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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57880387 No.57880387 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57880404

all in btc

>> No.57880418

Welding a Onions Green factory

>> No.57880448
File: 69 KB, 561x740, 1709312588907761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao just get exposed to harmful UV radiation
Boomers are such ungrateful grannies.

>> No.57882106

>coders invested in crypto
>rich and healthy
>welding niggers have cancer
>can't straighten their back

>> No.57882170

>lmao welding
>lmao coding
The best work is one that is so niche not even construction fags or coding fags can get accepted. Think COBOL programmer or utilities comissioner. Tradefags and codefags only know how to do and there is PLENTY of them and yet they can't troubleshoot problems if their life was at stake.

>> No.57882197

Massive labonigger cope.
I’ve been “working” from home (see: getting paid to jack off to JAV) since 2020 and I don’t have to ruin my back at 30 or work with Mexicans like laborniggers do for 1/2 my pay.

Laborcucks have no idea how amazing it feels to make 6 figures for maybe a combined total of 15 actual hours of work a week.

>> No.57882214

What do you do "working " from home?

>> No.57882236

He doesn't do anything, everyone on 4chan and their mother "works from home" making 6 figures and investing in crypto.

>> No.57882248
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You wouldn't get it

>> No.57882281
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just learn prompt engineering and farm on blocklords, that way you're learning and earning some money at the same time, learning to code at this point its almost useless, but nobody wants to hear the hard true

>> No.57882522

Not that faggot but make six figures as a software dev making up a blocker every few days and gooning to incest fiction

>> No.57882655

the welder sleeps easier than you do

>> No.57882897
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maybe adjusting to inflation?
on different topic, us government reported inflation rate almost 1.1% higher than what truflation reports. why is there so much discrepancy? how you think this affects crypto trading?

>> No.57882908

but arent this laborniggers the ones that actually get infrastructure up? I mean, SOMEONE HAS TO DO IT!

>> No.57882917

oneposters should be shot out of a cannon out over the sea.

>> No.57882921

this, I'm a former "codenigger" but went into a pretty niche technical field (that isn't tech) that's a lot more relaxed and pays more. Won't tell you though because I don't want it to become another meme because it probably will, not hard to get in aside from a few requirements.

>> No.57882928

must be Biden secret agenda, trying to manipulate public opion or something, we need Trump back on office

>> No.57882942
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I would need to explain it and you wouldn't understand.

>> No.57883009
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>coders are still highly in demand and highly paid.

>> No.57884160
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>harmful UV radiation
Brainwashed slaaaaaaave
The only harmful thing is the hard work

>> No.57884172

>biz says coding is dead and trades are up
ok so this was the learn to code bottom. Thanks chud

>> No.57884575

I'm old enough to have been told several times that code monkeys were doomed.
Meanwhile, I've never struggled to find high paying jobs.
Well, I had to interview at 4 places once to land my next gig. That sucked, I suppose.
The last 12 years I worked were entirely remote, with a nice salary arbitrage between home location and work place location, but I suspect that's become a little harder to pull off nowadays.

What happens to the job market next doesn't impact me directly, but I doubt code monkeys will suddenly stop being indispensable in every industry.
If your business doesn't have a way to tell computers what to do, it's entirely at the mercy of those other businesses that do.
If you decide to place your business' very existence in the hand of a half baked AI model crafted by corporations that truly do not mind if you destroy yourself using their garbage, you will get what you deserve.

>> No.57884680

I work with coders who make software that i use my autism on to kill brown people with
I make 135k

>> No.57884741

lol the low iq tradie cope. You are a failure, a literal monkey could do your job and you will die poor with a broken body.

>> No.57885002

His plant is still shut down and his home town is still dying though

>> No.57885277

Are coders getting killed out there? I haven't noticed at all since I'm not a fake value startup fag. The layoff news might as well be a bunch of third worlders getting killed in an earthquake for how much it impacted my life.

>> No.57885391

I still believe AI having an impact on programming jobs is a meme. Tech layoffs were down to over-hiring during covid.

AI usage has led to a decline in code quality. Software is still the highest leverage tool in existence. High level programming languages are already at the maximum of what you can abstract in terms of communicating process, as in, high level programming languages are the most expressive form of process. He who can simplify and make processes more efficient owns the world. This is why tech companies are so powerful.

Using natural language to describe process to an AI leads to loss of understanding, information loss.

>> No.57885454
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If youve ever actually tried to use chat-gpt or any generative AI to build a functioning product to spec, you'd know it hallucinates a ton of garbage and can only manage to produce the simplest of barebones boiler plate code that has to be fixed by and then expanded upon by a programmer anyways.

Anyone who thinks project management stacies will just type in a prompt and come out with a working product is smoking crack.

>> No.57885464

deleted my linkedin and leavinh my codemonkey job by eoy to neet.
no interviews. no jobs. it's joever.

> t. 20 years code monkey

good thing i saved all my money and didnt get married or have kids or i would be rekt.

>> No.57885516

Anyone telling you to become a tradie deserves to be beaten. This shit is awful, pays less than the local fucking bus drivers, and only slightly more than $15/hr fast food waggies. That's with 10+ years experience too.

t. A&P Mech

>> No.57885959
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A wfh job that pays ok and doesn't ruin your health is fine by me.

>> No.57886814

you forgot the one hour per day 3 days a week thing that comes standard

>> No.57886829
File: 69 KB, 720x1265, plebbit intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I'll effortpost.
If there are any skilled programmers here you should read the white and GitHub and try the demos of plebbit.
Plebbit is hiring front and backend Devs who know how to create alternative front end clients using the plebbit protocol (styled on BB, vbulletin, discourse, substack, medium etc).
Plebbit is an opensource, free to use, scalable P2P social media protocol with no https endpoints making it actually decentralized unlike federated alternatives.
The token is used for curating the default boards in a DAO, voting on dev issues in the DAO and tipping.
9m mcap
Long term targets 1-5b 2026-2027
Pic related

>> No.57887103

You should see AI for coding more like the calculator, in that is a very powerful tool for someone who knows what you need to calculate to so math that makes sense, but for someone who doesn't it's near pointless.

>> No.57887115


>> No.57887162

AI still cannot generate useful code, I try to get it to give me something useful all the time but it's not progressed beyond a gimmick.
Sure, if you are a total newbie it can help you learn or write a simple function or method or some shit but that's about it.

>> No.57887374
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Holy shit are you me?

>> No.57887489

The “AI WILL REPLACE ALL PROGRAMMERS IN 2 WEEKS!” is a mix of a few things. First, it’s VC hype to pump Nvdia bags. You dumb niggers are in crypto you should be able to spot this shit by now but I guess you can’t. The second, is that the elites needed to find a way to trick retards into going into trades, because it’s a shitty backbreaking job in the sun that usually doesn’t make anywhere near as much as people act like until you are a boomer with your own company. Also tradies usually have fat wives and people know this, the elites are trying to hype being a tradie because it’s objectively a worse deal than being in tech but their gay ponzi society requires smug tradie faggots to do these shit jobs. AI isn’t anywhere near having not needing human guidance to code and anyone who thinks we’ll get there soon is a retard who has no idea how code works. There will be big money to be made if you understand how code works and can program without it and also research AI and can leverage it. Cope and seethe tradeniggers dating fat American cunts while I’m a tech fag in LatAm paying a fraction of what I would pay in the US banging cute latinas in a country that doesn’t hate me for being white. Tradies would rope if they saw my daily life kek.

>> No.57887553


>> No.57887575

please name the country because I am making a list

>> No.57887622

I’ll give you a hint, it’s whiter than the US. Please don’t tell people a ruin it though, I like it here.

>> No.57888494

i used chatgpt to write an ecommerce site :T

>> No.57888561

Why not use Shopify?

>> No.57888610

Doing physical labor in the sun is quite enjoyable though. You can pretend that sitting in a chair with nothing tangible to show for your time and effort is great and all, but deep down in your soul you know it's emasculating, and so does everyone else.

>> No.57888960

Lmao it is 930AM and I am in bed with my wife who also codes and works from home... I guess I'll get up, make a coffee, watch YouTube and make 6 figures while my wife does the same....

>> No.57889196

Working from home and making more money allows me to spend time with my family, focus on my art, focus on my band, lift weights, work on my home, work on my garden, go to the woods in the warm weather and forage for mushrooms. All of that and more while I sit on my ass for 4 hours a day and make 6figs.

>> No.57889358
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>> No.57889458

Lmao trades fuckin suck. Mike Rowe is that you?

>> No.57891424

Cope of copes. I don’t have to live in the US hell world. THAT is emasculating.

>> No.57891468

Just send it to me privately over 4chan DMs I won't tell any of these guys

>> No.57891471

Good for you getting out of the normal coding jobs, some of them are awful. If you change your mind, I’d love to know what you moved into. I’ve been a programmer for a decade and I hate it so much I want to put a shotgun in my mouth everyday.

>> No.57891495

Sinple really

>> No.57891516

oh programming isn't that bad, especially if youre wfh. i think a lot of us wfh neets get really complacent, i know i have. every time i think life sucks all i have to do is watch my wagecage buds hop in their cars at 7:00am and wow do i suddenly feel lucky, jeetcode be damned.

>> No.57891546

Kek thanks Joe Brandon

>> No.57891560

Why don't you retards understand that you can't measure inflation objectively? Every person has their own inflation rate because people spend their money on different things, you fucking retard.

>> No.57891583

Wear a long sleeve shirt you pussy. Also, if you wanted to talk shit about welding you could've said
>just breathe toxic metal compounds
Which is true.

>> No.57891597

>prompt engineering
That shit is going to evaporate so hard.

>> No.57893471

I'm actually working my ass off from work, but you are mostly right. We are literally the new lower nobility class. We have a different level of life quality that copeoids like OP will never get to experience.