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57884321 No.57884321 [Reply] [Original]

2000-2006 was so fucking good bros. What happened after 2006 that made everything suck so bad? The games, the shows, the movies, the culture (aside from niggers), everything was amazing for the most part. It was the comfiest time to be alive and if you weren’t at least 8 years old in 2001 you fucking missed out big time.

>> No.57884333

not sure what it means, but everyone 10 years older than you thinks the same of the mid 90s

>> No.57884336

>2000-2006 was so fucking good bros
You were a child back then
>What happened after 2006 that made everything suck so bad?
You grew up

Now start working again to make money you balding worthless loser

>> No.57884352

I think you mean 2008. That's when the economy died and real value stopped being created. Everything sucks now because everybody is actually broke as fuck. All the employment stats are fake.

>> No.57884357

I was a child in the 90’s and they weren’t as comfy as those times.

>> No.57884358

Their family got BOGGED
>>What happened after 2006 that made everything suck so bad?
>You grew up
Correct, shit hit the fan in the 70's and has gotten progressively worse since. The overton window shifted so fucking far that cutting your dick off is considered normal and healthy.

>> No.57884395
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>90s weren't peak comfy
zoomer identified

>> No.57884410

Dysgenics, caused both by rapid decline amongst every subsequent white generation+extremely high third world immigration lol. Almost 90% of population growth since 2000 has been due to migration, most of which is of course from the global south. That time was also not a “good” time as that was a shitty culture as well. It’s better that normies (as in like MTV disseminated hollywood bs) are mostly nonexistent and obsessed with some internet niches however cringeworthy they are. This allows a pseudo autist dilettantes like me to live whatever life I want without normalfags invading my personal space.

Dysgenics are bad sure but 2005 wasn’t that much better anyway, it was just an earlier point in the long dysgenic decline post 1900 compared to now.

>> No.57884413

>chinkshit is comfy
Basedlennial detected

>> No.57884461

>It’s better that normies (as in like MTV disseminated hollywood bs) are mostly nonexistent and obsessed with some internet niches however cringeworthy they are.
Judging by your moronic lexicon, you're a zoomer and probably one of the stupider ones. There are tons of "normies" you fucking mong, you'd know that if you left your bedroom.
Fucking moot.

>> No.57884471

social media
consolidation of media/web 2.0/bigtech

anyone who tells you nothing major has changed just in the last 20 years is coping or too young to know.

>> No.57884482

Cope, all normies are glued to the internet now. Nobody that’s not a fag goes to bars anymore. Millenishits constantly crying about how da yoof dont have dey dribers licenses and don’t drink. Normal people don’t exist anymore and the internet killed them hail those gemmers Tim Berners Lee and Abdul Lateef Jandali ;)

>> No.57884547


>> No.57885151
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I was born in 1986; 2000-2006 was a beautiful time to be alive, in hindsight. I would say I did not notice a "change" until 2008, and I remember 2015 being the last objectively "good year" for me personally. I didn't even find out about cryptocurrency until 2018 since I had become depressed and terminally online by then.

>> No.57885175

2008 protest hit too close to the bone. Since then the focus has been much more on division. Division by race, by generation, politics and sex. Divided populace will look to the state to protect from the others etc.

>> No.57885201
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>What happened after 2006
This, nigger. This. As of 2007, every normie and their fucking grandmother now obtained infinite access to everything on the internet 24/7 wherever the fuck they went. Remember when memes were "All your base are belong to us" or some obscure reference normies would never hope to understand? Well now memes are just some faggot sprinkling salt on a steak. It is now normie to be connected to the internet at all times, and like everything else they have ruined everything on the internet, and by extension every aspect of western culture with their faggotry.