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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57876051 No.57876051 [Reply] [Original]

the unpumped dog coin is right in front of you anon

load your bag now before it's too late

>> No.57876084

Why do you autists just post pictures and expect everyone to recognize which coin you're talking about?

>> No.57876091

oh anon, you'll know soon enough

>> No.57876206


>> No.57876504

I think I still have a bag of this piece of shit somewhere.

>> No.57876534

get ready anon

>> No.57876588

>he doesn’t know
KYS newfag

>> No.57876598

Mine old bag was worth like $50 a month ago and around $30 last time I checked. (No idea what I spent originally lol) The current team has been working on reviving it since last year. Make sure you keep an eye on it.

>> No.57876687

Don't worry about it anon, this is an old shitcoin made by people seething that they didn't had any DOGE when elon tweets pumped it in 2021. This will never pump again and the community is a bunch of Schizo baggies.

>> No.57876724

says the marketcap is 23m

>> No.57876726

*looks at chart*

ok don't fill up your bags anon suit yourself

have fun with that x1.5 on Shib

>> No.57876860
File: 121 KB, 640x640, au71lovticmc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because we've been pumping while you been watching anon

>> No.57876953

I bought

>> No.57876975

It has been pumping 10x for past 2-3 days what are you talking about nigger

>> No.57876995
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well, yes, but look how much room we've got to grow anon

>all dog coins pumping
>hoge pumping but still at a price it was before the first 2021 pump

imagine not buying this chart. imagine holding shi(t)b instead

>> No.57877028

Just because I implied your statement doesn't mean im not a degenerate gambler holding hokk, hoge, linu, shib and doge altogether.

>> No.57877077
File: 188 KB, 715x544, AB6D6AF8-7EAE-4CB5-BBC5-FF89555D6EEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hold all the dogcoins except hoge which is the only one that hasn't pumped yet

>> No.57877093

I boughted HOGE because I remember this dog from the last bullrun. wagmi, fuck it dog season

>> No.57877316

I cannot remember correctly, were there any stupid cat coins also?

>> No.57877348

Took long enough. I thought /biz/ was going to miss out entirely. Anyway, once the bull run really gets going it’s inevitable normies will try and repeat 2021 dog coin hype. I picked up a bag of Hoge last week. Anything else from back then that hasn’t pumped yet?

>> No.57877410

>I thought /biz/ was going to miss out entirely.
many will


>> No.57877423

trying to figure that out too. I totally ruined my chance last bullrun. Was day one HOGE holder, sold it after 10x. And then I watched it moon, couldhave been millionaire. Hopefully this time.

>> No.57877461


pls do not buy more of the hoge my uncle is waiting on wire transfer from home country so we need the money price to stay low

thank you.

>> No.57877485

kek, me too. Could've made 100k from about 050.

don't make the same mistake again anon

>> No.57877579


>> No.57877734

near ath I couldhave had around 2-3 mio usd, not a LARP. Really one of biggest mistakes of my life.

Now my strategy is to sell 30% after 10x, another 50% after 100x and hold rest

>> No.57877748

rip anon

>> No.57877766

Yes it's called Sanshu Inu

>> No.57877775

Tons, but I can't remember any except like Nyancat from way back. TOSHI and MOCHI on base are the cat coins this season.

>> No.57877778

so close, it's hoge :)

>> No.57877788
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>> No.57877817
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Checked again
Kek doesn't lie
Sanshu Inu has yet to pump this bull. check what it did in '21

>> No.57877907
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no one cares anon

>> No.57877977
File: 46 KB, 399x400, imtiredanonimtired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do y'all try to fight like it's a competition? just spend in whatever you feel like and if you make it, then good for you, fag
like, i made it with spx and you don't see me shittalking other coins
what even is the point?

>> No.57878133

>why do y'all try to fight like it's a competition?
it is anon

>> No.57878187

Hemule just pulled a ~35x and is getting some CEX listings. I sold for a 4x already but, if any anons are looking for eth catcoins, that's the biggest one.

>> No.57880275

we just keep pumping

>> No.57880359

Why is hoge pumping after all this time?

>> No.57880385
File: 293 KB, 1898x1276, hoge chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all dog coins pumping
>most already pumped 10x+ and desperate for exchanges to keep momentum going
>hoge up +58% in 24 hours but still at pre first 2021 pump levels

I've never been so comfy. Are you going to miss out anon, or load your bag?

>> No.57880422


>> No.57880807


>> No.57881682

we are so so early

>> No.57881741

Some of us are over 3 years early...

>> No.57881785

That solid wall of buys

Hogebros wgmi

>> No.57881955

ok i'm aping in

>> No.57881967

checked & green wgmi bros

>> No.57882128

dead shit coin

>> No.57882174

if +55% in the last 24 hours is dead then I guess I'm rigor mortis

>> No.57882530


what does this mean

>> No.57884110

big thongs happening

>> No.57884182
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Get this presale anon

>> No.57884299

I'm pretty sure I still have this piece of crap in a bag somewhere. For now, I'm more interested in altcoins like INJ, XTP, and MATIC because they will soon skyrocketing

>> No.57884369

This was cringe when it first released and it's still cringe now.
Also not a part of Cerberus so fuck off.

>> No.57884418

nice scam, kys

>> No.57884503

We're all seeing the green candle in our bag but hey, I am not even throwing funds into the air like many fucktards here instead into projects that have products to offer. Revolut and especially Tap got me covered due to their low fee.

>> No.57885206

Such a low liquidity coin can be pumped by the devs using the 500k "CEX fund" which they did. You are all getting scammed.

>> No.57885392

well if it is a scam it is a long one. Coin is old more than three years and it did not die. It is not classic rug-pull.

>> No.57885415
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>> No.57885677

It's not a rugpull but the newfoudn interest in it is fake. There also the fact that it has 69k holders which will dump on you and act as resistance once their 200k stack bought at 300M mcap is worth something.
You can swing this though. The team pumped my bags bought at 0.000015 and sold at 0.000045. Still I that profit didn't compensate the overall loss of buying this in the 2021 bull.

>> No.57886055

How do you know devs are using the CEX func to pump&dump?

>> No.57887656
File: 70 KB, 696x466, pepemedown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still I that profit didn't compensate the overall loss of buying this in the 2021 bull.

you are just retarded, it pumped to ATH 3 times that year and you couldnt sell at .0006 to .0008 . You sir are just a greedy homosexual.

>> No.57887707

Where can i buy this piece of shit?

>> No.57887787

Uniswap, OptiSwap, Whitebit, or Gate.io. Don’t use Pancakeswap. The CCP shutdown the bnb bridge

>> No.57887819

I don't have any of these, which one do you recommend?

>> No.57887869

I use uniswap usually, but gas fees have been retarded lately. However, I’ve used OptiSwap Pro for my last buy since it give you an extra 4% of HOGE (covers the transactional burn for your buy and eventual sell). Beyond that I’ve heard Gate.io is good if you have access to that exchange in your country.

>> No.57887925

use an exchange. the swaps will kill you with gas fees.

>> No.57889391

What did he mean by this?