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57801127 No.57801127 [Reply] [Original]

It’s pointless. All of this is literally pointless
We will die and we either
>cease to exist in eternal nothingness
>go to heaven/hell for eternity
Both are INFINITE. I can’t wrap my head around this. What the fuck??

>> No.57801142

Wrong board. But just think: you used to not exist, and now you do. Equally mind-blowing. So who’s to say “you” will not exist again?

>> No.57801152

infinity isn't what you think it is timefag

>> No.57801184

Perhaps, but before you reach the eternal void do you want to clean toilets or laugh at wagies from your yacht?

>> No.57801248

It's just like before you were born lmao do you remember that? Were you having a really hard time before you were born? Waiting all those millions of years not existing, really tough huh?

>> No.57801249

Get a life. Find a hobby, I'm assuming you are young. If you haven't figured it out by now, life is literally one big massive cope. Everyone around you, yes everyone, copes somehow someway, whether it's family, drugs, sex, media, being rich, it's all just one big cope. At least for the modern world. You could have been a peasant in the medieval ages.

>> No.57801305

I have struggled with this a lot myself, we are dealt a shitty hand in life due to the fact that infinity exists as a concept and we as humans cannot cope with it. However, what comforts me is that at the very least, is the most plausible occurrences after death are probably the best possible. If we go to heaven, which is very unlikely imo since I think religion is bullshit, but assuming that god is benevolent and omnipotent, he will allow us to experience infinity in a way which will be wholly satisfactory to us, so there is nothing to worry about there. In the much more likely case we enter an infinite void, since our consciousness ceases to exist, we no longer process immortality, and therefore it does not burden us. Think of the billions of years you were "dead" before being born, they did not bother you at all. Also read literature and philosophy, for me Camus was very comforting.

>> No.57801361

I've tried to acquire hobbies but they never click because it feels pointless (because it is). it is cope, as you said. I just surf the web all day. That's pointless too but at least it doesn't require effort and I can "get lost" in it, unlike other activities where I'm constantly thinking "why am I doing this shit".

>> No.57801396
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>> No.57801404

Actually the self doesn’t exist (we are just atoms, remember), so it follows that all consciousness belongs to the same universal Self and we are actually the same consciousness (consciousness cannot belong to one self and not another, as there is no self). So there is no such thing as death, we are all the same. You are here forever.

>> No.57801420

I mean there's other possibilities like reincarnation or something, but yeah the concept of dying and having your life as it is permanently end is scary and confusing. All we can do is make the most out of the time we have.

>> No.57801485
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I get why you’re feeling like that, I really do but you can’t afford to lag behind now. Lock in brother, save the existential questions for later, just a few more months. Lock in, don’t fumble this. This will be our last time

>> No.57801524
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totally true, anon. I also believe this. I'll even go further by saying that souls might cycle through an infinite journey, experiencing life as every human being. but this hypothesis scares me because i don't want to experience life as a fucking n

>> No.57801569

>my only concept of the afterlife is abrahamic
You fucking retard. You absolute fool.

>> No.57801625

man up sir. step away from the screen., go outside.

>> No.57801642

Daily reminder that this faggot makes a variant of this thread once a month and usually ends up having several fartsniffers talking about the meaning of life
Really makes you fucking laugh considering this boards page is shitcoin shilling half the time, then other thread is 2deep4me. I smell philosophy majors

>> No.57801650

you don't perceive time when you're unconscious. 10^99 years would pass in an instant. computational speed is a rule of the universe. did you know that given enough time, a computer CAN guess the raw seed of a bitcoin wallet? infinity is a very long time to reassemble anything and everything.

P.S. from the perspective of a photon, time stands still. have a nice day