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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57853781 No.57853781 [Reply] [Original]

>$195 dollars per transaction

>> No.57853817

this is why Solana will flip it

>> No.57853818

>priced out

>> No.57853881
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The most jewish coin.

>Want to send it?
Just pay your gas fee goy
>Want to convert it to a different worthless shitcoin?
You guessed it, another gas fee
>Just how much is the gas fee?
You have to guess
>Oh no, you guessed too low?
We'll just keep your gas fee and not do whatever shit you wanted us to do. Try guessing higher next time and pay two maybe three times!
>Oh no, you guessed too high?
I guess you wasted a bunch of money. Oh and also, we don't guarantee anything happens any faster
>Never converted that before?
I guess we’ll need yet another gas fee to (((authorize))) it first
>Taking too long and need to cancel?
Oh my, look at the time. It’s gas fee o’clock. Pay up goyim.
>Ooops, in the flurry of attempts to get our shitty network to actually work, you accidentally copy/pasted the contract address instead of the wallet address?
Why no, why would we give an error message when you try to do something that is impossible? What do you think this is, competently written software? We’ll just burn your tokens instead.
>Sorry, no refunds

>> No.57854114

maybe, but they haven't figured out how to stop the network from desyncing and halting at high use-time. it wouldn't stay top 2 for very long as every network crash would make headlines, from shorters, nocoiners, and those who seek to disparage crypto as a whole.

>> No.57854178

I saw the same thread earlier today

>> No.57854201

Who takes the gas fee? ETH doesn't have miners anymore

>> No.57854237

Use a network that halts during heavy usage?

or spend 300$ every time you interact with a smart contract

Very hard decision to make

>> No.57854261

>Who takes the gas fee?
Vitalik. No refunds.

>> No.57854264

>anti semitic charicatures
Back to /pol/ please, you aren't welcome here.

>> No.57854276

>get ETF, become captured and pointless duplicate of old fiat system
only debased left leaning rubes are willing to pay fees for this shitcoin that does not have any coherent narratives behind it nor a future in front of it

>> No.57854315

yes as it stands eth is completely unusable at all times ke

>> No.57854386

>low fee
lol lmao no one uses this ghost chain
>high fee
lol lmao it's so expensive it's impossible to use
>low throughput
lol lmao the chain is so slow
>high throughput
lol lmao centralized garbage I have to pay $1k AWS servers to run a node
>Who takes the gas fee?
It gets burnt, so every ETH holder benefits from reduced token inflation

>> No.57854431

>It gets burnt, so every ETH holder benefits from reduced token inflation
So let me get this straight, I buy a hot dog for 5 bucks, I have to pay another buck to have it burned to fight inflation and I should be happy about it?

>> No.57854437

if I'm a whale then I use the network that reliably stays up since gas fees don't matter to me. and guess who drives prices?

>> No.57854590
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I hereby welcome him into /biz/.

>> No.57854674

If you buy the hotdog at a time when there's not enough hot dogs for everyone. It's simply supply and demand of block space, there is limited supply and if you want in at a time of peak usage you have to pay more. In Bitcoin's case this extra fee goes to miners directly but in Ethereum it goes to increasing the value of all ETH. Your $1 metaphor is flawed, a better one would be using the $1 to skip the hot dog line.

>> No.57854688

Its funny how theres jews here that try to convince newfags that /biz/ isnt antisemetic. Listen up lurkers: WITH JEWS, YOU LOSE! EVERY! SINGLE! TIME!

>> No.57854986

I can hand deliver my mail personally to ensure a 100% success rate.
Or i can use a mail service with a 99% success rate at 100x the speed.

If the fees don't matter, even as a whale, itd have to be because you aren't doing anything on chain very frequently.

If you arent doing anything on chain very frequently how often will the %1 chance downtimes actually impact you?