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57822377 No.57822377 [Reply] [Original]

As a tradie who makes good money, on par with university guys, I have realized that the biggest difference in wealth building between me and university guys is that they have access to high value women and I do not.

The average tradie's wife is only interested in sittin at home all day pooping out children, ballooning up to the size of an F250 while hemmoraging money and at best take a part time job at walmart 2 days a week that's barely even worth it money wise

A university guy's wife will work 40 hours a week, be career driven and MAKE money instead of lose it. That way they build wealth TOGETHER

but there is no way for a guy like me to get into contact with these high value women and even if there was a way they'd not want me because of the social stigma that is on trades in those circles. Any tradie bros got out of women hell and wanna share some tips?

>> No.57822393

best thing u can do is marrying a rural girl who has never used the internet thus havent been spoiled by the internet, social media and dating apps and its cancerous consequences

personally i'l go to Iran and find a trad wife

>> No.57822400

>looking for a woman in the current year who isn't a complete degenerate
Just be happy if you can find a woman that doesn't have an onlyfans.

>> No.57822417

Find women late 20's early 30's

Don't fall for the retarded redpill meme that these women are undateable. They're usually more mature, have their shit together, and won't fuck around as much.

Have some muscle, demonstrate your finances are in order, and be masculine, most women would prefer that over a corporate stiff.

>> No.57822425

>Find women late 20's early 30's

>> No.57822442

yeah bro just let me find a rural girl who doesn't go out OR use dating apps while i work 60 hrs a week. easy as fuck

doomer nigger

yeah bro just let me get a dried up whore. there is a reason those bitches are still single at that age.

>> No.57822444

Love when incels pretend like they wouldn't nut immediately if a 6/10 30 year old touched their pp

>> No.57822456

Have you looked around at the men lately? Can't blame most of them.

Go on dates and start living in reality and don't base your entire worldview on 4chan

>> No.57822458

well guess your only option left is to spend your time frogposting on 4chan about it, oh well thanks for playing

>> No.57822466

"Most women" over 21 are either shot out whores or the same but also single mothers.
Women are pieces of shit, even the ones that seem decent at first turn out to be cum guzzling cockwhores and amateur porn producers.

>> No.57822475

as if that would even be any standard for choosing a wife

>> No.57822477

You won't be able to relate to a professional woman. There's a reason people tend to have IQ matched partners.

Your best bet is to get a tradie wife type but who does OnlyFans.

>> No.57822480

>unironically wanting to get married in 2024
The majority of the clients of the prostitutes I
see are married corporate types whose wives won't fuck them any more. Marriage is and always will be a scam.
>muh second income
Its not yours, and unless its very high, its not worth bring on board a partner who can and likely will change the contract at will. Any financial advantage she brings can be matched by simply not overconsuming, which is how these women tend to spend their money. Single men could live in a small shoebox condo and it wouldn't fundamentally change their life. Women are the ones that demand things like new cars and big houses to one up her friends.

Marriage is simply a bad business venture. The tradie wife devalues in terms of looks and is a financial black hole, the corporate wife will become frigid and will turn off the sex if she feels she can use it as leverage.

As a man, the best winning move is to make enough to raise a genetically filtered child on your own via surrogacy. Everything else is fake shit.

>> No.57822481

>Have you looked around at the men lately?
straightest single mother fucker
I'm not no fucking queer

tell me how the FUCK i'm supposed to find a girl that doesn't show herself to the world

>> No.57822483

very difficult to do as a university educated women realizes that unless a tradie makes it into management by their early 40s then then their body and therefore earning potential is at risk

>> No.57822486

I wouldn't even fuck a bitch that old because I'd be paranoid of catching whatever variety of clap shes got.
And if she is anywhere near overweight, much less obese, I won't even be able to keep a boner.
Women are not people, they're animals, and anyone who fucks them is risking rabies.

>> No.57822499

Thats the fun part, you dont.

>> No.57822531

t. eternal incel

>> No.57822541

I guess those German officers were talking about wanting to kill me then so they could see my inheritance go to that disgusting mongrel Barron Trump.

>> No.57822580

The last person who called me an incel with a literal obese jewess. I dont give a fuck. If you are a whore then I'll use you like a whore and nothing more. You don't deserve to be loved if your going to rip a little piece of your heart off and give it away everytime you let a man fuck you, by the time you find someone decent you'll have no heart left.
The cock in pussy count is just a metric, the real reason is that you are damaged mentally and emotionally and you are an unreliable partner. You've been with oh so many people yet none of them stayed? Two reasons, either you're a piece of shit and theyre leaving is a red flag, or you pushed them away because youre a needy cunt with over the top high standards. In either case you're the problem.
I don't want problems coming into my life and you are a walking problem.

>> No.57822591

t. retard

Go ask any high end sex worker who their clients tend to be. Go to the deadbedrooms subreddit and read the horror stories. Its the average middle aged and older professional corporate type guys whose wives don't even bother to care about the man's sexual needs.

The high end escort and sugar baby market exists for a reason. Women are almost always a terrible investment.

>> No.57822619

Any man who needs a sex worker is a pathetic loser, you can keep your sugar babies.

You incels act like it's so hard to keep a woman down. No game.

>> No.57822629

Lol fuck off. Extreme cope.

>> No.57822638

Bro you whine like a woman, no wonder you suck with them.

I bet you send block texts like that to women

>> No.57822651

>Any man who needs a sex worker is a pathetic loser, you can keep your sugar babies.
Retard, its cheaper to keep her. Escorts are cheaper than a divorce.
>You incels act like it's so hard to keep a woman down. No game.
Tom Brady could satiety his wife's retarded needs. What makes you think you can?

>> No.57822661

If you think being famous and good at football means you have game, shows you have zero game

>> No.57822675

How is
>sitting at home
>not out cheating
>taking care of the kids

Not a high value woman? That's trad as fuck bro

>> No.57822678

Why are you trolling?

>> No.57822682

For value she needs a turn off for others that doesn’t turn off you.

I knew a girl who was pretty, nice, good cook, but had a disorder that gave her a giant finger like the size of a banana. That’s what a value buy looks like. Sucks it up and seize the goods.

>> No.57822688

What's wrong with block texts? Nigger

>> No.57822718

You're trolling me...or I spend too much time offline, and the incels are down worse than ever

>> No.57822759

Yeah I wanted to see what you'd say. Block texts get you friendzoned and or their pussy dries up. Can attest to that from experience. Being autistic and texting females is impossible

>> No.57822767

You can be autistic, you cannot be onions.

>> No.57822784

knew a woman a woman at an old job that met her husband because he doing work on her home renovation. by the time she left the company, she probably had $5m+ in the bank.

>> No.57822787

>muh game
Its been a while since you've posted.

>> No.57822851

I have the most beautiful, intelligent, and based women I’ve ever met in my life. All I would have to do is quit drinking, smoking and develop a stronger relationship with Christ. Otherwise I know I would not be good enough her. Yet for some reason I can’t and instead I chase crypto gains with the hopes of winning her over with the option of financial stability instead. Advice?

>> No.57822867

Women have always told me I'm super chill but I just get friend zoned at the end the of day. Everytime

>> No.57822888

Relax your 6/10 30year old gf isn't that gross yet

>> No.57822894

chill is a turn off. women like to be taken through emotional highs and lows

>> No.57822969

Horrible advice. Get a nice 18 year old and then you can mold her into your perfect wife, younger = more plastic mind

>> No.57822984

t. incel with an AI gf

Projecting your pervy fantasies that you'd never accomplish in reality is horrible advice.

>> No.57822994

Ok, I see my friend thats a girl on thursday, i've been texting her. What do

>> No.57823016

Cry moar faggot. 18 year olds are easy as long as you're tall, handsome, intelligent, and have a big dick
>t. met my wife when she was 18 and I was 30

>> No.57823017

stop caring so much, be outcome independent, don't be a fucking weirdo like everyone on this board, ask her questions, take the lead with everything

>> No.57823030

>Yeah bro just go for the girl with the highest body count
>no there is no way being a slut makes you a bad partner
>there is no proven relation between sex partners and divorce rates
>marrying a young girl who actually loves you is so much worse than having your turn with the neighborhood whore

>> No.57823031

the older i get the more i believe this. Women love feeling emotional reactions doesn't matter if its good or bad. if youre too chill they arent going to feel shit.
ive started saying the nastiest dirty talk to my gf and all the ways im going to use her in the bedroom and she has never been more turned on in her life

>> No.57823038

I have taken initiative cause im sexually frustrated , i say hi to her in class, ask her questions and have ate lunch at the mall with her after class, etc. Should I just ask her if she's down to fuck?

>> No.57823041

itt an incel larps about being an "alpha" who crept around high schools to find an 18 year old wife

>> No.57823054

It's a meme every woman over the age of 20 is an abject whore. Do you have sisters? Female cousins? Are they all racking up 50+ body counts? Stop believing everything you read online.

>> No.57823069

You have to go with the flow. Escalate naturally. And you start with making out, you'll know if and when it's time to fuck.

>> No.57823088

>A university guy's wife will work 40 hours a week, be career driven and MAKE money instead of lose it
she'll also insist on freezing her eggs, living in some shitty blue state, and dragging your kids (demented from egg freezing and vaccines) to drag queen story hour

>> No.57823090

My sister had more than 3 boyfriends before she even turned 24

>> No.57823096

>looking for a normal woman now
Be happy that she doesn’t have a “femenine” penis

>> No.57823098
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just going to speak as to what worked for me. your ideal window to find a wife is between 31-34 years old. the following will help give you the best possible odds:

>your own place
>your own car
>a 90th percentile income
>dont be awkward on dates, do as many dates as you need to have baseline charm
>in shape - just dont be fat

your targets are women between 21-24 years old. At this age, most girls are breaking up with their practice bfs from college/first job, and are entering the workforce for the first time. they are still capable of pair bonding at this age, and most wifeable women at this age are still career focused and havent yet been turned into partying whores.

take her out on some dates, bang her early and bang her well. ignore her a bit and make her build a dependance on your attention. a few months in, take her on a travel trip-- somewhere she can take pictures, bond with you, and make her friends jealous

all this together will cement your relationship and its importance in her brain. knock her up a few years into this, and congrats, you have a wife

>> No.57823099

Convert to Islam

>> No.57823103

Okay thanks for the advice man. I'm gonna be more ecstatic and playful to elevate her emotions, and escalate from there. The advice where you act standoff and ignore her is really a incel psyop, it does not work. Anyway, yeah I guess it does not work to just straight up ask her

>> No.57823108

> Women love feeling emotional reactions doesn't matter if its good or bad. if youre too chill they arent going to feel shit.
yeah this is true unfortunately. I completely stopped trying to date people after I went through 2 gfs and realized this. such a chore, always felt like a second job to entertain them

>> No.57823148

I live in a poor third world country and everyone has a phone with Internet, a SIM card is $1 per week for 8 gigs of data

>> No.57823159
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your tears are almost as sweet as my young wife's tight puss

>> No.57823161

It's easy, you don't have to put on an act, just don't tolerate their bullshit. They'll act like they don't like it, but secretly love a man who holds the line, and it creates natural drama, often followed by fantastic sex.

>> No.57823188

Sorry you watched too much weird porn and can only get off dating high schoolers

My wife's pussy is tight *and* I relate to her as an adult. Amazin'

>> No.57823239

that makes sense. I still don't think I'll enjoy planning dates and having to deal with *that* part of entertaining them though for a long time. The emotional connection and socializing is one thing, but having to constantly find things to do is an entirely different thing for someone who never leaves the house lmao

>> No.57823831

I hate women.

>> No.57825256

a high value wife is one that stays home with the kids

>> No.57825286

why the fuck did your post garner such an emotional reaction? you're 100% correct

>> No.57825464

because most guys feel entitled to a prime woman, which is obviously not late 20s early 30s where their looks deteriorate rapidly. While I agree completely that guys nowadays have to work 10 times as hard to get a woman 10 times worse than our grandfathers, I most men nowadays are also fking shit and delusional about what they "deserve". Its not necessarily our fault, society shit on us hard, but its a fact regardless