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57832010 No.57832010 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how high btc goes no woman will look at you like this. You are an incel loser with no friends or a life. You are an impotent bald man that will kill himself at 40.

>> No.57832090

I am a white male, Asian women look at me like this ever day. Sry that you are an Asian male and least desirable male just slightly higher then Indian males

>> No.57832104

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.57832121

I'm not bald

>> No.57832128

I wouldn't even rape that ugly gook tbqh kek

>> No.57832145

kek seethe wageslave. i fuck wagies wives when they are at work slaving

>> No.57832149

untrue, I just passionately fucked my petite practice gf with a fat ass the other day while calling her a fuck toy, it was great sorry, you lost INCEL

>> No.57832158

rent free

>> No.57832164

go back

>> No.57832182
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>> No.57832216

you come on 4chan to make a thread like... this?

that's kinda... weird..

>> No.57832246

you doing alright anon? mentally i mean

>> No.57832251

asian women prly will

>> No.57832258

i love seeing pure cope from the midwits that missed out on the easiest decade the world will ever see.

you're never getting your time back op, you blew the only chance people of your caliber got to break out of your miserable, lonely existence
and you couldn't even cut it.

>> No.57832269

Lol so mad

>> No.57832308
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i could get in the philippines all the yellow pussy i want and you can't do anything about it
i'm gonna enjoy getting my cock sucked while i'm playing blocklords and watching tradingview
see ya incels

>> No.57832360

joke's on you.

>> No.57832377

>fag id
>Poltard incel

>> No.57832397

Chatgpt bot

>> No.57832403
File: 55 KB, 642x775, 1577047050191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol so mad

>> No.57832410

imagine getting pleasure out of making others 'mad'
imagine not wanting to see others happy, successful, etc

>> No.57832443
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Lmao pol lost
Fascists don't deserve to live

>> No.57832472

you should touch some grass, catch up with your old friends.. maybe get some sunlight?

i bet you are vitamin D deficient..

>> No.57832498

Follow your leader

>> No.57832524
File: 103 KB, 680x680, 82b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u ok anon
do u need a hug

>> No.57832543

>He is mass reporting with multiple ID's
Oh nonono not your safe space chuddie

>> No.57832576

u are such a cutey little wittle
u cutey patootey

>> No.57832589

Luv u Babe

>> No.57832604

>makes thread to "troll"
>immediately begins sperging and REEEing in his own thread

>> No.57832613

Shut up nigger

>> No.57832674

Cry more.

>> No.57832713


>> No.57832722

Last night I had a girl way hotter look at me like that and try and grab at my junk. She had no idea of my networth. Too bad I'm married kek. Anyway envy is an ugly emotion OP. Stop hating and start building or remain a loser always.

>> No.57832745

You laid with a man

>> No.57833048

I didn't lay with anyone retard. I'm married and not a degenerate like you. I walked away.
There is some truth to your OP, but instead of trying to help anons you try to tear them down because you are jealous and a loser. So let me pick up the ball. Having a lot of money will not make women love you, it's true. But having drive and passion and being goal oriented will. It will also get you money.
>ignore shills
>ignore bitches
>aquire coins

>> No.57833378

The primary benefit to making it as an incel is that you don't have to wageslave and can rot in peace.

>> No.57833422

I actually do get women looking at me like that but how do I capitalize on it?

>> No.57833494

Incoherent faggot

>> No.57833548

You talk to them and cum inside them.

>> No.57834639

here's your ((you))

>> No.57834739

>no woman will look at you like this
if yuo are average like me woman look at you like that. so woman do look at 50pct of people

>> No.57834780

Ha. Looks like it's ready to leap across the table and stab you in the neck.

>> No.57834784

I've had better looks than that. I had a Japanese girl tell me, 'Rape me, Daddy!' Not to brag, but a bit a fuck-me smile, that's another day at the office.

>> No.57834845

>No matter how high btc goes no woman will look at you like this.
You're just projecting your own ugliness onto others. Sucks that your experience in life has been that of an ugly person but not everyone is in your situation

>> No.57834853

blackpiller exposed as a pathetic projecting manchild yet again