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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57803164 No.57803164[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Awfully quiet in here: where'd all you little shitters go that denied the next big thing? Bet you wish you wouldn't have spent all your time shilling your jeet rugs and copy cats and bought in. Don't you homie?
Yes I'm posting like this to get past your filters. Deal with it faggot

>> No.57803212

Quick, sell it's rugging upwards.

>> No.57803295

uhhhhh linusisters? the giant red dildo?

>> No.57803328

the coin is rugging my basterds

>> No.57803351

Uhhh fudsisters, a top 80 whale sold and it's still going up. Do we kill ourselves yet?

>> No.57803376

tg esl raid thread

>> No.57803397

Linu only goes up. Nearly all the wallets that sold into this “rug” will now have to buy back in at an even higher price if they want to ride the gain train. Its already climbing again kek

>> No.57803449


>> No.57803502

Getting early shib vibes from this. Hopefully it can kill 3 zeroes

>> No.57803733
File: 837 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240302_163906_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the zero slayers.

It's NOT too late anons, sub 10 mcap.

>> No.57803762

Its literally shib 2.0. It has zero fundamentals except for one: it goes up. It really is that simple. Dont miss out, or do, the coping and seething will be like a delicious delicacy.

>> No.57803766

It won't because the people running it have no fucking clue what they're doing and they're broke, they have also disappeared during the pump which is very worrying
I understand the enthusiasm and all, but this shit won't go past 10m

>> No.57803880

There are no devs, just holders who basically decided to be coin jannies and do all this hard work for free so everyone else can benefit. Cut them some slack. You act like getting listed is no big deal, coins WITH devs arnt able to do that most of the time. Linu is going to keep climbing.

>> No.57804198

Oh look, the "never reach 5m" guy is moving the goalposts.

>> No.57804951

Newfags were still early and this anon is a total faggot that wants you port forever. If you haven’t bought a bag yet the ape the fuck in this is life changing money. Fuck what you can afford throw your rent money PHAGGOTS WGMI

>> No.57804961


>> No.57806405

Eh idk the AI integration is kinda cool though

>> No.57807617

Shit keeps going up, Redditors don't even know yet

>> No.57807649

>*blocks your path*
>*doubles in value (again) since the time you posted this*
Nothing personal, kid.

>> No.57807663

my face is melting

>> No.57807669
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>sub 10 mcap
Checked, not anymore!

>> No.57807692
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That didn't age well!

>> No.57807717

It never hit 10mil mcap. It simply stepped over it, much like the way that one would step over the lifeless corpse of a non Linu holder who roped themself for missing the biggest pump of 2024.

>> No.57807743

Yea Bitcoins dead, ETFs will kill it just like stock market hollows out companies. Kill the Bitcoin ETFs with Linu

>> No.57807744
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>implying I wasn't stacking while fudding
kek baggies

>> No.57807748

Doomp it

>> No.57807765
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>> No.57807788
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Unfortunately this is all I can afford to buy at the moment, but I'm not selling until it 1000x fudders get wreckt

>> No.57807856

What’s the min $$ gain you would cash out at here? Haven’t bought in her but can only afford around the same right now $300-500

>> No.57807882

I'm holding until it 100x at least, but I'd probably only take out some profit, and hold out for the 1000x

>> No.57807903

That's not too bad. When we hit x1000, you're considered a whale lol.

>> No.57808105

I truly hope so anon

>> No.57808186

In case you haven't noticed. It's all about political coins this run. My chad portfolio has MAGA TRUMP TUCKER and BARRON. Elections soon. Check my id and Digits.

>> No.57808218

so basically this thing will dump right now and all of you will be angry at me for being right kek

>> No.57808307

Quit going to every thread and trying to shill your retarded Baron coin it's not even the first one you stupid kike. No one is buying your bags, an hero

>> No.57808315
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>> No.57808318

No one is really going to pay you much mind at all. 99.999999% of the population of earth is missing out on Linu, youre just another number like them.

>> No.57808335

Anon if that much of the people are missing out on this coin it's a dead coin

>> No.57808336

KEK, there is only one barron, the other one has $2 mcap lmao. Also what bags? Most holders have like $100 beer money bags waiting for the moon later today.

>> No.57808338

You have been saying this shit for days. Every day is supposed to be the dump, what happens when the next 2 CEXs list retard?

>> No.57808343

i aint even shilling for that garbage, i'm just an amazing crypto guy and know that this shit will dump and you will rope extremely soon

>> No.57808363

Your id persist across threads you dumb cancerfag

>> No.57808364

i just got 11 billion linu
this is now my schizo ticket during this bull run

>> No.57808394

i just got 110 billion linu
this is now my schizo ticket during this bull run

>> No.57808404

so? what do you think, i'm trolling/shilling? i'm simply putting my 2 cents in and it's 99% likely to be right

>> No.57808430

If on Sunday it doesn't rug which spoilers: wouldn't, the term Sunday will become a meme in the LINU community. Ask them about anything, people will answer "Sunday". All the thing you fuddies are doing are giving us more memes.

>> No.57808523


>> No.57808636
File: 367 KB, 1024x1024, batedog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhhhhhhh, Linu fuddiiiiiieees. I see you're trying to fud a gem again. You gu-gays got another stupid fud up your sleeves. You decided to mix bobo, the biggest jeetery of all times, with your shitcoin shills. You niggers have lost your minds, nobody's gonna fall for fud twice, NO ONE. Hear me? Give up, kekold faggies, it's fucking OVERRRR. Our gem is going to a billion, a trillion, a GORILLION.

>> No.57808715

Fudders don't want you to make it. They'll say anything to get you to sell. Literally a bunch of miserable faggots.

>> No.57808718

It is kinda dumping right now, but I'm not selling.

>> No.57808730


>> No.57808731

There’s always going to be temporary dumps as some people sell to take profits. I’m not selling because this will only ci tine to trend upwards

>> No.57808737
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If you are new to this space, please take out your original buy in. Don't get scammed. It hurts trust me...

>> No.57808743

shake out

>> No.57808758

50k usd sell lets see if this gets slurped

>> No.57808764
File: 62 KB, 680x553, pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I held my stack all the way from the previous top and accumulated more all through the dumps, this "rug" is a fucking JOKE compared to what me and the other diamond hand homies had in the last month, I'm NOT touching my 2T stack till Bogdanoff gives me 8 figs, much less for this "rug" the fuddies are jumping on.

>> No.57808771



>> No.57808782

around 150k worth sold in the past 4 minutes

>> No.57808788

I sold. I’ll take my chump change $700 profit. time to dump it in CIRCLE. Goodbye Linu tards. If this shit wouldn’t dump so violently I would hold.

>> No.57808795





>> No.57808798

oh I had bots on, not as bad

>> No.57808801

Bruh I held through the stolen $8000 and saw my shit dropped to $50. I ain't selling on the first sign of people taking profits, especially not when people are noticing this chain more and more.

>> No.57808819

Sold my 80B stack 20 minutes ago.. gonna rebuy when I can get 100b or more for the same price, and let it sit there till Valhalla

>> No.57808821


just checked my bag of LINU. Pleasantly surprised, holding my bags close now. I dumped my Pepe which has shot up again, not making the same mistake with my linu

>> No.57808829
File: 3.83 MB, 700x488, 1709439735347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit pumped to 10 million TWICE now. If that isn't an indication of what's to come, I don't know what is. You got to realize LINU will continue to get shilled on here. Load your bags and enjoy the ride.

>> No.57808837

Your a faggot

I repeat

Your a faggot

>> No.57808857

Yup it keeps going down, knew you faggots were ruggers from the start, now everyone can see for themselves. Don't buy this shit, hide these threads, let this be a lesson you can learn from.