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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57811130 No.57811130 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is wrong with this board being infested with dirty fucking Indians promoting some garbage Shiba clone? Do you really not see that it’s the same IDs constantly promoting this shit?

>It got listed on a completely random no-namer CEX anon! T-trust me, the dev is in the works with other CEX listings.. ttto THE MOON!!

Fuck off. Anyone who falls for this shit deserves to lose their money. You’re investing in a rug you need to pay 20% in fucking gas fees to even buy on uni.

How diabolically retarded has this board become to listen to Indian spammers? Makes me feel like this is a Kitboga video just with the same Indians yelling DO NOT SELL!!!

>> No.57811137

There is no dev you dumb nigger at least get your fud right. Linu goes up.

>> No.57811147

its on eth. pajeets can afford that chain

>> No.57811156

you seem mad anon. Breathe deep, unclench your jaw, relax your facial muscles.

Dont worry, you still have time to buy Linu.

>> No.57811159

Oh that’s right the coin just appeared out of thin air, my goodness you DO deserve to lose your money. Just because the dev owns nothing.. you know, why am I trying to argue with someone who falls for Indian tech support calls.

>> No.57811166

You literally dont know what you are talking about kek. Its ok, you can still be ignorant and buy Linu.

>> No.57811168

You dumb nigger LINU is the exact opposite of the normal indian rug scam and you know it. The wallet distribution is great and the coin has survived more storms than any of the fucking pnd schemes here. Its still there and its slowly building up but you god damn fuddies are worried it takes traction away from your fucking baby spyro garbage scams.

>> No.57811172

Oh kek, its the classic research free fuddie. Yeah nah fuck off OP, go do your homework for once

>> No.57811177

LINU is on a CEX ? Qrd ?

>> No.57811207

Checked. Linu listed on Citex less than 2 days ago, was their top trending token last night. More CEXs coming.

>> No.57811215

Yeah I don't know what's with this board and fixating on irrelevant shitcoins. Imagine if pepe, bonk, wif was shilled here early. Everyone would have made it. SHIB was the last good call of /biz/

>> No.57811300

It's a jeet war between sol scammers and linufaggies. Notice how theres about 40 threads between them? Fuck this place

>> No.57811319

After careful consideration I bought more BARRON thanks to these posts, keep it up anons

>> No.57811324

I hate the nation of India so much its unreal

>> No.57811334
File: 38 KB, 659x452, 241231241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about shilling beoble instead?
>New social comunication app
>Backed up by samsung
>recently listed.

>> No.57811351

I love it how they all say “FUD NO RESEARCH” and NEVER actually fail to explain what actually their “research” is. I think most don’t even know that it’s not a new shitcoin but a 2 year old one meaning their stupid fucking ass is pumping some pajeets wallets who has been holding this entire time by investing his plastic bottle money hoping for a better life. You get what you deserve, anons.

>> No.57812561
File: 116 KB, 1024x1024, 2024-02-03 22.20.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making tens of thousands of dollars on Linu in the last several days has been nice.
But knowing that jeets are perpetually priced out by the great filter that is eth-gas-fees? Well, now THAT is priceless.

>> No.57812592
File: 182 KB, 1024x1024, 2024-02-02 00.03.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEVER actually fail to explain what actually their “research” is
Hello Raj

>> No.57812708

>20% in gas

YNGMI homie

>> No.57813585

OP is indeed a faggot, buy LINU and ride the waves with biz

>> No.57813604

GAS GAS GAS We gonna step on the gas!

>> No.57814022

WAGMI homie!

>> No.57814206

no one but 11 IQ /biz/ retards will buy it thinking they're frontrunning reddit meanwhile those tards are buying shib.
digital. dogshit.

>> No.57814683

stay poor nerd

>> No.57814692

This thread is not real. LINU just spams fake fud threads to stay relevant

>> No.57814734
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The wallet distribution shits on your argument. Seethe, cope and dilate.

>> No.57816068

UNISWAP only has 64 Trillion LINU.
When that pool is obliterated the price of the pair is going to exponentially increase.

>> No.57816103

Based infographic, saving for future fus crushing. Linu goes up!

>> No.57816109
File: 7 KB, 220x229, LINUtothefuckinm00n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gate listing rumored, I am strapped in and beggin for the peggin WAGMI

>> No.57816647

holy fuck

>> No.57817229

I thought people knew that already, that's why everybody is bullish with Linu cause the spread of whales and the token in general is far and wide that's why it's really hard to rug. Sell wall maybe but at this point it would just get slurped real fast and thanks to rumours of 2 more listings, the pool in Uniswap will drop even more pumping the price up when the CEXes start accumulating.

>> No.57817442

Midwits do zero research on Linu and just think its another run of the mill shitcoin. Little do they know it is literally shib 2.0. Even if i didnt have 900bil Linu I would be honored to witness the birth of another coin straight from the depths of /biz/ and launched into the heart of the normiesphere.

>> No.57817488
File: 2.29 MB, 2068x1172, Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 22.39.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are multiple videos on youtube about LINU that are over a year old. How does this fit with "birth" narrative of yours?

>> No.57817535

It's a rebirth and if memory serves me right, it was /biz/ that made this coin to shit on Lunc generals during the crash and I guess it is indeed flipping them lmao.

>> No.57818032

low Iq poopjeets fudding with all the wrong info as usual. the poopjeet is seething mad he cant afford those gas fees so he just calls the coin a scam and hopes they all come back to shitcoin network solana to buy their insta rug shitcoins and scams. notice all the poopjeets dont know its a 2 yr old coin or that its on a cex or that the amount on uniswap is quite low? because poopjeets are dumb and average 85IQ and are subhumanoid. explaining anything that isnt quick scam rug to a jeet is like talking science with a gorilla... too stupid to understand and he just gets mad and starts flailing around in poopjeet rage. laugh at the poopjeets and their inability to buy the coin and their eternal rage at being a 4th world subhumaoid 85IQ average nation of poopjeets.

>> No.57818127
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It’s up 3,600% in the last 90 days. Not even BTC or ETH is up that much.

>> No.57818540

You see where Shib says 2020, Shib was a failed coin that was revived (birth) by /biz/ in Jan 2021 because it was too late for Doge. Now here we are with the previously dead coin LINU being revived by /biz/ in Jan 2024 because it's too late for just not doge but shib also. The similarities are astonishing and it all happening as we enter bull market and halving just makes it more compelling. It took Shib 10 months to reach it's ATH so it'll be interesting to see what LINU does with it's 10 months. Also keep in mind assuming you have to be 18 to buy crypto that there's 3 years of new blood that couldn't buy shib looking for a new dog coin for bull run (not to mention all of those that doubted shib could become the next doge back in 2021 and now want a dog coin of their own) basically shits going to get wild and you're either in or out.