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57875711 No.57875711 [Reply] [Original]

> don't be me
> 18 year old robmanian fag
> dumbass
> $500 in cash, + $1k if i take a full time job during summer holiday
> recently discovered crypto
> has a rough idea but doesn't really know anything
> scams scams scams
> fees fees fees
> gov takes %10 tax on crypto profits
my plan would be to take $100 into 15 diferent shitcoins/midcoins that might boom 50x or 100x, 200x.. how can i learn more about the market? how do i analize a cryptocurrency before investing? how the fuck do i know in which to early invest? how can i get inside information?

>> No.57875733

sugi pl, marș la muncă

>> No.57875768

you had 15 years

>> No.57875782

stres continuu pentru 2000 de lei pe luna? nu, mersii

>> No.57875815

found out about btc in 2017 when it was under $10k, tried to convince my parents to sell the house for btc but they called me insane

>> No.57875965

2000 de lei nu merită nimeni CARE ȘTIE muncă. Dar la 18 ani, cum ai zis că ai, ce abilităti sau ce experientă ÎN (nu DE) muncă ai, de crezi ca meriți mai mult?

>> No.57876144

>18 ani

buy low ,dca ,hold.

>> No.57876294

that would have batshit fucking insane and beyond retarded and I can already tell you are too fucking gullible to be an active trader based on this post alone
buy ETH (ideally not the fucking top unless you have an insanely well founded reason) and wait for a long time, there is no other play
IF you want to be further down the risk curve, use 2x leverage - but preferably just don't
your real mission in life should be to leave that shithole country and make an income somewhere in the first world - if your nw is 1500, I make 10x your entire net worth EVERY MONTH just working in the first world - trying to invest your way out of your situation is literally not possible

>> No.57876330


>> No.57876369
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>> gov takes %10 tax on crypto profits
gypsies pay taxes?
since when?

>> No.57876409

take that job and buy bitcoin. do that until you are 25 then you maybe have made it.

>> No.57876571

migrate to germany or whatever or some other eu country. get social security or work a minimum wage job. invest the money properly into something save like etf's. what you are trying to do is basically gambling, you probably better off going all in on red in your nearest casino instead of investing into memecoins.

>> No.57876721

mergi la facultate într-un domeniu bănos(IT, medicină, drept, inginerie), fă pe căpșunarul în spania când ai vacanța de vară
solid advice

>> No.57876816

>fă pe căpșunarul în spania când ai vacanța de vară
heh de acolo vin, daca e sa iei in considerare chiria si taxele iesi mai bine in Romania de cat acolo :)

>> No.57876874

>mergi la facultate într-un domeniu bănos(IT, medicină, drept, inginerie)
IT-ul e plin (plus ca vine si valul de IA), la drept se fac bani daca esti 1%, inginerii fac $1k pe luna si asta inainte de taxe

>> No.57877029

el are 18 ani si stie el ca in IT asa e. angajeaza-te bre mai intai si apoi da-ti cu parerea. plm cu totii cititi ce e pe net, dar pl vorbititi din experienta personala

>> No.57877056

nu e plin, se cauta intens forta de munca, suntem un fel de mecca al strainilor pentru investitii it
+ ca daca acumulezi experienta de 5 ani poti prinde un contract in vest pe salariu de 5 ori mai mare decat la noi
they dont, which is why i get taxed at 45% rate

>> No.57877968 [DELETED] 

Vorbiți Engleză you fucking gypsies.

Also, OP is a faggot and is to late for the party, be probably believed some anti-weed / gay communist and didn’t buy back in 2017, because he tough it “was going to 0”.

Is the rope or sucking dick you gipsy scum. Take ur pick! Hahaha.

>> No.57878972

You need to get the f out of eastern europe and europe in general if you want to make it. Go to school, become a good code monkey, then come to the US on a H1B. It's hard, you are competing with a billion pajeets, but if you are truly white, you can make it.