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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57867212 No.57867212 [Reply] [Original]

AVI status: wavy
>captcha: X2WAVT

>> No.57867289

Ok I calmed down. Releasing the bridge next month is actually bullish af because there is going to be lots of sidelined money looking for the next big thing as every other coin slows down. Also fees will be huge and people will look for a way to reduce them to pennies. We will actually make it sisters. It's just going to be a boring waiting time. At least we have a confirmed date this time.

>> No.57867304
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We will be fucking rich by the summer

>> No.57867419


We might even release it this month. They are gonna get preliminary results from Hacken next week so who knows what will happen. "Early Spring" can't come fast enough

>> No.57867421

is this new toothpaste fucked up already

>> No.57867437


Yeah the toothpaste is fucked

>> No.57867438

Probably, that would be the best case scenario. I really hope that the 3 months delay was exactly for the reason that you specified above. They said it's free of bugs but man oh man, we know that coding is a bitch sometimes. Maybe they will fix it quickly enough tho if Hacken finds something.

>> No.57867458


I feel like I know exactly what will happen. You can look at audits in the past and see what they score on, and they put so much effort and delays into the code before sending it you know they don't have any big issues. They might be asked to upgrade a dependency, or fix some branch test coverage, but it will absolutely go smoothly.

>> No.57867480

Bros can you shill me on this coin?

>> No.57867484


>> No.57867593
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They are a team of some ex-Shib developers who are building a few different things. The first thing they created is a smart contract deployer to Base Chain, which basically means they can deploy ETH coins like SHIB, LINU, Lucky etc. to Base to save $ on gas fees. They have connections to the Coinbase listing team which is why the coin is stuck in boring crab mode while they get security audits completed on all their work, but the last one for their bridge (by Hacken) is preliminarily done next week. The bridge is only one part of the story but it's bullish enough that I don't feel like talking about other stuff like the arcade etc.


Nah it's just obvious if you've worked with security auditing software before.

>> No.57867639


Basically, reading the Coinbase listing guide gives you a play by play of what the team has been doing, and if you couple that with the fact that small cap utility tokens have outperformed everything else in bull runs (only 11 out of the top 250 coins are meme coins, and last bull run we saw way more AVAX, SOL, FANTOM, MATIC, etc than we saw SHIB) it's probably my pic for top coin this bull market in terms of risk/reward

>> No.57867643

shill me and ill drop 20 eth on avi when eth hit 7.5k in a month, been following a while but just not fully convinced

>> No.57867673


I shilled just above you. Only invest what you can afford to lose, since this is still small cap crypto. I think 1m should be fine with this coin, but I do see people say 10m is make it stack.

I'd say you have a week or so to buy. There's a whale that keeps selling at 0.002 but he's almost out of ammo. The audit is only preliminarily done next week, and the bridge release date is early spring. Buy in evenings to save on gas and set slippage to 0.01%

>> No.57867785

One other nice AVI tidbit:

"Coinbase Ventures is investing in new use-cases that emerge from bridging."


>> No.57867843

Oh shit oh fuck

>> No.57867879

fuck. that’s literally just skybridge’s whole philosophy
that article was just written in january, too

>> No.57867911
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Gonna read this with my morning coffee. Thanks anon

>> No.57867918


> Wallets: Bridges will try to become the powering infrastructure / API behind existing wallets / portfolio aggregators’ bridging features. Examples include Phantom partnering with Li Fi and Coinbase Wallet partnering with Socket. Portfolio front-end / wallets will all have some form of bridging support (ex. Zerion* / Zapper* / Metamask*).

>> No.57867923

I forgot to comment the rest kek. So, is it safe to assume that Stixil and the team created the perfect storm for a coinbase listing? They are so smart lmao. Created a bridge towards the network of the biggest exchange there is so their arcade gets millions of users. AVI sisters, I think our moral is back. It was a hard dopamine detox but noe I can finally see the bullishness of this project. We might see 100 mil next month. Or even more if the volume competition starts ASAP. Oh lord. Am I finally going to make it?

>> No.57867951
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We are all gonna make it, man. It is inevitable. Why do you think they gave a no comment to the question in the AMA about Coinbase Ventures but answer literally everything else including stupid Nintendo Lawsuit questions?

>> No.57868002

>no comment to the question in the AMA about Coinbase Ventures
There's def a NDA

>> No.57868017
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Thanks bro.. I really needed that hug. What's one more month or a couple of weeks if I now know that I will make it just by not selling. We are so close bros. I'm literally going to cry. So much pain, so many cheap ramen meals just not to sell AVI. And now it's finally happening, my intuition was right and my sacrifices were worth it.

>> No.57868084


You will make it, and you'll have earned it by battling through the dips and the crabbing.

>> No.57868314

Ok I bought a bag if even half this stuff is true

>> No.57868321

I have a feeling this will be the RUBIC of this run, but we are the early buy ins.

>> No.57868408


>> No.57868505

You made me think about something. People now think that having less than one million is less than enough to make it and that whales control too much supply. That will be fixed. When reaching 100 mil, most of the AVI millionaires will sell and leave. Also, with the bridge up and running the buy pressure will be enough to not even dent the chart. Now I'm really calm and excited. We just need some patience.

>> No.57868540

yeah, no, you're a fucking idiot

>> No.57868542

>ok I calmed down
Hilm? Is that you? Keep your bipolar schizophrenia to a minimum, and you'll be fine. Stop having mental breakdowns on every little sell off

>> No.57868566

Lets face it it will be months before any bridge test by that time all crypto hype will be over and these type of tokens just not popular buyers and liquidity speaks volumes token just not needed

>> No.57868587

How do you guys always guess that? I'm going to change my typing style from now I swear to Jan.

>> No.57868615

You also need to work on your ID management skills

>> No.57868891

We're getting close to enzo's dumpage point. Promise you won't freak out, ok?

>> No.57869094

The arcade literally makes 5% of all tokens that are used to play games unsellable... This coupled with the bridge is going to rocket this shit to the stratosphere.

>> No.57869160

arcade itself has no usage

>> No.57869212
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>> No.57869227

We're back avichads

>> No.57869238


1 - 1000 CADET
1000 - 10.000 AIRMAN BASIC
10.000 - 25.000 SENIOR AIRMAN
25.000 - 50.000 FLIGHT LIEUTENANT
50.000 - 100.000 SQUADRON LEADER
100.000 - 250.000 WING COMMANDER
250.000 - 500.000 GROUP CAPTAIN
500.000 - 1.000.000 MAJOR
1.000.000 - 5.000.000 COMMODORE
5.000.000 - 10.000.000 VICE MARSHAL
10.000.000 - 25.000.000 MARSHAL
25.000.000 - 50.000.000 COLONEL
50.000.000 - 75.000.000 BRIGADIER GENERAL
75.00.000 - 100.000.000 LIEUTENANT GENERAL
100.000.000 - 150.000.000 GENERAL OF THE AIR FORCE
150.000.000+ - RED BARON

>> No.57869239

Avisisters, are you ready?

>> No.57869247


>> No.57869250

Calling enzo for needful

>> No.57869316

If AVI keeps pumping like this, I'll finally be able to afford my bottom surgery.

>> No.57869379


I guess this is the comment that's gonna make us moon again.

>> No.57869518

Not needed with token that not needed for arcade or bridge

>> No.57869543

You wanna try that again but in English this time Pajeet?

>> No.57869561

Don't know who he is but I wanna smooch him

>> No.57869573

>not token needid wen bridge arcade no gud
Thanks for clearing that up

>> No.57869588

Ik ook ik ook

>> No.57869648

The jeets are revealing themselves, don’t you have shit to shovel into your mouth

>> No.57869649

He's a mongoloid. Best to let him keep gurgling on his curry.

>> No.57869682

I got 25 millys of these, when do I sell?

I need around $700k for the house I'm eyeing.. but I dont want to sell too early.

Is 150 milly marketcap achievable? That's a 10x from here.

>> No.57869751

>I need $700k
>when do I sell?

>> No.57869759

Some would say thats low, might get bumpy around 100m as the top 15 or so wallets will be millionaires then, depends who sells and who's got the cajungas to hold a bit longer

>> No.57869792

I only have 6.5m, is that enough?

>> No.57869853

If you are patient yes it will be.

>> No.57869856

If you wanted 10m avi its not enough, if you were only aiming for 4m avi its plenty, hope this helps

>> No.57869888

Jan approves my schizo fren. Also: fuck you.
Also: wagmi avi sisters.

>> No.57869902

Also: 3rd time in a row trips of truth. Wtf.
Blessed by the magic internet money gods. So gonna make it bros.

>> No.57869913

Token not needed

>> No.57869932
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>5b shib
>6.5m avi
>550b linu
>200b toad
>250b dog with bat
I've been patient, especially since I didn't take profits at the previous ATH kek, kill me

>> No.57869945

Your suffering will soon cease anon, AVI will carry you

>> No.57870017

>but I dont want to sell too early.

I need a minimum $700k, but I'd gladly take more.

Yeah maybe it's low, I've been around before so I know how crazy things can get.
Coins can add 100's of millions of marketcap in a week.

I had a lot of GNS once, bought $25k at 0.6 with the discount so I had around 50k GNS.
I sold most of them around $1-2 range so I only made out with like $150k, and I've most of that before this bullrun.
I saw the bullrun ending so I sold, at the top that would have been 500k.

I find it really hard personally to hold my stack when it's getting past the $100k mark.
I will try to not look at the worth this time around but instead try to look at a "FAIR VALUATION" of Avi.

The question is what is a fair valuation of $AVI?

I'll write one more blog post for my fair valuation of AVI.

>> No.57870020

yes yes Pajeet, so you keep saying, we heard you the first time, no bore off and leave the grown ups to make some money

>> No.57870042

1B MC isnt impossible, just look at SHIB and PEP lol. AVI is the real deal, it will melt faces.

>> No.57870091
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Imo minimum result for avi will be 300-500m eoy. But the potential is so fucking BIG if the team keeps playing their cards right.

>> No.57870123

where to buy avi without outrageous fees

>> No.57870128

Yeah knowing when to get out is a tricky one, having a target like yours of buying something physical is a great way of doing it, just don't look back in regret if it goes even higher, just look at your 700k mortgage free house instead

>> No.57870140

1inch if your not in the us, use a limit order

>> No.57870156

yeah this is my target area tbf

>> No.57870385

What's a fair valuation for AVI?

At the moment they don't have anything, the price is purely based on speculation.
If the bridge is up and running I think $100m is a fair valuation.
How did I come to this number?
If we look at bridge governance tokens we have some at 1.5b marketcap, and some at 16m marketcap. Now $AVI is a governance token, but the main utility from the bridge is in my opinion two things:
- Revenue Flow
- Free Marketing.

AVI treasury gets rich and people who need to bridge gets AVI pushed to them.

so IF the bridge works well (still an if) I think $100m is all but guaranteed.
Now $AVI will most likely have a burn at $100m as well, I personally don't like pointless burns but I know that normies eat that shit up. So we can easily add many millions in speculative marketcap from this burn as well as the reduced supply. Let's say another 50 million just from pure hype and fomo.
A $150m marketcap is definitely feasible, a local top could push us to $200m. This should happen by summer if all things go as planned... but is that it?

No, AVI is not only trying to be a bridge, it's trying to be an arcade as well.

I'm gonna fud my bag here but this arcade is waaay to ambitious in my opinion, and I believe it will either flop, get no traction or not be completed in time for the bullrun. (4-8 months?)

But we all know that in crypto, you can get a higher price by promising stuff rather than delivering products. (Looking at you ADA)

So, if $AVI launches a successful bridge, and promises a great arcade, and we get a great bullrun...
Well the stars align and price predictions can get silly on speculative hype and fomo.
We're talking billions of dollars of marketcap...

Sell at 100 milly, keep a moonbag for 10 billy.

>> No.57870454

if it goes to 100milly, then im hodling to 1billy

>> No.57870469

>Now $AVI will most likely have a burn at $100m as well
Depends if it goes to a dao vote like the 10mil burn, funds might get distributed according to holders wishes instead (which will probably still include a portion to burn)

>> No.57870512

well thats bullish imo, I hate burns.

>> No.57870627

Enzo about to wake up and you know what he will do. YES its time to sell lil bros

>> No.57870641

>300-500m eoy
I think that’s being too conservative desu. Skybridge will be the first of its kind on the Base network and it will play a big part in kick starting the Base chains success. Base is on the lower end of the top 10 chains, so they will do what it takes to support projects like AVI (see article on grants).

Meaningless Base tokens and scam coins have already surpassed 100m, mostly because people are itching to get in on something to be “early”. Avi just being avi in and of itself will get lots of volume once they bridge over to base. All while this is happening, marketing will have started for both their bridge and platform. Being an early provider to web3 gaming in the base chain will be huge, even in its beta stages. Boge (base token) has a basic ass web3 game on their site. Avi will provide a one stop shop, audited (emphasis on the audited part) platform for not only those shitgames, but games actual games that full time devs put effort in. The volume will be crazy.

I don’t feel like this is moonboi shit either. Seeing your numbers by summer time wouldn’t unrealistic. This will push past 1b easily as they continue working on upgrades / the prize wall system / marketing / being talked about by shitfluencers etc.

>> No.57870666
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Talking about price is classic top signal

>> No.57870692

>talking about prices on your investments are a top signal
Waisted trips

>> No.57870707


>> No.57870760
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I cursed avi. Dead coin

>> No.57871074

dev already said if it wasn't for the bridge soaking in all their time the arcade would already be in open beta. team said both are being worked on at the same time, so it's not unreasonable to believe that after the bridge launches, the arcade beta isn't far behind

>> No.57871155

All time after daily waging, food debates and sleep time discussions

>> No.57871648

Can you at least use chatgpt to assist you?

>> No.57871659

Can you buy this on arb? To poor to afford $50 eth gas

>> No.57871870

no, eth only, base soon. You can use 1inch limit order if your not in the us

>> No.57871940
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When AVI goes up x100 will you still be complaining about "outrageous GAS fees"??

I buy dodgy bitcoin vouchers off some dodgy mexican cartel cd key website to further redeem on yet another dodgy mexican/columbian cartel website because I live in a literal shariah state (UK) that will freeze your bank account if you are simultaneously white and purchase crypto. If you are whinging about $50 gas fees (which by the way, will be half the cost at 4AM GMT0) you are seriously NGMI.

>> No.57872032

btw, the total markup of these sites is 15% on top of the eth transaction fee.

>> No.57872071

fuck yes, uk banks love crypto, they love trying to keep me "safe" and not letting me send money to coinbase

>> No.57872176
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You "calmed down" because the price is up again, just like you acted goody-goody in the tg saying you have to "be on your best behavior" last time we were at this level. You've continuously demonstrated an inability to stick to the actual fundamental value proposition and choose only to believe it's good when the price reflects that. I don't want you to keep this cycle going, but I'm not going to be surprised if I see more all-caps rage posting when another dip happens. For the love of God, stick to the value and don't fud post next time

>> No.57872261

Bought a bag, my first non BTC/ETH purchase since early Rubic. Lets go

>> No.57872278

why is the coin needed? is it some bullshit governance token?

>> No.57872297
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here is how I do it
>buy azteco btc lightning vouchers off cd key sites (eneba preferably, but a lot of grey market sites have them)
>redeem off azteco website
>keep my voucher purchases to like $300/week so they don't freeze my account

I'd like to use the other sites that let you buy these vouchers too so I can up it to $1k/week but almost all of them require KYC and that puts me off. Since I already make regular Steam purchases it doesn't set off any automated fraud flags unless I buy a lot or more similar-sized purchases whilst one is already a pending transaction. It's unlikely they'll freeze your account this way, worst you get is a blocked transaction so you try again later.

This is more complicated and more expensive than just using p2p but with p2p you risk getting your accounts, and I mean all accounts in your name, frozen and your banks closing business with you with a fraud flag on your credit if someone decides to swindle you. Maybe that's just with selling but I don't want that kind of risk

>> No.57872325

why are you needed?

>> No.57872347


>> No.57872363

is this true ?

>> No.57872389
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I don't want to be a moon boy, but I pray you're right anon. 300m would be lifechanging money, especially in that short of a timeframe.

>> No.57872393

Any updates on nintendo lawsuit?

>> No.57872397

>spoonfeed me
No, nigger.
All the info is already out there.

>> No.57872458

Tell Jan I said "fuck you too cunt". No worries, I calmed myself down. I will have patience. Something that I lack. But the audit result next week or the monday after will be glorious. I pray to God that we will have 0 bugs. But come on, a 3 month delay should be a good sign, right? How can it still have issues if they fixed everything? I think it will be a surprise. Bridge live in March, just imagine ahhh orgasmic.

>> No.57872493


He didn't sell shit, so no

>> No.57872534
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No, search "bug" or "code" or "audit" in Warosu and you'll find the same fud repeated ad nauseum with nothing to back it up. Frankly we need some kind of copy-paste general to address the things that we constantly run into in the threads

>> No.57872544

Yeah I actually know a few members of the hacken team they said it is some of the worse code they have come across

Im probably going to sell soon too

>> No.57872560

So true sis

>> No.57872568


>> No.57872569

what's the point of making all these threads then? nice to see you bagholders couldn't take time jerking each other off to answer a simple question

>> No.57872613


>> No.57872797

Should I swap all my ($4k) trump tokens for this? I feel like this has way more potential to moon up wards than trump, and I’m a poorfag

>> No.57872808

No, c'mon, don't be fucking stupid and believe what someone on biz tells you, dyor

>> No.57872826

After reviewing these comments and realizing the IQ of Avi holders is below 90 I've lowered my target to $20 mil.

After that it's $0.

>> No.57872889

Just use revolut. Works here in Sweden
Or is Revolut also banned in UK? That sounds outrageous since they’re based in UK

>> No.57872976

We don't care. Shoosh, go sing at another table Einstein.

>> No.57873107

thats pretty bullish considering the average iq on biz is usually hovering around 60

>> No.57873157

The team is putting in the time, money, and former shib connections to make this a successful business that will generate revenue regardless of whatever crypto cycle we’re in. Even if the timeframe is longer, I can’t see the valuation go any other way desu. Holding is the key to making it. We’ve all learned the hard way

>> No.57873352
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kinda wanted to buy (yes i'm a fucking gambler using cheap change) but the fucking skelly fees are nuts

>> No.57873538

just wait until like 3 am

>> No.57873598

what's the average gas price late night?

>> No.57873625

Holy shit the fucking ETH gas fees

>> No.57873878

Try buying 500k instead of 50k

>> No.57873909

Yeah I had to buy at 2am like a degen

>> No.57873922
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don't have that kind of money to gamble but doesn't change much

>> No.57873932

3am us time, europe time, or Indian time?

>> No.57873956

fuck im excited to be on base
do you guys think we'll see an ath on mainnet gas prices this run?
i remember frequently paying shit like 400 in gas for degen plays kek

>> No.57874110

Its going to be worse as eth gets more expensive anon. Base can't come soon enough

>> No.57874129


>> No.57874167
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>indian time
i see what you did there

>> No.57874274

Massive selloff at 5am. You been warned see you all at bottom

>> No.57874299

>see you all at the bottom
We’re already there

>> No.57874300
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massive dump in my shorts right now
you been warned

>> No.57874589

>we’ve actually sustained a price above 0.002 for more than an hour
We might actually make it bros…

>> No.57874600

5am us time, europe time, or Indian time?

>> No.57874751

What do you think?

>> No.57874765

Enzo bought back in at .0021, so I imagine he will at least hold until .0025-.003 before dumping it. Too many people caught on to his .002 swing and were beating him to it, so now he’s switching it up

>> No.57874841
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Looks like nintendo lawsuit no joking matter. Stixil being forced to delist avi from uniswap

>> No.57874850

you guys gotta let enzo go man, I've been swinging bigger amounts than enzo and no ones even spotted it, the dudes a none issue

>> No.57874912


>> No.57874915


This is for some jeet exchange to delist AVI, not related to Nintendo. Just saying in case anyone takes this seriously

>> No.57874919

you are a fucking idiot

>> No.57874978

Delisting from uniswap in 9 days

>> No.57875041

Its about indoex you street shitting halfwit, you know anyone can go on the tg and find that message for themselves and see what its about right? seriously, what the fuck do you expect to achieve?

>> No.57875045
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this is about that indoex shit from a while ago, right?
what a garbage exchange kek, i remember someone was fucking around with it just to experiment but thankfully it seems like no one was really using it anyways

you autists only care still because he has an ens so its easy to make him a character
i have as much as him now

>> No.57875086
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>> No.57875089
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TG jeets already downplaying lawsuit. Just bad jeet action sad. Dev himself said they are being pressured to stop development while they battle nintendo

>> No.57875131

they just found another koopa troopa in the source code
the lawyers dont know what to do

>> No.57875162

I refer you back to my comment here >>57874919

>> No.57875173
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Nintendo ceo is indoex

>> No.57875473

Yeah guys, I work at a international district court and we have recently received filings from Nintendo and are now coordinating to serve this to the Aviator LLC. Get out while you can, there no way AVI recovers from this. Trust me, im right.

>> No.57875814

Avi is breaking out and besides how about nintendon't faggot company with shit ass games

>> No.57875904

He has been setting the resistance levels for a long time now, and other swingies seem to follow what he does, so following his patterns can give you a good idea of where we will be in the short term. Enzo was never a concern per se. It’s just one other thing to talk about while killing time in the wage cage

>> No.57875922

Please god let me make it with this one.

>> No.57875949
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I'm the guy with the small trump stack, gonna swing it all into this and some hokk since I want bigger gains. Do you guys know when gas fees fucking dip the lowest so I don't get jewed by vitalik?

>> No.57876064
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in 7 hours

>> No.57876066
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uh avichads???
what's going on with the graph???

>> No.57876162
File: 94 KB, 680x815, 75228e501c0128af61f00c4d46b3ce8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh avisisters its not supposed to lift off yet RIGHT ???
i still have time RIGHT ???

>> No.57876164
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>> No.57876198

The lawsuit also implicates those who bought AVI as guilty of owning Nintendo intellectual property. Youre gonna look real cute calling Nintendo a faggot as they bend you over and fuck your ass. You have 3 days to sell before the lawsuit is public. Youve been warned.

>> No.57876220

What the fucking fuck has AVI to do with Nintendo?

>> No.57876223
File: 260 KB, 1170x926, IMG_4633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello my fellow foxniggers

>> No.57876243

Realistically this is going to 10x within the next 3 months correct?

>> No.57876255

Their logo infringes on Nintendos StarFox. The lawsuit will be public either friday or monday. You should sell now while its at ATH

>> No.57876254


>> No.57876257

The fud in this is so low effort you know anyone can go into tg and verify right?

I guess you’re banking on the 10-20% retards that don’t bother looking into these things and brush it off as a scam missing out on huge gains

>> No.57876278

i want it to 50x by eoy
maybe even more

>> No.57876287
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>> No.57876311

What do you think of kenis and linu? I unironically hold 95k split between these three and been religiously buying every dip.

>> No.57876317

For those low iq enough to fall for this think about it for one second.

All those knock off pokemon merch that exist yet they’re doing nothing.

And this fucker seriously thinks a global gaming company is going to give a flying fuck one of their characters looks similar to a crypto token, when there is shit like Palworld which DIRECTLY competes with pokemon AND is a near copy paste of the same shit?

Are you serious to actually fall for this retarded lawsuit fud

>> No.57876357

im getting in. what's the sui stack?

>> No.57876359

kenis yes
linu is risky, but I reckon it can 2-3x from here

>> No.57876401

$0.1 eoy so 1mil

>> No.57876413

Lamo, im just fucking around nigga. 10,000,000 Avi gigachad here. Were all gonna make it.

>> No.57876445

yeah I’m just selling off my linu bit by bit and will buy back after it dumps. I can see it pulling another 10-20x in a few months when meme coins are relevant again, or if it gets a coinbase listing.

>> No.57876450

I don’t know anything about kns. Linu has as much potential and risks as any of the other memecoins I guess. The people behind it seem genuine so at least that’s one benefit

>> No.57876583
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I'm in motherfuckers... don't let me down

>> No.57876799

It’s cool I fud my own tokens too

>> No.57877234

Bump. Enzo is dumping again at 30 right?

>> No.57877288

if we keep going to 30 and he drops another 5mil sell like usual, ill have no complaints

>> No.57877373
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All "nintendo lawsuit" fudders, see here: >>/biz/thread/57831556#p57833569

>> No.57877545

Between 25 and 30 is my guess.

>don’t let me down
A 10x from here is nothing. Don’t let yourself down by selling early

>> No.57877729

have the devs hinted at getting a Coinbase grant like Aerodrome did? Will Aviator be Coinbase's chosen project for Web3 gaming?

>> No.57877751

not with nintendo lawsuit over its head

>> No.57877782

This anon owns between 10m-100m AVI based on how many times he’s posted

>> No.57877869

or sold early and is schitzo coping

>> No.57877895

Agreed, i was very bullish but after seeing the lawsuit I sold everything. Mabey ill buy back in after it dumps and Aviator LLC does the right thing and rebrands to something that is unique rather then stealing intellectual property from Nintendo.

>> No.57877909

They haven’t said it outright but yes it has been hinted at, listen carefully to the most recent Twitter ama. This is going to 500m market cap eoy easy and that is being conservative.

>> No.57877935

I’m not sure if they ever hinted it

>Will Aviator be Coinbase's chosen project for Web3 gaming?
Avi, both the utility and team, seem very user friendly which seems to fit coinbase’s vision of onboarding as many normies as they can. The aesthetics and overall theme of avi is the cherry on top. I guess any of those other gaming companies can bridge over using sky bridge, but avi is built from the ground up with no VCs, so it’s a prime candidate for the grant money and colonnades full support.

Tldr, yes

>> No.57877952

>they hinted it
Disregard my last post then

>> No.57877998
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you not wrong

>> No.57877999

Sold 50% of my stack due to the Nintendo Lawsuit. I'll keep the other half just incase they rebrand and moon still.

>> No.57878061

Smart move anon

>> No.57878119

I would sell the other half while you are ahead
Someone said hacken found MAJOR vulnerabilities in their code

>> No.57878139

Smart money

>> No.57878242

Show me where this lawsuit is true. I dare you.

>> No.57878295

See here:>>57877373
It’s fake

>> No.57878320

Is it as big as I think it is?

>> No.57878485

Fuck the fomo is burning. Saw this being shilled in december but thought it was a memecoin based on the logo. Should I go all in now or wait for a pull back?

>> No.57878502
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Hacken hasn't said shit. Nintendo lawsuit is bullshit. Aviator will be the make it coin this cycle. The same schizophrenic retard has been fudding between three separate accounts and agreeing with himself in EVERY avi thread. If this retard keeps you from making it then you're meant to be poor

>> No.57878522

It pulled back all week nigga where were you??? It was down like 30% lol.

>> No.57878585
File: 1.56 MB, 250x336, 1709761610524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aviator marketing just sold $3800 AVI. Something is actually happening.

>> No.57878752

Is this the first time they’ve used the marketing budget was used

>> No.57878775

>audit passes
>Coinbase announces grant and listing
>shill with marketing budget at that time
seems somewhat likely, probably 1-2 weeks away

>> No.57878821

>it’s real

>> No.57878941


>> No.57879065

Actually, looking now it seems they've paid some people in small amounts of AVI over the last two weeks. Mysterious.

>> No.57879081

Trying to bribe nintendo lawyers probably

>> No.57879112

They are paying their shills
This scam makes me sick
Im praying for everyone that will soon be investigated by the fbi for participating in this mess
Sell now before things get messy

>> No.57879143


The small tx are probably from those competitions like the Twitter one or the Discord rumbles.

Our frugal devs have trouble giving way like 50 bucks worth of AVI, so this is actually big

>> No.57879155
File: 111 KB, 1080x429, Screenshot_20240227-020724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry but I'm not selling my AVI and I am not helping you pay for your wedding.

>> No.57879200

I wouldn’t take a million avi if it was given to me for free
I enjoy not being under investigation by nintendo and possibly put in prison

>> No.57879213

That makes sense

>> No.57879269

This gives me a new thought though, if skybridge is collecting all that ETH to fund operations what is the treasury for? That's a LOT of AVI sitting there.

>> No.57879305
File: 357 KB, 1080x1331, Screenshot_20240304-194051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You do know that people can easily listen to the last AMA and hear Stixil himself sigh as he calls this fud stupid, right?

Either get onboard with the bridge or lose our.

> "Coinbase Ventures is investing in new use-cases that emerge from bridging."
> "Application-hosted wallets (and self-hosted wallets) will continue to bake in “Bridge Plus” efforts – where instead of “Swap” and “Bridge” as two different transactions, they will be combined as one transaction for better UX outcome."


> "We know some of the listing team personally from previous listings"

>> No.57879353


There is a DAO for what the treasury is used for. Most of it is burned or set aside for CEX liquidity. There's also things like funding for indie game devs to make stuff for the arcade iirc

>> No.57879387
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Make up your mind>>57876413


Don't make me tap the sign: >>57877373

>> No.57879399

I have 20M avi and I am not selling until after the Nintendo acquisition.

>> No.57879413

See you at the Mykonos yacht party

>> No.57879576
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Nintendo top ALARM

>> No.57879623
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>> No.57879689

Scared me anon kek

>> No.57879703

I just tried warning you bro
You didnt listen?

>> No.57879720

made you look fag kek
fucking graphical error on dextools nearly gave me a heart attack

>> No.57879740
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>> No.57879808

this had me excited because i want to buy in. honestly with how high gas fees are i should probably just divert more money into Keenis, instead.

>> No.57879819

Fuck I will never make it it's so over

>> No.57879838

Realistic price predictions? How high are we going?

>> No.57879953


When CB Ventures went into AERO it hit 500m fully diluted recently. GALA games went up 40,000% last bull run.

I would take a look at the overall market but the top 100 coins are 1b mc last I checked, and the coin that brings all these meme ETH coins to Base will probably be there.

>> No.57880327
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this shit gets asked like every thread

>> No.57880917

Bumping Aviator thread

>> No.57881987
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>> No.57882415
File: 262 KB, 500x500, buy_av-ACK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will NEVER be a real canine

>> No.57882546


>> No.57882646

thats good because after the last bull i am burnt out on dog tokens

>> No.57883298

Just upped my position and bought more, 5m aviators, feels good to be a Vice Marshal at last.

I keep thinking of that American dad hobo fight episode with the guy stan names, THE AVIATOR

>> No.57883368

Based reference

>> No.57883428


Seeth a you want, when CB Ventures partnership gets announced I will be able to retire.

>> No.57883775
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>mfw it dumps as the eth fees get low

>> No.57883797

OK explain to me what this is.
Do I buy?
When do I buy?

>> No.57883868


The team responsible for pumping up SHIB and getting it listed started AVI. It's a utility token with a few usecases, but the one coming out now is a bridge to Base and back that's cheaper and faster than anything else out there, and that lets you deploy stuff ETH tokens to Base. They have connections to the Coinbase listing staff, they are trying to list on Coinbase. and it's kinda an open secret that Coinbase Ventures are interested. Its one of the high IQ biz plays, and the gains and healthy chart reflect that.

> "Coinbase Ventures is investing in new use-cases that emerge from bridging."


>> No.57883953

My meme lines tell me we should retrace down to about 0.002, which is unless of course it doesn't and does something completely different because meme lines are bullshit except when they aren't. I'll let you know after it happens.

>> No.57884234

OK, so it's not a meme token that giga pumps once and it's done right? So it'll still theoretically continue to grow over time? So it's a long term hold and not just sell during peak bull when it hits 10 cents or maybe 20 (I'd be a millionaire lmao), as it's "utility" will be worked on or whatever over however long. I'm not too invested in it to the point I shill for it or keep up to date, I'm just in it to make free money like everyone else

>> No.57884330
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It's not a rugpull. No, it actually pumps more than most stuff here and stays pumping while also having a healthy chart. Don't fall for meme coin hype historically the giga pumps come from small cap utility tokens like GALA, SOL, etc last cycle.

>> No.57885562


>> No.57886812

Correct. It's an actual revenue generating, registered business, no VCs involved, and all revenue will come from the bridge (token not needed) and platform (token needed). There are plans to further build on and expand the platform to essentially make it it's own mini ecosystem, all within the context of web3 gaming.

>OK, so it's not a meme token that giga pumps once and it's done right?
Like any low cap project, the price is volatile. The team can't control who buys and sells at these stages but yes, it's not a pnd get rich scheme and is definitely a * term hold, depending on what your targets are. The more holders that enter, the more stable it becomes.

*Marketing starts after the audit is complete (pending a passing score of course). So this could take off even in the short term

>> No.57887539
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>> No.57888013

What do we think new ATH today or dump back to .0020

>> No.57888042


>> No.57888177

Yes critical Nintendo event

>> No.57888213

WTF link just cut the weekly candle in half with the master sword

>> No.57888219

Next leg up to 30 is inevitable. .0022 is the new floor, only a matter of time before the holder count hits 2k then 3k then 10k and boom, the normie fomo kicks in for Starfox coin. I just wanna see the schizo fudder with 40 post in every avi thread lose his goddamn mind when he gets priced out forever.

>> No.57888476

Anything is possible with swingies controlling the chart. Holder count steadily increasing so newer floors will be more stable eventually, unless some whale market dumps their entire bag

>> No.57888525

Doesn't matter till news hits, we have some whales constantly selling 1-3m every pump, they have found some consistency with swings and they will continue to do so

>> No.57888644
File: 144 KB, 1600x900, 43987698211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp it's finally happening. what's your plan when you make your first 1mil? buy 1,000,000 $1 prostitutes and conquer europe?

>> No.57888673

>what's your plan when you make your first 1mil?
play morrowind again because you posted it
continue holding avi

>> No.57889198

Anyone who has waged long enough knows the value of freedom, so I refuse being a degen with my gains.

>> No.57889403

holding 165k, hope I make it.

>> No.57889481

Paying off my condo immediately would already be a solid ROI with the interest saved, then I'd put 500k somewhere safe, buy a couple BTC for the heck of it, and HODL the rest. And continue working my tech wagie job until the day comes where there's something I REALLY don't want to deal with and just dip

>> No.57889876

I don't think you are going to get that many buyers until it gets a Coinbase listing or moves to Base for cheaper fees

>> No.57889942

So in like 1 week. The fee less volume is going to be in the gorrilions. Imagine. The only fucking coin with no fees. And imagine. Helping other coins to be fee less as well during a bullrun with $400 gas. AVI will literally prolong the fucking bull run globally. All the wasted money on fees and all the project struggling to survive will just be saved by AVI. IMAGINE ANONS. THE SAVIOR OF THE BULL RUN IS AVI.

>> No.57890057

AVI is literally the only coin that will be the reason ETH pumps in the 5 digits area. And all the market will pump without fees. Just a one time fee. 20 minutes and your coin costs a couple of cents. BROS I THINK WGMI. This bull will be carried by AVI. If you cannot see this then I'm sorry for you.

>> No.57890232

I can buy it on coinbase with the webwallet and some eth

>> No.57890260

scratch that, 50 dollar network fee fuck this haha

>> No.57890281

Once the bridge is live, any token can deploy to base, so it won’t just be avi that’s there. Unless I’m misunderstanding you

>> No.57890285

Calm down

>> No.57890313

It’s the bipolar schizo: leave him he

>> No.57890344

Switch to slow transfers and it's $30. Which really isn't that bad

>> No.57890396

So don’t even sell it this run, just hold for like 4 years and cash out with shitloads of fuck you money in the next bull run?

>> No.57890406
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We all speculating on price yet nobody asking if token is even needed. Developers say not very needed. Bik yikes on that

>> No.57890433

In my humble opinion, mental illnesses do not exist. Humans are way too complex to be determined by such words. You are barely aware of how complex the human brain is. And also, you only know one language and you are shit at it. Instantly, I'm way more intelligent then you. I speak two fluently. So sit down and be a stupid brainwashed cunt. Since when does people on the internet tell me what to do? Go suck a cock and watch a tik tok, read an article and be a good stupid fucking sheep living your life as strangers tell you. Fuck society and fuck you two>>57890285>>57890313 in particular.

>> No.57890453

He's right tho, but moreso that it will lead a new shitcoin goldrush.
I've said this before but I'll have sold long before the peak normie wave arrives because by that point it will be too risky to hold. If we hit a billion mcap valuation I will never have to work again. And I don't even mean frugally, I mean like helicopter my groceries into my private mountain estate tier wealth.

>> No.57890557

>fuck you money
Depends on which village you’re from and how big your bag is. The biggest holders are from biz because this is where it was originally shilled, so for them, fuck you money is an eoy reality. Others will have to wait longer

>> No.57890564

>I’m way more intelligent then you
Could you at least have proper grammar in the sentence you claim to be so smart in? You do more harm than good even when you’re on a positive swing, and make the rest of us look bad. Please just stop posting

>> No.57890604

You realize you’re only proving my point, right? Just stfu, hold, and stop having mental breakdowns while hiding behind different IDs. You’re not doing Romania any favors by acting like a deranged faggot

>> No.57890798

I have a little over 5m tokens, how high we going? (Yes I’m low iq, plz no bully , just wanna make it with you all)

>> No.57890999

what’s make it stack? I got in early but unfortunately only threw 100 in so I only have a little over 250,000, am I gonna make it?

>> No.57891023

You'd have $3,750 at 100m mcap, so do that math with multiplying that around and see if you have enough

>> No.57891037

have 950k, so close to a milly

>> No.57891099

Kek, rent free. I'm not selling faggots. Now go fuck each other I'm never selling and never leaving. Rent fucking free Hahahah

>> No.57891147

You just started to fud the thread you imbeciles. Me being a proud AVI holders I told the rest of the anons what AVI can accomplish. Look at you two, disappointments.

>> No.57891162

>what’s make it stack?
checked. 10 mil is the agreed upon make it stack. 1 mil sui

>> No.57891252

The more you seethe, the worse your esl gets. Calm down

>> No.57891302

Are you going to ride my dick this whole thread?

>> No.57891357
File: 85 KB, 900x1600, 1699890464617872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their AMA with KNS aka kenis this Saturday is going to be a blast for both projects. Get ready AVI sisters for some kenises

>> No.57891469

5m and u will be ok

>> No.57891606

Don’t they do AMAs all the time? What will be different about this one?

>> No.57891617

Fuck yeah. The reporters will seethe as kenis pumps otherwise.

>> No.57891664

No. I’m sorry

>> No.57891685
File: 139 KB, 1934x600, Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 01.20.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain to me how come one whale has over 25% of the supply?

im new and retarded, plz help

>> No.57891693

It’s more of a chill ama/discussion about both projects to bring awareness and getting the word out. Nothing too serious

>> No.57891723

That’s the treasury wallet. Look it up on etherscan

>> No.57891724

probably one of the creators/devs right?

>> No.57891726

> Aviator: Treasury

>> No.57891758

Their communities will cross promote. It's good for both.

>> No.57891854
File: 39 KB, 411x299, AVI Red Baron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that’s the Red Baron

>> No.57891912

what’s the point of the treasury wallet? is that what they use to burn?

>> No.57891987

It can be used for different things and token holders vote on how it gets spent, burns being part of it.

>> No.57892107

couldn’t it also be used to rugpull?

>> No.57892166

It could, theoretically. But there's 3rd party KYC audits, US registered LLCs, and it's controlled by DAO vote so it's exceedingly unlikely. Realistically no.

>> No.57892197

Yes. Because ex-shib devs that surely walked away with 9 figs between them are going to rug for a few million after auditing the project out of their own pockets, that is a valid concern.


>> No.57892318

never underestimate the greed of others, plenty of people here would do it if they were in their shoes

>> No.57892348

Anon, you've got $600 in this, I've got 6 figures. I haven't been rugged since defi summer. We are not the same

>> No.57892366

I am extremely comfortable.

Wallet moved up a few spots closer to top 100 woot.

>> No.57892410

These guys aren’t some rando wagies spending $7k to get on some shit exchange so they can only turn around and dump it all for a quick dollar. You need to lurk more fren

>> No.57892451

How many Avi must I have to make it?

>> No.57892457


>> No.57892541

$200m is likely given the market cap of other gamefi tokens. Best case scenario, look at APE. But that's unlikely

>> No.57892648
File: 137 KB, 480x480, 1709836035979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long term AVI holding has been an extremely comfortable experience. Watching the rugs and shitcoin adventures of biz from my blue chip+AVI castle has been amazing.

>> No.57892864

>best case scenario, look at ape, but the unlikely
Ngl, ape looks like shit. Avi will dwarf that. It already does just on looks alone

>> No.57892902

I like this coin bc of the furry
poast more furry

>> No.57893010

If you tickle Stixils sonic autism enough he might share his private stock with you

>> No.57893106
File: 52 KB, 690x596, 1706911151243145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stixils sonic autism
part of why i bought in early and held through all the lows is because im also a furry sonic autist and i could instantly sense that he is too
you people dont realize how insanely bullish those traits are

>> No.57893120

200m is fud

>> No.57893171
File: 211 KB, 828x1079, Avi takeover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what’s going on? why is Avi getting shilled so hard here

>> No.57893211

Only have about 70 dollars worth/30K AVI. Gas priced me out of buying more. What’s a reasonable amount this can become?

>> No.57893272

>for that instance
a couple holders in the tg were just talking about making threads and getting banned.
its probably those guys or people who read the chat who made those new threads at the same time
>in general
avi is just a genuinely good project and theres never really much talk of it outside of biz. theres a high concentration of holders here

>> No.57893433

>high concentration of biz holders
>99% of biz is scams
>avi is the 1% make it token
biz iq test sound off

>> No.57894109

More like jeeting