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57825356 No.57825356 [Reply] [Original]

if you bought BTC at any point in time and you didn't sell, you made profit

>> No.57825361

I bought at $69k

>> No.57825362
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I bought at $69,420.69

>> No.57825369

wtf,mods delete this

>> No.57825381

Fucking based.

>> No.57825386

Only if you use euro

>> No.57825403

>What is inflation
>What is opportunity cost

>> No.57825432

Technically there's still some that still lost value from real inflation (it needs to be higher than $100k to break even in purchasing power, kek) and also opportunity cost (you could have bought NVDA in the meantime).
But yeah when the (((fed))) is printing gorillions per year eventually all traders' sins will be forgiven and it doesn't matter what part of the market cycle you bought. This is why maxis just say DCA and STFU you dumb nigger.

>> No.57825494
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Not if you account for inflation!

>> No.57825497

I bought at 6k-3k-9k-15k-20k-30k-42k
My only regret was not having more money to buy more because I was broken and still am..
Only managed to accumulated 0.2 btc

>> No.57825516

You can't make profit if you don't sell

>> No.57825531

Never managed to accumulate enough despite dumping >90% of my yuropoor wage into it per month, and now it's taking off and no point trying to add to it now.
Feel like kms.

>> No.57826380
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brah, i've sold, recovered all of what i invested in it and am making money on top of it! what?

>> No.57826407

And you will happily buy back all your money into BTC once it goes to 70-80k+

>> No.57826538

good job anon.

>> No.57826559
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did you start yesterday? how much is enough for you?

>> No.57826741

Wdym good job?
I failed as a man twice
Not so hard on myself tho, I live in a third world.

>> No.57826828

>Wdym good job?

He meant you are doing it right when it comes to investing in BTC.
To think of it, a little diversification in alts might increase your chances here. My top pick remains BTC, but I have other low-cap alts like XTP, Naka, and many others I'm rooting for, and I feel I might make the most ROI from this. Just one might be the big pass. Do the same, and you won't regret it and fail for the third time.

Fomo... he may likely be used as the exit liquidity. Whatever you do, don't fall into this category.

>> No.57826855

You know you're really fucking poor when people on this site tell you
>good job! Keep it up man!
instead of slinging shit at you and telling you how poor you are

>> No.57826862

>Buy alts now bro
Nah thanks, I will wait for my total bitcoin gains then I can invest let's say 5k-10k into alts in the futue and hope to make a gain on the gamble casino
But as right now, I see no point on doing so.

>> No.57826876

I have no idea what you're trying to say and imply with my post
So are you saying I am poor because he wished me good job?
Where are you from?

>> No.57827409


Okay, but I certainly will ensure that you will lose 80% when you invest in alts then, because many retailers will be pulling out to invest in other options that's less volatile while waiting for possible big pullback.

>> No.57828846

That's why I only do BTC, it's the king

>> No.57828918

You didn't. Most exchanges collapsed at the top.

>> No.57828956
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>> No.57829035

>tfw spent 6btc total on markets

>> No.57829087

>tfw sold 37btc for ethereum classic when dao attack happened cuz fuck everyone that thought people should step in and refund idiots.

i accept i am the idiot

>> No.57829100


>> No.57829134

at least you're a based idiot

>> No.57829326

ty, it was a different time.

>> No.57829772

you managed to get hold of 0.2 btc in a 3rd world cunt.
you are ahead of most people, even 1st worlders.
i only have 10x as much as you, we do what we can.