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57792153 No.57792153 [Reply] [Original]

Protein is the biggest scam of all. Buy into GMOs before any sort of livestock spam.

>> No.57793108

be careful the carnivore retards will find you and try to explain how eating 2 pounds of beef and 20 eggs a day is based and redpilled

>> No.57793116
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>> No.57793286

ask a meat eater this
>what is a protein anyway? like i know what suger and salt are but what exactly is a protien
WELL its amino acids!!!
>whats that
uh well ummm
... i flipped the greentexted parts 2lazy to retype

>> No.57793301

Psyop here, carnivore literally cured my autoimmune disease

>> No.57793322

>meat eater
why do you faggots feel the need to give weird names to normal functioning humans?

>> No.57793329

thats cuz u stopped eating seed oils and wheat and plants, prob didnt eat organic a lot of that is the plant defense chemicals and or the fucking pesticides on everything. of course u felt better when u stopped eating literal poison and burnt seed oils. i encourge u to just eat fruit its the food God intended us to eat, organic of course

>> No.57793344

I've tried fruits and some of them bother me (the sugary ones) I can have avocados though

>> No.57793350

what should i call ppl who eat meat? do u want me to ebonicfy it for you? YO its THE BLOODS HOMIE they eat ze blood

>> No.57793362

It didn't cure your stupidity tho

>> No.57793370

>what should i call ppl who eat meat?

>> No.57793387

Unironically got rid of my brain fog too

The problem with everyone is roundup(glyphosate) sprayed wheat, artificial sweeteners, plant defense chemicals. That's why no one can focus or think at all really.

It's over for non-carnivores.

>> No.57793420

fruit used to make me shit myself but after i fasted and retrained my body it does really well

>> No.57793421

Based and goutpilled

>> No.57793424
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>"No fruit zone"
>OP posted steak

>> No.57793437

Yes. I've intermittent fasted for almost my entire life too. I'm probably an edge case though, but the benefits of carnivore are 100% real. More strength, stamina, focus, clarity, less inflammation, better sleep etc etc it's a huge list of improvements

>> No.57793453

Zero cases of gout from carnivore.

>> No.57793460

More meat cures AIDs!?!?

>> No.57793489
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How can i profit from being a carnivore besides posting a meat NFT on eesee?

>> No.57793497

Kek, probably not AIDS but maybe it'll lessen the effects of it. I have colitis

>> No.57793603

not intermittent, i do that by defualt i only eat one meal a day but i mean a longer fast like often i only eat around 400 once a day and then go like 3 days without eating, it def works well

>> No.57793620

damn vegans should go extinct

>> No.57793621

Yeah I've experimented with 3 days before, it felt good but nothing worked as well as carnivore. My problem lies in my large intestine, meat is mostly benign and gets digested in the small intestine.

>> No.57793624

>How can i profit
lets werk waggie

>> No.57793649

I bet all your shits and piss burn

>> No.57793664

My shits are perfect only on carnivore and my urination is better as well. I piss less often than if I eat american diet dogshit food.

>> No.57793695

??? How ??? No fiber??? Nothing to balance out acid????

>> No.57793707

>He fell for the fiber meme
Brought to you by kellogs and kellogs bought "experts"

>> No.57793737

Nigga I just eat oats, fish, and borsch

>> No.57793764

There's nothing acidic at all about beef. It's actually hilarious that my GERD feels better too.

You've all been brainwashed by so many things lmao

>> No.57793811

retard the best sources of fiber are fruits/nuts/root vegetables not grains
all of which humans ate in abundance for 100s of thousands of years

>> No.57793830

Nuts are not meant to be eaten. You can make an argument for fruit but personally I cannot handle sugary ones. Root veggies I would also avoid because of the root being the sacred part of the plant.

Humans ate meat to thrive, they only ate that dogshit you are spewing when they couldn't catch animals, and they paid the price which is exactly why it caused me problems.

>> No.57793871
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>Protein is the biggest scam of all.

Stay weak.

>> No.57793901

You are mentally ill.

>> No.57793910

I'm literally a genius but okay. Stay weak and stupid. I've been eating mostly only meat for years and have never been better.

>> No.57793943

Your phrasing and word structure show that you have brain damage, anhedonia is a real thing. You are fucked up and you don't even realize it

>> No.57793945
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here king this is for you

>> No.57793952

>Trying to psychoanalyze me via my lazy 4chan typing

>> No.57793958

I have never seen a single fit person on a meme diet like veganism, carnivore, keto etc.
And no, steroid-using frauds like the Liver King don't count.

>> No.57793976

What is fit to you? It's entirely subjective. You could think a musclehead is fit but in reality they are mostly unhealthy inflammation-filled retards.

>> No.57793998

And plus I've seen plenty of healthy, "fit" individuals on carnivore.

Georges St-Pierre is just one.
The worst part about carnivore is how boring it is sometimes. You start to miss flavors and that's why some people start to include fruit and dairy.

>> No.57794012

What are your ldl-c levels?

>> No.57794021

The fact that you couldn't even fully understand my post shows you are retarded

>> No.57794024

>He fell for the cholesterol is bad meme
Kek, look at some of Shaun Baker's posts on his cholesterol fluctuations. Cholesterol was demonized by the sugar industry.

>> No.57794030

>Trying to gaslight me
Try harder glowie.
>Attacks me instead of the idea
Classic retard move.

>> No.57794035

I think you're deeply misunderstanding this. Dietary cholesterol isn't necessarily bad, but blood cholesterol absolutely is.

>> No.57794060

Where do you think the argument against cholesterol comes from? MUH RED MEAT BRO!

Anyway gotta go cook a steak. I implore you to try it for 30 days. Salt, butter, water, beef. Watch your life change.

>> No.57794069

nutritional education has failed in America. People are obsessed with "good" foods and "bad" foods and calorie counts and meme diets that will heal your chakras or whatever
They do not understand the concept that good nutrition = balance of macro and micro nutrients

>> No.57794081

If you're going to do the meme carnivore diet, please at least try to eat like an actual carnivore. That means not just eating steaks, but also (or even predominantly) organ meats. Also, actual carnivores tend to eat the stomach contents of their prey.

>> No.57794089

>but blood cholesterol absolutely is.
and btw this is categorically false.
Your body uses cholesterol to feed your brain and heal your body. It's the great transporter.

>> No.57794120

Lmao enjoy your ass cancer

>> No.57794124

Organs have not shown to have a meaningful effect vs muscle for me. I do like liver once in a while but it is token not needed.

>> No.57794139

You're gonna get it faster from all the dogshit you eat vs the literal human evolution fuel I'm eating I guarantee it.

>> No.57794141

my nigga your brain is shutting down from vitamin deficiency
stop posting and go eat a spinach salad

>> No.57794142

So let's just get this straight. High blood cholesterol levels are good for you, and now micronutrients are a myth?

>> No.57794154

Isn't it funny that vegans can't survive without vitamin supplements or they fall apart vs carnivores who thrive without plants and vitamin supplements. Top kek. Stay retarded retards

>> No.57794173

you do realize that the Inuit have to eat all the organs and even the brains of seals in order to not die right
please seek help

>> No.57794218

All bodies are different. Some people will have "higher than normal"(whatever that means in today's clown world) and some will actually have "normal". Go look up carnivore cholesterol videos or listen to paul saladino talk about it. It's yet another medical scam. Seed oils and sugar/inflammation are what cause heart attacks.

My markers improved switching to carnivore. I feel 10x better. I wake up easier. I sleep better. I'm more immune to cold and heat. List goes on.

They eat every part because they have to. I don't have to because I have access to a lot of red meat/fat.
If you were correct I and every single carnivore would have scurvy or have died by now.

>> No.57794258

Anyway get fucked with your gay ass psyop bots faggots. Hopefully I saved someone here, cya.

>> No.57794263

>My markers improved
The actual markers like cholesterol, or some other ones which you think are really what matters instead?

>I'm more immune to cold and heat
Good to hear that your cholesterol is so bad that it's actively affecting your blood circulation through your capillaries. Really great sign right there.

>> No.57794324

it takes a very long time to die of micronutrient deficiency. It is a slow death and brain damage is a symptom which you are presenting with

>> No.57794330

>The actual markers like cholesterol, or some other ones which you think are really what matters instead?
I'll answer you before I go actually because this one's funny.
Every. Single. Fucking. Marker.

>Good to hear that your cholesterol is so bad that it's actively affecting your blood circulation through your capillaries. Really great sign right there.

For one, even if it did improve my blood circulation that would be a win for me, so you're retarded.
For two, it's not about cholesterol or any marker besides inflammation. I have insanely less inflammation in my body now, therefore my reaction to temps is normalized. I lived my entire life with inflammation and temperature sensitivities. They are directly related.

>> No.57794339

Go ahead and tell us what micronutrients are and how animal products are lacking them. I'll return later.

>> No.57794370

yea nuts and seeds shouldnt be eaten a lot cuz theyre meant to grow another plant so they have defense chemicals to prevent animals from eating them

>> No.57794374


>> No.57794419

animal products aren't lacking them. but you are not saying to eat muscle, fat, organs, stomach contents, brains, and bones... you are saying to only eat steak

>> No.57794435
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What is this, the health food channel?

>> No.57794438

nobody is telling you to eat 300g of protein per day lol

>> No.57794461

Yea bro walnuts are bad for you. Go watch another yt vid by an ophthalmologist agreeing with your bias.

>> No.57794494

Oh okay I see now. You're retarded.
>animal products aren't lacking them.
So you support my argument then.
>but you are not saying to eat muscle, fat, organs, stomach contents, brains, and bones... you are saying to only eat steak
I've done everything. Organs and all. Organs made zero noticeable difference and I'm definitely not dying. I'm fucking thriving. My diet is now Steak(which has a lot of fat), salt, and dairy if I want it for extra fat. I eat eggs sometimes. I eat ground beef/bacon sometimes. Depends on the day but it's mostly steak, butter, salt, water.

There's plenty of evidence out there if you look for it. I'm done spoonfeeding mentally ill 12 year olds though see ya

>> No.57794502

Lots of people tell you to eat 1g/lb though, which isn't going to hurt you but is a fair bit more than you really need.

>> No.57794511

I weight 165 lbs, eat about 1-2lbs a day.

>> No.57794534

i just ate like 1000 cals of walnuts last night and i do feel slightly inflamed, the worst nuts for me are like almonds

>> No.57794571
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Buying into satoshisync IDO sorry I dont participate in real life activities because I hate society

>> No.57794645

You ate 5.5 servings of walnuts? Kys

>> No.57794810

Dude. Too far man, too far. Not cool. Invest in almonds, bro.

>> No.57794860
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Keep it /biz/ related. Thank you.

>> No.57795490
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Muh caliente amigo

>> No.57796154

i like this
t. mexican