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57893212 No.57893212 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people go out of their way to Fud coins they don’t even hold? It makes no sense.

>> No.57893225

I fud coins i own

>> No.57893253

This is the most likely scenario, OP. There are definitely paid fudders, but mostly it's unhinged sociopaths releasing some kind of pent up tensions or anger. LINK is a good example, pretty much exclusively psychotic LINK holders who have like 10-50k and didn't sell the last top, so now they've lost the plot and are angry at themselves and take it out on LINK/Sergey/4chan.

>> No.57893262

Baggies shit up the board and are easy to troll. Making fun of GME retards is very fufiling, they have a special brand of bagholder mentality.

>> No.57893271
File: 63 KB, 720x1280, Leemon 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, that makes perfect sense. It's easy to FUD a coin that you hate. The more interesting question is why we FUD our own coins.

>> No.57893296

I can definitely see that. Link marines are crazy in general

>> No.57893310
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simple: this is a huge ponzi and we need you to invest in our coin, not in other shitcoins. Since it became easy to create them with platforms like satoshisync all DEX are full of crap worth 0.0000000000000004 cents.

>> No.57893329

doge started out that way and is now a solid $0.15, so your point is completely invalid.

>> No.57893396

reasons for fud
>fudding their own tokens so other people dispute the claims, an attempt to convince potential new buyers
>same as above, but to convince themselves with their hold
>competitors (especially true for worthless memecoins that all have the same purpose)
>trying to keep faggot jannies from deleting the thread because youre not allowed to be positive
>people genuinely trying to warn about scams

>> No.57893483
File: 994 KB, 1024x1024, fud chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fud coins i own

>> No.57893545

I’m pretty sure this is what most people do. For me personally, if I don’t even click on threads about coins I don’t hold. Why would I? It doesn’t affect me one bit whether those coins succeed or fail.

I can’t imagine people care that much about coins they don’t own to fud them so relentlessly. I think they’re just trying to buy in cheaper.

>> No.57893622

same, its either people who hold the coins or people who are really interested in buying them soon or just sold (in which case they're rooting against the coin)

>> No.57893684

True, it could be a lot of recent sellers doing the fudding as well because they want to convince themselves they made the right decision.

>> No.57893733

>I don't own LINU
>I fud LINU
>people dump and I buy at lower price
yes, it's another Jewish trick

>> No.57893742

I work for the hedge fund jewish globalist cabal and we don't want to see strong white alpha male trump supporters beat us at our own game.

>> No.57893748

Sissy Pepe!

>> No.57893782

just for the lulz. sometimes i randomly fud a coin when browsing biz without even knowing what the coin does or what the price is.

>> No.57893797

Enjoy the Gas fees I guess?

>> No.57893816

Shitcoins are shitcoins, so why should it be?
You keep investing so awfully.

>> No.57893834

Bluechip maxis are either salty when they get outperformed or are too obsessed with "muh intrinsic value"

>> No.57893886
File: 74 KB, 713x1258, plebbit socialfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only discussion biz on 4channel allows is fudding shitcoins. No discussions of smaller cap alts are allowed.
Compare this to Plebbits biz board altcoin discussion and altcoin general threads are allowed.

>> No.57894460


>> No.57894484

I fud monero because I think it's funny to watch edgelords seethe. I've never owned it and never plan to (infinite supply cap??? Really???)

>> No.57894491
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Because it's funny and triggers people

>> No.57894501

I should mention I also fud LINK, which I DO own.

>> No.57894873
File: 118 KB, 500x500, 7m6ygu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just find Bobo funny