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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57803301 No.57803301 [Reply] [Original]


I have $300 etereum in my coinbase , I want to buy circlecoin and linu

>> No.57803327

Basechain is the network, you need to bridge to basechain. If its on your coinbase, you can change the ETH mainnet to basechain for free and then go on uniswap and search for CIRCLE. You need to change the network on uniswap too

>> No.57803409

Jesus I thought most people on /biz/ knew at least the basics of what they are investing in... if you are using coinbase app just bridge networks from ETH to BASE then link your wallet to uniswap. Alternatively, go the transfer out on the website and select the BASE network and send something like USDC to the Coinbase app wallet and again link to uniswap to trade.

>> No.57803457

You ask your non base chain projects to deploy onto it using Aviator's Skybridge

>> No.57803477

Coinbase needs to integrate seamless bridging into their app asap to onboard these normies.

>> No.57804018

Once normies have a one stop app for this shit, the bullrun can actually start.

>> No.57804119

The CB wallet has a built in base bridge, but these threads are bullish AF lol.
I'm sure CB has a very well designed app/wallet update to get people on base more easily though. They're putting a lot of effort into this thing.

Once sol traders start switching to base, everything moons. Retail normies will be our exit liquidity.

>> No.57804284

make sure to get an AYB moonbag as well anon. shits gonna moon hard

>> No.57804292

>i want to buy the top of 2 memecoins
based ignorance keeping you from ruin

>> No.57804496
File: 144 KB, 1453x667, Screenshot 2024-03-02 221616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the ruin of memecoiners!

>> No.57804518

The distinction between coinbase and coinbase wallet filtered a lot of normalfags I know in real life

>> No.57804670

I believe it. I have full faith in CB's ability to dumb down dex trading enough for normies and, it's the best narrative ever. All CB has to do is list a couple of these coins this year, let them pump to a bil, and every normie will think they're on to something but buying the next base meme before CB lists it. It plays on regular greed and the exclusiveness retards will feel by taking those few extra steps to be "early". We'll know we're close to the peak when CB wallet is one of the top downloaded apps.

>> No.57804891

...use cb wallet and swap normal eth for LINU there?

>> No.57805046

that BONK shit is such a piece of shit. It had to copy bsc d0b0.
If that can get 1b we can get 1b

>> No.57805973
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>> No.57805995

Yup, the United States of Amerimutts are so fucking gay about getting crypto.
Hop aboard and help us shill on the socials in the mean time.

>> No.57806027
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any proofs for this other than some Base dev wearing a sticker? Will normies give a shit that employees like it?

>> No.57806061

Coinbase or coin base wallet? If you don't have coinbase wallet then you have to do all that shit with uniswap that other anons are talking about.

Otherwise, download coinbase wallet, send your eth from you coinbase account to your coinbase wallet. Once you've done that just swap your eth for luna inu. It's pretty easy

>> No.57806074

I can't seem to get my cb wallet to add the sol network, can't buy any solana based coins from cbwallet. Is it possible to connect to the sol network on coin base wallet?

>> No.57806075

>We'll know we're close to the peak when CB wallet is one of the top downloaded apps.
they don't even need to focus on the wallet for us to moon, most retail don't want to deal with it. Just make it so Base tokens can be purchased from the regular app and make getting listed easier for Base tokens. This will incentivize devs to build on it

right now it's almost impossible for a memecoin to go viral on Base because you can't just do an impulse buy

>> No.57806131
File: 19 KB, 736x156, Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 5.56.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright boyos, used a dex. Thought I lost 2 grand and it was the most time consuming retard trade, but it cleared.

>> No.57806255

based, how does 100,000 dollars in a few weeks sound to you?

>> No.57806288
File: 24 KB, 579x529, Pepe Whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can send Base-Eth to exchanges that accept it and its instantly converted into Main-Eth. No 7 day wait time to bridge back.

>> No.57806290

Can someone tl;dr on all the Base stuff?

>> No.57806318

I don't see why not, just add the network manually. I have a CB wallet but I never use it. Maybe it doesn't support sol? I actually use phantom for sol coins and metamask for everything else.

I'm not sure if they can integrate L2 tokens on to a CEX, it wouldn't be a decentralized exchange at that point lol. Im sure they've got something cooked up, but the integrated base bridge in the wallet seems pretty convenient.

Traffic is slow. I just bought more tarot on Aero. It took 2 seconds. I'm glad it worked out for you, but I haven't had any delays with swaps on base using 4 different Dexs now. The only thing that sucks ass is the official base bridge.

>> No.57806361

>Traffic is slow. I just bought more tarot on Aero. It took 2 seconds. I'm glad it worked out for you, but I haven't had any delays with swaps on base using 4 different Dexs now. The only thing that sucks ass is the official base bridge.
Nah dude it said it would take 2 mins (ended up stalling after the timer ran out and was like that for 10 mins) then it started saying not enough funds for transaction after it connected me to the other bridge or whatever and then it said it need 0.01 eth more which made no sense. After closing out of the tab thinking I lost everything I reopened it refreshed and it somehow worked lmfao

>> No.57806363

That has nothing to do with US laws. It's just shitty CB rules so they can hang in to your coins for a week. You're just providing them with liquidity for free is all. There are other bridges, but you can simply send eth from base right back to CB CEX. No bridging needed. It will show on your assets as ETH and you can swap or send it to another wallet on whatever network you like, just like normal. I took some out of my base metamask, sent to CB, then sent it back to an Arb metamask wallet the other day.

>> No.57806369


Yh but I wanted a non-kyc route.

>> No.57806377

Coinbase's equivalent to Arbitrum or other ETH L2 layers, faster and cheaper than mainnet

>> No.57806412

I'm guessing you're referring to the official base bridge? What dex did you use? If your eth is already on a base network wallet, it's just like any other swap. Shouldn't take long at all, and swaps on base are usually in the sub $1 range for gas.

>> No.57806425

It was cheap, I used jumper. Was trying to find a way quick. The issue was with the contract somehow, it cleared tho as you can see by the screenshot.

>> No.57806461

Ok, I've never used it. I like aero and sushiswap if it's on there. Super fast and cheap.

>> No.57806634

Thx anon, I've used the latter but not the former and I'll check it out.

>> No.57806660

Base is going to be the biggest Ethereum Layer 2 in the future. We are in the early days.

>> No.57806666

Didn't somebody say this last cycle, triggering everyone on here to buy in but it turned out to be a dud at the time lol?

>> No.57806691

Base launched in August 2023, maybe you're thinking of something else

>> No.57806717

Was thinking of base protocol which is clearly a different thing, apologies and holy crap those are some wasted quads.

>> No.57806806


>> No.57807093

bro stop jumping onto every hype chain. buy something with longevity like scottiebeameth.

>> No.57807197

what's a good below 10m mcap coin which can absolutely rip ?

>> No.57807342

I'm heavier in tarot but have small bags of ayb, coin, and also rawr which I bought from a suggestion here, though I generally avoid nft stuff.

>> No.57807423

havent heard of tarot , whats it about ?

>> No.57807549

Devs associated with the aero devs from fantom days. Tarot is also one of the biggest liquidity providers for Aero. It doesn't quite make sense, but once people notice their oddly high liquidity and see the tarot finance liquidity pool on Aero, everyone who missed out on the big aero pump should give us a nice 10-20x.
It's still under 2mil, kek.

>> No.57807602
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this entire thread has made me incredibly bullish for avi's skybridge

>> No.57807731

does AVI price increase from Skybridge being used?

>> No.57807823

My understanding is that it's not directly related to the token, it's more like necessary infrastructure. So they are putting the pieces in place for the arcade to be successful.

>> No.57807845

directly, it does not
however, all of the eth they get from bridging fees will be funneled back into avi- things like paying for cex listings/liquidity, marketing, whatever else
itll be nice for them to have a revenue stream thats purely eth and reserved entirely for avi- it means they wont really have to sell avi or pay people in avi tokens, which would suppress the price