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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57818347 No.57818347 [Reply] [Original]

What's your definition of making it?

>> No.57818371

Not having to live in my section8 apartment.

>> No.57818372

not wagecuck and live upper middle class

>> No.57818377

Transcending the physical realm

>> No.57818399


>> No.57818408
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AGI provides me with robo anime girls. This is the only way I’ll ever accept making it. Not even Elon Musks level of success would be enough without IRL anime waifu.

>> No.57818413

25 million

>> No.57818440
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No more wage cucking for shit head bosses
Make my own company
Buy a lambo
buy a yacht
Buy a upper middle class house
Have a hot young wife that I don't care if she leaves because I can just find another one

>> No.57818475

Half a million dollars is just enough to own a house, so thats todays definition of making it i guess

>> No.57818481

grow up, child

>> No.57818490

stay poor

>> No.57818494

1 billion

>> No.57818502

kek I probably will but so will you

>> No.57818509


>> No.57818556

Not having to come to /biz/ to look for shitcoins.

>> No.57818567
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>> No.57818599

you already don't have to do that. there are tools that list shitcoins as they launch. and there are more tools to vet them to make sure they aren't just low effort rugs. you can then search for their social media/contact to see what their about to make an informed decision.

>> No.57818600
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>> No.57818738
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Sir, /biz/ already has defined what "making it" is.
This infographic was created with lots of research and decades of experience.
Please refer to attached image.

>> No.57818812

I'll never understand why a single man would want to live in a place that is expensive to live unless he is working. If you are able to leave and go anywhere, and potentially live tax free off of investments, why would you stay in the US? Even with a modest networth of say $300k?

>> No.57818933

Having enough money to not give a fuck about anything but things that i really enjoy doing and spending my time on.

>> No.57819064

$2.7m in net worth, but it all can't be a house. Labor needs to become optional.

>> No.57819095

Cooming in prime teen puss

>> No.57819116

why bother, just re-roll girlfriends instead so they can’t take half

>> No.57819134

Not working for corporate cancer.

>> No.57819158

>What's your definition of making it?
Now that I've reached 700k, I still feel poor as fuck. I feel like I can't quit my job for the rest of my life. So probably around 5 million dollars is making it.

>> No.57819161

realizing the true purpose of this world and acquiring the opportunity to destroy it

i've already succeeded at both

>> No.57819205

or that too or make the bitch sign a prenup lol

>> No.57819247

Enough passive income to live indefinitely without selling assets.

>> No.57819275

I, my relatives, and my friends won't suffer due to lack of money.

>> No.57819278

Pay off mortgage
Get casual job that has NOTHING to do with IT

>> No.57819289

Can you help tme and tell me what those tools and websites are?

>> No.57819296

Living off of about $500p/m (including bills) and never leaving my house.
Shit story bro.

>> No.57819347

20 million USD

>> No.57819545
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By the definition of meme car, I already made it.
Now I just have to sort out the money stuff, here's hoping this bullrun can get me to six figures and I can coast from $SPY divvies and future coin runs.

>> No.57819616

i just don't want to have to work. that's it!! i want to afford decent groceries and not have to fucking work.
i cashed out half my stack at $42k to buy a place to live, so now it's just a matter of getting enough that i can quit wageslavery.
i am so tired of waging, /biz/. so, so fucking tired

>> No.57820092

Make sure you have lots of Link. Don;t worry about the current price; it'll seem like nothing in a few years. Just stack it

>> No.57820313

I'm in a similar situation anon. I've got everything I want. I just want to pay off the debt, help some family out, and never have to worry about working for someone else again. Maybe buy a nice cabin and a SxS lol. This is our bullrun. WAGMI.

>> No.57820368

Never having to work myself to death on an assembly line ever again.
Never choosing between a full cart of groceries or a utility bill ever again.
Being able to actually own a home and never be at the mercy of a landlords whim.
Being able to fox my problems that I just simply can't afford to pursue.
Being able to even consider thinking about finding a wife and having kids.
Not being one missed paycheck away from cancerous debt.
Not being in danger of losing everything if my car stops working suddenly.
Not being stressed all the time.

The list goes on. Until I can feel actually safe and secure then I will simply have not yet made it.

>> No.57820382
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This guy gets it

>> No.57820776

Property that I don't have a mortgage for
Enough for a wife and kid(s) to live like they aren't needing struggle for basic needs
A trip to the family abroad every once in a while.

I honestly don't need much to feel like I made it. Endless pursuit of material things exhausts me, but having my above the water is enough for me to breathe.

>> No.57820785

Not working anymore and being able to travel wherever I want, whenever I want.

>> No.57820813
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Replace wife with gf and basically same life goals.