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57845909 No.57845909 [Reply] [Original]

300k at 39 puts you in the 90th percentile in Germany...

>> No.57845959

Wait, does this include the value of assets like their house?

>> No.57845979

ok cool but gib mir der 99% perzentil nummers or however the heck you people speak.

>> No.57846001

Meme valuations like these include houses and whatever debt bought assets normies have

>> No.57846003


>> No.57846006

Yes Germans are one of the poorest non eastern europeans. Greeks have more for example.
Crypto brought me to around 70% for early 30 which is crazy considering i never worked ful time but live on my own for a decade. Working in Germany is a bigger scam then Solana

>> No.57846015

this is income right? No way it's net worth, that would be grim

>> No.57846019

Considering house prices, this means most Germans are mostly poor aside from their home values. Nice.

>> No.57846022

Also these are households, you have to half these numbers to get the personal wealth.
It may be outdated tho

>> No.57846033

Its net worth per household xd xd xd xd

>> No.57846039

No fucking way. I have more in my 401k alone in my 20s.

>> No.57846047

Germany has over 2 million millionaire households representing over 8% of the total population. Most are self-made millionaires rather than inheriting their wealth.
15 Jan 2024

>> No.57846057
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Its better in other countries.
The Euro fucked Germans up like crazy
Also yeah 2017 but its not that much better now

>> No.57846100

>belgians filthy rich

>> No.57846109

For lot of countries in those stats the house is around 50-60% of the wealth

>> No.57846167

The difference between western and eastern germany is the best example why such stats for one self are uselss. Why should someone in let's say Bavaria feel poorer just because someone in eastern germany only has a tenth of his numbers on screen. Also thinking this wealth difference existed before the euro too but obviously the accumulating effects are stronger the longer the timeframe is.

>> No.57846231

It's inflated but true. they pay no taxes or avoid them.
Retired Europoors are known to retire in Belgium. This inflates the number. Also the EU goyim yieldfarm HQ is located there

>> No.57846270

I'm legit surprised.
I thought Germany was doing a lot better.
Main pillar of Europe and all that.
Or maybe that was true 30 years ago and I blinked.

>> No.57846277

I think its like the Washington DC of Europe, all the parasite class lives there.

>> No.57846288

Ok Bavaria is the only rich state in Germany and yes Eastern germany is poland poor
I still doubt Bavarians have more then French
Yes before the Euro Germans already had less Houses so less worth, but at least the Mark would relatively keep increasing in value making Germans seem rich

>> No.57846300

Income wise germany is doing better. But you have to pay 60% taxes if you include everything and spend a lot on rent etc. And yes Eastern germany has very low wealth, making western germany a bit better.

>> No.57846332

>50 BILLION a year for refugees
>48 BILLION a year on unemployed people (50% foreigners btw)
>indirect costs for the healthcare system not counted
>40 (FOURTY) % of my paycheque goes to the fucking gouvernement

And then you have the risk averse, sheepish krauts
>lol why do you buy stocks or crypto its all a rigged gamble
>you made some money? you jut got lucky!
>you lost money? I told you so

>> No.57846346

>The median individual between 30 and 34 has a net worth of 17.8k Euros
Surely not. I thought Germany was one of the highest income countries in Europe?
>Yes Germans are one of the poorest non eastern europeans. Greeks have more for example.
I feel like you’re bullshitting me Anon. Germany for about as long as it has existed in its current form has had a more established economy and higher incomes than Greece.

>> No.57846364
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also keep in mind that in belgium, people will get payed less but their employers give them like 300 bucks a month in vouchers for food etc

>> No.57846397

doesn't sound unreasonable. In the U.S. median networth is around $0 under 35

>> No.57846399

doesnt matter. We are still poor. Germans never invest, not even in real estate. we only hold fiat in our savings account with 0.1% interest

>> No.57846407

But that includes all the people buying off a house no?

>> No.57846469

Most people under 35 have no assets like a home and little savings so the median net worth for a young person is close to 0. Student debt is also a big problem so even high income people don't start catching up for a while. I think there's around 1.8trillion student loans right now.

>> No.57846471

That seems a little bollocks as well though. I’m in Ausfailia which overall is a poorer country per capital than the USA, and here you’d be hard pressed to find someone of age 30 worth less than $100k USD.

What’s the home ownership rate in Germany?

>> No.57846479

I see makes sense. In Germany, everybody can study for free, payed by the german taxpayer. Not just germans, just everybody lol

>> No.57846529

>>40 (FOURTY) % of my paycheque goes to the fucking gouvernement
Dont forget 19% VAR, extra fuel tax, alcohol tax, TV tax, etc

>> No.57846537

Income is not wealth

>> No.57846548
File: 513 KB, 808x793, w3t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody can study for free, payed by the german taxpayer.
In fact if you live for 5 years in germany you even get payed to study
You keep listing how terrible it is and you keep forgetting its worse

>> No.57846568

Wir schaffen das

>> No.57846587

the only redeemable thing about this shithole of a socialst country is the tax free crypto gains after a year. But that's only due to a loophole lol

I'm inherting a rather big house (like 3-4 milion) and I'm so conflicted if I should sell and just fuck off but all my friends are here

>> No.57846603

Holy shit thats like free made it
I would stay here
Also yes used that 1 year thing earlier today by selling 2 eth tax free

>> No.57846617

I sold some xsauce like yesterday, coinbase had the money in my account an hour later.

yeah I mean, I'm in a good position (i won't inherit alone) but honestly, I'd rather my parents live on as long as possible until im like 60

>> No.57846658
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I’m not even 30, there is still hope for me right?
Will leave taxrapistan once I’m well north of 1 mil and then coast of returns while living a quiet and peaceful life near a beach. Not interested in a fucking car or mansion. Good luck to all German bros trying. Ps: I earn 1700€ a month slaving fulltime despite a bachelor kek, can’t make this shit up.

>> No.57846678

nice anon congratulations !
Any plans where you're gonna go? I head the phillipines are nice.
I wish I had the balls to do that, but even if I had a mil tomorrow, i'd probably not do so. At least I earn a little more then you (like 3.8 after tax)

>> No.57846712

Too early to congratulate but I appreciate it anon. I’m researching Cyprus, Bali and Spain in general. Haven’t decided yet and will have to visit each region before deciding anyways. But I will leave, made up my mind. I can’t stand the never ending winter, most people’s anttitude and crave a “new life”, call it Tapetenwechsel.

If you enjoy your life there is no real reason to leave, Germany has some great aspects but they are not the right ones for me, for the moment at least.

>> No.57846739

Honestly, I think Cyprus might be to expensive for just a little over a mil. If you look into spain, look into Andalusia, supposedly cheaper but just as nice.
Bali the humidity would just fuck with me

>> No.57846853

You are right, prices have exploded since covid and especially since the war since wealthy Russians escaped to cyprus

Thanks for the input, will look into that!

>> No.57846897

complacency, demoralization thread.
there is no stopping until 8 figs MINIMUM.
in 5 yrs 8 figs will be barely above avg