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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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577593 No.577593 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, I have a question. Next year, I'm getting an apartment with my girlfriend, and we've agreed on splitting everything in half. Bills, etc. How could I make that into a legally binding agreement, just in case things go south?

>pic unrelated

>> No.577596

You could put it in the lease agreement.

>> No.577605

>ever living with a roommate
>roommate is a sexual partner

I bet your planning on getting married too. I'm going to give it to you straight up, she says that "We will split everything in half" but do you really trust her to keep her word? You've probably never lived with her before so you probably have no idea if she is a financially literate person or not. You just imagine "shes trustworthy because I put my dick in her" think again buddy, even if she has a job she could just blow all of the money and stick you with the bill then when she can't pay "half" she will offer to suck yo dick as payment.

Trust me man, you are going to be stuck paying everything. I hope your ready to take responsiblity when she gets pregnant. (hopefully shes not a cheater then you don't even know if its yours)

>> No.577634

whoa bro


Living with your partner can be a good choice. It makes a lot of sense, but I would never do it just because I was crazy about someone. Don't let the little head do the thinking for you.

If this bish has proven that she's responsible and at least looks to be holding up her end of the bargain, then you should be able to risk it. If you can't afford the fallout of a breakup then you probably shouldn't move in together.

My gf moved into my place, and having household expenses cut in half has been great. If she became dead weight all of a sudden, I'd still be ahead. I am glad we didn't move into a more expensive place, but luckily my place has always been a little big for one dude.

All that said, if she's a good partner, be prepared to give and take occasionally. My gf would get all antsy about paying her half of the utilities for some reason. The second time I had to pay it all out of my own account, I put my foot down and she made it right.

Again, if she had behaved as a freeloader before that I'd never have agreed to move in, but I lucked out and have a woman who takes me out to dinner about as often as I treat her, splits the cost of vacations, and is generally a bro when it comes to household finance. Too bad the sex life is only "ok".

Marriage (at least as a legal institution in the US) is a whole other conversation. For my own part I think it's a farce, and that may end this relationship a few years down the line.

>> No.577642


Have a backup plan. I would even talk about how a breakup would work out financially with her. If she gets all weepy and says BUT ANON HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT then this is not a woman you want to live with.

Seriously. That can be really tough, but it's a go/no go. You can fuck childish women all year and have great fun and even get attached to them emotionally, but NEVER mingle your finances with someone who you can't have that conversation with.

You need to know
>Who stays, and who moves out. Would the person who stays have to find a roommate?
>or would you both have to find a subletter?
>Keep enough money in the bank to afford paying the rent while you get out of the lease.
>be emotionally prepared for dealing with this person after a breakup long enough to get them cleanly out of your life.

I'd be wary of making common purchases like TVs and whatnot. If you do, be prepared to say bye-bye to that shit. I'm not a materialistic guy, and my car, phone, computers, tools etc are all my own. If things go tits up, I intend to let her take all the furniture and dumb household shit she wants.

I suggest keeping finances as separate as possible.

>> No.577646


just rent the whole thing yourself, do all the paperwork yourself.

sublet to her on a verbal agreement.

then if shit goes south you can easily kick her out and find a new roomie.

this is what me and a buddy of mine both did. good solution here.

>> No.577667

Why would you want to live with a woman who is that dumb?

>> No.577674


> implying that any woman can't be manipulated into doing what you want.

>> No.577680

Sounds like some pretty hard insecurity bro. I just don't see the point when you can protect yourself without it. I mean if it takes trivial effort to manipulate someone, then they're probably pretty dull and dependent...

>> No.577705
File: 106 KB, 880x540, 200808261454280.prego_detail[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a legally binding agreement for you: get married.

Otherwise, the chances she'll live up to your expectations are slim to none. If she loses her job, you'll be footing the bill regardless of your contract setup.

Also, you don't want to know what happens next if she becomes Prego.

>> No.577706

if you really want to split the bills, use your "pic related". You can literally split them lol. literally, you can "split" them right down the middle hahaha. You can split them into as many divisions as you want if you just use your pic related lol hahah. This should be a /k/ thread intead, because of your pic related and splitting hahaha, lol.

>> No.577707

good one, that is really funny lol

>> No.577710
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U gave me a dark laugh.

But you're right, there are other ways to enforce whatever bullshit agreement they put together...

>> No.577744

Don't do it man. For the love of god, do NOT do it. Do not get into a lease with a girlfriend, period.

What if you get sick of her 4 months in? What if she cheats on you? It is probably all nice and shit now, but eventually ALL relationships have problems.

Do the following: you rent an apartment yourself and let her live with you. If you get sick of her, tell her to move out, if she gets sick of you, she will simply move out.

Trust me, I was you once.

>> No.577766

Moving in with a woman kills the relationship, it ruins any "mystery" or unattainability (which is good to have, keeps em on their toes) you have and gives her complete control over your relationship.

Sex dries up too.

Don't do it faggot.

>> No.577773


Sex hasn't dried up for me. It's gone way up actually. I'm sorry you're not very good in bed.

>> No.577777

Listen to this anon.

>> No.577797

it won't last lol