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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 200x200, plebbit npc 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57778796 No.57778796 [Reply] [Original]

is it over for plebbit chads. its crasing from 4.8m mcap

>> No.57778817

wow really? that was so unexpected, all coins that are spammed on unrelated threads on biz are totally great buys after all

>According to GoPlus, the contract creator can make changes to the token contract such as disabling sells, changing fees, minting, transferring tokens etc. Exercise caution.

>> No.57778833

I hate reddit just as much as the people who bought this. But why would you even buy something with reddit-like branding?
It's like buying a coin called $RETARD, it's not optical and a ticking time bomb

>> No.57778840

>huuurrr I'll remake reddit and spam it on /biz/
>"Why is it failing?"
Couldn't think of a dumber community

>> No.57778888
File: 87 KB, 1280x1280, XHcOdmCFJf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yeah honey badger erc is just a dumb scam you need to stop shilling that crap honey badger chad doesn't support this project and neither should you honey badger cares about one thing and one thing only

>> No.57778894

It's just a funny meme name dude
And stupid meme coins are as popular as ever

>> No.57779036
File: 131 KB, 729x753, plebbit whitepaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive read OPFS forums, eth dev forums, reddit, /g/ and none are able to refute the devs technical design of plebbit for a p2p social media protocol w no https endpoints, that is still quick and scalable, making it actually decentralized unlike federated alternatives or steemit.
the fuck that you cant refute the technical design and instead rely on ad hominem attacks is so dishonest and low iq.
>>According to GoPlus, the contract creator can make changes to the token contract such as disabling sells, changing fees, minting, transferring tokens etc. Exercise caution.
yes. plebbit has been in development for 2+ years, has working demos and a 100% airdropped supply to biz 2 years ago (before the chainswap to eth).
the reason why it has a proxy contract is it update the contract (the chainswap wouldnt be possible without the proxy contract), tipping wouldnt be possible, nor would specific NFT integration, ENS integration or DAO integrated into the client and token.
the fact that this has been in development with 2+ years proven by the github, the transparent devs proves its not a rug.
there are also plenty of proxy contract crypto with high market caps including many DAOs and DeFi protocols.
the protocol is called plebbit. however, the lead dev said he is open to changing it (its just that its a lot of work to change the internal code from subplebbit to whatever else given hundreds of plebbit branded variables in the github).
the idea of plebbit is that the plebs (the masses) have been censored and that plebbit protocol gives a voice to the plebs (the people).
the clients themselves also arent called plebbit
4chan front end is called plebchan
old reddit client is called seedit
whatever other client the opensource community dont need to be called plebbit and there will likely be many more clients to come (discourse, vbulletin style etc).
>2m to 4.8m mcap in 2 months
>working demos.

>> No.57779052
File: 2 KB, 190x190, plebbit npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPFS* forums not OPFS.
plebbit is based on IPFS.
years ago esteban made threads on IPFS, eth dev forums and no one could point out technical faults of plebbit

>> No.57779063 [DELETED] 

plebbit has both memeability (plebbit npc face) and actually utility.
too my above post >>57779036
i invite you to refute the technical design

>> No.57779097

plebbit has both memeability (plebbit npc face) and actually utility.
see my above post above >>57779036
i invite you to REFUTE the technical design. no one has actually read the whitepaper and github and refuted the design.
now there are working demos.

>> No.57779192

>plebs (the people)
No one wants to be a pleb

>> No.57779253

I invite you to SUCK my dick pleb chud

>> No.57779410

'pleb' is meant to be a complement. a humbling reminder of everyones beginnings. the plebs are the masses. the plebs have been censored by the elite. the plebs will band together and make shitposts on plebbit. you are not in the club. you arent elite. pleb is a humbling reality of everyones vulnerability as a human.
even the elites when you think about it are plebs (they are only human, and will succumb to death and destruction, just like everyone else). you cant cheat death. any technocratic augmentation will have its drawbacks. very little is free.

in any case, as i already said the devs said they want to change the protocol names, if the plebs will so, in the DAO.
also, the opensource front end designs dont need to have any relation to plebs
eg old reddit design is called seedit.

>> No.57779434

I'll refute the design: no normal person cares about that shit. No normies, no profit.

>> No.57779635

but the masses are sick of censorship on social, economic and political opinions.
there elon musk freed up twitter but how long will this last?
reddit, hn, many different forums have strong bias and constrain free speech on differing social, economic and political speech.
plebbit, because of its design, will become fast will adoption, and eventually the UX will be indistinguishable from using centralized DNS.
at this point, all social media influences, groups, on all platforms, across all social, political and economic spectrums, will have their own individualized sub/board on plebbit.
they will cryptographically own their own public community.
the ability to vote in a DAO to curate the feed, will also place demand on plebbit token as peole will want to be featured in the default feed to drive the most demand.
eventually sub/board owners might choose to advertise on plebbit, while at the same time users, will likely choose ad free feeds for different interests.
people will enjoy posting on plebbit due to differing social, political and economic opinions (this is why twitter gains ATH adoption after elon freed it).
TL;DR social media censorship in contrast to free and open plebbit, its eventual conflicting, diverse opinions and users, tipping, monetizable subs and public forum ownership of your own social community, will all keep the masses interested.

>> No.57779647

normalfags dont care. normalfags want more controlled social media platforms

>> No.57779662

No a pleb is an insult to redditors. Your Jeet scam Dev used the name anons have to use to get around a spam filter to shill his project. Dishonest faggotry from the start.
Your fellow plebbitor >>57779253

>> No.57779673

They are not. They really don't give a fuck. X/Twitter was already popular before Musk bought it. The few social media sites created with the objective of being free are total ghost towns

>> No.57779712

>biz scam #501239501 collapses on itself after like two months
can you imagine my shock, bros? because i dont think you can. $super will be different though i can feel it.

>> No.57779733
File: 129 KB, 1914x948, plebbit intro 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the masses do not want more censorship. the small liberal and loud minority on twitter and reddit arent the masses.
dont be so gullible.
if that was true, then why not name the old reddit client something pleb instead of seedit?
if that was true was is the dev open to changing the protocol name to something non plebbit related if everyone agree and votes in the DAP or are able to subjectively convince him to change?
>"jeet scam"
its laughable that a project with working demos, whose token's supply was 100% airdropped to biz in 2022, is ignored by biz. there are 0 scam VCs. there is 0 corporate backing. there is just 100% grassroots autism proven by a whitepaper in 2021, 2 years of development, and now 2 working opensource, free to use demos.
the devs themselves had to buy plebbit on the market just like everyone else.
(YOU) are the dishonest asshole here.

>> No.57779775

They'll use it when it has something they want llike UFC streams or celebrity nudes or furry crap

>> No.57781113

100x , nobody sells pleb, very steady for 2 years, so it feels like btc in early days

>> No.57781267

People are selling it looks like.
4.8m mcap to 4.3m mcap but that could be expected given its rise from 2m mcap just months ago.