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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 245x250, image_2024-03-02_191601729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57806915 No.57806915 [Reply] [Original]

Lock in ur gains before this worthless coin goes back to 0!

>> No.57806935

People unironically bought that dip though 6 hours ago

>> No.57806946

Thanks for the tip kind stranger!

So you were one of the shrimpies dumping their bags for a $50 profit?

>> No.57806953
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>> No.57806960

Why did you sell your whole bag anon?
It's not too late to buy back in
Better than holding nothing

>> No.57806974

I want more I need the AI integration for my clients

>> No.57806979

But it’s going further up

>> No.57807012
File: 446 KB, 632x640, image_2024-03-02_192447141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turned my gains into more oil. Get it now or miss the train

>> No.57807029

say it with me baggie:


>> No.57807053

People unironically sold and are now watching as the price is currently 50% higher than it was then and climbing. Linu goes up.

>> No.57807087

and Linu is?
I buy dog coins so I can have more money for real crypto

>> No.57807098

9m now, lol
And if I may add

>> No.57807123

And you sold everything, right?
So you must have been one of the sellers who made $50-$100 from thinking they were selling the top (it's still going up)

>> No.57807141

Oil will unironically do -50% while linu +500%

>> No.57807179

Hi, one of the dumpers here. they cut me out. this is a scqam.

>> No.57807206


>> No.57807241

Average dog enjoyer
Oilers are gonna make it while you cry as your scam scams you

>> No.57807266


>> No.57807351

lol it’s just people taking profits. Don’t be an idiot and sell now you’ll miss out on the biggest gains yet to come

>> No.57807366
File: 126 KB, 640x287, image_2024-03-02_195558705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre selling the second top anon. Its gonna dip hard, have another small spike, and then die forever like it should.

Dont lose out on solid gains just for some hopium

>> No.57807375

“Dump” is already swallowed up. Thts another batch of wallets that had make it stacks that just traded their ticket to never having to work another day in their life for a measly few thousands bucks.

>> No.57807390

It’s on Citex. An official CEX. Only for one day it’s been on there. 15T LINU In volume. given enough time other CEX will list. this coin isn’t dying anytime soon.

>> No.57807395

Ruggers gonna rug.

>> No.57807418

Is that one of them fancy flying rugs? Because all i see is Linu going up.

>> No.57807428

It’s going to correct soon homie

>> No.57807490

Its already correcting as we speak. Upwards, to 1000x its current value, which is what Linu is fairly worth on the normie market.

>> No.57807500

140% today, I'm so ready for gains

>> No.57807521

actually it's going to dump massively rn

better sell or rope

>> No.57807564

Sell now or forever rope

>> No.57807566
File: 112 KB, 1015x1280, lUB8axMAUZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen kid wcdonalds pump sauce is the magic elixer that makes coins only go up and never come back down once investors taste this sauce they are hooked forever just like my mother was when she tasted my father's sweet sauce and just like how my mother is now hooked on the wcdonalds pump sauce which i inject straight into her ass

>> No.57807587

kek fuddie

>> No.57807600
File: 238 KB, 1322x723, HoloChad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silence Jew
Your fud might work on New Faggots
but not old faggots.

>> No.57807611

I think ill just continue being comfy knowing that i wont ever have to work another day in my life by the time this pump ends. Thanks for the suggestion though.

>> No.57807643

I’m not selling you my LINU, niggers.
Market buy before it does a SHIB.

>> No.57807732

do NOT listen to these niggers who sold for 50 dollars. LINU will 100x we will make it, YOU will be sidelined

>> No.57807828

i just sold at the top right now and will be laughing at you for the rest of week

get fucked by rugpull normie retard!

>> No.57808228

I've heard this so many times before I am inmune to it by now, find a better angle of attack.

>> No.57808274
File: 44 KB, 1033x635, LINU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you insane? This is the type of chart you buy

>> No.57808292

>i sold so that means its going to rugpull now because if it doesnt ill look really stupid!
Protip: you already look really stupid.

>> No.57808428

ill throw some money in just for shits and giggles, basically the same as me spinning some slots at the local casino

>> No.57808873

looks like im looking real smart right now

got nothing to say? das right

>> No.57808941
File: 33 KB, 540x535, IMG_2996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha it’s going back up again I didn’t even have time to buy the dip.

>> No.57809137
File: 530 KB, 1768x2208, Screenshot_20240303_140306_Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*buy now or fucking BUY ROPE*

>> No.57809170
File: 158 KB, 1768x1181, Screenshot_20240303_140905_CITEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dip it again, I'll buy fuckin MOAR.
>Deploying more capital... steady homiea

>> No.57809174

what's up with citex prices it's like double?


>> No.57809177
File: 118 KB, 500x628, 8hs464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy more LINU or else I'll report you to HR

>> No.57809208

yeah, i don't get it either, it has different number on coingecko/coinmarketcap

>> No.57809317

Yeah, yesterday I market bought there without paying attention and got fuckin wrecked -300 usdt over spot.

>> No.57809349

I warned all of you
It’s over.

>> No.57809355

Thank you to a paper handed pussies for selling like the cucks they are. Just got some more on discount.

>> No.57809359

where can I buy this coin?

>> No.57809393

Somebody explained it to me last night and I am very bad at explaining it so just wait for the anon that can do.

>> No.57809404
File: 1.67 MB, 4000x2252, 20240228_142622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep fudding jeets.. I will buy even more just to deprive your village of a ticket to the gain train.

>> No.57809447

Get dumped on

>> No.57809452

All crypto is worthless. All of it, every single coin.

This is literally *the* next meme coin.

Today was an exciting pump and then a healthy retrace, a straight line up does not encourage buys.

I wouldn't sell now for the life of me, it's the next meme coin and it's under 10mm mcap. I'm riding this to 0 or at least a 20x from here.

>> No.57809459

why didnt the pajeet devs of this shitcoin use an actual legitimate L2 chain like binance or sol? nobody uses ETH trash because gas fees are ridiculous

>> No.57809464
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It's literally just beginning.

>> No.57809475

pajeets dont use ETH
cant afford gas

>> No.57809485
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Yeah, I was going to buy more on that exchange to support them, but a 2X premium is fuckin Hebrew tier.

When its near to market, I will buy from them again, but for now, I'm swapping via coinbase wallet.

>> No.57809493

You can go on Coinbase and buy ethereum…. Once you have ethereum get a Coinbase wallet. Once you have the wallet you transfer from Coinbase, to Coinbase wallet. Once you have the ethereum in your Coinbase WALLET, you can swap ethereum for Luna Inu. Be aware though…. The exchange costs are retarded. Anywhere from $10-$50 just to exchange. So if you aren’t coming in with a bit of ethereum to swap it kind of sucks.

>> No.57809538

>chart getting nuked
Right on cue. Tomorrow will be a blood bath.

>> No.57809562

Told them about sunday

>> No.57809577

Luna marines... HOLD!

>> No.57809590

Maybe you’ll get another pump in 2-3 years. Just wait it out

>> No.57809596

Yup. Shame jannies let these jeets spam the board so much, I'm pretty sure the fucked quite a bit of /biz/. But they only have themselves to blame for listening to those retards.

>> No.57809601

Brutal. Another 7 ETH total nuke.

>> No.57809606

Why these fudders think this would end at one exchange is beyond retarded.

>> No.57809620

Honestly some anon called it in the tg i swear to god. They said "we'll hit 16 then drop down a zero and hit 04 then go back to 1 and drop to 07 then go new ATH to 4"
I am thinking they might be right kek, so more dipping i guess. I don't give a fuck niggers. My linu stays winu.

>> No.57809631

You all sound like third worlders lmao. How embarrassing that even in a 4 word post you can’t hide it. Have fun eating dinner with your bare hands tonight you greasy animals

>> No.57809641

You can still sell homie even at a loss. It'll be worse tomorrow.

>> No.57809647

typical rats only fud after it drops, never while its rising
pretty cringe desu
stand by your convictions

>> No.57809660

That's just how the market works. The fudders are just thinking it's over or it rugged cause they just want a lower entry or vindication. With today's volume alone, people saw the potential of this shit going to the moon and like this post >>57809464 other CEX is starting to wake up. 2-3 million starting volume a day is not a joke for their fees, sure it's gonna cost like 1~3 per trade but that's a shit ton of money for exchanges lmao.

>> No.57809664

People have been warning you guys about this dump for 2 days what are you on about? Stop projecting how delusional you are.

>> No.57809679

Still crashing as we speak, you got scammed anon, denial is the first stage. You'll come to acceptance soon enough. This isn't the type of shit a coin survives, it's over. 100% a calculated rug.

>> No.57809689

im already at a loss rn bought at 9 mill mcap im just really curious why faggots like you jack off in threads constantly telling people to sell.

>> No.57809698

i bought in since first thread weeks ago
im chilling
>This isn't the type of shit a coin survives
its actually the complete opposite
its recovered after everyone said it wouldn't
zoom out.
scurry away little rat

>> No.57809715
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Kek, the delusions. Yeah this is gonna moon brother! Hodl the line sers! Losing all the gains is completely salvageable! Jannies are already mass deleting your threads, even they know it's a scam coin now. Good luck trying to advertise on /biz/ again Raj.

>> No.57809716

Rip baggies

>> No.57809726

you faggots say the same shit every time
why didnt you just buy anon?

>> No.57809729

I really don’t understand the psychology of these people. Why broadcast all of this so loudly? And why here, when we have such small post volume daily? What do they gain from this other than attention. I can understand trying to fix it down in price but you’re now down 50% from ATH (thanks for that btw), is that not a low enough entry point? And why do they speak so cringe like bots written by 12 year old Indians

>> No.57809750
File: 377 KB, 1024x1024, 1706231865595406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jannies are already mass deleting your threads, even they know it's a scam coin now. Good luck trying to advertise on /biz/ again Raj.
Found the report raid faggot.
Really gets my noggin joggin at a 200+% weekly gain.

What happens when the next CEX lists fudfag? You'll be crying for us to sell at 1000% weekly gain too?

This is only the beginning.

>> No.57809754

Pay jeets to drive down the shit plus attention. I'm buying more

>> No.57809773

Oh no it’s recovering fudsisters

>> No.57809791


>> No.57809794

>largest wallets hovering up trillions more Linu
Yeah im thinking based.

>> No.57809797

Chatgpt AI integration is next once Nvidia gets in

>> No.57809811

you'll keep buying shit like this
go get better tokens based on oracles, AI and infrastructures.

>> No.57809814

Every poster on this board is mentally ill. They all lack the ability to reason.

>> No.57809827

Linu whole purpose is integration streamlining with AI to operate chatgpt nodes with blockchain backend on smart contracts

>> No.57809836

Linus only purpose is one thing: going up. Go be a faggot nerd somewhere else.

>> No.57809848

Tell that my Roomba, I have smart contracts running right to automate the daily tasks and I haven't even done anything

>> No.57809989

Coins like Linu (which are designed to only go up) are very dependent on sentiment for whether they go up or down. Theres a concerted effort by a few people on this board to drag it down for their pump and dump schemes but their scheme can only work if they can truck enough wallets to move with them. They need everyone to sell as well because they dont have the ability to break Linu alone.

Already Linu starting to climb again kek

>> No.57810008

Damp it

>> No.57810039

>selling the bottom before the 1000x starts
Yeahhhh… I think ill just stay comfy, thanks.

>> No.57810059
File: 408 KB, 536x584, 20240121_064126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digits have spoken, hold strong LINU homies, WGMI.

>> No.57810089

grats on the gains! ;) i sure took some nice etheriums on the top when I sold and bought the rug bottom again ;) im so happy! thank you "HOMIES" i made some nice gains! ;)

remember follow my posts to make some gains. ;)

>> No.57810126

oh jesus its this mentally underage queer again

>> No.57810129

>tell everyone the top is at 055
>now saying the bottom is above that
>copy pasting the same fudd spam in every Linu thread because you are too lazy to type something out after not posting all day long during the pump
Nobody is going to buy your gay scam coin #758372 no matter how many winky faces you post.

>> No.57810156

This fudder is a brown shitskin from India and his name is Vidhey kekekek how’s it going bidet
It’s funny that even rich Indians are still so cringe in the US, you will always belong to that city you’re in now with the awful, trash littered unsanitary streets full of (sub)human feces. Yuck!

>> No.57810159
File: 185 KB, 1080x735, Screenshot_20240303_081641_Read Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top le kek ;'D maby you should if you wanna make some nice gains. the most that are silent or even fudding with me sure will. they have "HiGH IQ" its just "beer money right?" "do you hate money?"

come on anon we are all here to make gains ;)

and again. its tough making gains and etheriumfs ;)

>verification not required

>> No.57810170

Why do you masturbate in the street??

>> No.57810176

You didnt acknowledge anything I said lol. You just reworded the same sentence a different way. Perhaps some Linu to help you think straight?

>> No.57810185

I already bough back in anon ;) thank you very much. its sunday but we still have time to make some more gains right? ;)

>> No.57810200

You bought back in at 055 which you said was the top but now is somehow below the bottom, right? Am I following what you spammed over the last few days correctly?

>> No.57810216
File: 194 KB, 1080x735, Screenshot_20240303_082521_Read Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you followed wrong anon the best hint was like 7-8 hours ago ;)

>verification not required

>> No.57810256

100b is Sui stack right? wondering if it’s worth it to even keep a 100b sui or like 10-20b

>> No.57810277

I mean that really depends, are you really “okay” with having *just* 100bil Linu for when it 1000xs?

>> No.57810356

Keep the 100 billion. If this goes to 1bil mcap you'll make some very tidy profits. And if it goes to 5bil you'll end up with a really tidy sum of profits. Its a long shot but this is a great coin and has massive parabolic pump potential. I hold 300bil and its not enough but im too poor to buy more

>> No.57810384

900bil holder here, I cant even look at myself in the mirror without feeling ashamed for not having 1T Linu.

>> No.57810410

kek you fudders never cease to make me laugh. I remember the exact same fud posting bout shib back in the day. Its all irrelevant white noise to me at this point. I got my bag and Ill trade it to you for a million USD when the time comes.

>> No.57810528

AHH you are so close to it also. I wish I had more funds but im tapped out in spare money to buy more. And i'd only get like 10bil for $50 now along with the $50 on gas added on so roughly 10bil for $100. out of my price range. poorfag

>> No.57810540

Same. Was thinking about cashing out my LTC and AVAX bags and moving all into LINU, would probably get me 4.5T right now. But nah I worked hard building them up, I’m only 100B and have bills to pay. Just hoping for a nice sum to pay for a road trip later this year

>> No.57810554

Great job on securing 100b anon. If this hit 1bil mcap you'll make out nice and comfy with it. Im grateful I was able to secure 300bil before it pumped super hard. tapped my funds but so it goes. i'll make alot of money back especially with some of the stuff linu has planned.

>> No.57810560

Might want to try Citex if you are working with smaller amounts so gas fees dont rape you.
You might as well cash out now and snag 1T Linu, broader crypto market is at its peak (for now) as normies get distributed on.

>> No.57810567

This was the best distraction from lunc, it killed any pump. Good job anons

>> No.57810610
File: 79 KB, 444x562, 1705449841551247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that, do it. You built up those bags so that you would have money to put into LINU on this day, don't miss your opportunity on the next shib/doge.

>> No.57811715

Just used a smart AI enhanced contracts to set up my coffee maker, THANKS LINU!