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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57864327 No.57864327 [Reply] [Original]

>Learn to be social
>Go into Pharma or Tech sales
>Make six figures a year

It's literally that easy to be successful

>> No.57864452

Thoughts on outside sales for things like roofing, HVAC, solar, etc?

>> No.57864478

HVAC parts is pretty big but you'll be dealing with tradies instead of doctors and pharmacists and engineers

>> No.57864612

i work in pharma and make six figures and it sucks

>> No.57864797


>> No.57864814

six figures meaning 100k?

>> No.57864871

Which CVS do you work at?


>> No.57864884

technically all of them if you count the drugs i help my big pharma company make

>> No.57864886

How much do you actually keep after paying slave taxes to faggots?

>> No.57864900

if I had my social life together I certainly wouldn't be here and neither would you

>> No.57864908

I don't have a social life because I work 50 hrs a week

>> No.57864920
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>> No.57864927

that's not a significant load for a full-time job youngfren

>> No.57864938

It is when you're an introvert dealing with clients all day

>> No.57864941

Im tired of the only jobs available are just selling a product to consumers.

What happened to the jobs where you just do show up, did actual work, clocked out and went home

>> No.57864953
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>Learn to be social
I lost the game before it even began

>> No.57864962

Being social is for fags. Go make money with crypto and become a recluse, queer boy.

>> No.57864987

Pharmacy is not always the holy grail to prosperity. It's monotonous and eventually it will be replaced by ExpressScripts robotics. I'm not saying it's a waste but it's not a guarantee either.

>> No.57864991

You can also ap-I mean DCA your entire commission check into crypto while living off your base during a bear market.

I’ve been doing that for nearly two years now — fucking sucked, but it’s finally time for it to pay off. Nearly 200k (appreciation included) spread across
>75% btc
>10% SOL (~1% jeetscanner bankroll)
>5% (my secret make it coin)
>10% small caps/memetokens

If it all goes to plan, I will easily hit 7 figures in this market. This is my third bull run and it’s finally time.

>> No.57864992
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barely enough for the stress to be worth it. I should have just gone into web dev or some other bullshit career. One fuck up and manufacturing can go down costing the company millions and maybe even drug shortages and people die. But if you just mess up some paperwork and the feds come shut down manufacturing down anyways. Even when you do everything right there's still the looming fear of regulatory audits over any of your work you have ever done. And still half the day is literally arguing with psychopaths and autistic people about bullshit that doesn't matter


>> No.57865101
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>Anon, the auditor wants to talk to you in the front room
>walk in seeing an auditor with a form you filled out 3 years ago on a projector and a list of notes in front of them
>Pic very related

>> No.57865106

>>Learn to be social
you're in an aspie support forum, op

>> No.57865134

sales reps are some of the biggest normiefaggots on the planet and basically just drown people in fake amicability to get sales out of subconscious guilt for not buying from your maaaaate. They are also categorically not 'good with numbers'
>be social
talk about sports, banal politics and other normie safe topics, also you better be married with kids or wtf are you going to relate on?

>> No.57865148
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>got into tech sales
>ended up working as a Tau engineer
>got like %1 of AGRS just for being a good worker
>mfw I have $5M to this day thanks to the gigapump

>> No.57865155

Yeah, no thanks. I have this thing called a soul.

>> No.57865187

Yeah but it's literally the easiest jobs for the most money.