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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57766029 No.57766029 [Reply] [Original]

>biz has less activity now because all the oldfags made it and left

>> No.57766035

the old fags are all on /smg/

>> No.57766089

I'm still there and won't leave

>> No.57766158

it's really over I feel so sad.

>> No.57766164

im from 2017 and haven't made it yet. tfw

>> No.57766176

I came back because of the news

>> No.57766177

that's true, if I had even $1 million I would probably never touch 4chan again

>> No.57766191
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It's over. only thing left to do is become alcoholic.

>> No.57766387

From 2018 and still haven't made it. Was close to making it in 2021

>> No.57766422
File: 115 KB, 1000x432, 1575992932927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The oldfags gave up daytrading memes and just put it all in broad market etfs.

>> No.57766429

2013 never made it. held too long sold at a loss I suck

>> No.57766437


>> No.57766456

I'm an oldfag. I'm poor because of leverage

>> No.57766479

same. i was a poorfag retard back then though that was happy with low 4 figs at peak. last cycle i hit low 6 figs. now im getting close to low 6 figs again... the ride never ends.

>> No.57766502
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, xxMQyM9gk9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you were a poorfag back then imagine having money and being able to lose it all like a dipshit you must really be retarded

>> No.57766504

Why would I lie about that?

>> No.57766511

Because biz was created in 2014

>> No.57766543

I was talking about btc trading. my apologies good sir

>> No.57766554

Why would you not just hold? Literally could have made it by now

>> No.57766558
File: 1.49 MB, 1290x2796, Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 9.56.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never leave /biz/
We're all in this together :)

>> No.57766590

Because the entire moderation of this place is openly attacking the community and any attempt to improve their situation.
There is only downside to be exposed to this place and they have all left to gated communities that don't allow trannies and other scammers in it.

It's mind blowing how much being able to filter out the scammers and create a positive community can do to improve your success.
4chan without a form of identity filtering system and moderator removal is dead.
But it's not really a problem anyway for those who adapted to the world and went to a place the scammers can't reach.

>> No.57766659
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i spent some... its actually sustained me quite a bit over the years. only moderately, but still. im happy having more money than i ever could have dreamed of as a retarded lazy neet

>> No.57766692
File: 76 KB, 1041x711, eth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was broke working a shit job and need money fast to pay bill.

>> No.57766705

Damn that sucks man. I wish you well

>> No.57766732

Thank you. Hope you make it.

>> No.57766758


There's less activity cause mods finally did something about bots and scamming pajeets. Biz is 100% better for it. Buy an ad if you want to pajeet scam.

>> No.57766836

This. I've literslly been banned on biz over 40 times in the past year, a couple of years ago I'd only get banned a couple of times a year at most.
Lately it's gotten ridiculous. Something changed in the moderation after 2021. There's a serious tranny problem.
I think a lot of OGs even moved to Twitter I see a lot of 4chan users there with frog avatars

>> No.57766843
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Agoras holder since 2020 here
Yeah, I made it, fuck off anon.
Stop crying and get some too, loser.

>> No.57766858

this is true. lots of migration to Twitter after they rebranded to X (cause nothing gets banned on twitter now, its way better content-wise)

>> No.57766871

that general is just full of actual redditors

>> No.57766877

Well, good for them, don't you think? the worst thing you can do is to be sad because oldbros made it. I know people on beoble and telegram who despite everything are still in contact and it's quite nice to read them.

>> No.57766885

there are people with a lot of free time, that's the right answer.

>> No.57766893

you also have to keep in mind that these platforms are for cell phones and it is easier to give them attention.

>> No.57766894
File: 158 KB, 1080x864, JKu1NJblGg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao bro twitter sucks now no one even uses it anymore everyone went to mastodon and the content sucks there too its way harder to manipulate people on there

>> No.57766916

Just phonepost (or use hotspot to use desktop), turn on airplane mode for 10 seconds, and you're fine. With the cloudflare verification in place, you now always know if you've been assigned a new IP and don't have to make test replies.

>> No.57766978

That means it's our time to shine, assholes
We need to make it as well, me must search high and far for whatever shitcoin we can find in this sea of crap, piss and semen
I opted for Vinu, i hope i can make it big soon, see ya on the other side, cucks

>> No.57767016
File: 47 KB, 520x493, VwQXas0eXb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you are a brainlit shill i hope you lose all your money vinu has been dead for years that's a shitcoin from like 2017 you will never get rich buying that trash you have to dig deeper to find the next big thing try looking for some obscure random coin from 8 years ago that nobody has heard of and see if you can pump it on twitter only then do you have a chance of hitting it big

>> No.57767041

I anon I know... ;)
Tranny jannies are attacking /biz/ culture. One of the reasons /biz/ Is so comfy is the large amount of shitposting, other boards are really boring and serious.
The financial world can be very stressful so it's nice being able to shoot the shit with random autists who are potentially secret multimillionaires.
You can notice that the fun threads always get very active before they get deleted.. I'm not asking for /b/ but there needs to be some slack, /biz/ is the most frog filled board on 4chan after all, I'd prefer a random off topic frog post over the thousands of blatant jeet rugs

>> No.57767051

proper oldfags are constantly banned for racism and trolling

>> No.57767054
File: 101 KB, 597x914, TIMESAND___YoonShin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it has less activity now because I found this obvious picture of Yoon Shin of Atlanta, GA on this page.

>> No.57767070

Not just a tranny problem, the entire 4chan company is run by US government agencies for the sole purpose of attacking the communities.
The trannies is what you see at the end of this manipulation.
The thread removals, and bans a symptom.

4chan is hostile and the best thing to do for the remaining community is to accept this fact in order to move to a different place.
Twitter is a lot better than this because you can see the track record of everyone and immediately filter out the scammers.
All you need is to find one good and honest person with a track record and no narcissism issues and you can make it, whereas here you never know where the message is coming from even if there is a good chance 90% of it are attacks made to destroy you.
The key to success is repetition and stability with a high enough trust level which 4chan doesn't have anymore.

>> No.57767091

no thats wrong
they kept muting and suspending me for (((off topic)))
I have never been that outlandish, sometimes I see a funny thread and I post in it
95% of the time I get punished it's because I post in a thread the jannies deem "spam"
So I get muted, I rage out a bit, go away, forget it exists, get a notification (now) about BTC crashing down and come back. I'll be here for the next week until I inevitably get temp banned for (((off topic)))