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57877023 No.57877023 [Reply] [Original]

how many hours do you work /biz/?

>> No.57877085

8h per day for me. I tried 10h but felt like that wasnt sustainable over a longer period of time. my productivity suffers after 8 hours. to be fair I believe my productivity goes down after like 6 hours.

>> No.57877112

> just be born into a family that owns a profitable emerald mine

>> No.57877133

About 60. Elon's big mistake was buying Twitter and then posting nonstop which completely dispelled the mythology about himself. There's no way he's putting in those hours in the slightest and there is no way he is the intellect he sold himself as simply based on his Twitter posting. I barely had the 60 seconds to wait here to post this in between moving from one task to another. Elon is a top tier bullshit artist.

>> No.57877161

It's like trying to live with less sleep than you actually need. It's inefficient and unnecessary.

There are fckn mutants that are insanely productive but they're extremely rare and most of those that claim to work 80-100 hours a week are either lying, bullshitting themselves and others on what counts as working, do cocaine or simply don't notice how many mistakes they make or how slow they work because their nervous system fucked off years ago

>> No.57877174

I saw him stream diablo 4(shit game) and from what I have seen he put atleast 100 hours into the game, by the time the streamed he must have atleast played several hours per day. there is no way he works more than the usual 8-10 hours like the rest.

>> No.57877190

They are simply lying.

>> No.57877405

anyone have the bobo which is this but it's "short like hell"

>> No.57877421

For guys like Elon; "work" is still being willing to answer a phone call and make a decision while he's swimming in the infinity pool of a 5-star resort on the other side of the world and sipping on a mojito. If he's willing to answer business calls anytime for 15-hours per day, then he considers that 15-hours of work.

>> No.57877445

>you know

No I don't know. And the world's filled with cucks who worked hard as fuck and got paid peanuts.

>> No.57877473

0-4 a day. my boss did my review today and gave me max ratings and bonus, and wants to discuss how to promote me to senior manager. im currently laying on my couch as i write this.

>> No.57877494

don't forget sending emails sitting in meetings and posting on Twitter. So yeah, basically 75% of white collar jobs.

>> No.57877643

Eh, there are people where it's verifiable. Like those top surgeons that no one knows how tf they do it without killing people or passing out right into an open abdomen.
But yeah. Most are lying.
"I studied for 5 hours" also doesn't mean studying for 5 hours.

>> No.57877665

>Elon is a top tier bullshit artist.
he basically paid to be famous for being famous and they just use him as a front man for government projects

>> No.57877824

He's already successful. One of the most successful people in the entire world. Being a public image and engaging on twitter is a good thing for twitter by the way!

Dismissing everything he's achieved by saying oh look he tweets too much I'm busier than he is hur hur is clearly driven by jealousy and envy.

rent free

>> No.57877852

Cope Elon. Go get cucked by a literal tranny again. And stop ducking Zuck, let him beat your ass.

>> No.57877878

>Being a public image and engaging on twitter is a good thing for twitter by the way!


>> No.57878038

Same thing happened to musicians. After twitter everyone realized they were kind of retarded.

>> No.57878099

billionaire gaslighting that hard work = success

>> No.57878188

0. Nobody is hiring white guys outside of menial labor jobs.

>> No.57878290

For someone who profiles himself as le smart engineer man he certainly doesn't understand diminishing returns to labour.

>> No.57878338

69 hours a week, 420 days a year

>> No.57878372

I used to do those 80 hours work weeks when I was a young bright-eyed and bushy-tailed code monkey.
And in fairness, since I didn't suck at it in the first place, I did get pleasantly plump raises and promotions at a reasonably brisk pace.

However, if that was all, I'd still be waging now and for the next 15 to 20 years.
Because you don't become rich with hard work alone. Ask your maid or your gardeners.

>> No.57878414

He says he works all the time but he's constantly on Twitter or podcasts or some other shit.

He has a loose definition of work.

>> No.57878466

holy shit

>> No.57878943

I'd say on a good week I do about 2-3 hours of real work. I get paid for 40

>> No.57878979

Has this guy ever worked a real job?

>> No.57879050

6-8 hours a day, two days a week, 3-4 another two days. Occasionally like a mad man, all day for days on end. Usually a few weeks out of the year. It’s quite enjoyable.

>> No.57879053

32 hours a week

>> No.57879084

when your job is to direct people, look at screens and make decisions; yes easy to work 15 hrs a day.

>> No.57879396

what a cringe fucking larper, this guy just browses twitter all day claiming he works 80 hours a week

>> No.57879437

Yep. If someone just gave me that money I'd be equally as successful as musk.

>> No.57879566

I try not to work more than 5 hours a day. Thats about optimal for productivity in my experience.

>> No.57879716

>There's no way he's putting in those hours in the slightest

If you were the richest man on earth why would you? But also if you have staff making all your meals, handling all your transportation, keeping all your places cleaned and stocked with whatever you really can work for 12 hours an day, 7 days a week and it's no problem, you still have 4 hours to goof off and 8 to sleep.

Yes I'm counting having working lunches as work, which you totally can do if you're the richest fucking man on earth.

>> No.57879770

>Elon's big mistake was buying Twitter
No, it's a brilliant move. Access to information is critical, and becoming a gatekeeper to that information gives you power and control that money alone can't get you directly. Elon's relevance has increased dramatically post acquisition, rumors of Twitters' demise have been exaggerated. It doesn't matter if it's not profitable, as long as Elon can run it enough it's not hemorrhaging cash he can keep it up and his influence high

>and then posting nonstop which completely dispelled the mythology about himself.

Implying Grok isn't doing that
Implying Tweeting when you own Twitter isn't Twitter work

>> No.57879801

Only true for valuable work. Sitting around for extra hours "just because" is worthless and spinning the wheel on pointless work leads to burnout. Ensure you actually have something valuable to do or else go home. If your aim is to extend watercooler networking time, you're far better off at a bar than pretending to look busy in an office for brownie points.

>> No.57879813

8 but I put a lot of time towards self improvement. I'm going deep into Python and machine learning/deep learning.

Sometimes I do it over company time as well. Especially math and stuff

>> No.57879821

I’m actually a doctor and know some of those mutant freaks who can study (or work a highly cognitively taxing job) for 16 hours no problem. Personally i’m not like that, i tap out like after 5-6 hours of hard studying.

>> No.57879867
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He lies about how much he works, it's a means for giving morale to his workers. Same with him sleeping in the Tesla factory. It's great for company image, if the guy running it works so relentlessly. He can guilt his workers into putting in 80 hour weeks.

In reality, he's browsing twitter and playing Diablo 4 for half the day. He uses his autism to memorise all the domain knowledge and insights from his best staff, so he can mumble about it evasively in interviews. He's a good manager.

>> No.57879891

Not a single billionaire would hang metal parts to be painted for 100 hours a week.
Not a single billionaire ever has.
Not a single billionaire ever will.

>> No.57879944

Kek. My thoughts exactly.

>> No.57879981

60 to 80 a week right now, usually fucking imbalanced and loaded into a few crunch days a month because some bullshit always crops up and I can't make deadlines without just sitting in the office and grinding it out. It's too easy to make a mistake if I rush and too easy to make a mistake if I mentally zone out so it's awfully taxing.

>> No.57880024

Also depends a lot on what kind of job you do, it's easier to put many hours of work in a job more operational, now try puting in that many hours in a job that requires actual brains or creativity

I work as an R&D enginner, when I'm in the designing part of my job, I can go weeks working maybe 2 good hours in a day, if that, just waiting for a solution to pop into my head, and when I'm in the test and implementation, easily 10h a day

It's easy for a car mechanic or a doctor to put in 60+ h a week, try that when your job is to design something new out of nothing

>> No.57880557

>a doctor

There are a billion different factors to every disease, individual, their medical history, medication ect. Being a doctor is one of the most cognitively taxing jobs out there. It’s like playing a video game on 3x speed on very hard mode for your whole shift, and mistakes make people lose their health. Being a designer sounds easy compared to that.

>> No.57880604

doc here
studied nonstop dusk to dawn for board exams 16hrs/day/ 2months
60hour work week on average
medicine is meaningful, but lifestyle apart from work barely exists, you are a fucking cattle..I just work and sleep, chinese 996 more or less
2/10 would not pursue this shit profession again

>> No.57880623

Is the longstanding stereotypes of doctors being completely shit at investing true?
And if so, do you think it is a side effect of the brain damage induced by years of systemic sleep deprivation?

>> No.57880631


stop watching house mate, most doctors are basically bots with a dataset of protocols that they'll apply to different diagnoses

wanna proof, go to a ordinary doctor with something that is slightly out of the ordinary problem and see how much fuck all they know

like I said, MOST are, but of course that are the specialists that will do indeed require brain power

>> No.57880660

tried both
R&D is kindergarten compared to medicine
however lecturing at University easiest by far, basically paid shitposting, no stress or risk at all

>> No.57880713


Elon Musk is a lifelong liar with daddy issues

I make money off efficiency, so maximizing hours literally does not equal more earnings for me. Way better than the years of grinding 12-16hr days

>> No.57880735

Damn, i’m jealous. My brain simply doesn’t function like that, i get too tired to perform way before 16 hours. But why don’t you work less hours? I work 40-50 hours a week so i have life besides work. Sure, after experiencing the meaningfulness of medicine, most other things feel mundane and meaningless and people feel like little bitches with their complaints and worries. (this board being a great example)

>> No.57880744

why is he off & on again the richest man in the world? is he the only successful liar in history?

>> No.57880760

>Is the longstanding stereotypes of doctors being completely shit at investing true?
Mostly lower upper class, family clans. Big into real estate. Even roastie doctors are hyper conservative investors, therefore beating average biztard easily

>And if so, do you think it is a side effect of the brain damage induced by years of systemic sleep deprivation?
Utilizing brain on daily basis somehow beats out the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation. Same like 80yo grandpa working out at gym having osteoarthritis. Maintaining IQ after being 25 is race to the bottom anyway

>> No.57880762

2 days per week when im in the country. tfw im so comf.

>> No.57880780

I’m a doctor, i think i know what i’m talking about. I’d like to know what you mean with ”something out of the ordinary”, as in is it even a medical problem.

>> No.57880801

>shitpost all day on twitter
>get outed by 23andme leak for having ashkenazi dna
>"aspirationaly jewish"
>falling for the work hard meme, remember when 50 cent said sleep is for people who are broke? well now we know he made it because he sucked p diddy's dick

>> No.57880811
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about 10 hours a day, but lets be honest, now days, you dont actually have to work that many amount of hours, now you have ia, tools like truflation, who can help you achieve your goals more quickly, before using truflation, i usually spent like 1-2 hours doing analysis to know where the fuck i am, and if im gonna survive the next quarter, now with that shit i have that hour free to do whatever i want

>> No.57880834


He comes from wealth and made strong investments before he redid his appearance.

PayPal was easily the most successful investment from the 00s and even then he was trying to rename it to X

On a separate note, tons of wealthy liars are successful. Much easier to win when you start with an inherent advantage. Bill Gates is a similar example

>> No.57880866

40 hours over 4 days. One 11.5, two 10, one 8.5. it's pretty nice.

>> No.57880868

You always see this type of posturing from managerial types whose work consists of meetings and phone calls.

>> No.57880930

>Being a designer sounds easy

Sure, if you are designing something like a steel frame


>tried both

doubt it, maybe you did some low level engineering stuff, high level industry takes years to get into, there is no "this is not my first option" engineers at my field, I design hardware for large power systems, the subset of eletromagnetic behaviour analysis of optical transformers by itself takes a lifetime to master, I'm talking about the edge of technology, inventing new stuff, not searching google up

>> No.57881099


yeah sure thing, literally every one that has had any problem that was not the most basic thing possible had to go to 3-4 doctors before finding one that could fix their problem

there is a reason people always go for second, third, fourth opinion

my brother had some weird skin condition when he was a teen, years of doing this and that, all kinds of exams, with no solution, until the problem went away by itself and the last doctor he was seeing said that it was probably some hormonal thing that "corrected itself"

This is going to dermatologists, imagine the level of the regular general practitioner

>> No.57881201

Weird skin changes can be one of the hardest things to diagnose, not exactly ”anything out of the ordinary”. Even the last doctor just took a wild guess, it’s not like we will ever know if it was a ”hormonal thing”. But even with less hard stuff, there are always so many variables you have to take into account that tge work is very taxing for the brain. People just like to take a shit on doctors to make themself feel important.

>> No.57881232

look into your sleep cycles (I used a whoop band), if you get in the habit of 5-6 hours of sleep you can feel very refreshed for the majority of the day.
I feel far more energetic when I get up at 5 am than hitting snooze and sleeping a few more hours.

>> No.57881276

R&D in medical field senpai, not engineering
High level, partly for N4T0. Where you had to deliver nawledge unknown to humanity yet
I believe up there it is more or less the same regardless of subject... could be neuralink vs. spaceX
Cakewalk compared to clinical medicine
There you have to be making swift decisions into unknown, patient after patient, nonstop....then at home you sit back and think if that terminally sick 90yo grandpa dies, or woman miscarrages.. if it's just a courtcase, loss of license, jail time or assault by family members...sucks gigantic dick. Pfizer helped us in that matter, patients now bow to "science" question nothing, more than ever before

>> No.57881334

What if I'm salary?

>> No.57881346

are you kidding me, I know people that have had pain in their foot for years and no doctor ever found a solution, are you going to tell me that pain in the foot is also one of the hardest things to diagnose?

I know that there are great doctors out there, I've consulted with some to know, the kind that have a 6 months wait line and only take cash, but it is a fact that the majority of doctors are garbage, no more useful than a google search, in fact worse in some cases

>> No.57881389

stopped working a year ago
have made 150k in crypto since then

>> No.57881402

He got lucky with X dot com and then rode the coattails of the real Tesla founders

>> No.57881431

If you're working for yourself, this might make sense. As a wagie, it's obviously retarded.
I work Monday to Thursday 8 hours per atm. I've kicked around doing 10 hours per day to be full-time, or just picking up Fridays, but it's really not worth the extra 15K after tax. I like having time with my family and being a great dad.

>> No.57881494

sure, but my original argument was precisely that it's easy to be able to work 60h a week as a doctor for example, because it's more of an operational work, while pure creative work is different, you can't increase your output by working more hours

>> No.57881553

The amount of hours you sacrifice for your wages still count, even if you're salaried.

>> No.57882151

>pain in the foot is also one of the hardest things to diagnose

Do you know how complex of an organ the feet is? How many bones, joints, tissues ect. it has? Yeah diagnosing the reason fot pain in the foot can be hard

>the kind that have a 6 months wait line and only take cash
Most doctors who work private are shit. Either they’re peddling bullshit or only care about the money and give quick shit treatment to have as money patients as possible. People only fall for them because they think that private=good when it’s actually easier to do a bad job in private sector. There will always be new patients.

>> No.57882352

it was a $20k stake, literally any child of middle class americans would be in the same spot he was financially
the REAL cheat code he had was being born at the right time; there is nowhere near the widespread opportunity today that was available to literally anybody with a computer in the 90s dot com boom
even the current AI bubble doesn't have the same wide benefits to startups since all the value is concentrated in the already established big data companies

>> No.57882774

nah midwits love elon more, "he champions free speech !!!!11"

>> No.57882826


You're a idiot if you think it was only 20k. Born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. You're just a boot licker who will never be invited to the party.

>> No.57883052

For the lazy and stupid, leave them be
For the hard working and stupid, fire them all because they make busy work and get in the way.
For the intelligent and hard working, they make fine staff officers for they care about their men.
For the lazy and intelligent, only the highest offices are suited.

>> No.57883438

Midwits are generally not fans of free speech.

>> No.57883578

Unironically this
But I think his definition of work isn't really a
wagie tier definition. He's working for himself on his own businesses. Probably answered a phone call at midnight after he quit "working" at
1:30pm and called it a 16hour day.

>> No.57883594

Where would a NEET be placed in this ranking
if he gave up NEETing? Asking for a friend.

>> No.57883652
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Shit logic. Just buy meme coins for the same gains kek
I will say though that more capital = more chance to pick the winners, but honestly fuck waging so whatever, man

>> No.57883732

Neither does Elon or Twitter accounts of journalists critical to him wouldn't keep getting suspended.
It's just part of the grift.

>> No.57883752

>is he the only successful liar in history?
You're kidding right?

>> No.57883923

>there is nowhere near the widespread opportunity today that was available to literally anybody with a computer in the 90s dot com boom
Hello ma'am do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Bitcoin?

>> No.57883936

you would still be a broke loser just like every other reddit midwit who thinks that's how billionaires are made