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57772271 No.57772271 [Reply] [Original]

Everything is mooning on this chain and it hasn't even really begun.

I'm positioned. and you anon?

>> No.57772296

what's the bull case here? Will Coinbase show favoritism by listing smaller Base coins earlier than other chains?

>> No.57772326

how do i buy the native token?

>> No.57772333
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lmao are you actually that retarded you should definitely go all in base coin the coinbase listing for it is right around the corner and its going to pump huge coinbase has a history of listing memecoins and it always pumps coinbase also showed favoritism when they listed doge and shib and those pumped as well coinbase always lists the smaller coins first so basecoin is definitely going to the moon

>> No.57772395

checked, I'm not going all in on shitcoins but I'm willing to throw around a few grand as gambles. I've heard Mochi, Circle, and TYBD getting shilled here. I don't see Circle getting listed, but are there any others worth anything?

>> No.57772403

This...and how to buy stuff on base? Is there a base website? Do you do it on coinbase wallet. Spoonfeed me

>> No.57772418

you can use MetaMask and bridge it over, just need to add the network

>> No.57772423

I have 2k Circle but it never stops dumping. Will I make it?

>> No.57772428
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and if you put your money into this garbage you are going to loose your money no doubt about it and not just a little bit either i'm talking about going broke so yes do it and report back when you are begging outside of a mcdonalds

>> No.57773090
File: 290 KB, 900x900, basicdog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

positioned in basic dog meme. Its my only base-bag might wanna get into another one too. Doginme a good one?

>> No.57773400

Coinbase listing is irrelevant for a coin with such low MC. Circle can and most likely will net a lot of people a lot of gains.

You need to stomach big drops though with coins like these, I'm up 5x on Toshi and Mochi just through conviction, endured drops that most people would panic sell. Both of these coins will moon harder though.

$MYST is interesting, it's an ERC404 project on Base. Super low MC and potential to explode.

>> No.57773451

i feel like TYBG is going to be the underdog, of the two cat coins funnily enough

>> No.57773601

is there actually another bluechip that is as cheap as Basic Dog. Any other memecoin partnered with a big dex or something similar like Basic Dog is with Aerodrome? might just say fuck it and also buy doginme for the funny name

>> No.57773647
File: 90 KB, 686x798, llh05UXkxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate everyone in this thread they are all delusional idiots who are going to lose all their money if it wasn't so retarded it would be funny they must want to lose all their money maybe they are just trolls its impossible to be this retarded and not realize it people should never invest based on the name of a memecoin

>> No.57773722

why not, if all other tocenomics and development boxes are checked (not saying it is with doginme) why not go for the meme?

>> No.57773834

Oof, you missed all of the green on base didn't you anon?
You still have time

>> No.57773907

What happened to Cyrus Exchange? Was supposed to be building on BASE, didn't hit the presell numbers they wanted and there's been nothing sense. It was being so hyped up, though. Hard to think it was just totally abandoned. Total supply is one billion and price is $0.000003. If that gets ANY volume it could absolutely send.

>> No.57774238

Alright fellas. I got a bag of aero and a bag of circle. i got about 1k left on base what else do you guys think will be a good play?

>> No.57774383

Aero and AVI

>> No.57774421

Out of all the tokens TYBG has the most CB employees as both followers on twitter and on telegram. Brian Armstrong replied to a tweet of theirs> TYBG was even on an ad of CB wallet. Yeah I am shilling you my bags, but imo Aero and TYBG comfiest base holds. I don't have Aero unfortunately. I don't know about circle, would not touch it with a pole. I know jack though got lucky with TYBG and Mochi.

>> No.57774433

If you are in Base you should absolutely have TYBG and Aero

>> No.57774481

Circle is shitcoin. I got a small bag as a moonshot. Mind helping a retard out and telling me what TYBG is? Post contract.

>> No.57774499
File: 71 KB, 1179x681, BBEA42B5-3AFB-492B-BB8A-B5E5EA19948D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought member. You can submit memes for ETH, it’s pretty based.

>> No.57774504

The Fantom cryptocurrency, FTM, offers scalability, low transaction fees, security through Byzantine fault tolerance and staking, interoperability with other blockchains, community governance via a DAO, and supports diverse use cases including DeFi and non-financial applications. These features make Fantom an efficient, secure, and versatile platform for decentralized applications and value transfer, appealing to developers and users alike.

>> No.57774516

Yea it just sucks to buy now when you were thinking of buying at 15m market cap, but got fudded out.

Sell your circle and split it between TYBG and Aero. Just TYBG and Aero.

>> No.57774542

AVI should bleed a bit until news, but at the same time they have some publicity lined up so calling an entry is tough. I wouldn't touch Circle though dude that shit reeks of a scam. The TYBG/Aero/Mochi that class stuff will print anyway. I'd rather miss out than get rugged. Base is due for a big rug.

>> No.57774559

help me out whats TYBG and what dex has it? Ill buy a bag.

>> No.57774564



It has been pumping for the last few days, I don't know anything about entry points, but I am confident it will be at a higher cap in the future than it is now.

>> No.57774574

Thought you were talking about AVI with the 15mil ignore that, I'm gay and retarded.

>> No.57774589

This. TYBG is a free square

>> No.57774622

True TYBG/Aero/Mochi. Circle reeks of a scam, indeed rather miss out than get rugged xD. Avi, lukewarm about it, a bridge and shiba devs or something... I might miss out but I'll pass. I'm buying a tiny bag of Aero once my eth comes through.

>> No.57774629

Thanks. Yeah big pump recently. Ill wait a bit and see what happens then pick up a bag. Thanks for the info, anon.

>> No.57774683

Basically where I'm at but AVI is the guys who got kicked out because they were calling out Shytoshi. The whole play is their bridge working, so it will either moon or shit itself on this whole Hacken audit. But the big 3 + Aero are a perfect Base play. If I wanted a set and forget base portfolio it's what I'd do. I want more utility on Base though. I guess that's my AVI gamble.

>> No.57774844

What dex has AVI?

>> No.57774953

Uniswap, they aren't on base yet. Their whole thing is their bridge that also let's you deploy your tokens on base and they're going to use it for the base launch, then basically a newgrounds/itch style arcade on base. So right now you have to buy on ETH.

>> No.57775014

like you said, it just had a major run up so its hard to call an ideal entry
theyve been autistic about getting everything prim and proper to a degree ive genuinely never seen in crypto before, though
i think building up shiba only to watch shytoshi fuck everything up from the inside gave them some real unique experience.
they know how to both present themselves and get work done, they know how to avoid doing all the annoying or wasteful shit
its just a refreshing thing to witness, and over time you start noticing the more subtle quirks they have that show they know what theyre doing
would recommend anyone itt to check out their whitepaper and everything
its a free play to me, especially for the long term

>> No.57776048
File: 140 KB, 1280x1257, photo_2024-02-20_18-06-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$Toshi to $1 Billion!

Change my mind? No.

The cat is blue.

Cat are memes!

>> No.57776247

theres no native token newfags, as for buying stuff , just bridge funds via coinbase wallet and use uniswap / sushiswap / 1inch on the base network to buy shitcoins

>> No.57776314

The trifecta of Base season: Tybg, Mochi, Circle Screen cap this post and go over it next year.

>> No.57776421

The game has changed. Coinbase built, owns, and operates base layer. They aren’t going to list the success coins from base layer. They will however encourage and make as easy as possible for people to have access to base layer.

So what will happen is coins won’t be “listed” on Coinbase but access to the coins on base layer will be available from basic Coinbase with a click of a button. So the user won’t really experience much difference.

If you’re not loading up on base layer coins I don’t know what you’re doing.

>> No.57776450


This is a bot. You all are arguing with an obvious bot, stupid low iq fucks

>> No.57776469

1. It's more expensive than BSC (and much more than MATIC)


>> No.57776478

This is also my belief, Base tokens are pretty much Coinbase tokens by proxy. With this said, I do think CB will list some Base tokens on the main CEX.

>> No.57776488

Yes I own Mochi and TYBG
Base will be the biggest L2 by the end of the bull run

>> No.57776609
File: 66 KB, 512x512, IMG_20240210_183754_943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fade the og, blue chip meme toshi.

Been ranging between $40 - $60mm for ages and ready to breakout with some catalysts.

A bunch of develor tools (that base requested) about to be shipped along with new website, t1 market maker onboarded ready for major cex listing, dao formation, fat marketing wallet ($1.5m in eth plus their toshi tokens).

Study what bonk did before a cb listing.

Team.on their way to eth denver to meet with Jesse pollack and base team.

Def worth a moonbag of the based blue cat.

>> No.57776708

>bull run
Speaking of which, do you anons think the bullrun will be speedrun due to institutional money? Meaning, do you think the bullrun will peak in 2024 vs the typical 2025 prediction? This makes sense because of the ETF approval...it also reflects in btc's price action, it's almost at the previous ath 2 months before the halving...this has never happened before.

>> No.57776765

we might also have a lengthened bullrun who knows now, the institutions can pull the plug whenever they want or they can just keep pumping it

>> No.57777410

>website 404
why should I put money into a shitcoin run by Pajeets who can't even keep a website running?

>> No.57777507

These two for sure, can’t say about the rest but TYBG looks good. Circle looks like shit

>> No.57777649

they're switching to the updated website you tr00n

>> No.57777659
File: 145 KB, 735x454, BasicDog5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt go for the aerodrome memecoin

>> No.57777714
File: 50 KB, 512x512, rOiq8TX70w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well he doesn't go for the aerodrome memecoin but we all know where he does go for the aerodrome itself of course

lol we should all be aware now it's true that honey badger erc is going to pump harder than a gay guy in a leather bar

>> No.57777842

4m.mcap vs 50. Sure buying the biggest dex on new chains is a winning strategy but if you wanna have more than 1 bag on Base you can look at the memecoins

>> No.57777959 [DELETED] 


>> No.57778232


Yeah what is going on here. There is this bot and then there was the other one a couple weeks back that kept talking about its huge cock.

Who is deploying these?

>> No.57778290

yeah lol, niggas dont lurk enough/just plain retarded. bot started with doge and pepe ai comics then went into shilling the no volume hoba scam, a few other things and now wcdonalds, been seeing hoba bots reapparing. an anon said there was jeet script post and thats apparently where this all came from. dont know tho but the bots are definitely obvious

>> No.57778314

AVI is still the Official 2024 /biz/ Make It Coin, but now that there's finally a dip seems like no one wants to buy it. It is the project that will move the big ERC20 projects to Base. It truly is the IQ test

>> No.57778630

>I don't know about circle, would not touch it with a pole

Its literally only jeets that FUD Circle.


Its unreal. The jeet FUD alone has pushed me to put in an ETH so far with more ready to go if it dips further.

Circle is the next Safemoon. It has the best deflationary ponzi-nomics. I don't get why people even buy random dog memes.

I may as well stop shilling and just keep buying.

>> No.57778650

Also the be**le spam bots. This captcha is really shit and should be reworked. It's like they all use the same custom gpt base.

>> No.57778736

>Circle is shitcoin.


>I don't know about circle, would not touch it with a pole.





Yes It can easily go to 500 Million MCAP during a euphoric period when profits start to flowing from BTC and large alt MCAPs.

>True TYBG/Aero/Mochi. Circle reeks of a scam

Everything you just listed is a scam besides AERO which is at a 50 Million MCAP. Its no longer a moon shot which is under 10 Million MCAP on average. The rest are all pyramid schemes that require new money flowing in so old money can take profit. Lets no kid anyone here.

At least with Circle, it has built in deflationary tokenomics.

>> No.57778773


This is probably the best list. You get a random meme, an animal token, and something with a novel tokenomic design. Decent moonshot portfolio.

>> No.57779184

I'm also on the AVI bandwagon. I got in pretty early, but this is an easy play for anyone who even gets in now. Biz and tradebots are basically the majority of the holders atm, so it's still very early. The team knows what they're doing and have been in the game before, so my trust is in them, not the chart. It's going to keep bouncing around until we get a product released and more exposure.