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File: 25 KB, 584x347, ABF55996-8989-44BB-8127-1BA1574B5322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57886817 No.57886817 [Reply] [Original]

If you're an american who holds a substancial amount of wealth in crypto remember to vote according to what's best for your financial interests, americans shouldn't elect a candidate who is openly hostile towards America's NATO allies and completely disregards human rights and damages America's image on the world stage.

I hope american cryptobros take all this into account and make the correct decision come november.

t. European

>> No.57886820

you are very naive

>> No.57886826

When a senescent fascist tells you who he is, believe him.

>> No.57886832
File: 12 KB, 432x461, 3A3C5F40-7FD9-4E4B-815F-03602F25349E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an old picture, nigger. He's pro crypto now

>> No.57886838

Doesnt fiat currency also facilitate unlawful behaviour?
Ive never paid for weed or cocaine with crypto

>> No.57886857

Why should I give a shit about NATO and "human rights"? I am here to maximize income, nothing more and nothing less.

>> No.57886864

anyone who votes for Biden again has brain damage btw just like dumbass op

>> No.57888391

america has built a very negative international image thanks to Trump (especially amongst Europeans), you can't deny that

>> No.57888429

kek get another pipeline bombed you taint licking subhuman. keep sucking on your rapists dick talking about how nice it is. dumb fuck

>> No.57888471

Didn't Trump flip on his crypto stance after Biden came out as anti-crypto? Did the whole NFT thing and everything.

>> No.57888488

I don't care about the opinions of "men" who pee sitting down.

>> No.57888530

Europeans should be killed and nuked to death, fuck you for advocating for someone like Jew Bidden who deliberately killed the bull market in 2021 you fukcing KIKE.

>> No.57888541
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Fuck europe.

>> No.57888557


>> No.57888568


>> No.57888573
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>Did the whole NFT thing and everything.
Yep, trump is pro crypto, theres even a maga and barron coin that rugged tho.

>> No.57888592

The other side wants to ban crypto AND destroy America. Weigh it, Op.

>> No.57888615

I knew that was a scam. Only good PolitiFi coins are TRUMP, TUCKER and TRUMP INU.

>> No.57888684

>remember to vote according to what's best for your financial interests
So nobody then? Do Americans REALLY think their vooooting matter? You guys are pretending right? You do know it's all the same faggots that are controlled by the same Jewish scum anyways right? You must know that an electorial campaign costs a lot of money and you need popularity and now tell me who prints the money and controls the popularity outlets?


>> No.57888689

> especially amongst Europeans
Why the fuck should we care about that. I guess you do not understand the whole america first thing. I don't even love zognald, but you are retarded. I am still voting for him btw.

>> No.57888722

Joe Biden is the worst president in the history of the country and I am fairly confident he hasn't made one decision himself during his presidency except for maybe what flavor ice cream he ordered but even that is highly questionable

Why would you advocate for America to be run by a cabinet of unelected jews?

>> No.57888741

Euros made themselves completely irrelevant in the world stage, nobody is taking your thoughts and feelings into account lol

>> No.57888978

Wut, Trump winning would be bullish for crypto.

>> No.57889072

Criminals are innovative first movers in technology. Drug cartels use crypto, submarines, tunnels etc

>> No.57889097

Trump says he doesn't like Bitcoin, doesn't elaborate further, doesn't pursue any regulatory action.

Biden doesn't comment, but his administration attempts to regulate, control, and handicap Bitcoin/crypto (just like everything else outside of maybe voting)

The problem with lefties is truly just that they go exclusively off of what they hear, not what they see being done

>> No.57889227
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Based. This entire admin and economy has served the jews at the detriment of the goyim with biden being a humiliation ritual cherry on top. I think deep down normies are feeling it and it why they are all unhinged and lashing out. Clownworld chads have prepared for this building up an immunity to clownword with small doses of clown pills over time and are havin a laugh.

>> No.57889281

look, in a choice between communism and fascism, i'll take fascism all day. at least with fascism my grandkids look like me and have3-digit IQs

>> No.57889806

you can always tell a brown eyed mutt "white" by their never ending seethe of Europeans.

>> No.57889873

Don't care, still riden with biden because i want a 90 year old in office

>> No.57890231
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I’m voting for Big Mike

>> No.57890246

Oh noooooo the hecking negative imaginerooooo what can we doooo?
At least Sweden doesn’t have any negative image riiiiight?? They show the racist trump how to be anti racist good and proper!!!!!
And now look at their nation. A safe nation turned into Somali gang shithole.
Only a decade ago it was peaceful , and now there are DAILY bombings there.
Did it worth it? Did it worth proving racist trump how anti racist you are, and making your children children children CHILDRENS deal with the consequences of your retarded decisions??
No. We are feeling fucking sorry for euros because they ruined their continent thanks to their pride.
Just one example. Every day of every week, euros boast about “muh great public transport” “why Americans are so retarded with public transportation” etc, without REALIZING that public transport in USA is shit because of “diversity” and it’s good in euro precisely because they lack the critical levels.
But not anymore!!!
Thanks to euros inability to put two by two together, euros are slowly becoming brown and as such their public transport is crumbling down.
But they don’t get it, until it’s too late and then? They still blame “racists”

>> No.57890339

>completely disregards human rights
Ye, is that why euros still work with Iran regime despite all the human rights violations they inflicted upon their own people?
Nah. Your “human rights violation” is only concerned with borders in North America and Europe and replacement theory, not actual human rights violations by nation states.

>> No.57890349
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>another yuropoor seethe thread

>> No.57890445

KYS europoor

>> No.57890952

>especially amongst Europeans
>*withdraws NATO funding*
what a shame, really thought we were friends. Many such cases. Sad.

>> No.57891009

Dont worry I already planned on voting for Biden this time around. Im not really trying to have any more of my tax dollars given to israel. Not voting for trump to ban another weapon attachment or not build the wall again.

>> No.57891026

Absolutely based

>> No.57891585

I thought you redditors make a big deal about him being a liar.

>> No.57891770

You're a stupid brainwashed eurolemming and I wouldn't listen to your shitty political opinions even if you paid me well to do so. NATO should be disbanded entirely and the dead weight of mentally ill EU cut off our backs like the parasites they are. The Trump quote is old and irrelevant, there is absolutely zero chance he would be more hostile to bitcoin in a 2nd term than democrats would be so I don't care what his personal boomer opinions are.

>> No.57891845

I'd vote Ye again, but he apologized like a cuck. America deserves both of the clowns on the ballot, but neither gets my (essentially worthless anyway) vote.

>> No.57891966


blue pilled NPC nigger

>> No.57892023

and by the time he's president he'll be anti again, this is just an actor's game, best actor gets elected

>> No.57892304

They never listen. I don't know how many humans are actually in any of these threads anymore lol

>> No.57893057

He flipped because the republican party flipped. The writing was on the wall and leave it to politicians to never waste a dividing line.

>> No.57893061

If you think Trump is a fascist then you've been successfully brainwashed.

>> No.57893113

Anyone winning would be bullish for crypto. Last run was right after joe biden got elected newfriend. Crypto will always pump because its uncensorable. The question is whos gonna treat crypto investors better.

>> No.57893146


>> No.57893431

Europe IS the world stage. It's literally the raison d'etre of our foreign policy. That said anyone who legitimizes NATO is a clown.

>> No.57893441
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Fuck Joe Biden