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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 262 KB, 5000x2500, Nvidia-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57869995 No.57869995 [Reply] [Original]

>LINU is powering Nvidia's next generation of AI powered smart contracts
>progress is being made at an exponential rate

>fuddies btfo
>2nd CEX imminent
>3rd CEX being negotiated with
>fading the true future of finance

>> No.57870037



>> No.57871253

Yeah right! Why would Nividia partner with a memecoin? Linu would never go pass 30 million market cap. Screen cap this

>> No.57871345

Anon it's not about meme coins this is big for AI, like next generation stuff

>> No.57871352

>AI powered smart contracts
stupidest thing that I've heard today, nice.

>> No.57871374

If you knew anything about neural networks you wouldn't sound like a retard saying that

>> No.57871415

the whole point of smart contracts is the possibility to define trustless and provable scenarios. adding non-deterministic neural networks in it kills it.

why do you even need smart contracts in that case? just run your fucking AI.

>> No.57871429

Aka 30m mcap tomorrow

>> No.57871470

warning: Citex only allows very small withdrawals. It's not a real exchange. Arbitrage will never be possible. Stick to uniswap

>> No.57871488

More like 300m desu

>> No.57871492

That's stupid AI can improve smart contracts by enhancing their ability to automatically verify, execute, and enforce contract terms. By incorporating AI algorithms, smart contracts can more effectively analyze and interpret real-time data, ensuring that transactions are executed accurately and efficiently. AI can also help identify potential risks or discrepancies in contracts, enabling parties to mitigate risks and address issues before they escalate. Additionally, AI can enhance the security and transparency of smart contracts by detecting and preventing fraudulent activities or unauthorized changes to the contract terms you retard

>> No.57871505

Lmao go lift some weights you fucking dork
>verification not required

>> No.57871608

Ok this is actually big news Linu can integrate with smart AI contracts by leveraging Nvidia's powerful hardware and software capabilities. By using Nvidia's high-performance GPUs, Linu can significantly increase the speed and efficiency of executing AI contracts, enabling complex algorithms to be processed in real-time. Additionally, Linu can utilize Nvidia's AI software frameworks, such as CUDA and TensorRT, to optimize the code for computational tasks and accelerate the learning process. This integration allows Linu to transform traditional cryptocurrency transactions into smart contracts powered by AI, offering innovative solutions for various industries such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management. How is this disruptive to the entire economy?

>> No.57871641

sounds like gpt-3.5

>> No.57871695

If this goes through we'll have chatgpt 5.0 in under a year

>> No.57871803

Why do you keep posting this? wtf are you talking about?

>> No.57871809

lmao I mean ur talking through gpt

>> No.57871842

big if true, Nvidia is gonna absolutely moon

>> No.57871855

Ok now you're just fudding or retarded. You don't seem serious

>> No.57871868


>> No.57872063

oh shit jensens eth wallet just bought in.

>> No.57872179

Fake? CHECK. Gay? CHECK CHECK. Stop lying you cuck niggerlover

>> No.57872183
File: 528 KB, 653x666, 827428384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll buy LINU when they officially go in into gaming like NVIDIA and superverse
that's the future right there niggers

>> No.57872239

Sounds like someone doesn't understand what AI is and how rapidly the progress is going

>> No.57872450

Anon, it's NVidia. Do you not know who that is?

>> No.57872484

It's a new paradigm, and everybody who doesn't buy, now, will be priced out forever. Anybody who does buy will be rewarded with a lifetime of riches, as their Nvidia shares will continue its 30% monthly price increase.

Luddites, and anybody born in a future generation, will not be able to afford a $10,000,000 NVDA share in 15 years. They will live in tent cities, and Hondas.

This asset bubble is different than all of the others - it will never slow down, or pop. The gains are permanent.

>> No.57872644

Nice fud, Nvidia AI tech is holding it's cards. Why do you think Pelosi's husband got in when he did?

>> No.57873370
File: 7 KB, 199x254, IMG_5515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice digits

>> No.57873438


>> No.57873544
File: 75 KB, 591x1280, photo_2024-03-06_08-21-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57873800


>> No.57873821

brainlet pajeet its a joke

>> No.57873871

Look at
You obviously don't follow the industry

>> No.57873908

I just searched on etherscan. post a cap or link

>> No.57873998


>> No.57874210

the crash of this stock is going to be glorious.

>> No.57874364

>$1000 multi chain portfolio
lol, lmao even. I think you shared your address not mr "jensen eth"

>> No.57874367

Shut the AI revolution is just starting

>> No.57875525

This legit? Keep seeing this news

>> No.57875549

Jeets are truly retarded

>> No.57875559

Why would a major company endorse a hindustan random shitcoin?

>> No.57875581

This thread is the most effective LINU FUD I've seen all week

>> No.57875598

lmao sounds like you made GPT write this for you and added a coupled of words. Either way, you're completely clueless about AI.

>> No.57875643

big if tru

>> No.57875667

Kinda sounds like he knows what he's talking about. Let me just say I'm in the tech sector and if this is true about Nvidia it's going parabolic

>> No.57876596

Pretty comfy with this Nvidia stock ngl

>> No.57878293
File: 71 KB, 1094x457, 2024-03-06-162504_1094x457_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you absolutely added "That's stupid" to the beginning and "you retard" to the end of ChatGPT's response. Do you think we're all as retarded as you are, anon? We can tell the difference between human text and AI slop.

>> No.57878725

Wow the fud is full force against Nvidia right now

>> No.57879010


>> No.57879198

Why can't I find any sources to back this up????

>> No.57879230

Bro it's all over Twitter and tech journos keep talking about it!

>> No.57879283
File: 42 KB, 921x462, IMG_20240306_233005_978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57879668

god you have absolutely no fucking clue what you're parroting, do you? this is embarrassing. you embarrass me. not a single phrase you've uttered in that wall of text makes any kind of sense, no matter how much good will I try to have with you or how much I attempt to twist your words into something that makes sense. please turn off your computer and never interact with the internet again
>t. software engineer
>Verification not required.

>> No.57879764

>let's centralise our crypto sers it will be good for the village
kys pajeet

>> No.57879820

>lets run algorithms requiring hardware well beyond consumer grade on an exceedingly computationally expensive network around the throughput of half a raspberry pi 1

>> No.57879825

How much are you shorting Nvidia? What software do you actually engineer and what did it improve in my life you fucking grifter

>> No.57879885

>14 posts by this retard

>> No.57879902

i initially thought hes just trolling but hes been at it for eight fucking hours now kek

>> No.57880830

uhh where? why is it so goddamn hard to share a link?

>> No.57881456

You need someone to spoon feed you? Buy Nvidia stock anon