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File: 27 KB, 316x316, Solana_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57869404 No.57869404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shill me your next 1000x memeshitter on Solana

>> No.57869408
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>> No.57869433 [DELETED] 


>> No.57869458 [DELETED] 

1000x is questionable but barron seems ready to moon

>> No.57869497
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Hael $Hidler koin.

>> No.57869503 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57869574 [DELETED] 
File: 385 KB, 606x535, TGslashBarronSol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know it. tg/BarronSol

>> No.57869612

based. i threw so much into this so far i am not disappointed

>> No.57869653 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 1080x947, Screenshot_2024-03-06-13-27-33-334_com.brave.browser-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COMFY. 300k MC with a higher liquidity than other Solana shitters like Barron which is sitting at 1.5m MC. Means you'll actually be able to sell once this moons. We plan on getting on trending by end of the week and do other fun stuff.
There's also a coherent long term strategy, the dev is an early LINK marine who burned 70k of his own money, got us listed on 2 CEXs already and secured a long term collab with DSVR. He has enough funds for marketing and more high quality collabs.

>> No.57869707 [DELETED] 

LOLCAT. Revival coin with 7k mcap. Already did a pump and dumped, now getting ready for round 2. This is just how LINU started.

>> No.57869811 [DELETED] 

BARRON is king unlike comfy its capable of pumping and normies understand the meme behind it.

>> No.57869874
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>> No.57869880

fren (x: frenonsol)

>> No.57871217
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>> No.57871713

just got rugged lmao

>> No.57871949 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_20240306_103617_961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy is a hot pick RN.
You can also go for Pepe on SOL, AVI or Linu

>> No.57872099 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 651x481, Shilling 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo check $Inglip with a mc of 30k. Based inner circle community. Someone added 20 SOL to the LP. Old reddit meme with high potential imo

>> No.57872149


>> No.57872169


>> No.57872194

Bros, all of these are way too big, past 100k you're asking to get rugged. Not even saying this because I don't have the fundage so to speak but Hidler was released last night and went to 1 million and then DUMPED

>> No.57872282

HomerWifHat. Literally 1k liquidity lmao. lets get in now.

>> No.57872324

Comfy is 3 months old and has 100k Burned liquidity. The dev could have rugged with 75% of the supply (170k back the) but he kept his word and burned everything like a chad

>> No.57872372

I have 5k burn but into memecoins what would you recommend?

>> No.57872557

Take it from me bros, as I've gone from 2 to 5 figs in 2 months

Every win I've had came from either a telegram group I'm in with a bunch of other degens or from scouring new pairs on dexscreener

By the time faggots on /biz/ start mentioning something it's almost always a rug or too late to make real coin. This website is full of indians now as well and you all know they only bring scams and poo to the table

>> No.57872563
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I doubt many of these shitcoins are going to last 100 years anon.

>> No.57872574

is telegram really anonymous?

>> No.57872590

Not really; I needed to use my phone number to make my account but I made it a couple of years ago and things might've changed since then

>> No.57872607

weird because people seem to do a lot of suspicious shit on there

>> No.57872758
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More like dumping amirite? Keking at Barron

>> No.57872778

I FUCKING hate dexscreener. I saw a 8k mcap. Wanted to put money in. Raydium threw a fucking fit at me. Took like 10 mins. It's now a 50k mcap. FUCK MY FUCKING ASS CAN I EVER BE AN EARLY WHALE FUCK ME DEAD

>> No.57872821

HOME looks decent. Website is a throwback to 1990s Japan, the community is small and active on TG. Memes are unique, not another dog/cat/politico/whatever coin.

Small mcap, 20k with organic growth. No big promises or marketing, just the community.

>> No.57872859

Just get comfy. It’s literally being shilled everywhere here.

>> No.57872860

It depends on the tg groups you're in. I'm just in crypto groups with other degens posting alpha or I'm in coin tgs scouring for community sentiment

Jupiter > Raydium
But better than all of that is to use a trading bot on telegram for faster buys and sells. I use unibot. It basically acts as another wallet; transfer some SOL to it and make your buys from there

>> No.57872879 [DELETED] 

If you wanna be actually early creed is probably gonna cook, 700k mcap, my friend is riding it from 70k. Even some whales already noticed it and it's being shilled by early boden buyers. If it pulls a boden in a few days you are looking at almost a 40x


>> No.57872898

>I'm just in crypto groups with other degens posting alpha or I'm in coin tgs scouring for community sentiment
I'm considering doing this

>> No.57872901
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raydium will probably 50x this bullrun

>> No.57872905



>> No.57872969

How does one go about finding these tg groups ? At the moment I'm using twitter but it feels like trying to find a diamond in a room full of shit

>> No.57873002

Why not just ape 10 sol into every meme coin that gets released?

>> No.57873024


ticker: Tlos

>> No.57873033

Unless youre the dev everything on Solana is a 5x at most before getting rugged

>> No.57873040

Primeskill Studio is going to be a 1000x without a doubt

>> No.57873045

Can you send any of those groups? Trying to weed out shitty telegrams

>> No.57873067

Also, there is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, I hate more than a token with potential doing a 1.5x and some pajeet who encounters more money than if he sold his mother to a bar for life instantly ejaculates onto his keyboard and dumps the price.

Wait you stupid smelly cunts. W a i t

>> No.57873118 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 1080x360, 20240306_173825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best GEM on #Solana:

$7.000 Market Cap
$5.000 TVL and yes, its burned
$1.000 Volume Today

CA: 3iEVBpm8cFL1kRrzGBhcrnrViSd1xT44R9pHwy14nYoM

>> No.57873210 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 972x470, IMG_20240304_111715_486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original $booden. Faded time and again. But the core community working hard and won't sell till 20mil.

>> No.57873257

also got in on this

>> No.57873269

What's going on to make you say that?

>> No.57873281 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 640x480, IMG_4140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically the coin that was born on Biz. That has the most locked liquidity/MC ratio, tokenomics, revoked contract and hardest working dev ever.
Fucking Comfy had a coingecko listing day 1. Has Orca and Crema Liquidity farming.

It’s too perfect and safe for Solana. It’s COMFY.

Dev put in $75,000 of his OWN money. Find this on Solana. You can’t. This is born on Biz and held by diamond handed weaponized autism biztards.

>> No.57873332 [DELETED] 

SOLAMA get the fuck in here bros...mcap less than $10m, Certik rated, multiple articles. This shit is the tits. Unironically $1 EOY

Contract: AVLhahDcDQ4m4vHM4ug63oh7xc8Jtk49Dm5hoe9Sazqr

>> No.57873357

>i hate it when people sell the top so im left with bags

go on....

>> No.57873372

how much liquidity do you actually need to launch a memecoin?
all the docs say $10k sol which can't be right

>> No.57873395


>> No.57873402

The gaming crypto narrative is huge right now, if you look at Dubbz or Crown as examples you'll see that GOOD projects centered around Web3 and gaming integration have done well over 10x for people who got in early. The best part about Primeskill is that the token hasn't launched yet so you have time to get in before this shit pumps. Check out the project the dev team is creating some CRAZY shit that might just change how people play videogames forever.

>> No.57873485

DESU I bought a bag because I can tell it's being shilled by white /biz/ men and not jeets
that's really my only smell-test for investing in these coins and it's working

>> No.57873486 [DELETED] 

h tt p s:/ /t.m e/BossmanCalls

This was the first group that made me money by just following his calls. They won't all hit how you want them to but it's good alpha

>> No.57873488

Why can’t I find a fucking wallet that lets me use the solana chain

>> No.57873511

Phantom wallet

>> No.57873585

UI kinda sucks

>> No.57873610 [DELETED] 


>> No.57873687

I bridged my ETH to Phantom wallet, but I have no fucking SOL to pay for transaction fees (like 0.003). FUCK I do not want to buy this shit on a KYC exchange I just want to use the ETH I have REEEEEEEEE I AM MISSING OUT ON ALL THE SHITCOINS

>> No.57873694
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MELA on Sol

>> No.57873774

Phantom is what I use but you can also use coinbase wallet or Trust. What's your issue with phantom?

>> No.57873915

i used a metamask integration it's easy enough to manage

>> No.57874113

SOS the faucets are taking forever... Please help bros

>> No.57874134 [DELETED] 
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Migrant inu

>> No.57874150

Use Solflare. It’s not that hard desu

>> No.57874216

Thanks. This is a very good start. Will be looking for more. Also joined to primeskill, looks interesting, tho they didn't show yet anything from the games really

>> No.57874260


>> No.57874306

eat a dick then you fucking zoomer.

>> No.57874354 [DELETED] 

$COMFY is taking off. Also got a small bag of $INGLIP

>> No.57874357

and autistically spelled celebrity names, such as olen mosk or obema

>> No.57874369 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 483x498, dqwdqwdqwd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what you need. 40k mcap/16 liquidity. Thank me later

>> No.57874429

post a pastebin link to your address brother

>> No.57874490

What's a good wallet to use for the SOL ecosystem? I've only used MetaMask for ETH.

>> No.57874724
File: 65 KB, 198x202, andru tet sol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

andru tet (ticker: TET) is more catchy

>> No.57874815
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Phantom is great

>> No.57874867
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This one

>> No.57874902
File: 55 KB, 265x167, GGotqBqWAAA39Xg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also this one

>> No.57875081

Quick rundown for anyone getting into Solana Meme tokens. It's basically a PVP game, and it's really fun. But it can get ugly fast if you aren't trading properly.

Quick pointers:
>Stop using Raydium (too slow)
>Use a dedicated trading bot (not to trade automatically, but to fill orders as soon as you click - photon is my favorite)
>Trade by the second, especially in low caps
>Switch your dex from price to marketcap - price is meaningless, marketcap is your barometer unless your trading tool has a live P/L (a la photon)
>DO NOT chase 1000x gems, trade on popular tokens with high volume
>VOLUME IS EVERYTHING - if a coin has no volume, it is dead

When researching a new coin, especially a nanocap, ensure all of the following first:
>supply is spread out
>liquidity pool is locked
>socials are connected
>contract is immutable (especially for minting)
A good tool to check all of these at the same time is rugcheck.xyz

Follow all of those steps and you can trade much more efficiently. Until then, enjoy being my liquidity

>> No.57875158

very good, I would like to add one more thing:

>> No.57875196
File: 126 KB, 1290x1242, GIAfl3zXYAAK-EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one clear winner here and its olen mosk. dev already sold and community took over kek he must be in shambles for selling the bottom

>> No.57875260
File: 367 KB, 2048x1152, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanyeh wehst, still early

>> No.57875307
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pakeet scam, ALL OF THEM, just like the chain, keep buying goys!

>> No.57875569


Ty for this info anon, can you recommend a wallet for solana? Also this photon is kinda new im scawwed

>> No.57875810

just buy hidler

>> No.57875890

Popcat mooning
ser and soon

>> No.57875893

degwefhat is looking decent.
passed the rugcheck test, very memeable, small mcap, address starts with "Fag" kek

>> No.57875962 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 1280x1279, photo_6167911910431898326_y (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOCOMFY ($COMFY) is truly the next x100 to x1000 right now.

>> No.57875995

Sent me 0,2 eth an i sent you 10bucks of sol

>> No.57876408


>> No.57876466


>> No.57876522

Checked. Is it not too late? Bummed I missed out but it seems to just keep going up while still only being like $50m mcap

>> No.57876567

I'm in socomfy and migrant inu

>> No.57876597

whats your guys Solana wallet?

>> No.57876615
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>> No.57876760


>> No.57876766

wwll zuhlensky is much funnier than copro Zelensky shitcoin

>> No.57876779 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57876951

Any good faucets to get SOL from? Coinbase put my phantom wallet on hold for 48hrs and I'd like to swap the USDC I was able to transfer over.

>> No.57877042

yeah that retard dev fucked up for sure