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File: 77 KB, 750x499, Thermostat_old-1453705851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57806836 No.57806836 [Reply] [Original]

Anons that grew up lower/mid-low class, what was the thing that made you realize you were poor and needed to be more financially successful/savvy than your parents/guardians?

For me, it was when we couldn't afford to heat the house one year and had to stay at a relative's house because it was so cold in the winter.

>> No.57806863

I wanna buy ur relatives house. $200k?

>> No.57806949

When I started to go to school and realized not everyone had insta ramen/mac&cheese/cereal for dinner.

>> No.57806965

The fact that I had to use all my birthday money to buy a ds and that I got a used gamecube for cristmas once that broke after 2 weeks.

>> No.57806992

Stealing power from the next door apartment unit by plugging a long extension cable into their shed so we could power the stove to heat up water so I could take a warm shower by candle light. We were poor as fuck.

>> No.57807009

Are you me?

>> No.57807052

>All my clothes bought at second hand store or passed down from older brother
>Nothing but off brand, store brand goy products in the house
>Homecooked meals were oven pizzas
>”We have to move again, anon. Don’t worry you’ll make new friends.”
>Waking up and seeing my breath in the morning. Also sleeping in my winter clothes
>”Let’s go for a walk”. Walk was code for let’s go walk around to see if we can find cans to return
Yep. Was a good life. Poverty is a mindset that is hard to break even when you’re doing well. I can also tell when someone has grown up with financial struggles or not within minutes of meeting them. Middle class and rich kids are sterile faggots. Never have any interesting stories at all.

>> No.57807122

that was because your parents were lazy and stupid, not poor

>> No.57808533

sawing down a tree in a park that I could use in my fireplace during the winter since if I even thought of using my thermostat my power bill would have went up by 70 dollars.
heating up day old jimmy john bread in the oven since I couldnt afford a toaster
having to race against the clock to the store in my shitbox that blew a head gasket and I would watch the engine thermostat top out within 20 minutes

>> No.57808619

Wtf I had that exact thermostat

>> No.57808900

I read your post and I feel compelled to inform you that you are not as interesting as you imagine yourself to be
Calling the Kettle, Plank in thine eye, etc

>> No.57808947

We weren't poor, my parents were just really stupid with money. I only woke up and stopped following in their footsteps when I graduated uni with $80k debt and no job prospects.

>> No.57808993

Same. My dad had a job paying $300k and he held that job for over a decade. After he lost the job we found out the mortgage was still unpaid and we had something like $50k in CC debt.

>> No.57809018
File: 49 KB, 414x532, 1709092925715723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting all our clothes from thrift stores in elementary school and getting made fun of for looking poor but then everyone in high school started shopping at Goodwill and it was suddenly cool, but I was still poor and not cool :(

>> No.57809055

you had running water? okay, spoiled bitch

>> No.57809121
File: 33 KB, 720x573, IMG_2135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was blessed enough to grow up middle class. My parents were good with money, and my brother and I got everything we wanted.