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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57764522 No.57764522 [Reply] [Original]

why is investing allowed?
it's just gambling at the of the day

>> No.57764565

Gambling is allowed anon

>> No.57764584

It's gambling for you. For me it's purchasing part ownership of businesses.

>> No.57764608
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lol yeah bro investing is gambling it's totally the same as playing slots in a casino totally there's no skill involved at all it's purely random like roulette

>> No.57764660

Giving zoomers internet access was a mistake

>> No.57764705

its not as random as roulette but mostly if you dont have insider knowledge its kind of gambling and if you do have insider knowledge its plain scamming

>> No.57764753
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Well can you teach me how to purchase partial ownership of a business like you do, i would like to learn and make money too

>> No.57764820

why shouldn’t gambling be allowed?

>> No.57765034

The strat is to buy great companies at a good price or just index fund investing.
Then listen to audiobooks or read them if you prefer by Warren Buffet/Peter Lynch/Joel GreenBlatt

Here are my favorite books:
>Intelligent Investor
>One Up on Wall Street
>The Little Book That Beats the Market

THEN after you've read/listened those books read this one:
>Random Walk Down Wall Street
It'll break your brain and you'll start form ground zero again. Fantastic. But you basically have built a good funamental understanding of how markets work.
If you want to learn how to value companies, there are Standford courses/Khan Academy courses for free on youtube how to read a financial sheet.
Ignore. I repeat: IGNORE!!!! Any shit that tells you about day trading or penny trading or Technical Analysis.
That's your homework for the next few months now. Enjoy. Have fun.

>> No.57766630

Because humans are broken degenerates, many of which will get addicted to gambling.
By legalizing gambling, society allows lives to be ruined, not just the gamblers', but their spouses and children too.
It is a net negative for society, for the benefit of the casino owners.

Some of you will get upset and insists that man is fundamentally a rational actor, and say shit like
> The state has no business getting in the way of someone's rational decisions.
That's because you suck.
A lot.

>> No.57766762

>many people will get addicted so we should ban!
retarded logic

>> No.57766824
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want to bet? take a look at Eesee, it is very funny to buy .png and some are worth $0.50 and others $50 for no apparent reason.

>> No.57766831

you want to gamble for real? go to a fucking casino

>> No.57766842

anon thinks people are still interested in NFTs

>> No.57766856

Based totalitarian enforcer of morality.

>> No.57766958
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who the fuck has the right to tell me what i cant do

>> No.57767083

>By legalizing gambling, society allows lives to be ruined
your mistake is assuming that making something illegal makes it go away. there is no proof of this. there is plenty of proof that attempts by the state to ban things are often more destructive than the thing they are trying to ban, such as the prohibition era and the war on drugs in usa.

>> No.57767119

You aren't going to change anything by banning shit. Why not ban drugs? And murder?
Change people's perceptions of things if you want change in society.

>> No.57767589

Fren, the investors are NOT great or accomplished men. They are empty suits, willing to sell
their souls for some simple comforts and perks..
Those "great men" of power and position are often not "good men" and ALWAYS choose to stay
outside of the media glare. You would not notice such men if you passed them on the street.
Buffet, for example, is a pudgy little sausage, taught and bursting with fat and excesses. To refer
to him as an "oracle" of any kind is nonsense. These people develop connections whereby
KNOWLEDGE is passed on a quid pro quo basis and "money" is "earned". Now wrap your puny
neural membrane around the fact the system of finance is a fraud upon its face. Learn the fraud!

, a buyer is needed for every seller, and vice versa.
There is an old expression in poker..."If, after 30 minutes at the table, you have not spotted the
chump, then YOU are the chump"
or words to that effect!
In other words, if you don't know with 100% certainty that any given trade will be
successful...well, you can figure that one out.
How many humans do you know who fit that category!
Why is it that everyone wins in Las Vegas, yet the casinos make record profits...except if no one
shows up!
Historically, the stock market in the US was looked upon as a gambling syndicate in the 20s and
30's...only later was it legitimized by allowing a select number of winners!

Casinos always place the higher paying slot machines near the entrances and high traffic areas!
For every featured expert in your "financial magazines" there are a million losers, suffering in
silence and extruding fear and worry (to be harvested!!). Plus, they will have to keep laboring
with no retirement!!
No one made them enter into a rigged contest, no more than one is forced to visit las vegas!
beauty in simplicity!! AND knowledge of the human "condition"

>> No.57767863

so you're saying the root cause of all of humanity's problems is humans themselves?

>> No.57767894

I didn’t say that at all and it’s also not true. obviously things like disease and natural disaster can cause serious problems for humanity.
to be clear, what I am saying is government is a crime.

>> No.57767937

Some gambling games are skilled. Like black jack or poker.

>> No.57768139

Why is owning property you dont live in called investing when it is literally just scalping.

>> No.57768228

real estate is expensive because the government prevents anyone from reducing demand, the government restricts attempts to increase the supply, and because the government currency is worthless so wealth has to flow into assets that it otherwise wouldn’t. blaming landlords or “muh rich” is the most college-freshman-who-got-radicalized-by-his-commie-professor-in-just-six-weeks take on economics I’ve ever seen.

>> No.57768367

yes and no, the men that run the world understand the darkness inherent in the humans nature, and provide for it.

Why do cartels exist if everyone could boycott using drugs and just not take them? Not that simple, of course.

>> No.57768384

Pretty new to this shitcoin scene. Wondering if there's any potential to have your wallet drained in let's say uniswap if you interact with some of these random microcap coins. I've heard of horror stories with smart contracts and malicious code injected into the contract that can drain your account if you interact with it. Is this a thing? I'm willing to lose the money on the coin if it's a rugpull, but are the other funds "safe" in that wallet?

>> No.57768493

Good post. I feel like I’ve read this before somewhere though vaguely. Anyway buying yourself more money is certainly a neat trick.

>> No.57768525

Bans work if they're enforced, obviously they'll never be at 100. Murder is common because we don't have automatic death penalty for cases with hard cut evidence. 20 year to life sentence always means 20 tops, but usually 3-6 for "good behavior" that shouldn't even be an option for crime of that nature. Drugs are common where poverty lies. A strong totalitarian society with values only has a few outliers because there's less room to fall through the cracks. You're looking through the lens of the broken western system as proof that it wouldn't work AT ALL.

>> No.57769114

>You're looking through the lens of the broken western system as proof that it wouldn't work AT ALL.
north korean guards have been known to take bribes to let people escape into china. the soviet union had its black markets and samizdat. government is a crime and it’s promise of safety in exchange for freedom is a false promise. society would not only survive but thrive in the absence of the state. your attempts to defend the state are cringe and baseless.

>> No.57769855

Don't forget that banks essentially print money whenever they mortgage a new house, thereby expanding the money supply

>> No.57769858

Buying btc is like the opposite of gambling. People never understand

I hate all you normies year after year you come back and ask stupid fucking questions. But your peanut size brain will never grasp. It’s flattering and infuriating at the same time.

>> No.57769863

Have a seperate wallet for all your shitcoin work. Isolate the risk.

>> No.57769864

actually it's gambling at the beginning of the day because markets close in the afternoon

>> No.57769884
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listen dipshit you probably don't even know a single thing about basic finance or economics you're some 20 year old zoomer who thinks he's going to get
>rich quick
off dumb meme currency let me give you some advice before that happens: your brain is probably rotting from all that social media and porn you watch and you need to get off the computer and get some exercise and actually touch grass no memecoins and crypto aren't going to save you you have to save yourself peace out retard

>> No.57770145

starting a business is gambling, trusting governments is gambling, taking tests in classrooms that grade on a curve is gambling. going to mcdonalds run by minorities is gambling. oh god the chaos. definitely shouldn't be allowed in a country that wants to call itself free.

>> No.57770270
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Is gambling on plebbit really gambling?