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57776062 No.57776062 [Reply] [Original]

She doesn’t remember where she put it while cleaning. I’m trying to contain my rage right now, there’s over a $100k on it. If it doesn’t turn up, I think I’m going to kill her

>> No.57776080

No one believes you

>> No.57776087

as long as you have your seed you will be fine

>> No.57776095

Nigger I don’t care. If I don’t find my wallet within the next 24 hours you are going to be hearing about me in the news

>> No.57776101

She stole it and gave it to her black BBC boyfriend

>> No.57776103

did you back up the seed., just buy a new trezor and import

>> No.57776108

His girlfriend ate his seed.

>> No.57776116
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Letting your gf know about your crypto and where its hidden.
Imagine letting a hole have access to all your money and you're not even married!
What a moron, you deserve to lose everything.

>> No.57776119

I sharted epic style

>> No.57776123
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I would personally take her to Kleros court..

>> No.57776124

It was on a piece of paper duct taped to the wallet

>> No.57776129

its a larp but if it wasnt, youd be right
a good lesson for the kids

>> No.57776149

Never ever tell whores or family about crypto EVER. Fastest way to get a leeched and hate your family and the people you "love"

>> No.57776196

Time to murder your girlfriend

>> No.57776256

>he doesn't clean his house himself

>> No.57776401

This is the dumbest thing I have read on 4chan. Almost too dumb to be made up

>> No.57776427

It’s the most efficient way to store it. You only need to remember one location instead of multiple for a separate seed phrase and wallet

>> No.57776447

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.57776453

Why do you think efficiency is greater value than resiliency? That’s the entire point of btc. Resiliency is greater than efficiency.

>> No.57776470
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>> No.57776555

Why didn't you memorize the seed?

>> No.57776581

>It was on a piece of paper duct taped to the wallet
I hope you never fucking find it you stupid nigger

>> No.57776586


>> No.57776627

*duck taped

>> No.57776633

Where are your other copies of the seed?

>> No.57776646


>> No.57776654

I'm dead

>> No.57776662

You should take revenge and misplace her BBC dildo

>> No.57776705

That was it

>> No.57776717


>> No.57776718

get a load of this moron

>> No.57776734

what the fuck am I reading

>> No.57776745

larp. no one is that stupid.

>> No.57776756

>Humble brag larp on a site full of pajeets and virgins

Hookay buddy, we think you're rich and tough

>> No.57776768
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>> No.57776928

Doesn't matter if the coins are still inside the Trezor

>> No.57776992

Keep us posted.

>> No.57777016
File: 83 KB, 415x578, 1684174784722002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only correct answers in the thread

>> No.57777049

Update: found the trezor but the seed phrase is missing. I swear to God if the damn dog ate it

>> No.57777056
File: 202 KB, 1208x486, 1603665211407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you still have a shot at finding it, i stupidly locked my bitcoins at under 20k and every day it pumps i die a little inside

>> No.57777060

Hnnng yes. That's some good rage bait right there.

>> No.57777061
File: 1.07 MB, 3000x3364, 1680015356437094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice opsec, retard.

>> No.57777072

Fuck it just transfer to new wallet.

>> No.57777132

Hookay buddy

>> No.57777144

How do you do that

>> No.57777153

thread just went from funny to unfunny, kys OP

>> No.57777164

Is this fucking real?

>> No.57777209

you still have access to your funds without the seed phrase if you physically have access to your device. Just transfer them asap cuz if you can't find the seed phrase they're not safe at all.

>> No.57777210

Get a load of seed

>> No.57778125

I had left my seeds on a piece of paper for about a year in a bowl on our coffee table. Wife cleaned up in that time, and sure enough I needed them. Thought she threw them out, but thankfully she was smart enough to put them in my old wallet that she put away with a couple of other old things.

Was pretty proud of her. If only she had that much common sense with everything else.

>> No.57778293

THis is even worse than the guy who lost his trez holy fuck

>> No.57778502

explain. I haven't fucked around with many trezor features so I have no clue what this means

>> No.57778600
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This is why I downloaded my coins to a paper wallet. Can't hack paper.

>> No.57778640
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>> No.57778646

Can be lost or destroyed in an accident, natural disaster, or theft.

>> No.57778651
File: 38 KB, 419x610, 1531685375624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, you just made my head hurt. You need to do some fucking research before accumulating 100k of a currency you don't understand on a piece of hardware you don't understand using technology you don't understand.

>> No.57778684
File: 49 KB, 512x510, yRTbAwfMqU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man that's right i don't know anything about cryptocurrency or what a
is and i have no idea what a
>paper wallet
is or how to store or use my cryptocurrency but if by some miracle i manage to keep some of it alive until it 10000x then ill be a huge rich guy and then all you'll be will be the guy who called me a retard for not knowing anything about cryptocurrency

>> No.57778694

What do you mean you locked them at under 20k? you made them inaccessible to you?

>> No.57778712

Nice try newfag.

>> No.57778879

I ordered a trezor yesterday. Now I'm thinking of returning this shit before it even arrives. Some of the posts itt are triggering my anxiety

>> No.57778897

weak bait

>> No.57778973
File: 86 KB, 936x950, VJnC4QJAqH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weak bait
lol bro shut the hell up with your 40 dollar crypto trezor and $25 of bitcoin you bought from your moms purse honey badger chads are taking all your money and theres nothing you can do about it im on my third yacht thanks to $hoba (honeybadger erc20) and you probably cant even afford a $400 hotel room in my city for your wife and me so go back to your basement you scrub

>> No.57780378

Nah no way. How do you have the balls to have only a single copy, and keep that with the wallet no less. I have like 2 or 3 copies, one on paper hidden in my house. And an encrypted version on the cloud.