2,000 calories a day.

So if you fast for a week, you'd burn 2,000 x 7 = 14,000 calories, while eating zero calories, so your expected weight loss is 14,000 / 3,500 = 4 pounds of fat.

4 pounds. Not 20.

>> No.57897175

>drug that makes you feel full so you stop stuffing your disgusting pig mouth with goyslop is the modern penicillin
Nuke the fucking world bro

>> No.57897200

That >>57897085 fuck right here also shills Finasteride on /fit/. I recognized him by the way he talks and by his fucking redditspacing. Beware of fucking Pharmashills on this board. They are real.

>> No.57897272

Every fatass I ever knew claimed this insatiable hunger. Spoiler, everyone gets hungry all the time. The difference is everyone else feels hungry and says wow, I don't care, waits until the normal meal time, then doesn't eat until their abdomen stretches,

>> No.57897274
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>> No.57897293

For long term obese people (90% of whom stay obese forever) the side effect is that you get diabetes/hypertension/heart disease etc and you don't mange these conditions properly you fucking die.
People used to be proud of a lot of things that technologically has rendered trivial. That's just how progress works.

>> No.57897365

Do you know a counter to ozempic gallstones

>> No.57897417

are ozempic gallstones as common or as deadly as type 2 diabetes?

>> No.57897449

>spoiler: everyone gets hungry all the time
not quite; what food you eat affects this significantly. Fatasses tend to eat highly-processed carbs that digest quickly, cause addictive blood sugar spikes, and leave them feeling hungry again a few hours later. Whereas fit people eat fewer carbs and more protein, which keeps them feeling full for hours, and doesn't trigger blood sugar spikes/crashes.

>> No.57897472


>> No.57897520

yeah bro all the fat fucks now lost weight, because they "pulled themselfs up by bootstraps"

>> No.57897700

>should I trust a pharmaceutical company
gee, I dunno
tough call

>> No.57897744

Pro tip: don't take it.
Gonna be hilarious seeing ozempicface on many people soon

>> No.57897899

It works and will make you lose weight easily.

Keeping the weight off is up to you.
If you are committed to losing the weight and keeping it off you can do it. Go for it.

>> No.57898014
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you know this shit is cancer

fucking corruption that literal poison from (((big pharma))) runs rampant
meanwhile eliminating garbage un-food like seed oils, corn syzurp, has no legs

>> No.57898077

Until everyone who has taken it gets pancreatic cancer.

>> No.57898104

Ozempics also demolished the healthy at every size and body positivity movements so its creating tons of sneed everywhere.
There's a schism occuring in the body positivity movement over just how many members are going on Ozempic

>> No.57898140

This shit is causing all kinds of intestinal issues. My surgeon said he has had go do more than one resection of dead colon because of ozempies. The cure is worse than the disease.

>> No.57898147

>Downside is that you have to take it all your life. The cravings will come back.
Nah dawg. New Ghrelin set point takes 6 months to bake in.

>> No.57898148

As someone who dropped 100lbs a decade ago, did not gain it back, went to the gym, and have maintained my level of weight and fitness...all naturally: this shit is fucking hilarious to me. If someone took Ozempic: it just says to me that they're a weak-willed bitch lmao

>> No.57898385

this guy lost his arms in train accident. you can't make it up, trains really are the apex predators in india

>> No.57898549

>The prospects of fast food companies and anyone using a bunch of HFCS and fat and other pseudo-addicting additives to consumables will take a huge hit downward, and an enormous burden will be removed from the healthcare system due to all the expensive diseases caused by obesity that will be prevented.
wrong...these fuckers are going to have serious health problems and will continue to eat even more brazenly. the strain will not only be worse on the healthcare system, but the sewer system as well.

>> No.57898585

oh...and most of the responses in this thread are unironically novo nordisk marketing team. at least you guys know your targets

>> No.57898595

Enjoy your gallstones fat faggots

>> No.57898664
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As someone who got fat at 20 and didn't lose all my weight until 26 (went from 220 to 150 at 5'11 over 5 months). Literally find a meal that deeply satisfies you that isn't loaded with carbs and is more protein heavy and eat that twice a day with some coffee and you will lose everything fast. I ate 1300 calories every day for 5 months or about 22 weeks and lost all my fat. The key is to eat something you look forward to and don't get bored of. You can lose weight eating literal taco bell, as long as you have a major calories deficit, you WILL lose weight. If you combine it with exercise, you will have an even bigger calorie deficit. Weigh yourself almost every day, it becomes your dopamine rush rather than eating something tasty. You need to supplement you addiction to food with other addictive things that are actually positive. You basically need to trick your brain for however long you need to lose weight. It gets MUCH easier after the first 2 weeks. Once you hit a month, it just begins to snowball. Just start, it's always worth it. I went into a nursing program right after I lost all my weight and I got hit on aggressively and fucked 3 girls over 2 years regularly and from that point on, I vowed to never be fat again. Still kept the weight off many years later.

Meanwhile, my sister who took ozempic is fucked up and her blood sugar is out of control now. You could try ozempic, it works for a lot of people, but the people who complain that their body just wont lose fat are just fucking lazy and lying to themselves like the mentally sick fucks they are. Calorie In Calorie Out works for EVERYONE, unless you have hypothyroidism.

>Calorie deficit, now, start today

>> No.57898906

Did you get gallstones? That’s a fast weight loss

>> No.57899659
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This. If you water fast you lose 0.5kg or ~1lb a day on average. I did a 30 day water a fast a couple years ago (I've done intermittent fasting and shorter water fasts on and off for years and wanted to challenge myself) and lost about 16kg, lowest weight was about 17kg below starting as went pretty slow with refeeding on the days after finishing the fast.

Never had issues with them myself. Do intermittent fasting (particularly OMAD) if you're a fat fuck and need to lose weight, for your meal get in a decent amount of veges/fruit and it will be very difficult to not eat at a deficit. It'll take a few weeks or so at least if you're not used to intermittent fasting but after a while your body will adjust to only expecting food around e.g. dinner time.

>> No.57899692
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>I’ve been obese my whole life (28
bro run 20 miles a week you will be skinny that's ALL you have to do but if you can't do that then you're a lazy loser just remember that every time you don't feel motivated to go running you are a fat lazy loser fatty

>> No.57900759

Not a miracle pill.

Still exercise. Eat healthy. Reduce snacking

You'll gain less fat, but if you think it's a wieght loss hack in life. You'll be poorer and dissapointed.

>> No.57900795

Fasting schizos on 4chan will tell you ozempic liquefies your bones and then they go and eat nothing and drink salt water for 2 weeks like that’s healthy. Lmao

>> No.57900914

worked for me. i bought off some roid site with good reviews. did it for 6 months. went from 230lb to 200lb.

>> No.57901745
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>dude take this "miracle cure" pharma garbage instead of just eating less food

>> No.57901746


>> No.57901874
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Ozempic shill threads on /biz/ now...

>> No.57901927

Calories cant enter your body without your consent. Being fat is a choice

>> No.57902039

Complications from Obesity killed more Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic than COVID itself, and let's be honest, most of the people who died from the wuflu died because they were either old, overweight, or both

>> No.57902081

>COVID-19 pandemic
just say covid fucking retard

>> No.57902764

is that even a thing? my cousin lost 75kg in a year and didn't get any

>> No.57902792

thanks anon, you motivated me. I'm 6'3", was always a bit overweight (230-240lbs) but successful with girls, studies and had a nice income, so my youth was unaffected by it. Then when I turned 30 and got my comfy corporate job and long term gf I balooned up to 300+ lbs and now I'm trying to lose weight again.
I feel like I've always had hypothyroidism. Am taking tyrosine, iodine and selenium but I feel like I need some T4 supplementation or something like that. I hate doctors so I never checked my hormone levels. I'd rather go to a private laboratory and pay for the hormone checks myself.
>t free healthcare in Germany but all the doctors suck and talk you out of everything immediately

>> No.57902934

It makes you occasionally shit yourself while you are asleep. Not joking. That's the price you pay for not losing weight the hard way.


>> No.57903125

just walk every day

>> No.57903141

>Weight loss drugs
Why are people so retarded? I just started walking 5 miles a day, eating salad and steak instead of fast food and I lost 25lbs since Jan 1st already. ITS FUCKING EASY!

>> No.57903151

What's the side effects of using this long term?

>> No.57903164
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You'll just have to try it and find out

>> No.57903420

>If you are committed to losing the weight and keeping it off you can do it.
If this were the case he wouldn't need ozempic

>> No.57903445

Nigger your current behaviour is the health risk

>> No.57903468

you will not even eat the bugs

>> No.57903640

you become trans

>> No.57904516

The medical communities online seem to be all for this class of drug and lament that insurance and government care is fighting covering it and pushing for it to be "cosmetic". To them it is a well tested diabetes drug that as a side effect cures fatness.

>> No.57904546
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home-chan will force you into a proper diet anon, no need for kiky drugs

>> No.57904552

The case studies where TRT level doses caused heart issues were in 80 year old men who had their T levels vastly elevated. More modern studies using younger cohorts have shown no effect to maybe even cardiovascular protection. The danger to the heart from test is from elevated Hemocrit and increased body mass which you wont get a huge amount of at therapeutic doses.

>> No.57904570

Well they aren't going to eat less food so its this or die

If sex with pretty women isn't enough motivation to stop eating what hope does the average tubby have to self motivate.

>> No.57905273

Anyone shorting gastric bypass stocks like ISRG?

>> No.57905366

my BMI is 30, the margins of obesity, will they give me some of that weightloss crack?

>> No.57905411

hopefully they find out this kills like 99% of people who take it with some unseen side effect that doesnt show up for a few years. fat people that need this to lose weight and cant just stop eating should be killed, not fixed with drugs

>> No.57906008

>just eating less food
The “fasting” you schizos do is not the same as a healthy calorie deficit diet.
Also, big talk from the guys who think mixing an electrolyte pack into water will prevent the damaging effects of prolonged starvation

>> No.57906140

>Weight loss drugs
Is called move your ass