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57780807 No.57780807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57780820

Both of these women are ugly, the one on the right would have a strong chin and jaw after a strict exercise regimen but the one on the left will always be an ugly chinless arab looking roastie who would've been a chud had she been born a male.

>> No.57780842

Oh no shiteye bros they're onto us

>> No.57780843

t. chinless jeet btw, I'm speaking from an unprivileged pov here and therefore am unbiased. obesity can be fixed, innate subhumanity cannon.

>> No.57780847

it's over shitskin eyed bros, feels bad being a manlet with brown eyes

>> No.57780859

6'2 so basically a manlet these days lol. Jeet so it's over before it began kek.

>> No.57780862


>> No.57780879

You jeets are either extremely anti-white or have intense self hatred (often both). Take better care of yourself man. Return to your Hindu roots and get into meditation.

>> No.57780920

I'm not self hating, I am definitely very sensitive though. But, my issue with pajeets is that there are too many of us, I don't think I would hate India or Indians if there were less of us and a eugenics program made us keep our country clean. I took a trip with my family to Singapore when I was younger and I was amazed at how they made chinks and indians who shit on the street back home into good, upstanding citizens by whipping them and sending them to jail for polluting the commons with their bodily fluids. Anti-white jeets are sad because its like a horde of ants trying to take down a lion imo.

>> No.57780925
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fuck off brownlet coper

>> No.57781030

Dude, ALL of them consider whites superior. The onest ones admit it, the others cover their inferiority complex with rage.

>arab looking roastie
That girl has pink skin and rosy cheeks, retard. She's nothing like a pajeeta.

>> No.57781062

It’s their extreme inferiority complex
It’s always manifest itself with extreme “pride”

>> No.57781085

Ok this jeet is kinda based you can come to USA as long as you poo in loo

>> No.57781101

no we don’t you weirdo we consider lighter Indians superior not lighter your race you narcissist. You’re not special you’re on an image board you’re a low class loser white. If we did worship them it surely wouldn’t be you board dweller

>> No.57781103

Lmao seethe shitskin. Brown eyes are irredeemably ugly and will cause ugly children. Even if that fat woman is doomed to skin flaps at best and remaining fat at worst, children with her may still be viable and not (may God forgive me for uttering this word) Indian.

>> No.57781139
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>> No.57781153 [DELETED] 
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>Dude, ALL of them consider whites superior. The onest ones admit it, the others cover their inferiority complex with rage.
Yh pretty much.

>Dude, ALL of them consider whites superior. The onest ones admit it, the others cover their inferiority complex with rage.
I do too, she's brown and so am I, anon.

>> No.57781162

See? Textbook inferiority complex response

>> No.57781174 [DELETED] 

>That girl has pink skin and rosy cheeks, retard. She's nothing like a pajeeta.
Meant to quote this one: I do too, she's brown and so am I, anon.

>> No.57781208

>you vs the girl he tells you not to worry about

But anyway, only BTC and ETH this cycle. I've learned my lesson with VC scams.

>> No.57781235

I don't know, I'm a bluepilled normie so I just bought from FET. Then I realized it's already in top 100 so I'm gonna keep holding it, but if any anons suggest other god AI tokens that would be helpful

>> No.57781374

thanks anon, any price prediction for RLC this bull?

>> No.57781455
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I have been trying to get into AGRS but accumulation was difficult as it didnt retrace as much as I wanted.

I hope they delay their testnet. So jeets sell off or something. Might not happen as most of their long term hodlers are probably dead.

>> No.57781752

Which one are you allocating to the most?

>> No.57781792

>ITT: gigachud virgins who won't never touch a woman (besides their mother)

>> No.57781813

RLC, top 200 coin which means more gains
$100 at least in my opinion, some people are calling for 500+ but that would require virality in the crtypto market

>> No.57781836

Cope meds took over the world

>> No.57782162


>> No.57782172

>this is how brownies cope
fucking kek

>> No.57782193

>blonde woman goes to india
>hordes of horny jeets surround her at any given notice
>blonde man goes to india
>offered free food by vendors, pictures taken, daughters offered
>brownoid goes to india
>nothing happens

>> No.57782225

FET will be a giant. You are smart to hold it for a while. Do not let jeets convince you to sell.
FET is the obvious one to hold.

>> No.57782261
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>comparing subhuman brownoid to a literal animal (fat cow)
Even the ugliest HUMAN ginger is prettier than that Jewess.

>> No.57782279

aint no way this man posted some bitch covered in doo doo stains

>> No.57782393

blue eyes are pretty but she's fucking ugly dude

>> No.57782466

Argocoin, AGC. Hasn't gone on a run yet. New to it, don't know much other than they're planning a lot, beginning in March.

>> No.57782516

I have 50$ bills for sale…only 100$. They’re going to be worth millions soon! Trust me.

>> No.57782702

is that white gorlock the destroyer?
In all seriousness i'm personally just going shitcoins related to presidents, since their campaings will eventually start anything that has some sort of relations to them will become popular/relevant, including or rather especially crypto
For example, there's this shitcoin called bigmike, right? It's all a schizo meltdown about how michelle obama is trans. As stupid as it sounds, they're doing rather okay, BUT when the elections start or even before that, it'll most likely pump HARD
so yeah, that's my overall recommendation, thanks for listening to my tedtalk

>> No.57783208

No one wants a woman with a manly chin

>> No.57783315

I have to say AGRS.
160M market cap, revolutionary product, tight market and not overhyped so the plebs still can discover it.

RLC is not an AI pure play and is in the crowded computation provider vertical. It works ok for now, but soon the limiting factor will be the latest and greatest AI Asics/LPUs (such as those from https://groq.com/ ) which will outcompete general-purpose GPUs.

FET is good but already at >1bn market cap and in top 70. It's alright I guess, but you're going to be limited by the amount of x you'll get out of it.

>> No.57783571

Only Turbo, still low mcap and potential of easily reaching 1 cent, most likely a dollar before Doge given the limited supply. Normy friendly owner, yet to be listed on all major exchanges. Tic toc…

>> No.57783580

All in GRT

>> No.57783637


But I'm also adding a mix of other based L1 gems like QANX and TRIAS my bag.

>> No.57784412


>> No.57784453

cope more jeet

>> No.57784476

The one on the right really has pretty eyes. Just that perfect colour of bright cold grey-blue.

>> No.57784481
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