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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 475 KB, 1536x2048, E9Es1J0XoAEWrMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57764885 No.57764885 [Reply] [Original]

There's literally people out there that don't have 1 bitcoin, they had 15 years to get one and didn't. I can't wrap my brain around it.

>> No.57765005

trchnically only 21 million people can own one

>> No.57765046

>had 30 btc--fud sold
>had 120 eth--fud sold


>> No.57765048
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Feels good

>> No.57765049

For every 1 BTC holder to become a millionaire, BTC would require a market cap of 21 trillion dollars, that’s a lot of cash for a zero intrinsic value asset. I say this as a 0.5 BTC coin holder

>> No.57765050

Everyone literally cannot own 1 bitcoin.
There's twenty one million of them.

>> No.57765057

>discounts ww3

anon, I....

>> No.57765066

There will be alts like chainlink or avax with 20 trillion market caps in a few years youre thinking so small

>> No.57765073

I was 5 in 2009.

>> No.57765082
File: 6 KB, 183x276, 1635217534644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kneel.....

>> No.57765083

who's the woman?

>> No.57765089


>> No.57765117

LOL that's blatant bullshit.
So many bitcoins are being lost as holders die, and with the vaxx it's going to accelerate so fast.
We're going to be lucky if we can access 5 millions BTC by 2030.

>> No.57765133

I didn't had 15 years because I was only able to geat a job in the last 2 years

>> No.57765152

>with the vaxx
vaxxocaust didn't and will never happen, let it go

>> No.57765179
File: 52 KB, 701x812, 803D9E84-FB37-4CD1-93F9-9385EDCB85F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally, it boggles the mind that there are people still bagholding btc.

>> No.57765187

115 IQ portfolio

>> No.57765202

mfw its even lower because of retards who lost their seed phrase and otherwise burned their bitcoins over time by losing access to the account

>> No.57765324

just two more years

>> No.57765363

ETH/BTC has been in a down trend since 2017, just like XRP/BTC. Go buy some of that.

>> No.57765406
File: 313 KB, 1280x720, 1709168821559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I DCA'd to 1 BTC. Converted my alts into BTC before the FTX crash. Now I'm DCAing into Kaspa cause I think its the best alt for this cycle in terms of risk/reward. I don't like holding a bunch of alts at once.

>> No.57765418
File: 21 KB, 750x167, BCD2490A-E05E-4C3A-A018-1311AE8B1E5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc bagholders unironically give financial advice

>> No.57765429

Way less than that, because a shitload of people own more than 1.

>> No.57765436

I was too busy saving money and being risk off so that I could pay for my transition. I am ngmi anyways so I'd rather at least be broke as a woman than broke and suffering from gender dysphoria.

>> No.57765442

For most the ship has long sailed. The best thing we can do is try and find a coin that is around $0.000000000001 to buy in and hold.

>> No.57765443
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>> No.57765447

ETH/BTC was .07 on November 10th 2021, it's .055 now. You've lost value vs BTC since then.

>> No.57765474

hope you are a top, because no one want a bottom tranny

>> No.57765483

I don't baghold assets, so no, I have not.

>> No.57765498

>Schizo brags about eth "performance" while not even holding eth
That's a new one.

>> No.57765526

maybe one day you'll learn that your digital pet rock has a sell button. until then, you have no room to talk about amazing financial performance when you're down millions of percent by holding

>> No.57765531

sorry i was in 6th grade

>> No.57765540


>> No.57766458

I have 32 ETH that I've been staking since I mined them.

GPUs have been sitting around doing nothing for 2 years lol

>> No.57766498

Nice try. Bobos never kneel they just cry and bitch and cope when they lose. Then laugh that mumus are doing bad.

>> No.57766514

thats probably the most retarded thing I've heard especially from someone supposedly holding bitcoin.

>> No.57766634

1 satoshi = $1

>> No.57766650

I had 21 BTC sold for other stuff, now only have 1.2 BTC
Where are you buying KAS and where are you storing it?

>> No.57766657

Hey asshole it’s hard and some people have to pay fucking bills. Not all of us were born with daddy’s money and mommy’s silver spoon in our mouth. We actually have to work, pay rent, buy food, buy gas, utilities, pay for date night, sitter, entertainment, outings, donating, credit card debt and student debt. Fuck you, you smug piece of shit. I’m 39, have a govt job running construction audit reports, make a decent wage AND I’m STILL struggling. I’m barely managing keeping my savings above 40k. This is the AVERAGE person right now OK.

I really wish my cousin didn’t even tell me about this stupid fucking website forum. Every post is some stupid fucking frog, fake posts whining about their 400k not being enough or some weird virgin saying he’s never kissed a girl. I love my cousin but I really hope he loses his bitcoin or it crashes to fucking zero. You people dont fucking deserve any of this “money”. I work harder and more hours than everyone on this website. FUCK YOU.

>> No.57766661

your portfolio will only double from here while mine will 10x. cope, seethe and dial8 btc maxi midwit nigger

>> No.57766667

Where are you buying KAS, and where do you store it?

>> No.57766668
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1635218190732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caught me green handed

>> No.57766735


Oh no, what will they do without owning a string of 1s and 0s created by an anonymous (government agency) source that siphons money from productive businesses and stores it on a USB drive that produces no cash flow, no energy and no real life use case. They can't even use it for 99.99% of real-world transactions.


>> No.57766772
File: 477 KB, 789x800, Yy0r4IJ3Xx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao okay retard enjoy losing all your money in a fake internet scam you might as well just burn 500 dollars it would be just as useful as this garbage but at least you could maybe start a fire to cook a marshmallow once its worthless

>> No.57766812

the first time I saw this guy, he was kind of a joke.
but enough time has passed, he's goofy, but for that short window of time he existed, he's pretty cool.
only like a little bit gay.

>> No.57766811
File: 518 KB, 712x564, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything about this picture makes me angry and I can't explain why with mere words alone

>> No.57766822

Was I right about recognizing that kid?

>> No.57766840

Is this a new pasta?

>> No.57766841

i didn't have a job until 4 years ago and i lost all my money in the 2021 bullrun buying the top and diamond handing

>> No.57766846


... is run by people like this.

>> No.57766847

This is some genuine seethe and not trolling, we're still going up.

>> No.57766860


... because number go up in USD!!!

>> No.57766997
File: 2.20 MB, 1996x1323, 1709177918424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy it with XMR on Trocador. I use the mobile wallet, Kaspium.
Your reply sounds like actual cope. Go ahead and 10x your poorfolio.

>> No.57767033

And a few million have been lost

>> No.57767130

Remember: Most people are fucking stupid
They won't take jobs, they will do anything to inconvenience others, they will not wipe their ass after shitting, they will insult minimum wage cashier employers for a burger they didn't even make themselves, they won't invest into shitcoins like VINU and instead go for larger coins and then cry when they crash the day after, they will keep eating garbage food, get fat and say they're "big boned" and "stop being fatphobic" when they're told that they should lose some weight. BRENDA, YOU'RE 300 KILOS, YOU HAD 4 HEART ATTACKS IN A YEAR AT 27 YEARS OLD, YOU'RE FUCKING DYING, STOP FUCKING EATING 3 PIZZAS PER DAY AND DRINKING 10 LITERS OF COKE WHENEVER YOU'RE "THIRSTY". YOU'RE A FUCKING FAT INBRED STUPID FUCK.

>> No.57767148

>stores it on......
you don't even understand how cold storage works lol

>> No.57767217

never change /biz/ lol

>> No.57767229

I was so close to .2 bros. I wanted that .5 then to get to the whole. I am still grateful. Good for you anon.

>> No.57767256

why is he holding the laptop like that?
doesnt he know you can place it on a table

>> No.57767988

Not everyone can literally own 1 Bitcoin, anon. If you're eyeing short-term gains, consider buying altcoins like RWA (NXRA, RIO, DUA), and perhaps throw in some meme coins for good measure.

>> No.57768015
File: 113 KB, 1080x737, jurwhoVARm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this mf thinks he can tell me what to do who is he god i'll buy whatever i want don't worry about my money peasant i'll do whatever the hell i want with my money and you can go back to your moms house and play fortnite on your xbox and your little token is bullshit it won't even be worth a penny i'd rather buy a bag of dogshit

>> No.57768127

Sold when Bitcoin hit $1200 decade ago and made 13k with an investment of €250
After that it fell to nothing and it was a miracle it recovered from that.
No one can be faulted for not buying this play money over the years, it was doomed to fail basically every week.
The big gains are gone though, you have to look into junior mining sector for the next giga gains.

>> No.57768207

Ewww that hair
That skin color
That “oh look I am trading” selfie.
Let it go anon. As a fellow pure blood who stood against
military “lawful order” and never took it, I am telling you, vaxoids won’t drop dead.
lol I remember this pasta

>> No.57768208
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1696896770792188s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, please! Your arrogance is as worthless as your token. Keep living in your fantasy world while the rest of us make informed decisions. Enjoy your imaginary gains, keyboard warrior

>> No.57768293
File: 25 KB, 788x650, ES_zc93XQAILzCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dencun upgrade
>potential ETFs in May

mETH heads..... we won.

>> No.57768598

>intrinsic value

>> No.57768671

billions must die

>> No.57768734

I have it, but feels not enough bros…

>> No.57768783

>people touting sub wholecoin balances like it has authority
Someday I'll see this post again but from a 500k sat baggie

>> No.57768984
File: 8 KB, 282x82, Screenshot 2024-02-29 023240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how ETH has made melanated me wealthier than 99% of you "racists" :)

>> No.57769021
File: 1.36 MB, 1024x1024, fxDRtlUBiI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol it's funny how eth has made him wealthier than me bro i own 62790837862 usd and my iq is 160 i have multiple wives in my haram and i have no interest in eth i literally would rather go to the dentist and stick a drill in my brain instead of buying that garbage

>> No.57769065

Happy for you shitskin

>> No.57769211


>> No.57770293

Waay less like 4-6m coins are lost forever.

>> No.57770344

That's a lotta rims
Way to substantify your entrepreneuity my nigga

>> No.57770573

Lame excuse; if you want to buy one BTC now, there's always one available to be bought if you're ready to buy. Broke assess should look for freebies to see they can accrue up to 1BTC if possible. I'm taking part in a prediction challenge rn and the prize has been set at 1BTC

>> No.57770851

It's too small to be placed on a table. Calm your tits

>> No.57770877

russian/nigger/arab//kardashian/trump-tier taste in interior decoration

>> No.57770902
File: 112 KB, 1015x1280, lUB8axMAUZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you buy WCDONALDS

>> No.57771034

>prize has been set at 1BTC
What are the requirements for this?

>> No.57771058

ideal portfolio. YGMI

>> No.57771496
File: 498 KB, 4096x2379, 20240229_143518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related

Campaign is being sponsored by Nuklai. You just need AVAX in your wallet as gas fees to submit your entry

>> No.57772237

Such a long text with so much foolishness in display. Kek

>> No.57772263

>all that money
>still a nigger

>> No.57772297

Literally not enough for every millionnaire in the US alone to have at least 1 BTC.

>> No.57772337


Because unless you're already rich, there's no point to making a 5x in a market where microcaps exist. I have made more money by buying small projects with high growth potential. Currently my best bet for a 1000x is Fringe fi, because composable margin trading pairs is an entirely new concept. But keep hodling, whatever works for you.

>> No.57772722

Use that 1.2 million dollars to wash off the nigger stink oh wait

You could not pay me 1.2 M to be a nigger sorry

>> No.57772933

Aren’t only about 2% of BTC holders whole-coiners?

>> No.57773214

So one best shot yeah? Makes even more difficult especially now that the price of BTC is so volatile.

>> No.57773259
File: 76 KB, 1140x641, lSPcXqRFqW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldn't buy bitcoin even if you pay me 12 trillion i am going to keep investing in my rare pepes and i am sure they will pay off but good luck with your shitty currency buddy you'll need it

>> No.57773325

>still struggling
Hang in there, champ. Your "real life" with begin at 50, I'm sure.


>> No.57774283

You've actually got the option of submitting multiple entries on five different days before the deadline. So give it your best shots. I think there'll be am aggregate system to aggregate all your predictions.

Says someone who doesn't have up to $1000 in his pf balance currently. Poor fag

>> No.57774298

i have 69 eth
no other crypto positions
is that ok??

>> No.57774334

why werent your parents more successful?
you deserve to lose if they didnt set you up properly anon
blame them not me

>> No.57774381

Why waste money of kaspa?

>> No.57774407

2 more years for that supposed deadly vaxx to start?

>> No.57774489

Threecoiner here. Kiss my balls.

>> No.57774545
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, 1709143734342512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had 15 years to get into NVDA and enjoy far far superior and safe gains. I can't wrap my brain around it. Why didn't you buy MSFT in the 80s?
Legit bloody retarded questions that always seem to get people all riled up. Just enjoy your gains.

>> No.57774611

I own zero bitcoin. Why should I care?

>> No.57774667

The Fantom cryptocurrency, FTM, offers scalability, low transaction fees, security through Byzantine fault tolerance and staking, interoperability with other blockchains, community governance via a DAO, and supports diverse use cases including DeFi and non-financial applications. These features make Fantom an efficient, secure, and versatile platform for decentralized applications and value transfer, appealing to developers and users alike..

>> No.57775091

Smug manlet zoomer, something uncanny about how short he is on top of being a smug zoomer with a lesbian jewish karen haircut.

>> No.57775170

I Feel

>> No.57775182

I had 4, then btc-e shut down with no refunds

>> No.57775616

Nice update
When does this challenge end?

>> No.57776278

This so called Bitcoin haters would kiss the ass of anyone who offers them a fraction of a tenth of 1BTC. Dumb ass idiot

>> No.57776400

because in the last 5 years NVDA is the way better investment.

>> No.57776496

It's the best L1 in terms of technology, it's in the top 20 and hasn't seen a bull run, it's not on major exchanges yet, and the founders are Israeli so it will perform well.

>> No.57776978

I swap LTC for Kaspa at changenow, store KAS in Kaspium mobile wallet on play store