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57778541 No.57778541 [Reply] [Original]

I made a bot that scrapes Uniswap and Pancakeswap for newly created tokens and checks whether they are honeypots, if they have large taxes, etc. I know two years ago these bots made absurd amount of profit.
However, at the moment the shitcoin casino seems to be entirely scams. Do you have the same impression? Do you think this will change later down the cycle? The idea is to make this bot profitable and develop a selling strategy once I have enough data. Then I could open a Telegram group and push new coins that are good. A win-win situation. Maybe develop a subscription for a trading bot based on these results. Not advertising that now though.

>> No.57778582

Come to Solana

>> No.57778597

Howd you make money back then on uniswap with eth fees so high?

Im assuming youd just look into the coin? you wouldnt auto buy it.

Or im guessing you just have additional checks that you arent sharing

>> No.57778627

If your bot can find non scam coins that it thinks will be profitable to buy. just use it yourself. why sell the info?

if you want to sell the info about wether or not a coin is bad just set up a site like the rest of the coin sniffers

>> No.57778655

Solana is not EVM compatible and would require a completely new bot. As it is I can extend the bot relatively easily to AVAX, FTM, MATIC, Optimism, Arbitrum..

I never used it on ETH, but BSC was profitable. And back then a lot of honeypots and scams were undetected.

Thats just something for further down the road. So far, it seems that there are only scam tokens. I have not been to the casino in a while, but is it this dire? Did I mess up anything in my bot?

>> No.57778668

What is your methodology for determining if something is a honey pot?

>> No.57778748
File: 2.38 MB, 300x250, plebbit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are asking this and ignoring plebbit on uniswap then are low IQ.
plebbit the world's first opensource, free to use, social media protocol with no https endpoints and scalability making it actually decentralized unlike federated alternatives or projects like steemit.
It also has NFT integration (for avatars) and ENS for resistant board names.
Plebbit will be used for tipping, curating the default feed in a DAO and voting on Dev issues in a DAO.
Given the importance of social, political and economic opinions and the need for people and special interests groups to curate public opinion, as plebbit increasingly gets adopted so will the token as people want to be on the default feed.

>> No.57778880

I use a contract I employed on the respective blockchain to simulate a transaction and use various APIs. For example you can query the BSCscan API for free to check if the token has an "owner" function and then you can check how many tokens the owner address has. You can do the same with LP and also check with 0x000.. and 0x0...dEad.

>> No.57778898

I’d rather get me some ocean and fun, those new plays are always a gamble, whilst established plays are a sure deal whenever bullrun happens

>> No.57778924


>> No.57779044

I don't know about moonarch, but tokensniffer APi costs a good chunk of money. honeypot.io is free.

Anyway. Does any anon have some luck with the casino lately?

>> No.57779077

I'm running an eth scanner as well but yeah I wasn't able to make it profitable so far. I would be interested in sharing some ideas if possible.

>> No.57779278

My bot pretty much exactly does what Tokensniffer does in realtime. I have two honeypot detectors that I use and if either has a problem I mark it as a scam. One is a contract on the blockchain I deployed myself and the other is the honeypot API.

I have some issues with Uniswap V3 because liquidity is split into pools. I was thinking instead of listening to .PairCreated (V2) and .PoolCreated events (V3) to listen to liquidity events (V2). But on V3 those are emitted by the pair contract. So I would have to detect new pools using the factory and then have dozens of open pair contracts listening to .mint events? Might run into bottlenecks here. How do you deal with that?

Also, what is your selling strategy? The scams that are not detected Tokensniffer labels as serial scammers. chatGPT can find these vulnerabilities in the contract code and you can pull verified contracts from the scan APIs, but that seems like a big added complexity. I'm thinking of either accepting the loss or looking into finding some overlaps with a library of known scam contracts.

Also do you use Python or JavaScript?

>> No.57779310

>why sell the info?
because the bot just finds coins. they only become profitable because he shares it. he'll become a shitcoin pusher.

>> No.57779327

It truly is entirely scams. I check fucking EVERYTHING, and one by one it’s all scams. I wish deep in my heart that jeets could be removed from this world. Like if that bald dude from end game could just snap his fingers and make them all disappear, it would make the world a much better place.

>> No.57779363

solana is a jeet scam network like bsc. only the most jeety of jeets want people to come to solana and shill that shit network. run along ranshit and go shill your solana scam coins somewhere else (100% of solana tokens are scams by brown poop jeets

>> No.57779367

Btw, if you’re interested in joining a group of other guys, we are going to start launching fair and auditable memecoins. One coin in particular I would love to have a bot that could give people alpha info.

>> No.57779383

jeets are the reason 98% of coins that come out are rugs and scams because jeets are the 2nd most soulless dishonest scum on the planet and only a worldwide purge of poopjeets will fix this problem.

>> No.57779405 [DELETED] 
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bro why would you even want to join all those losers lmao i got like 90k honey badger tokens so like im set for life you're like broke lol go get a job bro maybe that will teach you to get on my level scrub hoba is the future and im riding the gravy train all the way to your wife's bedroom maybe i'll take a piss on your lawn if i have to take a leak that way you'll know whats up

>> No.57779454

But how you deal with rugs? I believe you can't filter those out because new contracts almost never have locked liq in the first few minutes.
Also, I have a different approach, I'm finding dead or forgotten tokens which suddenly pump for some reason. I do find something that does x100 like I did with node ai, however there is just too much noise, some tokens would only pump like 10% and stop or go back to the previous price and so far I wasn't able to tell them apart.

>> No.57779457

Ive been wanting to make a dex arbitrage bot for a while and Im only interested in pools that have decent liquidity across multiple dexes
first step is to simply make the arb opportunity detector, but idk where to start

my question is, how do I request just the pools with the most liquidity on a given dex? say, the top 50 pools?
is there a REST API or websocket endpoint that will easily give me this info? is there a way to do it with ethers js just querying the contracts directly?
at the moment all I can think of is manually entering in the pools I want to monitor, or scraping the info/analytics page of the dex sites for their "top pairs" list
just give me an outline of what Id do and I can figure out the rest

>> No.57779498

oh btw, theres a lot of "legitimate" defi development happening on new L1/L2s such as mantle, base, mode, scroll, etc
look on defillama in the "chains" category and find some burgeoning EVM chains if you want to find things that arent scamcoins
probably a better signal to noise ratio too since theres less activity

>> No.57779552

Btw I use python but with a lot of help from gpt4

I run an eth node so I can fetch data in real time. Remote APIs I think would be too slow

>> No.57779617

>I run an eth node so I can fetch data in real time. Remote APIs I think would be too slow
I just meant fetching the top 50 pools once per session to establish a list of liquidity pools to monitor

>> No.57779750

It’s because they are too low iq to play the game and make real money.

>> No.57779920
File: 283 KB, 1024x1024, final form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use a vetted and already made project called Black Swan. Here's the thread about it on 4chan >>57778666

>> No.57780214

You could see if there are some statistical regularities. Maybe once they cross x% in y minutes they're likely to keep on going up. But I figure you don't have enough of these examples to do stats on them. How would you find these anyway?

That's a completely unrelated strategy.

>> No.57780514

Yo, I found one, it’s called Phil and Friends. It’s like the only fucking memecoin I’ve found in a week. Defi scanner shows it has a transfer fee, the dev says it was to deal with sniper bots. DYOR

Ticker: PHIL

>> No.57780626

extend it to base and give me a share since im helping your degen ass with free tips

>> No.57782217

What are some criteria for defecting a token is a honeypot?

>> No.57782530

I've noticed this too, and I think it's a good sign for value investors. It takes time to develop good projects with real use cases and users. I've long thought that this cycle will benefit anons holding things like UNI (and other dexes) the most and we're starting to see that play out. Bullish on Uniswap, Thor, Dydx, Gains, whatever the fuck else I can find that people are actually trading on.

>> No.57782712

Not very bullish if the only tokens you can buy there are scams. Apart from the large tokens.

That the token stimulation does not go through or when buying or selling you lose more coins than expected (indicating high buy and sell taxes - in extreme cases 100%).

>> No.57782821

Jesus. I just buy decent shit coins by looking at it on ether scan, whats the liquidity, the name, etc.. im never worried about it being a scam. I know they all are in various ways. A true scam coin is something with insane high tax or no sell feature, etc.. if the coin is going to be a good play it will still be worth buying a couple weeks or month after its started. You are brute forcing shit I do with intution. I stare at some charts and see what new pairs are being released. I only fuck with. Ive been buying shit coins since 2020 and only once did I buy an out right "scam".

>> No.57782840

>left this out
I only fuck with erc20*

>> No.57784585

Thanks just bought a small stack, website looks nice and comfy