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File: 312 KB, 750x997, IMG_0221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57787055 No.57787055 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57787081
File: 402 KB, 750x976, IMG_0222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r/buttcoin just brought out the metrics. How did we not think of this? Someone please warn Saylor

>> No.57787107

You guys are using sock puppet accounts to keep the FUD going strong there right? We cannot have any chance of reddit normies figuring it out.

>> No.57787123

an entire reddit dedicated to posting masochistically when the price goes up... just... really weird

>> No.57787132

I don't get why they're so angry.

>> No.57787148

Mr Saylor, sir, sell EVERYTHING!!!

>> No.57787150
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>Trillions in institutional money.

This little faggot better clench his anus. You don't want to be the last man to the lifeboats.

>> No.57787149


LMAO, these fags have never traded and have no idea how indicators work.

>> No.57787157

Not on my charts, but I heard that Blackrock's new crypto ETF was a rug pull by the company. The bought coins, then offered coins as an investment, then pull their own coins. When Blackrock started to cash out, they froze coinbase so retail couldn't. Devious yes?

>> No.57787174

And they are right.

>> No.57787196

Delusionalists of the highest order, maybe autistic

They have their opinion about it being a scam and cant for the love of god admit they are maybe wrong, or at least acknowledge its success, this together with jealousness over other peoples profit generates lots of seethe lol

These people know crypto better than some people on here but cant go against their little white knight in their head still making money with it

>> No.57787219

they're absolutely insane, not the kind of people I'd want my kids around, or their kids around mine.

>> No.57787227

I think a lot of them are just bitter people. Probably tech or reddit types who thought they were smart but missed Bitcoin (while mocking it the whole way up). They can't accept they were wrong about crypto, so instead they keep trying to come up with reasons why they were actually right and will have the last laugh. But the reality is that they've already lost.

>> No.57787235

Global government has ""blackrock"" buy up Bitcoin and give IOUs to grandma and grandpa and Bitcoiners celebrate this.

>> No.57787269

Reddit is full of people that, in the face of ever mounting information pointing towards the reality of any given topic, they will manage to invert that reality while becoming increasingly angry that you also will not adopt their inverted view.

It's quite magical to witness, and it's also hard to feel bad for them when reality hits them like a baseball bat to the melon.

>> No.57787271

This is absolutely the case. They have done for years with every other asset including cash itself.

>> No.57787282

they make money from ETF fees, not selling coins, this shit is delusional from people who don't understand how ETFs work
IBIT is already like in the top 3 of most traded ETFs if they keep that up that money is insane compared to what they could get by a rug pull.

>> No.57787297

Custodial wallets have been doxxed, dullard.

>> No.57787333

Yeah. And even when they accept they were wrong about it being a great investment, they try switching to
>"well I'm more moral than you for not buying crypto, crypto is a scam/destroys the environment/whatever"
They need to maintain that sense of superiority somehow.

>> No.57787335

Oy vey someone should tell them this is an anti-Semitic conspiracy

>> No.57787362

Why not both???

>> No.57787374

Did coinbase admit this? Who did it?

>> No.57787440

Checked and blessed

>> No.57787447

A ton of them probably invested their entire 401ks into GME and instead of seeing double or triple their money back with crypto they watched it wither and die. I have a brother in law like this, he keeps pestering me because I made the mistake of talking about crypto once years ago when he went $150K into GME. His entire life savings + second mortgage. He leveraged everything, sold everything thinking one GME would be worth $1T. Like why not just buy 10 and be done if you really think that? Instead he watched that money turn into probably $20k-30k now while the crypto wave is surging again. Diamond hands, apes! I’m sure it hurts but that’s why you don’t join a cult and don’t browse Reddit. He’s definitely bitter and likes to mock crypto as a result. Crypto is a complete scam too but it’s a profitable scam with at least some level of skill and intelligence required to play. He bought a $150k scratch off ticket

>> No.57787464

Arkham. Literally all the ETFs have been doxxed

>> No.57787483

BTC is the opposite of a scam, it's the fairest game the world has ever seen

>> No.57787520

And that's what makes me horny for it

>> No.57787606

a lot of crypto is a scam, but Bitcoin is not. Quite the opposite, its actually the answer to the real scam ponzi which is FIAT money

>> No.57787668

I’m not a very knowledgeable person to even make claims like it’s a complete scam, honestly. I just always have to make concessions like that when talking to GME people (it’s more than just the one guy) in order to not make them mald. That’s why I don’t talk about crypto with people IRL, in addition to honestly not being very present in the space generally.

>> No.57787691

I really love watching these retards fellate themselves while continuing to get poorer.

While I generally understand that these faggots just sort of see the state as a kind of god, it boggles my mind the way they can call Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme while swearing by a system that literally, actually just prints out money and hands it to the people at the top while letting the morons at the bottom absorb the costs.

>> No.57787713

don't spill the beans

>> No.57787748

This is a bottom signal.

>> No.57787836

it's amusing watching them run down the copelist in real time
>crypto is a scam and it's going to 0
>okay it's going up but good luck picking the right coins that won't rug
>okay you picked the right coins but good luck safe guarding your gains from phishers and hackers
>okay you kept your coins safe but good luck finding an exchange that will actually let you cash out
>okay you cashed out but you took someone else's money so it was immoral also you just got lucky

>> No.57787842

Yeah, it's just amusing given they themselves are aware of how much bullshit goes on in the stock market yet turn up their noses at an actual transparent fair game
Normies accept things at face value, when an oligarch says something ridiculous like "monetary expansion is necessary to confiscate wealth from the elite" they believe it despite it being the literal opposite, monetary expansion being the mechanism behind oligarchical parasitism.

>> No.57787891
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I'll explain.

They are TERRIFIED. Terrified that they might have missed their only chance to escape the rat race. Terrified that they'll have to wage forever while in addition feeling too stupid to understand BTC and too cowardly to invest in it.

Naturally, they don't want to believe that they missed their ONLY chance. They don't want to feel stupid and cowardly. So what do they do? They make up a rationalization, a justification that seems rational, on the surface, even though it really isn't.

That razionalization is: all crypto is a scam.

By believing this mantra and chanting it to themselves and to each other, they can tell themselves that their flaws are actually virtues. Their cowardice and stupidity become intelligence and shrewdness, because they allowed them to avoid the scam. By doing nothing at all, the nocoiner gets to feel better than his betters.

But it doesn't work forever, of course. It becomes increasingly harder to brag about missing the best investment in the history of man. Every green dildo on BTC's chart is a dildo up their ass. Their chanting becomes less and less confident, and therefore more and more panicked and vicious.

The nocoiner can feel it. He's stupid, but he has instincts. He can feel the noose tying around his neck. He's starting to realize that he fucked himself over, that he had 15 years of chances, and missed every single one.
Soon, only the rope will remain. And there will be peace for all.

>> No.57787931

because they are leftist vaxxie no-coiners and they just hate non-leftist pureblood coiners

its pure hate.

>> No.57787940

Weird pic related anon,
Jews love bitcoin

>> No.57787950

its completely insane. I wonder what would happen if normies suddenly realized what's actually going on... like right now they are kind of aware they're getting poorer all the time, but they don't understand why. So I suppose they just kinda keep grinding and regurgitating the propaganda they are force fed hoping against all hope that things will improve. What if they suddenly understood how badly the people at the top are shitting on all of us? Like literally you have financial institutions playing the casino with people's money, getting ridiculously rich and bailed out by the government thanks to money printed out of thin air when they get fucked. Would they revolt or just meekly take it?

>> No.57787954

This, Jews are based

>> No.57787979

>bitcoin is a ponzi
>dude just invest in a mutual fund with a 6% annual return while central banker jews debase the currency by 20% lmao

I pity them because they can't even acknowledge the problems that bitcoin is fixing because it's antisemitic wrongthink to them. They're still stuck thinking bitcoin is just meant for normies to buy coffee at starbucks without a middleman.

>> No.57787989
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>Would they revolt or just meekly take it?

>> No.57787996

jews love everything that gives them profit. Bitcoin is the trojan horse that chokes them from within and it's absolutely genius. Something more direct like monero would've never worked

>> No.57788029

The irony is that, in my view, Hell is locked from the inside. Getting into BTC now is still a viable (and the best and most honest) means of building wealth over time and resisting the elites.

But because their handlers told them inflation is necessary, and because they missed their chance to get rich extremely quickly, they just sort of drag each other down while acting disgustingly sanctimonious about it.

>> No.57788074

They're shit people utterly devoid of humility. They cannot admit when they're wrong, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. They deserve no pity. Only mockery.

>> No.57788232
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>> No.57788248

this pasta is forever engraved on IPFS

>> No.57788260


Reddit is full of people that "did the right thing" their whole life. They turned in their homework on time, they went to bed at curfew, they ate their vegetables, and now that they're adults they put money into their 401k, get an annual physical, and follow all the social rules about what you're supposed to think and do. But they haven't been rewarded for it. The implicit agreement for "doing the right thing" is that you will be rewarded for it down the line, and people who don't do the right thing will be punished. And naturally this sort of compliance leads to very mediocre people. They aren't rich, they didn't get the girl, they aren't cool. When they see people succeeding by doing the opposite of what they sacrificed to do, it angers and confuses them. It's not right that we should make money on shit coins, when they are struggling to pay their college debt. It wasn't fair that PUA guys got pussy when theres a nice guy redditor waiting to hold the door and pay for dinner after youre done fucking her.

Getting rich off of crypto isn't supposed to be how it works. You're supposed to do your homework, go to a good college, get a good job, and slowly pay off all your debt and a 30 year mortgage so you can retire at 65. To them, we're cheating and we should be punished for it.

>> No.57788272


Their strategy in life is compliance. Thats what they do in every aspect of life, look for authority and comply with authority. They believe if they comply hard enough, they'll be rewarded for it. So whenever anyone doesn't comply and they get rewarded for non compliance, it causes cognitive dissonance, envy, and anger.

Everyone has heard of the fight or flight reflex to danger. But not as many know there is a third strategy called "freeze". Rabits and other prey animals have an instinct to freeze when they are in danger in the hopes that by being very very still the predator will overlook them. Thats what redditors are, they're prey animals that freeze in the hopes that the hawk will take a different rabbit and leave them alone.

>> No.57788327

we can see the cold storage wallets, retard
it's a transparent ledger, did you fucking forget?
your grandpa's computer can AUDIT the entire fucking chain
your fucking phone can

>> No.57788370
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>> No.57788409

Not sure if this is a copypasta but it's pretty spot on.

>> No.57788520

sunken cost fallacy + autistic obssession.

These are people that either downplayed crypto back when BTC was cheap or bag holded hard in one of the previous corrections.

They cope by saying that people who get involved in crypto will lose money.

There is also the goverment shills that understand the threat to fiat and the welfare system that crypto imposes. They are afraid that their gibs and UBI won't be possible in a BTC/ETH/Monero system.

>> No.57788564

they are jealous of people becoming giga rich off crypto and are coping

>> No.57788630

That sub is reddit incarnate
Impotent, sanctimonius little cucks watching from the sidelines as the bull fucks.

>> No.57788687
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retards in beoble keep buying, they gonna get fucked so hard

>> No.57788707

kek this is so accurate

>> No.57788735

it's sanctimonious

>> No.57788814

it is copypasta

>> No.57788899

These guys are just the personification of German risk aversity.
If you make money you just got lucky
If you loose money they knew all along

>> No.57789175


lmao there's an entire subreddit for seething midwit redditors to cry their eyes out over crypto cos they missed out?
jesus wept, some people would rather cope their entire lives than just have sex.

>> No.57789392


Its going to chop at a tight range sideways losing almost no gains, which will reset the RSI over the next month, and in the mean time alt season will ensue.

Congrats all your dreams are coming true.

>> No.57789424

r/buttcoin is apparently about as old as bitcoin itself

which is pretty pitiful, since they could have thrown some pocket change at it and been millionaires today

>> No.57789495

I am esl

>> No.57789842

Checked but how is this "German"? Are you a jew, anon?

>> No.57790254
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It's easy to understand why they're like this
Redditors are all those loser kids who weren't cool or popular in school so they spend the entirety of their adult lives trying to get validation from inane shite on the internet
Outside of a few niche subreddits, everything about the way reddit is structured is designed to appeal to the fragile egos of deeply insecure midwit nerd losers

Crypto is for the "chad nerds" who actually made it and are winners. This breaks the incel redditor mind because crypto represents everything they're not but have always seen themselves as being.

>> No.57790385

A LOT of Gen X and older Millennials are fucking stuck in this mindset. We were breed to be paypigs to the rich and we should accept to be slaughtered by them through taxes or whatever they think off that makes our live miserable. I know people that broke rules, got into fights and even bullied me, now they're successful businessmen, one is a model, a few guys are in different countries doing actual real work and I'm here somebody who was told by my parents to always follow the rules rather go with my gut, I am in debt, haven't had a girlfriend in 15 years, and still living with them cause no matter how much I want to do something that is on my own prerogative, since I'm struggling, I have to live with them and to follow their rules or risk being thrown in the street with nothing to my name. The only way to break this is if fucking make it in crypto at this point and fucking move half way around the planet where I can use my gains and live the rich life for the rest of my life away from them. I don't even tell them I have crypto cause like this shit says, they would seethe if they find out I got rich off internet money and not by work 70 hours a day like a slave like them.

>> No.57790542

>We were bred to be paypigs to the rich
>the rich
Hold your horses, Marx. The word you're looking for is jew. The tribe that benefits from the Cantillon Effect, that gets bailed out every time their business goes bankrupt and its deemed too big to fail, the tribe that can fund forever wars by debasing and diluting your currency. That's the "rich" you're speaking of, and that's mostly people in governmental positions who have the power of manipulating the money supply.

Bitcoin fixes this because bitcoin separates money from state. No federal reserve jew would be able to print up 2 million new bitcoins making yours be worth less. Just as how separating church from state was necessary to free society from all-powerful figureheads, separating money from state is necessary to free society from the grasp of the merchants.

>> No.57790614

Rich, Jew, Niggers with money, they're the same, they have all the money.

>> No.57790648
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jidf kike damage control. Reminder that bitcoin is fundamentally antisemitic and picrel was embedded into the genesis block

>> No.57790660

Based. Heil Bitcoin, death to israel!

>> No.57790700

Agreed. My gripe is just that people who say "the rich" somehow always end up with the solution of more governmental intervention and redistribution of wealth, instead of actually stripping away governmental power from the same rich jews who let this happen in the first place.

>> No.57790784

>"Bitcoin? nah im too smart for that"
What do you mean chud?,btc has no value cuz doens't exist in the real world you are literaly buying air .Haha i avoided this ponzi crypto"currency" scam
Wait,why is it reaching 1mill? QUIT HAVING FUN!

>> No.57790846

>14 days RSI 88

>> No.57790871

everytime I see posts from this place, it reminds me that they are truly mentally ill, considering they OBSESS in an extreme way about something they hate, I think they will end badly which is kind of funny; I don't think they're innocent, probably the parasites of this world

nice word, thanks

>> No.57790905
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>> No.57790919
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leftists are severely mentally ill

>> No.57790934

BTC is for the whales. It's too slow. Smaller coins will take over as "the coins of the people" and whales will start dumping BTC. Just find a smaller, relatively cheap coin that is recognisable with the normies and hodl onto it.

>> No.57790977

not too slow, to get something faster you need tradeoffs, which are not worth it because its undermine important properties, there's ways to make instant bitcoin transactions still

>> No.57790989

Retarded newbie take. It's a final settlement layer.
Any other "relatively cheap coin" if reached bitcoin's usage would have 10x the fees. Fucking hell just look at ethereum today at one quarter of bitcoin's size. Of course dead chains cost pennies to transact with. Because nobody fucking uses them.
Bitcoin's purpose is replacing FedWire and gold, not Visa (that's going to be the Lightning Network). You don't send a wire transfer to starbucks for a coffee, do you?

>> No.57791142

stalking charts for stuff you're invested in is one thing, imagine stalking charts for stuff you're specifically against investing in

>> No.57791348

>When Blackrock started to cash out, they froze coinbase so retail couldn't. Devious yes?
Use your brain. That doesn't make any sense. Coinbase being frozen dropped btc's price more than Blackrock selling would. Why not just sell silently? There would not be an immediate drop in price.

Also, you really don't know what you're talking about because what you said made no sense because you're describing a double rug pull which is nonsensical.

Let's say Blackrock planned a rug pull operation. How would it go? They buy btc in advance of the etf then they offload their bags to retail etf buyers. At the etf came out, they would have already sold their bags so why would they need to pull another rug pull operation? Their bags couldn't be more than a few tens of billions of dollars because the blockchain is publicly visible and there were no mega wallets totally more than a hundred billion created in the last few months. Also, btc has gone up since the etfs came out so if they really did this rug pull operation, they would have been the losers of that trade.

I would tell you to use your brain again but you probably don't have one.

>> No.57791442

Also, the most likely explanation for what happened is much more simple and actually makes sense.

Either Coinbase was telling the truth about a technical snafu dues to high load (which I doubt because although there have been many brokerages with website stalls during crashes, there have never been stalls due to all time highs and we're not even at a new all time high. Look at google searches for bitcoin- no where near all time highs).


Coinbase is running out of coins to sell to ETFs. They intentionally performed the glitch to get suckers to liquidate thus snapping up btc at lower than normal prices. They will then just sell these btc at retail prices to the ETFs. They could easily make a few hundred million this way in pure profit or even billions if they were really brazen. SEC should investigate the fuck out of this but they won't because they were neutered decades ago. In this scenario, retail are the donors, Blackrock is actually the bagholder, and Coinbase is the mastermind and winner.

>> No.57791482
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pure blooded hands wrote this

>> No.57791765
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r/Buttcoin was originally created in 2013 to make fun of nocoiners, but redditors being absolute turbo normies they started to take the sub at face value.
Now it's the place where crypto whales go to watch nocoiners missing out again and again, it's a kink.

>> No.57791927
File: 6 KB, 250x241, 1616330281333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>r/buttcoin - 172k users
>r/bitcoin - 6.2m users
Bitcoin is reddit

>> No.57793032

because its illegal and could cost them more than any profit from fees. blackrock doesnt need to do little gotcha things like dumping coins for "fake" bitcoins.

>> No.57793054

holy shit buy

>> No.57793151

thanks, sold market sold all my bitcoin

>> No.57793161

Mr Saylor, sir, give me some of your Bitcoin please!

>> No.57793724

im far from a whale and the reddit i browse the must is buttcoin just to laugh at them

>> No.57794392

Based energy

>> No.57794458

You have to neighbor Germany to understand.

>> No.57794520

people will make fun of bittcoiners but then go all in on altcoins and believe bitcoin is going to get replaced by something else

>> No.57794521

You're giving into facile otherings here.
Not everybody in crypto shares your exact bad takes and mental illnesses, nor does every nocoiner agree with each others on all other matters.

For example, I'm a leftist "vaxxie" bitcoiner, to borrow your pleasant terminology.
Similarly, If you look within the set of people that believe getting vaccinated makes spoons stick to you and improve 5G signals, you will find plenty of nocoiners.

>> No.57794531

I saw on twitter that balances on Bitvavo went to 0 on the same day but earlier during 'maintenance'. Coincidence?

>> No.57794565
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wcdonalds token is the future of food

>> No.57795303

To be fair, everything you like is reddit using these standards

>> No.57795489
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>calling steak jewish with his meme
>totally plebbit tier take
ERROR 500 when you go to cash out

>> No.57795571
File: 12 KB, 555x201, 2024-03-01 22_17_25-A year ago today, people paid $700 per bitcoin. _ r_Buttcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57795610

Yep, you nailed it.

>> No.57795677

Don't get too impressed by their subscriber numbers.
Their numbers of daily active users are much much smaller.

>> No.57795747
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>> No.57795769

I would literally kill myself If i knew about bitcoin when it was $300 and instead of buying spent my time circle jerking with other faggots on reddit

>> No.57795793
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>> No.57795823
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If you're wondering how he's holding up...

>> No.57795828
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listen here you fat bastard stop yapping and go ask mommy for some tendies while us chads pump wcdonalds token (ticker: wcd) to the moon

>> No.57795876
File: 163 KB, 1200x802, monk-Sarom-Nhor-daily-meditation-Varin-Prek-Leab-monastery_tcm18-350838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had tons of bitcoin
>lost a bunch on mtgox
>sold a bunch for a pizza
>only have a few thousand bucks worth now
I'm still very happy for anons who made it because they believed in bitcoin.

>> No.57796052

Ironically enough, it seems obvious to me that the entire "culture" of GME baggies was straight ripped off from crypto bros, whether most of them realize it or not. I mean most wouldn't know this because you would have to be an oldfag to reflect on how such internet conversations evolved over time and realize it. By "culture" I mean the very notion of an "anti-establishment investment" coupled with all the meme talk. That shit first came from bitcoiners, then altcoiners used it to affinity-bias market to those bitcoiners who were enjoying gains. Then non-crypto groups like GME and silverfags adopted it later just as successful tactics. The ground is so fertile for it just from the sheer desperation people have of escaping the fiat hamster wheel. But as a bitcoiner I'm obviously biased to say the revolutionary attitude actually had and still has merit for us. As a relatively slow motion experiment still unfolding to change the world over time with its incentives, its still very compelling. Whereas with most other later copycats its just nihilistic con artistry and watered down nonsense to light up random latecomer normie brains like a slot machine game would.

>> No.57796087

Thanks. I respect you for not being just another base and resentful crab-in-the-bucket about it. We all have our regrets and missteps with such things.

>> No.57796164
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It's hard not to be consumed by regret, it really is. But being mad at people who shared my hopes for Bitcoin/crypto in general is obviously not productive.

My big fear right now is just that Bitcoin will end up captured by the same shitheads ruining everything. Won't do much good if a bunch of early believers just get bought out by BlackRock and the tech ends up not helping anyone.

I'm a huge fan of Monero but that's obviously not designed to make me any money. You think I should FOMO into some crap like Solana to make money this cycle?

>> No.57796168

is he implying that's a h&s?

>> No.57796575
File: 32 KB, 699x367, You Live. You Learn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wonder why Gemini and Celsius worked something out real quick. interesting timing. There's always a fall guy though. Out of blue will be another Sam Bankman patsy to cause it all to collapse again. Lots of newfags will get crushed like they do every huge pump at the top, but i guess it's a lesson we as oldfags all profit off of. a lot of us oldfags have been there / lost that lol

>> No.57796603

Have you not gone all in yet??

>> No.57796640

Those faggots are in FOMO right now

>> No.57796966

It's mooming because ETFs are eating up supply

>> No.57797085

I can't wait to watch the reaction when the gibs run out. I have already written off any hope for a social security pension in the next 35 years. Gotta keep growing my own pension fund.

>> No.57797619

>pull their own coins. When Blackrock started to cash out
Anon are you a buttoiner? That's an impressively poor understanding of ETFs. It's trad finance and it's regulated up the ass, they have to be fully backed at all times or they're getting raped. This isn't a shady guy in a basement doing rugpulls
Coinbase are scammers just like the rest of CEXes. They rug their users all the time as they trade against them. It doesn't need to be a bigger conspiracy than that, it's just that simple

>> No.57797747

I assumed most of the posters there were just BTC holders trolling lmao

>> No.57797777

remember when they took over USDC cash management and had to get the fed to bail them out within a few months

>> No.57797798
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Hmmm: >>57777777


>> No.57797956

interesting... and both are 7s which makes it even weirder.

>> No.57798015

how deep does it go?


>> No.57798614

we are dealing with a worldwide cult of mentally ill people who can now band together on the internet to reinforce each other. they come in more than one flavor too. God save the human race, the Internet may be the Great Filter.

>> No.57798668

>They have their opinion about it being a scam and cant for the love of god admit they are maybe wrong
The price going up doesn't mean it isn't a scam, just that it's a very successful scam.

>> No.57798889
File: 294 KB, 625x605, bitcoin-comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did tulip bubbles recover time and time again after crashing? is there a centralized figure behind bitcoin scamming others? Have fun staying poor.

>> No.57799036

There's never been a ponzi like bitcoin. It's a unique scam.
Just ask yourself, what does bitcoin actually produce? What human need does it meet? The answer is nothing. It's a speculative asset bought by retards in order to sell to bigger retards.

>> No.57799114
File: 156 KB, 1427x1070, LMAO newfags can't do the desu!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brah, WcDonald's brown paper bag mangas don't even read from right to left like a proper manga. gomenasai, it's over for them and your baka shitcoin

>> No.57799153

What did seashells in pre-colonial societies produce? Even for gold utility accounts for less than 15% of its demand. If utility or production is all that matters why isn't silver, silicone, aluminium, palladium dwarfing gold? If utility is what matters why weren't people hording chuck e cheese tokens? In restricted economies like prisons do you think people trading in cigarettes smoke it? Even sci-fi currencies are things with zero use case like bottlecaps. What human need does a piece of paper meet? Why aren't humans just exchanging MacBooks or loaves of bread instead?
You lack a fundamental understanding of what money is. What hard money is. Enjoy staying poor.

>> No.57799217

God cryptofaggots are such uneducated morons. It's like talking to cult members.
Currencies have value because they allow people who otherwise wouldn't be able to trade in a barter system, easily trade with each other. How much actual trade is done with bitcoin? What problems (actual problems, not imaginary ones in your head) does it solve? Zero is the answer.
You have no idea what you're talking about, you just bought some internet funny money and shill it wherever you can because you want to get rich quick. I'll enjoy watching you subhumans lose everything.

>> No.57799232

> jealousness
Stopped reading

>> No.57799234

>Currencies have value because they allow people who otherwise wouldn't be able to trade in a barter system, easily trade with each other
That's what bitcoin fixes you absolute mongoloid. It's replacing the wire transfer system and gold. It's not aiming to replace the Visa, which is a layer 2 built on top of FedWire. That's the job of lightning network.
Fiat itself is just funnymoney, and since you mostly already transact with it digitally, it's digital funny money that can be debased at the whims of the central bankers for bailouts, forever-wars. Bitcoin separates money from state.
The problem with you is, that you don't even have a clue about the existing problem that Bitcoin is fixing. No, it's not replacing the middleman between you and starbucks you faggot. It's much deeper.

>> No.57799247

>That's what bitcoin fixes
Bitcoin doesn't fix or replace shit. It's slow as fuck and hugely wasteful. After more than 15 years almost nothing is traded with it and no problems have been fixed by it.

>> No.57799252

It's the best way to carry your wealth across any border in the world. Go on, name a better one
>inb4 heh just use a bank transfer
No I mean every border, in every situation, even during a war, which is exactly when you'll want to cross the border with all your wealth in the first place.

>> No.57799270

>slow as fuck
You're comparing a final settlement layer to layer 2 and layer 3 solutions like a retard.
>It's hugely wasteful
It's the most efficient it's ever been. It's lightyears more efficient than tradfi. You have no clue, you didn't look into it, and you regurgitate 2017 era fud to feel better about being a nocoiner.

>> No.57799271

>It's the best way to carry your wealth
Circular reasoning. You assume it has value and then claim it has value because you can use it to move wealth. The only reason there's a market for bitcoin in many countries is the millions of people speculating that the price will go up. What's left if you take that away? Nothing.

>> No.57799282

What's left if anyone suddenly decides gold is worth nothing? It drops to it's utility value which is about 50 bucks per troy ounce. What's left if anyone suddenly decides paper money backed by jack shit is worth nothing? Hyperinflation (which we're already seeing). Your argument can be applied to anything in the world. Any asset or currency is only as valuable as the free market deems it to be.

>> No.57799293
File: 832 KB, 680x881, 1698971142640831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's honesty fascinating watching the midwits fail time and time again to understand Money, it would appear that an IQ of 115-120 is necessary to grok it, the (rather basic) abstraction is shockingly beyond the 100 IQ set, thankfully economic solutions do not require the pleb to understand to acquiesce.

>> No.57799305

I asked you to name a better way to carry your wealth across a border. Go on, name it. If you can't, there's your use case.
>Circular reasoning
Exactly, it only works because people see the value of the use case that I just described. People understand how valuable the properties of btc are and that gives it monetary value.

There's actually a lot of problems with btc and a lot of ways to criticize it but you buttcoiners just don't know enough about it to have a meaningful conversation. Lack a use case isn't a problem, lack of fungibility is and you people never bring it up because it's not retarded enough of a problem for you. You can only latch on to retarded bullshit

>> No.57799306

But the price has gone up. Even if you remove the insane spikes in the bull runs the trend is continuously up.
Plus for something to have value it only requires two people to agree the one selling and the one buying. By your own admission it is currently millions.

>> No.57799322

Are you seriously claiming proof of work is more efficient than traditional methods? Most cryptotards aren't this delusional.
>It drops to it's utility
Exactly. Gold has some utility so it will always be worth something, as evidenced by at least 3000 years of human history. I'm not sure where you're getting that 50 bucks per troy ounce figure though. Very few people speculate on the value of gold and it's mostly used as a store of value. How many people would still buy bitcoin if the price remained constant? That's the difference. People don't expect gold to produce value, just to hold it.

>> No.57799353
File: 330 KB, 1200x628, Purchasing-Power-of-the-US-Dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many people would still buy bitcoin if the price remained constant
Retard, the aim with bitcoin is to get the price to stay constant. Bitcoin is getting appreciated fast because it's tracked in USD which is losing value fast. People just simply want a form of currency that holds its purchasing power long term. If you hold USD to pass it down to your kids, by the time they're adults it will be worth nothing. That's why people resort to swapping it into scarce goods like real estate (which is why aspiring homeowners are priced out) because fiat is just unstable hot potatoes money that you want to get rid of as soon as you don't have to transact with. Bitcoin fixes this. It's going up for now because it's an opportune time since many retards like you haven't realized it's sole purpose yet, so those who do can frontrun idiots like you. The high IQ people benefit from this, but in the long run when the USD is crashed bitcoin will serve a single purpose and that is just to preserve its purchasing power since no federal reserve deepstate person can print out new bitcoins to fund their own goals (whether that's bailouts, wars, or other programmes)

>> No.57799374

>Exactly, it only works because people see the value of the use case that I just described
You think the average cryptofaggot thinks about the properties of bitcoin before deciding to buy? They see line going up and YOLO in, nothing more. The "value" that bitcoin (and every other memecoin for that matter) has right now is 99.9% speculation. What do you think will happen when the retard money runs out, as all finite things do, and the line stops going up? How many people are worried about carrying their wealth across borders with little notice to prop up a market for bitcoin?
Absolutely delusional.
>muh fud
>muh deepstate
>muh central bankers
>muh inflation
I might as well try to explain basic economics to a dog. It's pointless.

>> No.57799392

Are central bankers not debasing the currency by printing more of it whenever they want to bailout too big to fail institutions? Is inflation not an issue?
You have zero clue what problems even exist, much less any clue about the solution to those. I'm already feeling schadenfreude in seeing you getting poorer.

>> No.57799427

If you don't understand why a small bit of inflation is actually good for the economy then I can't help you.

>> No.57799439

I thought this was a scam? Why do they need anything else if it's a scam?

>> No.57799446
File: 4 KB, 299x168, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't understand why a small bit of inflation is actually good for the economy then I can't help you
THERE IT IS. The final form of the fiatcuck rears its ugly head. AHAHAHAHAHAHA
Please continue holding fiat. The inflation is very good for you. Lmfao

>> No.57799564
File: 79 KB, 635x831, 1709285215101102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very astute until the last paragraph which doesn't make any sense in context of crypto.

>> No.57799735

See for example Reddit's love of troons.
Post a single mocking comment about "he/she/it" and get your account nuked.

>> No.57800486
File: 43 KB, 960x720, 1689805750224979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck this is gold

>> No.57800497

Cry more incel

>> No.57800577


>> No.57800647

it does. staying sidelined through years with 0% allocation towards crypto is the 'freeze' response. they arent shorting the ponzi to zero, they're not buying, they're simply frozen with indecision waiting for it to hit 0 so they can finally say "heh, i told you so"

>> No.57800678

Imagine being wrong and doubling down like 4 times only to be proven wrong again over and over. admitting they were wrong would mentally break them at this point, this opinion has become a part of them.

>> No.57800721

The cope is too strong for midwits. They've formed their entire identity and world view around groupthink establishment narratives. Admitting they were wrong would mean their sense of self would disintegrate.
Pretty much everything NPCs believe is an array of coping mechanisms based on psychological needs. They don't have a coherent value system built on life experience and introspection like we do.

>> No.57800786

Kek if they had bought BTC when that sub was created and sold at any point in 2023 they would've made a fuck ton of money

>> No.57801971

>what does bitcoin actually produce
peer-to-peer PayPal
>inb4 "oh miner oligopoly can fuck with it"
this failure mode does not invalidate the utility of the original idea; I already use Monero et. al to buy things online because Bitcoin doesn't have privacy protection but BTC is the original cryptocurrency and for that reason it will stay the market leader unless it is actively undermined.

Maybe that'll happen in the future and everyone'll move to a different cryptocurrency but it hasn't happened yet.

>> No.57802007

Yeah but who or what is the predator in this situation?

>> No.57802026

Its also who they are being wrong against. They've consistently, repeatedly, over the course of a decade, been wronger than a collection of lets be fair, deranged libertarian mentalists and YOLO retards.

>> No.57802777

1488 brothers