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57790031 No.57790031 [Reply] [Original]

We will gonna make it this time!

>> No.57790054

The massive amount of FUD is unironically making me bullish. I'm 300 piss away from 1000 and I'm scared I won't make it in time.

>> No.57790496

2 more weeks fellow pisscels

>> No.57790513

>we will gonna make it
i knew all icp posters were indian

>> No.57790532

did you buyed anon?

>> No.57790555

i dont buy scams sorry ranjesh

>> No.57790707

Based and redpilled!

Fucking THIS. Chuds don't realize that fud is bullish!

Hell yeah anon!

FUD is bullish, chud!

I buyed a LOT!

Not checked trips of LIES unbased anon! Nice script
>.01 AVAX has been deposited in your wallet for 1 (you)

We're all gonna make it giga based ICP chads! Join the ICP brigade today and HODL the line against the ICP FUD!
Best tech, best coin, best community, best memes!
Captcha: ICP100X kek and Google agree we all will win!

>> No.57790785

I'm happy we mentally broke someone by absolutely doing nothing

>> No.57790862
File: 91 KB, 1280x843, A457650C-71C8-4309-98DF-B47F84178355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao yeah this fucking broken-brained faggot appears in every icp thread. imagine being that committed to such a gay, unfunny bit just to try to fud bags

>> No.57790868
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Don't worry I think you'll make it. We've still got a couple months before vet keys are supposed to be done and utopia has a bit as well.

>> No.57790894
File: 1009 KB, 1242x932, 828BA6FB-0BCB-4A33-A6B6-02F3D647F78C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Billions must seethe

>> No.57790938

icy piss is literally underperforming considering the market, faggot, but well, I hold super I can't talk much

>> No.57790956

You have until November to buy before it takes off. Should be high 3 digits towards end of 2025

>> No.57790971

I want to belieeeeeeve

>> No.57791075

Please stop I can only get so erect

>> No.57792125

funny, im 250 away from 2000 and im scared too nigga

>> No.57793618 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 575x620, 1709000003308130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made more with super in a few months than i ever did with icy pee in like two years.

>> No.57793700
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I bought $BBL after I tethered my useless $ICP. Your response?