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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57766094 No.57766094 [Reply] [Original]

I have 1k locked for another year and cant even do anything with this chit. I should of bought a stupid meme coin and would have made more.

>> No.57766122

let it be a lesson. you will be ok because of your one year lock my might luck out. but in this market NEVER LOCK ANYTHING. this thing can completly fail after this cycle is over and it will be at 0 5 years later. the idiots who locked for 8 years are giga retards.

>> No.57766133
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> I bought something called internet computer
Damn you Dominic. I should have known better.

>> No.57766249
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>> No.57766505

Seethe harder pisscel

>> No.57766574

>Didn't buy SNS-1 (DKP)
>Didn't buy Sneed
>Didn't buy windoge
>Didn't buy skibidi
>Didn't buy clown
Holy shit dude I bought the top 3 on launch/post launch and made a shit ton. How the fuck are you invested in ICP and didn't even invest in its ecosystem?

>> No.57767221
File: 86 KB, 738x541, 6C098C40-1DE2-43E0-AB11-3D634A8E3E83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy clown or else you’re ngmi

trust the fucking plan, airdrop coming

>> No.57767859

Unironically if you have it staked until 2025 you will make it.

>> No.57769368

So tell us why you bought ICP in the first place. Tell us about the superior tech that made you buy. Did you also buy on top, as you kadena spammers always do? Don't just run away as you always do, fake spammer. At least pretend you know something about the project and that you and the rest of your pump and dump group, don't just mindlessly spam /biz/ every single day, all the time.

>> No.57769393

>fudding the only project that crypto needs and uses daily

ICP fud threads are always followed by a face melting gigapump. Remember to always trade against biz

>> No.57769530
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I bought ICP because of Moonman. I have invested $80,000 into ICP and I have avg buy that would make you think I'm retarded. I really don't care though because I have made so much money off his Solana call ICP could go to 0 and I wouldnt sweat it, I am just holding it at this point because he was correct about both Arweave and Solana. I think its funny both my biggest gains (LINK and SOL) came from funny racist posts on /biz/

Niggerposting is used as a midwit filter here

>> No.57769688
File: 13 KB, 244x253, IMG_7426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP is a scam and Moonman is a scammer.

>> No.57769995

Of course you are a fake bagholder and just the usual KDA fudding spammer. You scammers do that every single day. Pathetic.

>> No.57770011

>i always follow his calls because he was right once in the past

a broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.57770066

A PhD and professional investor exposed Kadena as utter trash, a vaporware scam that would never work and that they didn't even understand the basics regarding sharding. Later Kadena crashed horrifically and the ugly, inside and outside, trannies started to fud ICP every single day, all day.

>> No.57770081

Forgot this, the PhD anon was a database expert and invested in ICP. That's why these sick morons have been trashing his investment relentlessly for now close to years. They truly are mentally ill.

>> No.57770938

I too am all in icp although I haven’t staked any yet
The fact that my small bags of doge and shib are pumping like mad right now while icp crabs sideways is extremely annoying, in the future I’m going to diversify more but I think eventually icp will catch on, it still has massive SBF did to overcome

>> No.57770999
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>> No.57771263

I almost lost an obscene amount of money on this piece of shit. I bought it at $300 each when it was falling from $600 on coinbase, sold it at the $360 spike and then watched it wither from there.

>> No.57772849
File: 20 KB, 375x375, CDA733EE-9009-4E7F-AB9F-D34DED0C1C31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clowns gmi

>> No.57772974

Unironically TA shows its a good investment in the short to mid term. First time I bought this weird ass coin