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57767488 No.57767488 [Reply] [Original]

any anons in SEA want to link up and start an import/export business? i myself am in vietnam currently

>> No.57767496

What's your email address?

>> No.57767509


>> No.57767523

sen :^)

>> No.57767545

I’m too lazy to escape america. I work 60 hours a week for 2 years, max my Roth yearly, then quit my job and go coom in Thailand for 6+ months. I can’t describe the feeling when you’re money starts hitting your emergency fund so you have to close the curtain on the person you were pretending to be, tuck your tail between your legs, stop answering your “friends” texts asking if you wanna go to a villa party, and quietly leave the country to go back to America and be an invisible fucking loser working class chump

It tears my soul apart to know there’s little cricket dick pencil necked completely swaggerless dork white faggots with tech salaries begging hot Thai girls to reluctantly have sex with them whenever they get off work while I do absolutely nothing in America except rot and yearn to leave again.

I fucking hate every single dork faggot tech worker. More than (((them)))

>> No.57767563

so why not start something real and tangible?

>> No.57767566

thanks for your blogpost faggot

>> No.57767587

Nope. I cope by reading literature and biding my time. It’s all I can do. I romanticize my misery. I can’t fucking stand hustle culture. Every faggot sitting in his car on YouTube trying to get some “side-income.” I can’t fucking stand it.
You’re welcome you fucking loser bitch

>> No.57767661

>I can’t fucking stand hustle culture
kind of like the unfortunate thai girls u rape in exchange for money, that is their side hustle in order to survive right

>> No.57767764


>> No.57767795

hehe, yes, Mr. Vytautas

>> No.57767827

can expat americans still afford to live modestly in Thailand on just social security checks?

>> No.57767834

What the hell is braliukas doing in Vietnam?

>> No.57767852

hopefully set something up, can be pretty good here

>> No.57767921

Cool, I don't have anything to offer since I'm busy with starting on Etsy, so I'll just wish you good luck bro

>> No.57767948

thanks man, was thinking about all that too, the print on demand stuff, but just not sure about it

>> No.57767974

Fuck print on demand, I'm going balls deep with physical products and doing actual business. Digital shit is oversaturated by jeets and literally everyone because of faggot influencers. It's a race to the bottom and I don't want to be competing in price.

>> No.57768014

right, exactly, hope it does well, think about coming to nam too :D

>> No.57768086

Thank you. Lol my ass would have been in nam or philipines a looooong time ago if I didn't have family I care about. I hate Lithuania so much dude you have no idea

>> No.57768101

3k will give you a reasonably enjoyable life

>> No.57768111

I know, trust me, Latvia is not that much different :D perhaps even worse

>> No.57768112
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lol this guy gets it why would you be in this shithole if you didn't have a shitty family to care for they are holding you back you should abandon those parasites and chase the bag if you don't ill murder your family in front of you

>> No.57768143

what's so bad about it? I thought Eastern Europe was based and had hot blond women

>> No.57768153

I'm in Da Nang, one of those that this salty blog post faget above hates. Not interested in the export/import business though since money is better in tech. But good luck tho, anon. Hope it works for you.

>> No.57768161

yeah, we have probably the best women there are, but it's just so bleak, depressing and gray. Not many opportunities.

>> No.57768176

I was actually thinking of maybe going to Da Nang or Nha Trang, a bit too chaotic here at times... Plus, living next to the beach sounds great. I'd consider tech too, I have a friend here who has in IT company, doing well. Utilizing cheap viet labour is a good thing

>> No.57768186

Mum rip čia
>what's so bad about it?
Jews made this into a USA colony with all the negatives and none of the positives.

>> No.57768229

I like Da Nang a lot except for one thing — karaoke. The aborigines here blast karaoke through PAs left & right and every cafe and restaurants seems to have a karaoke system too. Very difficult to escape and it'll drive you insane unless you find a premium place to rent.

>> No.57768279

even the ''premium'' places aren't that pricey, I think, but yeah, that shits annoying

>> No.57768463

>even the ''premium'' places aren't that pricey
oh yeah, for sure.

>> No.57768480

I would like to export myself to the northern hemisphere.

>> No.57768557

We rule Asia. You are just a pathetic disease riddle Boomer closet queer sucking down Thais lady-dick while drunk on stale Asian beer, trying to act cool and ‘hip’ while paying prostitutes for sex that have to pretend to like you. You are not a loser in America, you are a loser in Thailand. You are nothing, your children do not respect you, you will have no heritage, you are worthless.

We build our crypto stack bigger every week, we fuck non-hookers, and we are the same age as them. You can never be one of us.

>> No.57768701

im in PH but not sure how well it would do here. these fuckers are broke as hell

>> No.57768731

cheap produce from here can have some good margins when exported to the west. still, even in ph, same with here in nam, theres plenty of rich people who are willing to pay premiums for western products too

>> No.57768793

i noticed most of the western food at "SuperMetro" market is imported/produced from vietnam and thailand. the problem is you need to either pay for a place in a mall (cant imagine what the cost of that would be), or try to hock it on the street like the other vendors in poor areas. i did see a post on reddit about someone doing good money on importing larger items required by businesses, like food machines that the small kiosks would use.

>> No.57768817

I think its easier to send the produce of here to the west, westerners prefer to deal with westerners and you have boots on the ground here... pretty good

>> No.57768975

switched to mobile.. too bad this shithole produces nothing of value. maybe cheap call center labor, but thats likely already saturated by chink investors too. even the food is garbage.

>> No.57768997

cant disagree about the food, even here in vn. theres a pretty good lvl of IT guys here, can be utilized very well desu, IF one had an idea on how or what

>> No.57769130

hacking maybe? or mmo farming but that’s way less skill

>> No.57769217

lol, mostly bots these days for mmo farming i think, but sure, could be a possibility maybe, not well versed enough in that to know.

>> No.57769372
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Give me a basic rundown:
1) What kind of work is involved?
2a) You need someone from the US side of things or in the SEA region?
2b) Where do you need someone located?
3) What kind of money do you expect to make?

>> No.57769401

from the US side of things I'd need someone to distribute products, basically. Can be located anywhere, but a network could be built for distributing a variety of items across the globe, if one had boots on the ground in USA with the knowledge, then it would be great. I've no real numbers for money, but this is very scalable and good money could be brought in.

>> No.57769464

More questions I'm curious about:
1) Do you have any experience with this kind of work? You may have to pay duties on certain items and your profit margins might not be as good as you think.
2) What kind of products did you have in mind?
3) Do you have some seed capital to get you started?
Overall I'm interested in the idea. I could help in the midwest region in the US if this was something we were seriously going to do.

>> No.57769571

I'm going to sleep because it's late here. I'll check on your response tomorrow. And email you if I still feel the same way about this idea in the morning.

>> No.57769586

Yeah, there are duties on certain things, shipping rules for different types of coffee beans, green/brown, roasted/non roasted and so on. Same for things like fruits, but its very doable. I have some contacts here whos families have been doing this for a while and they're living real well, millionaire well, but they had the starting capital to make it so. I have business experience, sold my business and moved here, I was into other products, not what I have in mind now.

Coffee is a big one, the coffee craze is going away anytime soon, unroasted beans to roasteries, specific blends, vietnam is the second biggest coffee exporter too. So coffee is one, then rice, fruit, nuts.

I have some capital, sold my business back home.

>> No.57769614

Fucked a Thai milf with huge boobs and huge nipples last night

>> No.57769647

Best of luck anon. I'm in da nang right now also but about to leave and head back to bangkok for a month or two. I'm sure there is something good you can find to export. I don't even like coffee usually but the coconut and salt coffee grew on me.
No 7-11 and not many super markets with actual regular meat and stuff us rough for me in vietnam.

>> No.57769659

I am pajeet what are you proposing gookanon

>> No.57770118
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Getting into this business means running into Pajeets, Filthy Kikes and having to deal with them everyday. Are you sure you are up for it?

>> No.57770241

Ive always really wanted to get into the import export business, seems so much cooler to ship actual goods across oceans than clicking around on my pc
although I dont really trust you, no offense

>> No.57771152

whats the point of just going there and banging girls. i don't get it.

>> No.57771321
File: 1.35 MB, 4288x2848, Harvesting Rattan-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine still playing such small ball. You retards don't deserve this but lmk when you want to take off the training wheels and make real money.
Vietnamese. Rattan. Furniture.
Like taking candy from a baby but it’s rattan furniture and gooks. It's multiplying your money by 100. Rattan furniture is the fucking future even more than blockchain. Slave Production. And forget dropship retards who are just glorified middlemen, if you actually export Rattan furniture there's no replacing you. Whole sale export is 10x. Sale right to Soccer Moms? 100x. Especially if you're in a Rattan producing Country, Rattan is literally gold.
And, the best part, I bought all the Rattan right from a Vietnamese farmer for Tether. Wanna know why it’s so lucrative? Rattan can’t be cultivated, it hast to be farmed by a slave in the jungle with a machete. Also the Vietnamese Government has taxed the export of rattan but not rattan furniture. You bring the Rattan to a literal BASKETWEAVER, and he 10x’s your money by making furniture out of it.
Wanna know what I bought with all this fucking money? Illegal Animals.
I have 6 Bengali Tigers and an elephant. Do you think the UN could stop me? Do you think I care about law enforcement? No one can fucking touch me or my Rattan empire, fuckin' no one. Not a single one. My Tigers are the shit. They're bred in China. But it's not like they're super trained or anything. Just release on some people and fuck up their day.
But me? I have my Rattan Furniture. Nobody can fucking stop me at this point.
I'm just getting started, next, i’m gonna buy Rattan Futures. Then? I’m gonna skyrocket the price of Rattan by releasing my bred Tigers on the trade routes in the jungle. I'll be making money hand over fist. I'm gonna be rich. None of you fucks are brave enough to do what I do.
I am the Rattan man. The Rattanman. The most feared Rattan merchant on the planet. I am the fucking king of Rattan.

>> No.57771702

LMAO you're doing it real Rattanman. Rat-a-tat-tat.
Soccer mom's will pay absurd amounts of money if you can figure out how to ship such bulky and delicate items, and showcase them so they can impulse buy.

>> No.57772056

the level of cope and seethe here is sad, but also funny because people like you somehow manage to carry an ego despite openly admitting you are so insecure and miserable that despite being "chad" you are actually waning into depressed irrelevance and toil due to being dumb - you know you're dumb too, you just don't know *how* dumb you are, the pedestalization of foreign pussy in lieu of quality relationships is the tell.
sexual obsession as a peak experience, ie, guy has no other mission in life other than exaltation of his ego / carnal desire - in other words, a ready adn willing slave, a GOYIM of the highest order.
based post, thank you rattan-anon, drop a protonmail?

>> No.57772822

obviously rattananon at protonmail.com