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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57878256 No.57878256 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57878300

You don't know what a rug is. Why would anyone even rug yet retard?

>> No.57878311

>the future of finance

>> No.57878348


>> No.57878400

>still up 90x my initial

I would buy more but gas fees are fucking me in the ass

>> No.57878407

Okay rajnesh

>> No.57878421

I don’t get the hype for this particular shitcoin. How does it differ from the 10,000 other shitcoins? I will not pump your bags until I have a convincing answer to this question.

>> No.57878423

Over $100 yesterday.

>> No.57878441

No rugs and 25% burn.

>> No.57878452

Great token distribution. The 2 highest wallets are a dead burn wallet and the Uniswap wallet. The 3rd top wallet only holds like 1% of the supply. There's basically no whales to dump the price down to anything major.

>> No.57878454
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Ranjeesh you fucking idiot, you have uploaded the wrong image again, it's the one with the kid from Trump!!! What am I even paying you for?

>> No.57878500

Is it normie friendly? Tokenomics don’t matter if no one besides /biz/ autists are gonna buy

>> No.57878512
File: 1.73 MB, 1024x1024, shib_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What just happened is the best example. A Top10 whale sold his entire stack at once. It dumped the price to levels we haven't seen since... about 6 hours. That is the power of fucking LINU. It is literally unruggable. And the fact that fudders are now even creating threads about 20% drops of our coin proves that even for those that don't hold LINU, one thing is certain: We live in their heads - rent free.

>> No.57878537

If only this stupid board would rally together and just hold this shitcoin even with 100 bucks

>> No.57878540

It's already on CITEX and I believe it's getting listed on more CEXes soon.

>> No.57878582
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Just look at the Logo. My due diligence basically covers 4 things when looking at shitcoins:
- Is it ruggable / does it have an even holder distribution? (Check)
- Low mcap? (Check)
- Good looking logo and easy name? (Check. It's a happy fucking dog and it has LUNA in the name. Normies are going to fucking love it)
- Do the posts about it on /biz/ get good digits? (Check and pic related)
LINU is the chosen coin.

>> No.57878590
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Also it's already trending on dextools. Let's fucking go bros.

>> No.57878636

And how many shitcoins have passed all of your due diligence criteria in the last 4 years and not crashed to irrelevance?

>> No.57878659

Anything else on the Nvidia AI smart contracts integration?

>> No.57878698

They turned on the AI and it realized that it was a dog shitcoin and tried to kill itself

>> No.57878731

PRQ has been a really good one in the last cycle. DOGE and LINK both passed 3 of 4 criteria (got into both at an already high mcap, so that one doesn't pass). I also fucked up with some, e.g. with XLM. The rebranding away from the rocket was the beginning of the end. And ARK also didn't deliver in the way that I had hoped.

Also, I've had accidental successes with coins that had shitty logos and a shitty name and did pump nonetheless, as e.g. with BIS. But that was a long time ago.

Nonetheless, I'm quite happy with my success ratio overall. I've avoided rugs entirely so far and my average gain with shitcoins (= everything except BTC and ETH) is probably a x5 or a x10

>> No.57878739

I've only invested in doge and shib
I have not lost a penny.

>> No.57878753
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>> No.57878781
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Oh and just to make an additional prediction, faggot OP: Before this thread dies, the LINU price will be higher than it was before the "Rug".

>> No.57878815

Why are you so nervous tho? Does the thought of a rug frighten you?

>> No.57878867
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Not at all, I'm just having so much fun with this coin. The worst thing about LINU going to zero would be the fact that I couldn't shitpost about it here anymore. Shitting on all fudders has become my favorite past time activity.

>> No.57878874
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I just want to wake up one day and see a big number in my wallet bros.

>> No.57878908
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We will. WAGMI bro.

>> No.57878924

I WILL be buying linu bags and I WILL be happy
Deploying another $1500

>> No.57878929

Lamo it won't die!

>> No.57879041

No because this coin is a pajeet rugpull bs project. If we rallied behind anything, it would be pepe or wojak or something not this obvious rug-coin.

>> No.57879072

Uh oh bros why does it keep going down? The buy pressure will hold it up, right?

>> No.57879076
File: 665 KB, 1012x546, 1709670195973897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies will never buy Pepe and Wojak. Too niche, too obscure, too 4chan. That's exactly why we've chosen this dog coin. Not because we love fucking dogs. But because we're going to dump this shit on the normies at 20b mcap.

You can still post pepes all fucking day when you're a multi millionaire later.

>> No.57879078

There’s already a LINU general stop shitting up the board
How many times must I say this to you LINUfags holy shit

>> No.57879103

It's "homies". At least try to impersonate us correctly when trying to fud

>> No.57879130

I hold 500B and "homies" is cringe and r*ddit

>> No.57879146

LINU provides critical infrastructure for Nvidia’s next generation AI powered smart contract technologies.

Buy or seethe.

>> No.57879149

Anyone has the original homie fud post?

>> No.57879154

Tomorrow new ath homies

>> No.57879165

And you believe this unironically?

>> No.57879166

Heil Linu

>> No.57879180


>> No.57879194

Upped my stack to 470b, digits and it pumps off a zero by end of week.

>> No.57879212

LINU saves the world from AI takeover WAGMI

>> No.57879217

we don't care. it's gay as fuck

>> No.57879220
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>20b mcap
I hope anon, I hope. I'd already make it at 1b, or even half that, but I truly hope I can break into mid 8 figure hell through just 1 single dog coin.

>> No.57879251

You not see the tech journos?

>> No.57879441

Impossible challenge: Expecting scammers to work toward a common goal and not backstab each other.
Lmao. Nvidia is not relying on some dog shitcoin bro. Kids believe anything these days.
>8 figure hell
God that is stupid. As if any of you are making real money with this crap. It's always funny seeing people cry about 6 figure hell, 7 figure hell, 8 figure hell. Nothing but roleplaying-daytraders gamblers pretending they're hotshots to feel better about being losers. That is /biz/ in a nutshell. Losers larping as Wallstreet traders.

>> No.57879498
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Liquid locked for 75 years
Devs renounced contract
it can't be rugged, and it is cute
OP is also a nigger

>> No.57879572

Who's we lil bitch, ohhhhh just you homie? Thats what I thought

>> No.57879607

>He thinks Bitcoin can't reach 100-1000x

Oh ye of little faith

>> No.57879635

>That is /biz/ in a nutshell. Losers larping as Wallstreet traders.
Projecting yourself onto others can cloud your judgement

>> No.57879678
File: 1.54 MB, 1024x1024, linu_nvidia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. They even announced it recently:


NVIDIA Press Release

NVIDIA Partners with Luna Inu: Introducing Crypto Mining on GeForce 5xxx Series

Santa Clara, CA – NVIDIA announces a groundbreaking partnership with Luna Inu, embedding Luna Inu mining into the new GeForce 5xxx series GPUs. This innovative move combines top-tier gaming with efficient cryptocurrency mining, a first in the industry.

The GeForce 5xxx series will feature built-in Luna Inu mining, allowing seamless integration of gaming and mining. This dual functionality empowers users to enjoy cutting-edge gaming while earning Luna Inu coins, setting a new standard in GPU versatility.

Key Highlights:

GeForce 5xxx series GPUs with integrated Luna Inu mining.
Optimal efficiency, merging gaming and mining.
A revolutionary step in GPU technology, enhancing user experience.
Stay tuned for release details and pricing. For more information, visit NVIDIA's website.

About NVIDIA: Leader in visual computing and GPU technology.

About Luna Inu: A progressive cryptocurrency for secure and efficient transactions.

Note: This press release contains forward-looking statements subject to risks and uncertainties.


For informational purposes only, not a sales offer.

>> No.57879763

You literally have zero source for this, and I have LINU

>> No.57879797
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Of course I don't, but nonetheless I posted it. What are you going to do about it? I have LINU too btw. Nancy Pelosi bought LINU btw right after she heard that we partnered with NVidia

>> No.57879804

You sound like a stupid nigger.

>> No.57879960

you just sound schizo

>> No.57880214
File: 76 KB, 786x615, Zoomer Broccoli head Tiktok loser faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pulled this out of your ass, bro? God, you're desperate. Did you just ask ChatGPT to make you a fake press release? Lol.
>muh "No U" projection
Good to see I hit the nail on the head. Cry more.

>> No.57880217

These fud threads are getting pathetic


Jesus christ let me guess some Hokk baggie started pushing this crap

>> No.57880401

yes Im not trying to get rugged homie, but my sentiment is that it might.

>> No.57880429

Holy fuck linu bros

>> No.57880453

you better rug me like you mean it next time, nigger

>> No.57880534


and homie
>20x after it nearly "died" because of some NFT fag
you cant stop us homies

>> No.57880768
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>> No.57880844
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I THOUGHT IT WAS A REAL RUG, NOT A 9% DUMP, I got really scared for a sec and I thought my whole portfolio was on jeopardy
I opened my SatoshiBank in a rush to watch my BRC20 tokens too and everything seems fine
I'm still ((mostly)) green

>> No.57880908

It's literally $44.79 to move $1000 worth of ETH into LINU rn.

>> No.57881005

you always have to be prepared to lose everything, it took me 4 years to recover everything I lost in 2020 thanks to the NFTs.

>> No.57881014
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I haven't seen my portfolio in green for months anon, I don't know what to do anymore....

>> No.57881032
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mining erc20's

>> No.57881082
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>> No.57881180

Gay as fuck tbqh

>> No.57881351

The fact that liq is locked until 2097 and contract is renounced makes it completely safe from rugpull or rogue dev. The fact that a bunch of /biz/ autists are dedicated to sending it to a billion+ market cap makes it a high upside gamble. The fact that they’re actually accomplishing multiple cex listings through tens of thousands of dollars in donations (literally approaching 100k) removes all doubt for me that this has multiple Xs to come. I’ll be honest I’ve always thought (and still mostly do) that the whole “community” thing was really fucking gay and just a ploy to entice new money to get dumped on, but in this case it’s different from anything I’ve ever seen. Come check out the tg yourself, there’s a few insufferable faggots but for the most part it’s fucking awesome

>> No.57881362

that fud on linu is quite fun

>> No.57881534

There is no /biz/ community. It's pirahnas in water each trying to eat each other alive. Stuff never pumps to the level we would want bc most people have 0 time horizon and need quick cash. They can't hold to save their lives. And that's why we can't have nice things. In crypto, someone winning means someone is losing. Most people try to get off the ride and sell before they are screwed by the next guy.
>but in this case it’s different from anything I’ve ever seen
No, it's not. You guys pretend there is some community to bring in newfag suckers to pump your fag coin of the moment. Then you assholes sell the first hour anything pumps, sending it crashing back down to Earth again. No community. No honor among thieves.

>> No.57881578

Speaking of which, the HODL meme is just there to pacify other guys into not selling so you have time to get out and sell while he is still holding the bags before the price crashes. No one here holds anything. You pump and dump. Scammers tell other to hold while they crash every coin.

>> No.57881579

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

>> No.57881580
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lets open op your brain to see if everything is ok anon cuz you seem like a fucking retard holding BRC20 kek

>> No.57881606
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>actually believing what retards says out here, anon you just do a better research before taking for truth what biztards says here

>> No.57881611

>Double digit iq anons taking this serious and think they’re smart for calling bs


>> No.57881632

>Stuff never pumps to the level we would want bc most people have 0 time horizon and need quick cash.
/biz/ would have made it long ago if it would've joined as one force. But nay, and /biz/ is still poor looking for the get rich quick scheme. You're all fucking retarded, angry and forever poor faggots.
>t. midwit wagie that's tryna make it.

>> No.57881680

This is actually sadly true

>> No.57881699
File: 32 KB, 611x404, IMG_0432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WAIT, hold on. You’re not gonna believe this next part. Then we pumped it with 80k they all started buying more and then we dumped it AGAIN

>> No.57881702

Because if you weren’t a newfag and saw what /biz/ was like when shiba was brand new you would know this is the exact same thing.

>> No.57881709

The fuds probably to break organization just like they do for everything else

>> No.57881804

Kike fag so what You're saying shib never existed

>> No.57881829

Yes, people here are backstabbing snakes. /biz/ is only scammers.
>/biz/ community
That's an oxymoron. You can't have a community of snakes.
>Trying to chase old trends. And recreate the magic of one-off events.
<But bro, the dog stuff has to work a 3rd time, r-right?
Next you will tell me to buy BTC at 69K or something.

>> No.57881900

>goes up 12x in two days
>omfgdfgdfgfffff why are people selling?????!!!
Still up 8x from 5 days ago, what the hell do you want? To turn 1k into a million overnight? Of course some people are gonna sell along the way, everything that’s gone parabolic has been the exact same

>> No.57881926

The chances that you bought an investment at it's new floor is always low
zoom out, line go up

>> No.57881948

Mm keep it going

>> No.57881974

>But bro, the dog stuff has to work a 3rd time, r-right?
It has been and will continue to work.
>Next you will tell me to buy BTC at 69K or something.
I would recommend buying dog coins and then buying bitcoin when the bullrun is over.

>> No.57882008

Checked n rekt