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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57884327 No.57884327 [Reply] [Original]

Hey niggers, TA fag here. This'll be my third TA on LINU. I just had a successful one with LUCKY as well predicting where the resistance would most likely be met after the ATH was hit tonight. Predicting the ATH as well - I have large biceps so shut the fuck up and listen, fren.
>Explaining the chart
>Prenote: The green lines might not be met as they trend through the Fibonacci levels. It may be more volatile.
Alright you niggers don't really need to understand much besides the fib retracement lines and the ABCD pattern.
This pattern has played out almost perfectly and I expect it to meet the the peak of the D phase soon. That's not the exciting part for the LINU believers though - so keep listening.
The D phase will be met rather quickly - Most likely overnight or before Friday because a 'perfect storm' is brewing right now. As soon as CITEX gets access to both LUCKY and HOKK the 'cerebus' meme comes to full power and faces will be fucking melted.
Normally, this D phase would most likely retrace over a period of maybe 2 weeks since the volume is so fucking high now BUT since this perfect storm is brewing and about to hit with the fury of 10,000 niggers high on PCP the D phase will trace very quickly.
Now. The bad news - The D phase will most likely be one of the hardest levels to bust through - I'm talking 65% drops overnight again (like you were experiencing in the beginning of the pump in A, and C) but BUT BUT BUT...if LINU survives that D phase then a BRANNNND new ABCD pattern begins and that means new highs.
>THAT will be the catalyst that makes LINU the "shib" of the 2024 bull run
So now that I've spoonfed you niggers, good luck. Trust me, don't trust me. I don't care. I'm already super rich and have been for around 6-7 years and I honestly think /biz/ unironically is the reason for that. I learned quite a lot during the previous bullruns.
So GOODLUCK niggers and niggettes, don't put in more than you can afford to lose unless you're a chad.

>> No.57884359

I’m over here strokin my shit nigga

>> No.57884389

So what you're saying is buy all 3 and we'll be some rich nigs?

>> No.57884396

>cerebus meme
multiple dogs? how does having other dogs available make linu pump - cex havers swap around between dogs?

>> No.57884408

Too many big word do I buy linu or sell linu

>> No.57884412
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be honest, you're the kennel master, aren't you? im too lazy to corelate how your personality is vs his but i'm betting my money on it based on how you've been right on literally every call.
you're either kennel master or one of the bogdanoff brothers, if they're even alive >>57884396
yeah it makes the most sense plus the hype is 3x instead of just 1x on linu, not that it's spread out - well it is but it seems like OP was saying 'the perfect storm' like dog season really starts, we've just literally been memeing saying "we're early we're early" but in reality, it's not started yet... kind of insane to think about and might keep you awake lol

>> No.57884419

It makes me smile every time you guys try to do technical analysis on uniswap shitcoins

>> No.57884423

can you do a TA on this coin? up 10x since january
CA: 0x2fa878Ab3F87CC1C9737Fc071108F904c0B0C95d

>> No.57884428

sell on high, as usual

>> No.57884433

World class TA we are investment bankers of the future like Goldman Sachs

>> No.57884437

I just bought linu because I flipped hoge a couple years ago. I see the spam shit, saw the low mc, still looks like curry to me (who the hell is making all these threads?). I had eth set aside to gamble on some dogshit and I took a chance.
Investing in the others too though.. fuck man, there's too many fucking dogs, I don't have the thousands that KM started with

>> No.57884488

I made a thread

>> No.57884490

I love you I hold linu and lucky thanks to you and I'm way up, a 1000 blessings to you.

>> No.57884511

smart money is getting in now, i finally get it. it's not about making $200 swings or whatever, it's about getting in early. I'm so low iq but i finally get it.

>> No.57884552

congrats. better late than never, some people never get it. or they get it but cant act on it

>> No.57884711

WAGMI homies, FameEX soon, Bitmart funding completed, linu goes up

>> No.57884725

any estimation when LINU is listed on those 2 CEX?

>> No.57884746
File: 25 KB, 615x191, photo_2024-03-07_03-34-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitmart: Yes. MM chosen, agreements signed. Waiting on them to ask for fee. March 15 latest list date per contract. Likely much sooner.
FameEX: see pic

>> No.57884783

>Hi Ryan, we are happy to share that the works of listing LINU almost get into the deposit and withdrawal test step, we will keep you updated on the progress
Wait, is this token run by ESL retards? God fucking damn it

>> No.57884788

Megan is from FameEX homie

>> No.57884800

Oh, never mind, we're so back

>> No.57884809
File: 14 KB, 376x342, Screenshot 2024-03-06 231111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah LOL. I'm in LINU for the fundamentals ser.

>> No.57884812

WAGMI homies, this weekend we are going to reach a new ath.

>> No.57884822

Ryan here. AMA

>> No.57884859

any future roadmaps after this ryan?

>> No.57884894


>> No.57884922

yes 100m mc then eventually
1b mc

>> No.57884928

8844443333 mcap confirmed

>> No.57884950

I'm glad lucky and hokk holders are copying linu's citex listing, but did you take into consideration linu being listed on Famex and Bitmart?
Extremely bullish for linu

>> No.57884972

nigga is lucky gonna wagmi?

>> No.57885057

Why did you redeem the card you mother fucker son of bitch bastard

>> No.57885107

What card ser. I do not redeem ser. Moved away from village long ago ser.

>> No.57885112
File: 12 KB, 195x221, 20210702_234138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are all gonna COOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM when that happens.

>> No.57885125
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>*****THIS IS NOT A DRILL******

>> No.57886027

self check

>> No.57886113
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_3252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check upon check.
1 bil mcap by June.

>> No.57886130

Didnt read your essay but respect your 'cep. I have a massive 'cep too and Ill hold my LINUs to valhalla. Wagmi homies. Btw its back and biceps later

>> No.57886317

My cep is only 16.5 inches. Will I make it?

>> No.57886343

Telegram: dbuybotcommunity

>> No.57886380
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>> No.57887388

No. We're gonna double previous ATH

>> No.57887939

ahhh about to gain a 0

>> No.57887990

weekend is going to be big, dont worry homie

>> No.57888155

>tfw LINU digits always high energy
My body is ready

>> No.57888187


>> No.57888470

black swan hit linu / hokk and they're climbing back.
LINU has crabbed and but slowly followed so far. Hopefully today it'll 200-400%

>> No.57888537

I sure hope so, I'm 2000 dollars down

>> No.57888608

>kennel master
Whoa. Fucking wayback name there. I remember that fucking degenerate. Had a kings ransom in various dog/inu coins

>> No.57888626

Have you predicted Raj, dumping on you niggers?

>> No.57888885
File: 154 KB, 1368x1268, cg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cg delisted?
not fud I reloaded to check price and 404

>> No.57888906

nvm researched and found it
bag holders from 2 years ago dumping

>> No.57888920

>On a shitcoin

Anon I....

>> No.57889064

You got that fucking right. This shit is a casino and TA fags flip a coin. When it's right they get all smug and act like they're some wizard or some shit when it's just luck.
>Hey look at my charts that I drew lines on!
kys. Meteorologists and TA fags should get the rope but instead are held to the same expectations of being right as the dude on the street wearing a sign that says "the end is near".

>> No.57889596

LINU go up

>> No.57889690

Its going down retard

>> No.57889733

there use in the fact that you know other people are using it

>> No.57889793
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>I just had a successful one with LUCKY
Looking at the charts, if you think that is "success" I think I'd rather not take investment advice on anything from you faggot.

>> No.57890368

Fucking pissing myself, kek. Obviously TA chart faggotry cannot predict thieving pajeets but still made me lol