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57767577 No.57767577 [Reply] [Original]

Has it ever occured to anyone that people can barely afford a normal standard of living and that crypto and stocks are pumping.
Assuming Bitcoin is a currency as it was intended to be, doesn't that mean that USD is currently hyper inflating as we speak?
due to the crazy amount of pumping BTC is doing.

>> No.57767610

What's the statistic again? Half of the money in circulation now was printed after 2020? I remember when a candy bar was 1.50 now it's 3.29. As shitty fiat value decreases bitxoin finna pump

>> No.57767673

Imagine there was a day coming soon, where everybody is told it will be the last time they will be able to buy whatever they want at any store, and they can buy as much as they want (until it's gone) and from as many stores as they like.
After that for about 5-10 years there won't be any more supplies at the stores so that will be the last of it for half a decade or more.
What would you buy?
Some people are going to the store and buying buildings in India that house metallurgical plant employees or textile factory workers... Some people are buying nuclear bunkers on islands. Some people are buying food and solar panels.
A lot of people are buying firearms and ammo, equipment of that nature. The central banks and world governments are going to these stores and buying gold, printing money and buying as much as they want.
Then there's us, who are taking our digital govt money and asking our phones to show us a different number on a slightly different application or url, and that screen is very important to us, and is the cellular network and tax and judicial system that we use that screen in, because we're going to the store and instead of buying things and filling up the car, we're looking at digits on a screen.
To answer your question, if what you want is bitcoin, and it's selling out fast and people are chasing it with more and more dollars, then yeah, that dollar is losing value to you.
If what you want is real things, it's losing value too.
But I'm pretty sure we'll know for sure when nobody, not a single person, is able to go into a store anymore and walk out with something.

>> No.57767676

Yes that's what I'm saying we're probably seeing hyper inflation in real time also with Wendy's trying to implement the whole market price thing is kind of giving me bad vibes man.

>> No.57767717

I mean I've been to third world countries where this is their reality.
Typically what's done is stores are heavily gated investments in armed security and gates all around.
That's kind of what I expect here, even in the ghetto or hood this is how Walmarts currently operates. But I feel like it's gonna lean more towards price control and more breach of personal freedom, less privacy and more plugged into the system. Especially with all these new technological advanced, it's gonna be scarier then a body guard outside the store it's gonna probably be an automated system that has all your information stored in a data base and if it thinks you're stealing it will send you to jail or lower your social reputation.
I heavily doubt we'll see mad Mac scenario the elites are too calm for something like that to happen. The US cannot be currently overthrown by it's citizens by force or anywhere in the near future.

>> No.57767727

>Some people are going to the store and buying buildings in India that house metallurgical plant employees or textile factory workers
what a vivid picture you have painted

>> No.57767737
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This, I find to be the funniest logical fallacy. that somehow after running the numbers, people think that with all that new money you might make in any derivative liquidity sponge with all this newly printed currency, that you will be spared the eventual consequences.

If the currency hyperinflates, no one will be able to afford anything, and election season comes up with the worst political tensions ever, with immigrants coming in as far as africa through the southern border with credit cards, coyote connections and phones somehow (No doubt some terror cells included as a free gift). All at once like dominoes, while everyone keeps saying things are going great and the bubble will sustain.

Either that, or they pop the bubble and cause a great depression in the exact same conditions. The only possible outcome is a chaotic shitshow. Poor WILL eat rich, only those with knowledge and an elite level of power and wealth MIGHT disappear as it happens.

Truth is, these elites are smart enough to have read through history, and know very well that central banking is a cheat code for having the most powerful empire because everyone ants to trade with you and your currency thanks to your newfound "wealth". That is, until, the bubble pops, and civilizations collapse, like a cycle. After this chaos, a new system gets implemented by those who are powerful enough and well-positioned enough to do so. We had the constitution, but now, the rules after this chaos will be new rules, and ones that will make the entire earth resemble a place of permanent darkness, after a period of such mass depopulation, and fear that the people are scared into accepting ANY new order. Why all the politics? White against black, rich against poor, etc. It's to ensure a maximum casualty rate. The new system of fiat will be shed, and natural law will take over with our new rulers using FORCE, and a force far worse than the old genocidal systems of power in antiquity thanks to our wonderful technology.

>> No.57767745
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>What's the statistic again? Half of the money in circulation now was printed after 2020?
It's wild that we printed this much money.
We're looking at years and years if not a decade of issues for that little coof (at least that's the normie narrative)

absurd lol.

At least I positioned myself well and am sitting near $1.4M now at age 30. still have my $250k job too.

>> No.57767778

nice, anon, what wisdom could you bestow upon a 50k at 24yr fag.

>> No.57767821

1.4M @ 30yo, 250K job


hu did u sKKKam 2 get such gibz?

>> No.57767837

>and a force far worse than the old genocidal systems of power in antiquity thanks to our wonderful technology.

Currently living it my city has Implemented automated traffic ticket systems, red light cameras and speeding cameras. Also in some cities there are cameras that report you to the police if it detects your face, if you have a warrant for your arrest.
And if you haven't noticed most new developments are 15 minute cities basically it's these little areas where everything is walkable and you have almost any store you could imagine right outside your house. In my area they are heavily being developed and I also like visiting them because they're like city malls.

>> No.57767862

>doesn't that mean that USD is currently hyper inflating as we speak?
That's unironically exactly what's happening.
>"Just print more dollars"
The Fed thinks it's dollar printing is infinite, massively devaluing the dollar. Why else would stocks reach ATHs when the dollar's purchasing power has been the lowest it's ever been in history? The Dollar is finished.

>> No.57767864

you also like $gib?

>> No.57767891
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US goverment is addicted to spend money y'all pretty fucked up by that many federal bond lmao.
According to truflation its going worse for next years, so it might be a great idea look for alternatives

>> No.57767893
File: 62 KB, 1280x853, nLIviaWte0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao bro shut up you aren't rich you are just some kid who's dad makes enough money so that you can pretend to be rich on 4chan $gib sounds like some gay crypto scam you are running

>> No.57767904
File: 7 KB, 177x285, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My story with chainlink begins in 2004. Someone told me something on a phone dating Chatline. I feel God will show me a sign when it's time to share my story.

>> No.57767908

heelo indian fiver shiller

>> No.57767991


Let me bestow you some wisdom zoomer anon.


>> No.57768053

15 minute prisons, for when martial law pops off and the Crisis->Normalization phase starts. Good luck leaving.

Even in the forest, the funniest thing are all those isolated preppers that will forage like animals on the outskirts. Chilling in a doomed world as an isolated non-threat. Hey, better than being stuck here like I am.

>GOD i just LOVE the HUSTLE and BUSTLE of the big city

>> No.57768113

reminder that the switch from papiermark to rentenmark took 4 weeks. in a time when the internet did not exist.

bretton woods.
plaza accord.
massive monetary shifts are adopted surprisingly quickly.

>> No.57768212
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>>57767577 >>57767610 >>57767673 >>57767676 >>57767717 >>57767727 >>57767737 >>57767745 >>57767778 >>57767821 >>57767837 >>57767862 >>57767864 >>57767891 >>57767893 >>57767904 >>57767908 >>57767991 >>57768053 >>57768113

>> No.57768316

simple, don't sell for papiermarks. and pay attention to whatever replaces it

>> No.57768350

it gets replaced by war anon, and the victors will loot the rest of anything that has value. even with Bitcoin, you torture people until they give out, and the ones that don't get killed, effectively meaning they can never sell and making your bags that much more valueble.

Could you imagine a crypto millionaire or a faggot Leddit investor having his family members balls crushed in front of him. The soviets did this, and i think its no coincidence that most of this political pravda type tactics resemble soviet style commie subversion.

>> No.57768360

you're an idiot

>> No.57768561

>massive monetary shifts are adopted surprisingly quickly.
you yourself said bretton woods was drafted up in your post, AFTER A WAR AND PERIOD OF ECONOMIC HARDSHIP, WITH A NICE POPULATION SACRIFICE IN THAT WAR.

Tell me what you see the stage being set for in the next 10 years? the replacement will be made by the "victors", although WHO those victors will actually be is another story altogether.

BTC with any hope will still be owned by the people so its something, not unlike the way gold survives through cataclysms. But the world left after that will be abhorrent anyways.