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57768013 No.57768013 [Reply] [Original]

how much should I risk in the market to make some real fucking money? My life is hopeless pretty much, my parents were crackheads and one was a former gang member (no im not a nog, im euro but hes my stepdad) so i essentially grew up like a feral child with no one to teach me anything. If there was no internet I would probably have been doomed (thankfully i used it to learn at the library), and only my little siblings matter. With the way things are going, nothing looks good for their futures and there isn't enough for all of us, so I'll be a sacrifice and if things don't work out I'm going to rob drug dealers until I die, perhaps rob banks.

I've full-on decided I would rather die than wage in a world like this one, creating just barely enough to get by in a civilization that will probably rewrite the rules and make all that toil worthless anyway.

If you guys got any ideas, I just want to make a bit of money during this bull run before its too late. You have no idea the things I had to do to get what little I have right now for my family. I live in a small room, it's just a squat rack and a couch, that's it. I spend days reading and learning, but no matter how much I learn, or how hard I try, things just seem to get worse.

All i want is some good wisdom, maybe some good picks i can hold before things heat up. As long as you're sincere, whatever you guys can tell me, ill learn with open ears

>> No.57768028

no one will hold your hand except financial peadofiles

>> No.57768077

>if things don't work out I'm going to rob
>rather die than wage in a world like this
You will for ever be in poverty with a mentality like this. There is some wisdom because I felt bad and decided to read. Learn wtf DCA is and spend the next few years working hard and you'll be fine.
If you'd rather die than put in a few years of sacrifice then you were ngmi anyway.

>> No.57768118

I have the basic financial literacy required for investment, but I also know this world and its subsequent markets are irrational and tend to reward irresponsible gambling and general evil, as long as it can produce the bottom line, which is profit.

All im asking for is a nudge in the right direction, in a very time-sensitive situation, just so I dont get rekt with what little i have. Been thinking about THETA and NEAR, just cause of the AI narrative. maybe PYTH for a good SOL-type of play. Doge because normies are stupid. things like that.

>> No.57768167

You'll lose your money. Don't rush, the bull will continue. There will be plenty of opportunities to make money. You need to learnt wtf you're doing and play it safe until you know. My only investment recommendation would be buy Bitcoin, Ethereum and LINK. They are my major holds despite having several make it or sui stacks in other alts.

>> No.57768173

I do work and am trying to get an hvac cert, but there are so many jeets applying in my area that even the trades are becoming oversaturated.

I also am very close to the edge, but I refuse suicide. Money doesn't make me feel happiness, or even mild joy, as with everything else. Haven't felt shit since I was a kid. I just didnt click with society, so i completely cut ties with it at 14 considering my parents didnt care what i did anyways. I read about everything I could and meditated trying to attain enlightenment for a while as a young lad in the forests because I felt no connection to this world, but that was all still fruitless for obvious reasons. I knew things were going to get bad way back then too, but nothing mattered cause no one would listen ( far Pre covid).

>> No.57768197

Why do you need others to listen for you to save yourself? It's all in your hands anon, everyone else has their problems too. Use some of that autism that bought you to this site and devote it to making it.

>> No.57768210

thanks, im not rushing either, im just trying to make a good alt stack so i can make the most of it. BTC seems terrifying to buy at 60k when some of these other alts are just entering price rediscovery. THETA's got a good little volume increase after months of consolidation, so was just thinking coins like that would be prime as long as the circulating supply hasn't been inflated since the last bull.

>> No.57768235

Because I haven't met anyone I couldn't learn something from. I am just trying to learn, i am however fully aware that in a world of ruthless natural law that chews men up into the gears of the machine and spits out their bones, that any saving of myself will be done BY myself.

>> No.57768238

If BTC retraces alts will get rekt, just start to DCA

>> No.57768271
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You've had plenty of experiences to learn from. Prolly a good thing because you will be ass raped by crypto eventually and it sucks balls when it happens.

>> No.57768286

yeah, definitely what ill be doing as well, maybe eth as well.

>> No.57768332

i have also had this happen in 2020, was like getting raped with a pinecone losing all your money while watching people laughing in your face getting rich. Its quite a psychologically sick game, but its the one us humans seem to love and incentivize for now.

Funniest thing was i was really young back when chainlink ico was, and even read about it on here, but just had no money. I was chilling with the wrong crowd scared for life and just wasn't even in the state of mind where i could focus on it. that fomos sometimes even worse than the losses lol

>> No.57769176

You're making a whole lot of mistakes.

>> No.57769218

If you keep learning HVAC you will be fine. I am in the biz here in America and it pays well. Alot of the guys that work for themselves and not big HVAC companies make a ton of money. A lot of the guys that work for the big companies also make a lot of money. There is perks that come with both. I think you should keep doing that.

>> No.57769511
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whatever you are comfortable with losing.

>> No.57769556

stop asking, complaining, or sad about your fucking life, you lazy faggot. If you feel hopeless then what? You better search a job or if you dont wanna be a wagies, you can become a trader in forex or crypto market. For me, i chose forex at first, learned about the inflation and how it affected me as a normies. Calculated my own personal inflation rate using truflation and start my life as a forex trader. Now, im happy and feeling content with my fucking life.

>> No.57769632

>All i want is some good wisdom
Read some good books that will help you financially and mentally