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57804085 No.57804085 [Reply] [Original]

My gf is moving away for a new job in another state and she wants me to quit my 400k per year gig to move with her. Her new city doesn't have any companies in my industry so I'd have to switch fields and probably have to settle for 100k per year poverty wage. Is this a sound financial decision, /biz/? Also why are women like this

>> No.57804105

whip out your dick to assert dominance

>> No.57804123

dont do it op, your carrer and future are more importante that a 4/10 women, also if you have a 400K gig, try investing some into $SUPER, that way you'll make even more money, letting her know that where you are, is the right place

>> No.57804127

I unironically did that already and it didn't help unironically. Maybe it's because I didn't beat her with it, financially speaking.

>> No.57804130

she's dumping you

>> No.57804140

I'm starting to believe that people mean 40k when they say 400k, and 10k when they say 100k on this board forum community.

>> No.57804148

If you make 400k a year (which you don’t) she wouldn’t have to work.

>> No.57804163

it's a shit test she wants you to man up and impregnate her and make her a stay at home mom so she doesn't have to work

>> No.57804183

Seems that way desu. But then why even try to get me to quit my job too kek. Fucking women.
I think she's just retarded and can't do math. I literally told her life would be way easier with my job and more money.

>> No.57804185

What kind of job was she offered that would warrant throwing away a 400k/year career? Would she be making more than that?

The goal of dating is to create a family and thus you guys' choices should be for the betterment of your family. If her new career isn't going to benefit you guys then she's being dumb by asking you to give up yours which is clearly good for your future family.

>> No.57804187

how is it even a little ambiguous what you would do in this situation. Don't move for her unless you also plan to wear a collar around your neck that says cuck

>> No.57804212

If they were married, maybe.
But she's a g/f, liable to get dumped at anytime without a two weeks notice, nor severance, nor alimony.

If her goal is for you two to build a life together, crippling your household finances from the get go is a weird way to go about it.
Is there perhaps a small chance she's not making your relationship her priority?

>> No.57804213

And open myself up to divorce rape and child support? Kek yeah right. Fucking women. You're probably right though desu.

>> No.57804217

doesn't seem that way.

OP if you are actually making 400k, don't do it. hit the gym and move on.

>> No.57804222

If you do it, she'll leave you for being a loser.

>> No.57804551

it's classic manipulation tactic, she is trying to make you fear losing her to get you to lock her down.

>> No.57804598

>My gf is moving away for a new job in another state and she wants me to quit my 400k per year gig

Shes cheating on you already with the guy in the new city. She wants to use you as support because the new guy isnt comitted to her yet. She wants you to brake up with her ultimately but women can never admit this to themselves and dont like making choices that could make them feel guilty.

>> No.57804616

>But then why even try to get me to quit my job too kek.
being able to tell herself that she's a good person who never did anything wrong is of supreme importance to a woman. she will construct the most ridiculous, wandering paths of mental gymnastics AND drag you into and through it, and it's all just so she can feel okay about herself in her head. i'm not saying that's what's going on here, but i am saying it's probably 50/50.

>> No.57804629
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Op is a larping tranny, but I'm a bit of a progressive myself so I'll play along. Please tell us about your 400k job.

>> No.57804634

Absolutely fucking not. There are literally billions of other women out there to fuck.

>> No.57804687

It's a niche area of tech and a lot of that compensation is stock grants.
You seem to know what you're talking about. Got any book recommendations on manupulation tactics and shit?
Damn didn't think about this one.
Sounds plausible.
Yeah I'm thinking it's fucking over.

>> No.57804699 [DELETED] 


>> No.57804731

sorry street pooping trannies, we have id's on this board. Neither one of you is Op.

>> No.57804759

I ain't clickin dat shit nigga
I'm phonefagging so my IP keeps changing retard

>> No.57804764

There are more important things in life than a job and money. IS WHAT YOU TELL HER after you creampie her into being a fulltime mom. You have a dick, use it as a weapon for the patriarchy

>> No.57805018

I'm in an alarmingly similar situation and I'm monitoring this thread. Please let me know your decision.

>> No.57805071

I'm not doing it. I think I would be the biggest retard ever if I did, especially since there's no guarantee she wouldn't see me as a cucked loser if I gave into this ultimatum. Just have to actually dump her now though. Feels bad man. Why are women so dumb bro? Why do they expect us to drop everything for them like they're worth over 400k lmao?

>> No.57805087


That settles it. Dump her.

>> No.57805122
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On to the next one, OP.

>> No.57805124

ok but pretend you're married. Will the combined income from her new job and your poverty cuck job match or exceed what it was before both of you switched? What's the purchasing power of a dollar where you live now vs the other city? You might still be in the green here buddy

>> No.57805171
File: 400 KB, 800x771, FOeGnKnWYAEWaUq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll pretend you're Op and not a larping tranny.

I made $260k in 2017, mostly from my RSUs vesting every quarter. Then my company merged and decided to stop making new products, so I changed jobs about 5 times. You're right, my shitty jobs since have been around $100k. Then COVID lockdowns happened. Then my wife died from drinking too much and fucking up her liver. Now I'm fine and my house will be paid off in about 6 years. I plan to work another 25 years. I like my job. I'm pretty happy now, so everything worked out fine for me. I'm certain whatever you decide will work out fine for you too. WAGMI

>> No.57805208

>just move with her and let her income be >3x yours. that will work out great!
a man would only settle for this temporarily, with full certainty that he'll be breaking up with her eventually. a man would also absolutely never move across the country for a certainly temporary gf. soicuck betamales? yes. men? no.

>> No.57805276

>Will the combined income from her new job and your poverty cuck job match or exceed what it was before both of you switched?
>What's the purchasing power of a dollar where you live now vs the other city?
Slightly less expensive in the new place but not by much.
>You might still be in the green here buddy
Nah the math doesn't work out.
Fuck man, I'm sorry to hear you had such a wild ride, but I'm glad things are looking up for you. We're all going to make it.
Do women just see all men as beta cucks waiting to be broken and put in chains?

>> No.57805360

>Do women just see all men as beta cucks waiting to be broken and put in chains?
almost all. they do think chad is out there waiting for them, though. she will test you right away to sniff out your chadliness. if you have none, you are moved into the "take from" folder in her head. if you display chadliness, you are moved into the "give to" folder. it is very easy to jump from latter to former, but former to latter takes immense time and effort.

>> No.57805814


Dude you make 400k a year. Dump her ass and move onto someone better. Don’t be a fucking idiot. She will resent you if you move with her and end up making less money and dump you anyway.

>> No.57805901

First route:

"you move with her, but struggle to get a good paying job, shit gets stressful because you don't have a good job and money is low, she leaves you, now you have no gf, no $400k paying job, you are fucked"

Second route:

Don't move in with her, get another girlfriend and continue with your own career making lots of money.

Third route:

Keep your job, don't move away and somehow make your girlfriend understand she needs to stay with you instead of moving away (you keep good paying job and gf)

>> No.57805953

What a dumb fucking bitch ass question

>> No.57805958

Fourth option:
Kill yourself for being so pussy whipped you even considered going with her

>> No.57806164

A girl that genuinely loves you wouldn't consider doing this for a stupid fucking job.
She'll also lose respect for you being the one following her lead
Let her go, don't give her an ultimatum either

>> No.57806233

is this a shit test fellow autist incels?
I can't tell

anyway, your gf should make you a home, cook and clean and take care of the kids so you can focus on your 400k

>> No.57806263

you can be as sure of the only possible answer as you can that the question has risen.

>> No.57806278

Just say no anon. No woman is worth a 75% salary reduction. If she still leaves she wasn’t worth it and you can just bang other thots

>> No.57806519

Fifth option:
Long-distance relationship. Very normal, and very cool.

>> No.57806529

It's over man. If she thought the relationship had a future she wouldn't do anything that would jeopardize your 400k job.

She wants you to move with her bc she doesn't want to be alone but once she starts meeting new people and making friends she will eventually break up with you.

If you give a shit about saving your relationship you need to have a talk with her and figure out what's really going on.

>> No.57808102
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She did all of that while you two are in a relationship and never consulted you? what the fuck man
Just leave that retard, she's a fucking narcissist and doesn't deserve you anon.
you're more important than a woman who would willingly force you to change your career and life for her own benefit without a second thought
this nigga spitting

this is too much for me, imma just go back to other posts and see if my vinu raised even more in the last hours, seeing numbers go up makes my dick throb

>> No.57809583

I wouldn't do it, OP. If she's willing to leave, she's not madly in love with you. No point losing a great job to chase after a woman that isn't going to become your wife.