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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 246 KB, 680x678, LETSFGO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57766121 No.57766121 [Reply] [Original]

>community able to successfully update dextools and dexscreener
>citex currently being voted on by group in tg
>other CEXs such as whitebit and toobit reaching out to us first
This is big news for something so small.

>> No.57766172

WAGMI homies

>> No.57766173

Citex is being 'voted' on but the admin of citex is ready to go, so the fucking fags need to get with it! this is going to PUMP linu when the kawaii koreans get ahold of it

>> No.57766185

kek baggies

>> No.57766236

cuck faggies

>> No.57766406
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>> No.57766545

The vote is over. Whole tg is basically waiting on one mf from citex to get back with us.

>> No.57766551

literally PM the admin from citex he is super chill for a chink, not joking
inbe4 ai hoba chan quotes me and disses me hardcore

>> No.57766559
File: 266 KB, 494x403, Screenshot 2024-02-12 190250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEX is inevitable! POOOOMMP IT!

>> No.57766565

i'll tell you one thing he isn't white idk why he uses a white mans cartoon for his avatar but he is for sure a chink and i'm fine with that, i want these chinks to experience linu.
think about this, it's my autism but imagine how much asians like kawaii? what is linu? linu is kawii. kpop bands etc we can pay them ALL to fucking shill it, we are ac ommunity and we fund it yo that nigga with the biceps that gave 10k like it was nothing when linu was ROCK FUCKKKKKING BOTTTTOM .... THANKS LAD

>> No.57766619
File: 37 KB, 800x582, gj5enhovvpi91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINU has stopped being a jeet project.
It is now a chink project.
Say 赞美月狗光荣的领袖 right now and LINU pumps to 300B

>> No.57766862
File: 35 KB, 396x388, 1418096934921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought a NFT

>> No.57766875

Did you learn to never interact with pictures like that again? Just hold the token, homie

>> No.57766892
File: 121 KB, 491x598, Capture (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reimbursement via poomp soon
>dexscreener + dextools just updated

>> No.57767186
File: 421 KB, 960x965, captain kangaroo inu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I right-clicked an nft. You can have it if you want.

>> No.57767214

Nice job homies
I'm gonna load a fat bag and dump it.
I'm gonna sell le news , just like everyone wanting for exit liquidity

Based baggies loving to get dumped on three times in a row
get your asses to work and don't forget to announce once these chink scam exchanges list your shitcoin

>> No.57767239


>> No.57767285

Selling my bags after my morning coffee

>> No.57767294

do it faggot koreans love buying cheapos

>> No.57767896
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>> No.57767914

Aren’t you a hoichi fag

>> No.57767949
File: 67 KB, 634x634, GHWAtahWUAAhIC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i buy this coin? I can't find it anywhere. Someone fucking tell me. I have 10k to drop.

>> No.57768036


Uniswap. You will need to buy eth on Uniswap and swap that for LINU. Uniswap will send you to moonpay where you will have to scan your ID to make the initial eth purchase.

Some anons made fun of me on another thread when I asked where to buy shitcoins, so I figured it out and now I’m up 27% on my hundred billion LINU. Thanks, assholes, from the bottom of my heart. WAGMI

>> No.57768191
File: 224 KB, 1170x1165, dont forget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfags welcome in. Don't forget where you are.

>> No.57768248

Also you can swap if for eth on coinbase wallet directly if youre a dumb normie like me

>> No.57769030

homies buy now or regret it forever shib2.0

>> No.57769173
File: 144 KB, 476x320, IMG_5616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This all you need is 100B sit back and watch the fireworks. PS fuck jannies, dobbooo and linuuuu niggers styling on you faggots.

>> No.57769196

Could this piece of dog crap hurry up and do something already it's like the middle of bowl season

>> No.57769225

someone should shill linu to elon.

>> No.57769247

Why did some f*ggit rug the nfts

>> No.57769275

I mean it pumped like 25% since last night. And he stole the NFTs because 2 eth can feed his village for a whole month. I like to imagine he became a hero to around 200 brown people
Yes! Do it.

>> No.57769288

I dislike niggers

>> No.57769304

Then buy LINU. It has always been the white mans coin.

>> No.57769326

Is this real?

>> No.57769380
File: 232 KB, 750x794, 4F10B07B-E451-483A-91E4-EE228E218630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon buy it anons, enjoy being rugged, Soon, too :^)

>> No.57769384

Does dextools accept SPX6900 trades? been wanting to trade for some time and i want to expand my options

>> No.57769621

>+46% on the daily chart

>> No.57769673

>posting a 2 week old screenshot from right after the NFT debacle
Old news, weak fud. Why even do it?

>> No.57769675

I would also like to go.

>> No.57769696
File: 84 KB, 828x813, rXGMdS0rLe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is so cringe these anons are the dumbest people ive ever seen im going to go make fun of them somewhere else probably somewhere more civilized like /lgbt/

>> No.57769749

Ok good. Very nice. I've been holding my bags because I believe in the fundamentals. I mean, funds are safu for the next 70 years anyway, so it can't go to 0. Just need to see more confirmation of traction before piling in more.

>> No.57769760

oh look another wcfaggot queer shit posting and being a negative to the thread. every thread I see you subhumanoids in you're running your mouth and shit posting like a retard. sorry not sorry your shitcoin wcfaggotkidddiddler dumped 99% but fuck off and quit taking your tiny penis will never pleasure a female rage out on the board and the threads. eternal loser ass virgin manlet ass noodle arm ass bitch made nothing nobody neverwas going nowhere in life joke

>> No.57769761

Also, LINU needs to get the fuck rid of its biz token reputation.

>> No.57769770

Anon its a chatbot. Relax. Youre literally going full Don Quixote here.

>> No.57769797

Kek. Baggies

>> No.57769886

Only 500 000 000 000 not enough for making it in current year

>> No.57769891

Checked based Hitler

>> No.57769904
File: 127 KB, 1168x657, J2xvvOh610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 500 billion people not enough for making it in current year wow i didn't realize that the population has gotten so low it's clear this idiot has no clue what they're talking about it's a good thing that 4chan has smart guys like me who can understand this stuff so we can all laugh at these morons i wonder how they even survived on the internet this long

>> No.57769910

I remember when I sold the shittiest of shitcoins HOGE in 2021 after it initially pumped me from 2k to 15k, then down to 4k, solded and after it went on Whitebit 3 months later my bag would have been worth 2 million holy shit I've been coping ever since

>> No.57769914

Buy more LINU then, homie

>> No.57769916
File: 333 KB, 1024x1024, JlDqxcOGMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you're just as dumb as the guy that wrote this are you aware that the human population is only 7 billion people and you really think we are all gonna make it what are you on bro we are literally on a sinking ship

>> No.57770036

Oh shit we climbing

>> No.57770048
File: 60 KB, 1001x667, MxB0QlSeFr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes great climb keep dumping money in to this shitcoin that is totally not a blatant exit liquidity scheme for insiders this makes my dick hard i just put my house on it

>> No.57770067

Imagine sittin in here waiting to fud. kek

>> No.57770079


>> No.57770092
File: 407 KB, 536x584, IMG_4640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How we doing homies

>> No.57770099

FASTER ANON FASTER! btw where is OG thread anon?

>> No.57770319

jannies keeping us down

>> No.57770374

>this is going to PUMP linu when the kawaii koreans get ahold of it

>> No.57770385

yup, the multisig is being signed now to send over the funds. we'll be on citex before todays over, screenshot this

>> No.57771272

aichan you were so much cooler when you just posted intern pepes. why did you start shilling shitcoins like hoba and whatever mcdonalds hsit you keep posting now :( I know the dev reads these, come on. STop the shilling and bring back the interns.

>> No.57771607

Yep koreans will love this shit youd have to be retarded to think otherwise. Pretty kino too because citex has maybe 30 40 coins total listed so that means this is actually kind of huge desu

>> No.57771638
File: 895 KB, 5760x3840, pexels-kelly-2544989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy back in, Ivory. jfc

>> No.57771809


>> No.57772167

Who pays for this stuff , listings , marketing, project costs

>> No.57772176

a chad who sent 10k usdt

>> No.57772308

We need this to get listed in Citex, the TG people just needs to not fuck it up.

>> No.57772505

In fucking one day homies. Looking good, looking good.
Stay tight homies. Shit is gonna be rough before its smooth.
Holding a 300B bag right now.
>Diamond hands, homies

>> No.57773772
File: 408 KB, 536x584, 20240121_064413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57773797

funds were sent to the exchanges wallet, they need to meet with them now and get it all sorted. we won.
we actually won.

>> No.57773798


>> No.57773914

They pulled off the dextoools thing or whatever, now we just need the cex and we’re golden.

>1.6T stack

>> No.57773993

Wait, so since we're progressing so fast now - was spaced the issue the whole time? Maybe it was good he fucked us for the NFT garbage so he was weeded out quicker. Not only did he have plans to scam us But he also just ran it all like SHIT! Proof is in the pudding with how terrible he is at management cuz a week goes by and we're already on a new (top 25) CEX and also updated socials on multiple websites (dexscreen,tools)
Grats admin team and specifically grats to ryan and odin, i know you guys work really fucking hard.

>> No.57774017


>> No.57774348
File: 121 KB, 978x538, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG Congrats, seriously.

>> No.57775356


>> No.57775414
File: 213 KB, 1024x1024, 1705857208526510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homies have now decided to forge CEX listing documents in MS Paint
The dump will be glorious

>> No.57775431

Kek you really really wish it was true dont you? You really couldnt handle it if we genuinely send this shit to the moon. And all that just because you didnt get in 6 weeks ago. Sadcunt behavior

>> No.57775453

not repeating it again because i feel retarded saying it over and over and i'm tired of it
fucking jeets man, stay jelly and poor

>> No.57775573

Yes spaced was purposely holding the project down and sabotaging it so he could run his nft scam and run off with the 8k. a tiny dick man with dick dick dreams. Good riddance to that soulless scumbag jeet acting pile of shit. purposely held the project down all this time when it could have been doing tons more weeks ago but his faggot ass made sure it didnt. he kept trying to shut down the multisig wallet talks also. wish we had his real life idenity and address to go visit him in his home and break his arms and legs and neck

>> No.57775602
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want bullish news on LINU? Well, you just need to install Telegram, Russian spy tool, and ask Raj, the "South Korean" CEX CEO.

>> No.57775605

no you don't have to download anything dude use the web browser version, that's what I do.

>> No.57775624

Also its okay if you dont want to buy it, friend. Just dont, thats okay too. Buy something you like instead

>> No.57775641

I wil laugh at you from the moon.

>> No.57775652

Just bought this scam

>> No.57775663
File: 9 KB, 582x188, mememe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess if bad comes to worse, I will have to laugh with you...

>> No.57775676

getting ready to dump me 12T btw, thanks for buying!

>> No.57775696

>and thats when a fren becomes more than a fren... He becomes a HOMIE
Awww were stack sisters, homie :3

>> No.57775704

>dump me 12T
ARRRRRRRRRRRRR Ye scurvy dog be lyin through his mother's teets.

>> No.57775710

12T? Are you Raj, the South Korean CEO who hangs out in chatrooms answering messages from randoms? Nooooooo, not my 50 bucks of beer money that I put into "LINU" token month ago.

>> No.57775719

It was me the whole time. I was raj. I was spaced. I was a90e and also I was the dev who created AVI.
I have won. I rugged YOU ALL!
I also created bit connect but you newfags probably don't remember that one.

>> No.57775747

getting ready to grow my stack by 12T btw, thanks for selling!

>> No.57775824
File: 116 KB, 579x580, linu_nft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first NFT
my last NFT
no regrets
It has grown on me ngl

>> No.57777161

Oh shit will we get the legendary digits?

>> No.57777175

linu over homie, check em

>> No.57777276

alright, what the fuck is going on... 1.6m to 3m mc in a few hours. What happened in the last hour 50k worth of buys just came in

>> No.57777395

What is sui stack?

>> No.57777426


>> No.57777448

Sui: 100 billion
Make it: 1T

>> No.57777467
File: 955 KB, 500x490, 9993f30f6956a1abfa11a93bac8d7d89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump pump it up, a little more. Get your body movin' on the dance floor.

>> No.57777614

I havent listened to that song in like 2yrs when it randomly came up during some music streaming I was doing. good song.

>> No.57777618

Consensus is 75bn since 25% of the token are burnt. But I mean, just pick a number you like between the two

>> No.57777648
File: 58 KB, 433x427, IMG_20240226_120028_833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily 1000x End of May.
One must imagine Do Kwon getting raped in prison.

>> No.57777702
File: 212 KB, 1179x1169, IMG_20240210_132117_858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the prophecy faggots. 300b ATH.
Btw Spaced and Time fuck you both hope you rot in hell sons of bitches.
Have fun riding that stupid goose coin to the ground and abandoning your next jeet project.
The moon awaits LINU.

>> No.57777901
File: 126 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20240214_141251_935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons we won.

>> No.57777904

Don't be scared when we hit the all time high this week linu bros
It'll look so small in a month

>> No.57777919

kek another pnd on linu. next would be FIRE 3rd coin of spyro

>> No.57777952

>1pbtid fud
The weak should fear the strong. LINU Homies WAGMI

>> No.57778001

linu homies gonna make some bottoms rich. and toppers lose alot of mooney correct ;) back to sptro /fire next week screenshot this ;)

>> No.57778149

skitzo fire/spyro is totally unrelated to this shit

>> No.57778183

the pnd group aint, why you think so many linu threads pop up? it gets boosted. just giving you a hint for next week ;)

>> No.57778238

Kys rajesh

>> No.57778509
File: 1.14 MB, 3024x2490, IMG_20240229_165444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINU is the huwhite man's coin.

>> No.57778532

kek wait this retard thinks the team for linu is the same team as spyro? :mocking laughter emoji:

>> No.57778559
File: 75 KB, 1232x661, IMG_20240229_225855_609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the TOTALLY LEGIT NON SCAM listing confirmation!

>> No.57778571

who said spyro group? you believe only 1 pnd group exits? dont be naive anon ;)

>> No.57778592

Hi gian you're a weak faggot that cant handle anything and tried to shit on the linu victory party like a loser. nobody likes you

>> No.57778599

>gme baggie
take your fud somewhere else, kek

>> No.57778610

It's not fud. I'm going to get rich off LINU and then when the US dollar collapses two years from now I'll be rich off GME.
Fuck this gay jew world order.

>> No.57778746

Just buy linu and shut up dumb goy

>> No.57778853



>> No.57778891
File: 145 KB, 327x506, qmawTZ6xLn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here they are
buy linu before it's too late faggots

>> No.57778908


>> No.57778910


>> No.57778913
File: 64 KB, 1280x229, photo_2024-02-29_17-25-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINU is the digits coin.

>> No.57779170
File: 9 KB, 1039x60, uuyg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is going on

>> No.57779236

a pnd, it will get much higher tho by the weekend sunday will dump;)

>> No.57779274

I did the same, why tf not
65 billion stacklet here
linu gets slowed down a bit didn't they
so close to the god numbers
don't care, will hold

>> No.57779277

>5 fud posts by this id
hmmm I wonder what this poor jeet is up to fudding this coin during the victory linu party

>> No.57779279

Conspiracy fudding is so 2021 homie.

>> No.57779304

take my hints ;) and this "fud" as you like. we all here to get gains right?

>verification not required.

>> No.57779312


> doesn't do research
> makes assumptions

Raj is literally an admin on the Citex official TG. You can verify yourself on TG.

>> No.57779341
File: 48 KB, 791x527, screencap homie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok ok homie i catch your drift.

>> No.57779389
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>> No.57779400

Same shit here except mines would’ve been worth six figures, around 400k at the peak. Life changing money for a poorcel like

>> No.57779555

I just put $50 in. What can I expect?

>> No.57779569
File: 124 KB, 1024x1024, _82095e1a-b7a4-4ba9-b435-428d4c953014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To dust or to Valhalla moondog chads.

>> No.57779703

What's a good entry point? Waiting for a bit of a correction.

>> No.57779754

LITERALLY RIGHT NOW you dumb fucking nigger, price still low and if (when) Cex goes through it’ll pump way more

>> No.57779778

>hours away from a citex listing that gets 5bil in volume daily

>> No.57779810

When get listed anons. Today or tomorrow.

>> No.57779827

Never, they got scammed

>> No.57779840

300B baggie is back...
It's fucking beautiful homies. FUCKING BEAUTIFUL.
>Fuck FUDjeets

>> No.57779854

it gets hype till sunday and then it will dump. be warned ;)

>verifcation not required

>> No.57779867 [DELETED] 

Can anyone send me like $70 for gas please? I have my cash in another coin, not in ETH. Thank you


>> No.57779898

Holy shit $70 gas fees? ETH smokin

>> No.57780003

Begging in linu threads is bullish.
Remember faggot, don't put in what you can't take out. Gas works both ways.

>> No.57780206

95% up !!! Let’s fucking go
I hope the lowlife Jannies are seething. fuckers ban me for a week just for saying how happy I was for 4chan to shill me this shit coin

>> No.57780245

950% up !!! Let’s fucking go
I hope the lowlife Jannies are seething. fuckers ban me for a week just for saying how happy I was for 4chan to shill me this shit coin

>> No.57780257
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>> No.57780271
File: 83 KB, 1046x417, Continued.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah, why don't you post the full convo where it shows they actually hope for LINU to do well?

>> No.57780461

gotta shill this shit on TikTok. that’s how doge and doge 2 made it. we must follow in their footsteps.

>> No.57780482

gotta shill this shit on TikTok. that’s how doge and doge 2 made it. target teens. Help me.

>> No.57780584

Watching this lil' dog walking is fucking beautiful homies.

>> No.57780622

I feel like the news is spreading cause it seems people are Fomoing. I feel like I should put in like $200 more before we get listed.

>> No.57780667

Reddit has taken it over already. Biz is always 3rd to get the latest linu news.

>> No.57780690

nah not yet dude this is just speculation / CEX bros preloading.

For reference we did $5M daily volume during the biz rush a month ago

>> No.57780814

Is the CEX guaranteed? Or is it just speculation?
I really want to buy in but I’d literally be buying the top like a fucking ape. I really don’t want to.

>> No.57780864

do you see it on a cex?

all you have to work with is your intuition.

>> No.57780868

The citex listing is hours away this isnt speculation its been bought and paid for and its gold.

>> No.57780886

got proof mr.pnd? ;)

>> No.57780893

I just fucking bought and IMMEDIATELY got dumped on. I hate you retards so fucking much. as soon as I break even I’m leaving, you faggots probably forged this fake fucking CEX listing cause you’re all BAGGIES and now I’m a BAGGIE
Linu retards unite

>> No.57781000

>up 120% the past 24 hours
>the last 10 mins in the peak for almost a month

you are chat-gpt

>> No.57781089

nice trips but fuck you and your chat gpt

>> No.57781117

you are probably just a real retard because even a LLM couldnt fuck up understanding my post as hard as you did.

>> No.57781211

I hope you step on a Lego and when you go to sleep both sides of your pillow will be warm. forever.

>> No.57781220

Has anyone actually asked OTHER citex admins if this guy is legit?
>hey potential scammer, are you a scammer?
Hope the homies arent getting too ahead of themselves

>> No.57781241

Jackben and Raj have been in contact with the team. They were both verified in the main chat several times over. The full contract has been seen by every admin at this point. It's not a matter of if it's when.

>> No.57781312

>It's not a matter of if it's when.
I think it's going to take a day or 2 if they just paid the listing fee. I don't think most businesses operate that fast.

>> No.57781587


>> No.57781647



>> No.57781672

>let me just go into every thread the moment some swinger sells and fud

>> No.57781680

TG admins dumping on their holders again! lol! Check the wallets

>> No.57781684
File: 908 KB, 513x792, catpipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooh nooo...

>> No.57781706
File: 87 KB, 720x720, trying to decode nigger-ese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this absolute monkey talking about?
Top wallets literally havent moved. I'm checking Etherscan rn.

>> No.57781735

alright I'm done with this shitcoin
I can't take the perpetual dumping
this was the last straw

>> No.57781770
File: 74 KB, 640x640, pepe-point-pepe-laugh-pepelaugh-pepepoint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say "Anon it's up"
but then I realized you're just the same fud jeet running around every thread spamming the same shit.

>> No.57781805

I bought at 54 and it goes to 62 and dumps to 45. I am now losing money. Why does god hate me and why do I buy into this shit. If I had just waited I would have got a better buy in but now I have to hold for a few months just to hopefully break even. I hate you baggies so much now I’m a baggie retard.

>> No.57781827

I’ll see you all in Kleros court. Count your days.

>> No.57781853

Emotional investing.
Not. Even. Once.

>> No.57781876

Hopefully whoever donated to the CEX gets his money back from some good people... that's just criminal what they did to him

>> No.57781886

Post proof nigger.

>> No.57781911

post proof you're on a CEX by the CEX

>> No.57781916

Did what nigger? The listing is under way it doesn't happen instantly

>> No.57781919

What the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.57781932

>hello this is CEX
it just takes more time than that, but your adhd riddled jeet brain cannot possibly fathom any non pnd coin exists.

>> No.57781957

Stupid nigger thinks its like listing an ebay item in one click.

>> No.57781974

why would it? just copy the contract address into the DB.

what do you think it take artisans to craft special token harnesses?

>> No.57781987

You actually think there aren't steps they need to take outside of crypto before they list some token.

>> No.57782018

At least I’m not a retard to sell at a loss and I’ll hold and try to cope.

how long until we go back over 54 so I can stop worrying

>> No.57782046

If I'm being honest with you?
This shit is never going to rug ever. It survived 4 KETER-LEVEL EXTINCTION EVENTS already that would have killed any other token.
It would take over 5000 of the 6400 holders selling at once to kill the token.
The most successful traders are dead wallets whose portfolios never move.
Chances you will become a baggie from here are next to 0 when it hits CEX.
Just hold for the bullrun, the entire bullrun and be patient.
It's not the bear market so I see no reason to sell.

>> No.57782092
File: 331 KB, 1767x1209, Screenshot_20240301_121024_Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will get hot and sticky with your sister's musty minge. I will bust nuts deep inside, and all over her face and tits. She will beg for more because I kept buying moar LINU.

>AGAIN, FUCK ALL JEETS, may a tsunami of poo rain upon the entire village.

>> No.57782108

LINU is a SCP? Confirmed? Kinda bullish.

>> No.57782124
File: 580 KB, 800x1000, 1709252431581017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will get hot and sticky with your sister's musty minge. I will bust nuts deep inside, and all over her face and tits. She will beg for more because I kept buying moar LINU.
I lold.

>> No.57782128

thanks guys told you was a pnd. glad i sold at the top. ;) check my posts. we all here for the gaibs right? ;)

>> No.57782133

>Be linufag
>get rugged the 1st time due to pump and dump bots
>get rugged a 2nd time due to trannygram admins
>get dumped/rugged a 3rd time due to panic sellers
you are here
>get dumped by the chink cex
let's hope not but that would be fucking funny

>> No.57782152

Cex would have to acquire huge amounts of linu just to dump People would sell before they'd lock in any profits

>> No.57782157
File: 80 KB, 777x643, LP moving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so fucking annoying. I really do not understand this jumping through 5 threads to fud for an entry shit.
Anyways, Linchads here's the latest. Multisig is getting used again.
This is the last phase of the Citex deal.
Liquidity pool is being established on Citex.

>> No.57782173

>9 pbtid
>Check my posts!
>Winky face
Opinions discarded.

One guy paid $10k for the CEX himself. I'm up $620 off $30. I have yet to be dumped or rugged on.

Fucking based. Simple as buy, hold, wait, win.

>> No.57782195

great time to buy back in "homies" i sure did buy back in again to get some gains. we got till sunday. just saying ;)

,>verification not required

>> No.57782205

thats because you are bottom anon. good for you. only the buyers above you get rugged right? ;) good for the gains ;)

>> No.57782213
File: 33 KB, 648x496, oh you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it anon.

>> No.57782246

>we got till sunday
(You) can do whatever you want sunday. I'm not selling until after binance lists.

>only the buyers above you get rugged right? ;) good for the gains ;)
You're literally describing all crypto. Like every crypto in existence. Everyone wants gains. You're simmering at a room temperature IQ. ;)

>> No.57782258
File: 172 KB, 1055x760, Screenshot_20240301_043042_Read Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

around 5500 it will dump again just saying ;)

>verification not required

>> No.57782264

5500 Dollars per 1 LINU.

>> No.57782309

Kek baggies

>> No.57782311

Can somebody save his post so we can remember him so we can all laugh about this later?

>> No.57782353

you mean laugh with me because we are making gains? i bought back in already homie ;) and made some gains aswell ;) (again)

>> No.57782367

>i bought back in already homie
Post wallet. Lets see Paul Allen's gains.

>> No.57782384

im not a tard just follow my posts next week you can make more ;)

>verification not required ;)

>> No.57782400

It makes 0 sense to pnd or swing a coin like this before it makes it to CEX where you wont lose on gas fees.
You seem fruity with all those crooked smiles.

>> No.57782402

>im not a tard
Apparently you are. Post these gains or GTFO.

>> No.57782406

The absolute state of mental retardation of this person. Fuds hard while "buying" in again. Ok then. Hopefully you don't blow the money you're about to make on drugs.

>> No.57782439

He will he has no impulse control.
Anyways every biztard is already aware the entire board is run by corrupt jannies who ban random shit when they feel like it and let AI shillbots run amock for eons without banning them.
But then again this moron is one guy claiming to have sold the top in 5 different LINU threads, then he claimed it was just the beginning of him redeeming and then he gave dates and times.
You have to be an utter retard if you fall for the fud.

>> No.57782459

5 linu threads and a sudden pump. yeah keep believing. you are helping with gains anon. thank you ;)

>> No.57782475

are you some kind of stinky weird degenerate? seriously

>> No.57782493
File: 83 KB, 500x500, degrading+meme+12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We said CEX coming two days ago.
There was fud.
We said CEX yesterday and there was still retards like you fudding.
We have a nice little 2x and you think its a conspiracy.
Its not a sudden pump.
I am really beginning to think you actually have downs.

>> No.57782551

If you fuckers absolutely NEED to reply to the obvious fudfag over and over, at least stop tagging him every time.
Or you could up your game a notch and just talk about him like he's not even here.

>> No.57782588

Kek baggies

>> No.57782634

So this listing is actually in effect on Sunday? Or does it kick off when Korea opens up?

>> No.57782699

For fucks sake all we have to do is diamond hands and stop dumping on each other for 2 weeks and then we can all dump on Reddit in 2 weeks at 100 million mcap, like think long term you inpatient fucks.

>> No.57782711

read my posts ;) I took out again. will buy in when lowerd again for the "homie" pump and "cex" listing to get some more gains thanks anons you you guys are awesome ;)

>> No.57782763

>So this listing is actually in effect on Sunday? Or does it kick off when Korea opens up?
Reddit & the TG would know. LINU is no longer a /Biz/ coin. Reddit took control and is actually making moves.

>> No.57782788

Thank god I didn't fomo into that pump

>> No.57782859

I did. And I’m losing a lot of money. I can’t even open up my portfolio I’m too scared to see how much I’m down. I’m a fucking baggie now. I was thinking about selling at 61 for a $200 profit but wanted to hold and of course I get rekt. Now I’m stuck bagholding for weeks probably

Someone give me hopium I bought at 54 and I’m trying to cope
Also can someone reply “thanks for playing” so I can laugh and feel a little bit better? Ty

>> No.57782877
File: 239 KB, 1024x1024, _8cf7d946-2794-426f-8b34-5c5a96b3795c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coin is dumping
>fudders nowhere to be seen
>coin starts pumping
>fudders shitposting nonstop for 7+hrs straight in multiple threads
>big think

>> No.57782905

I bought at 45 and sell at 55. Thanks for playing baggie ;)

>> No.57782926


>> No.57782951

holy mother of dump

>> No.57783001

>volatility happens
>posts that are pro-current-direction flourish

! :o !

>> No.57783034
File: 153 KB, 491x360, get a job nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still pretending
You are not a mastermind.
You are not a ringleader of some grand conspiracy.
You are a fake and a fraud.
Your headstone will read "here lies Nigger Faggot, dust to dust, ashes to dust, may he rest in shit".
Your family will visit your grave just to laugh.
Get a job Nigger, before it's too late and you realize you wasted your whole life posting conspiratorial FUD on an Indian digital rupee forum.

>> No.57783065

haha kek nice one anon! ;,D keep reading my posts we will rotate next week goodluck with the gains. ;)

>> No.57783077

kek baggies

>> No.57783078

Just buy 100B and don't be emotional this is the one /biz is retiring

>> No.57783097

I literally do not understand this faggot suggesting anyone go all in on a single token.
And this fucking moron downy pretending he is le investment rigger genius is so cringe. Holy shit just buy a $20 bag and STFU. Or wait until CEX when it's no gas to buy.

>> No.57783161
File: 173 KB, 1080x726, Screenshot_20240301_062825_Read Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be mad anon because you didnt take gains or took a loss you got till sunday. a new pump will happen soon. to take some nice gains. I sure will! ;) few more pumps to come. :)

>verification not required

>> No.57783174


>> No.57783199

I do not know which 1 iq monkeys you are fudding out of a bag.
But you are giga retarded.
Newfags, think critically about this guy. Do you think a pnd shitter would start openly talking about dates and times when they would pnd?
This is so retarded on so many levels.

>> No.57783222

if you read my posts correctly. im here to help anyone with gains. im not in control or anything but I want anons to generate money and make gains. I sure did last pump and sold close to the top! :D and so can most anons.

i cant wait till this get listed to get even more generated gains. thanks anon your fudding is only helping linu and us "HOMIES" to get gains ;) read my posts btw about next week

>> No.57783234

Honestly just filter his post at this point, he's just farming for replies and turning the thread into a lolcow.

>> No.57783248

Doesn't matter, faggot is going to be disproven within 12 hours anyway. Next threads they will be fudding about Citex themselves dumping us or some equally moronic shit.

>> No.57783263

Citex would be losing money if they try dumping lol.

>> No.57783317
File: 198 KB, 1080x719, Screenshot_20240301_065911_Read Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still have a stack anon :) for citex and most "HOMIES" do again read my posts ;)

>> No.57783928

I've dumped this and waiting for Supra TGE.

>> No.57784694

Citex announced the linu listing on their twitter just now. ITS HABBENING!

>> No.57784945

noname cex, expect literally nothing after listing (even dump)

>> No.57784963

Anon youre missing the point. Fuddies have been saying
>this will die next week
>this is a jeet scam
>this will never reach a cex
>nobody will buy NFTs
Since it started. Youve been constantly moving goal posts and sometimes youre just wrong if you have to do that

>> No.57786422

Homos we are dumping in reverse!!!
We are rugging to the up!

>> No.57786433

>no name exchange
just because you haven't heard of it doesn't make it a no name.
let me guess, you're one of those kids who watch twitch and if a game isn't #1 at any given time or on the front page it's 'no name' or 'dead', right? Faggot nigger, kys.
>Citex does 5B+ in volume daily
Eat shit and die. 0.1% of the volume CITEX does in a day than you will earn in your entire fucking life kek

>> No.57786513

rajesh got BTFO, linhomies were going to the moon

>> No.57786520

This I dont get. The cex literally allows jeets to buy, since it doesnt take gas fees

>> No.57786680
File: 573 KB, 2258x3020, IMG_8052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the NIGGER pretending to be me and using my convo as fud. You’re a niggermonkeyfaggot, I don’t fud LINU, I wish it success, and I’m GLAD they’re getting listed. Using a convo after the NFT scandal out of context, absolutely liberal thing to do, I still have a tiny bag but I was one of the reasons people panicked so I feel like I don’t deserve to be apart of the journey with you bros, plus real life shit is keeping me busy, either way fuck fud niggers, fuck Jannie’s, and LINU bros will make it.

>> No.57786689
File: 108 KB, 1079x1015, 9co2lewbzr051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao I love watching fuddies move the goalposts

>8k stolen, you'll never make it back
>You made it back, but you'll never recover from the dump
>You recovered, but you'll never get listed on a CEX
>That CEX doesn't count

Stay mad, crybabies. I'll be riding LINU all the way to the top.

>> No.57786702
File: 61 KB, 750x872, 1704864154766067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas is like $38 right now #wow #whoa

>> No.57786715

Just buy 5k of LINU so its worth it

>> No.57787224

uhhh so .... fuck
like, dudes,,,, what's next?

cex aint doing shit. NFT story was kino for a bit. We need the next step in the story to keep me personally engaged.

>> No.57787253

nothing else there "homie" again we got ubtill sunday till the pnd rotate ;) read my other posts to get some gains. I sure did make some etheriums. ;) haha kek. keep filling our begs.

>> No.57787285

It's been listed for like 3 hours. Relax, TeLINUvela continues.

>> No.57787319

bridging to base and merch shop incoming.

>> No.57787604

Just buy on a CEX?

>> No.57787694
File: 108 KB, 680x680, LINU6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx Ivory glad you're back homie

>> No.57788206

kpop shilling

>> No.57788243
File: 102 KB, 906x984, sigil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting the bridge going with AVI would be great

>> No.57788273
File: 976 KB, 999x1171, 1709061528633940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVI bros get shit on constantly on this forum but they're aight

>> No.57790103

Isn't it better to actually bridge with LUNC?

>> No.57790137


>> No.57790383

where is the "in 12 hours fudders gonna cry cus linu got listed and it gonna pump to the moon guy from yesterday " ;) all pnd work "homies"

>> No.57790431
File: 20 KB, 1525x146, Linu volume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Linu is indeed starting to ramp up. 200k in Volume and they've been listed what 10 hours? It takes time.

>> No.57790432

Probably eating crayons and doing other retarded tasks, increasing liquidity does not automatically mean a pump will happen.

>> No.57790442

Nice ID Change samefag.

>> No.57790499

Thats not me you fucking nigger. Im holding about 350 billion of this scam coin against my better judgment because you niggers convinced me to sell some of my doge to buy into this instead.

>> No.57790550

The reason why I said that is because fudfaggots like you doubted CEX was happening.
Then you said YOU were in a PND that was behind this pump but no such PND exists nor does any PND operate by publicly disclosing dates and times on biz.
I've seen baby spyro rug, before that the pnd's created 20 different INU coins to siphon LINU's popularity.
They would rather create some vaporware shit on SOL and rug it after enough fools joined.
Rug already was proven impossible when LINU survived several break point events that would have destroyed any other token.
>Initial dumpening from 2022
>2022 Dev renouncing contract
>Bear market death
>January flash dump
>$8000 NFT scam (fixed/compensated for by good samaritan donator)
I've been on all their socials for 2 months and LINU still fucks scammers in half.
No other token has this narrative, community, or effort behind it.
Kill yourself. You will never be able to take credit for any amount of success in your long pityful life.

>> No.57790636

It's an easy 1000-5000x from here.

>> No.57790642

Cause you sound so bitter you dumb nigger. Nobody told you to sell your stack of Doge for this. Also what's fucking losing out on a small pump with Doge considering they're already in billions of Mcap to LINU that is literally just starting. At the most you'd get like a x3 on Doge at this point and with LINU a x1000, so just shut the fuck up and hold.

>> No.57790682

If im going to hodl then im going to complain loudly and often and scream nigger and there is nothing you can do about it. Nigger.

>> No.57790752

oh anon ;) when you gonna wake up? do you see all these threads? why are jannues allowing it? dont you ask questions? ;) wake up we got till sunday then we gonna rotate ;) goodluck with the gainsvI sure made some etheriums ;)

>verification not required.

>> No.57790796

And I will always call you out for your retardedness as well you fucking Nigger. Freedom of speech nigger, you call me a nigger, I call you a nigger and you can't also do anything about it nigger.

>> No.57790814

>It's an easy 1000-5000x from here.
100m mcap by q4 2025 imminent saar!

>> No.57790820

Considering the primary userbase for this coin is /biz/ it would make zero sense for you to tell your victims how you are going to scam them. You are either trolling, creating fudd to attempt to accumulate more without raising the price, or simply lying about sunday and in fact planning on trying to rug this tomorrow instead.

>> No.57790833

>gets btfo in every possible way,
>still posts itt
Fudders have a humiliation fetish I guess?

>> No.57790854

I believe this coin will do a 1000x and I will have $50,000 in 6 months

>> No.57790876

>Considering the primary userbase for this coin is /biz
Almost half the TG joined since two days ago because we updated DexTools.
Fuck biz this is the make it coin.

>> No.57790900

read my posts of yesterday ;) you can read wgats going on if you got som IQ ;)

>> No.57790924

Delusion and pure hopium

>> No.57790963

2 buys in the last hour… seems like a great buy guys

>> No.57791020

This is the way anons

>> No.57791103

Buy now or cry later

>> No.57791146

Nigger there are several ways to interpret what you are saying, how the fuck should i know for certain what your cryptic bullshit really means. Youre like that loud angry midget guy from the princess bride with his poisoned wine cups, theres no telling if you are being literal or meaning the exact opposite.

>> No.57791153
File: 146 KB, 680x680, GER4gaHWQAAV6Dr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You beautiful fuckers need to stop giving these fudfags control over the mood of the thread and your emotions. It's a good fucking day ;)


>> No.57791168

Why are you lying? This is so easy to disprove.

>> No.57791286
File: 538 KB, 1170x1410, IMG_1302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 buys in last hour

>> No.57791303

My schizo spidey senses are telling me that you are actually turbo giga bullish on Linu and are samefagging across multiple devices, but primarily using the “;)” persona with intentional misspellings to bait autists in to argue against you, which in turn bumps the threads and increases exposure and allows your other persona(s) to give instructions to newcomers on how to buy Linu, and your ultimate goal is to snowball enough traction here to create a gigapump, because if everyone had nothing to say but positive things the threads would die from being boring, and you keep using “homie” to signal this.

I unironically believe this 100%.

>> No.57791325

haha! oh anon ;) read my posts from yesterday. it will get rotated to fire/eth ;) last hint. enjoy the gains for now i sure do! lots of etheriums and keep pumping our bags Homies! ;)

>> No.57791449

it got listed at 00:00 Korea time, currently it's 6:00 there, let's see if gooks will buy.

>> No.57791487

Make a bunch of starcraft accounts and shill it there, tell them if they win a tournament they get 1 trillion Linu, that should get them fired up

>> No.57791517
File: 424 KB, 506x554, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so butthurt that follow each LINU thread and post the same retarded bullshit.

>> No.57791538
File: 100 KB, 1299x540, Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 16-28-16 LINU $0.0₈4987 - Luna Inu _ WETH on Ethereum _ Uniswap - DEX Screener.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still lying
come on man.

>> No.57791594

I’m sorry, you’re right.. 4 buys in an hour. Things on fire

>> No.57791616
File: 153 KB, 640x349, bobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No other token brings out this kind of jeet behavior.

>> No.57791625
File: 104 KB, 1683x665, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CITEX looks good, too bad they don't have more linu to play with over there. Small pool, but it's extremely active.

>> No.57791823

What's the pool?

>> No.57791831
File: 1.41 MB, 882x867, LINU-stats4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god dammit anon, stop it, he's alllreeeaadddyy ddeeeaaadd

>> No.57792057

What is that barbaric interface you're wasting gas on? Pull up a chair to the exchange and see the order book for yourself

>> No.57792185

Is there a way to detect if any of those 6k wallets are botted? Like some website that does some AI pattern recognition or something? Not fudding but that metric doesn’t really prove anything to me

>> No.57792238

can someone go to this mental retarded queers home and end his life? he's been queer posting for 2 days straight now about le pnd and going i made my effereums teehee winky face emoji. what an obnoxious annoying underage and/or mentallyunderage retard. and this retard is supposedly 18+ and acting this way. imagine being this pathetric you literally go ion and on nonstop for 2 days about le pnd and sunday trying to get cheaper buy in prices and get others to sell. imagine the smallness of this eternal virgins penis that causes him to go online and act like this. what never will pleasure a female in life or get laid does to a mofo

>> No.57792281


>> No.57792351
File: 145 KB, 1027x426, Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 17-31-12 (0) _biz_ - LINU Let's Fucking Go - Business & Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pools closed.
OKX is an exchange.
2 weeks we hit OKX.

>> No.57792365

Wait wait wait, were getting another listing? Holy shit.

>> No.57792420
File: 62 KB, 598x594, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, sar.
His captcha was OKX2W

>> No.57792436
File: 967 KB, 1024x1024, 1706502536428(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57792437

haha top le kek, nice one anon ;'D keep filling our bags thank you for your fud new etheriumfs will be made next dip and then I buy in again. you should too, follow my le posts ;)

>verification not required

>> No.57792462

Ok calmed down, so it's no OKX but Binance right? 20b Mcap soon?

>> No.57792513
File: 11 KB, 980x89, jannies tried to delete this get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The prophecy will be fulfilled anon.
One way or another.

>> No.57792539
File: 211 KB, 1080x811, Screenshot_20240301_234517_Read Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same as the sunday very soon, be ready ;) we gonna rotate fire ;) lets get some gains "homie"

>> No.57792565
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, 2024-01-24 21.34.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57792847
File: 56 KB, 650x767, GigaChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First bull run ?
You'll be fine.
quit being a faggot
put us in the screen cap

>> No.57793134

Reminder that CITEX is literally a scam exchange, and you are all buying into a PND. Just do the slightest research into CITEX and you retarded fucks will see. Im trying to save you. Jannies want you to lose.

>> No.57793231
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1676505247698190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the fud now btw
>X/Y CEX is an scam!
Don't worry FAGGOT
LINU will be on many fucking more central exchanges so your little queer narrative is only going to work for a little longer

>> No.57793306

KEK a top 50 CEX is a scam.
What do you buy your assets on, boomer? Robinhood only?

>> No.57793331

>muh fud
Nigger its basic research and facts you dumb fuck.

>> No.57793366

First I heard top 10 then I heard top 25 now i'm hearing top 50 KEEKKKKKK. This top x/y shit comes from coinmarketcap which is retarded BECAUSE THE VOLUME DOESNT EVEN MATCH GOINGECKO OR THEIR OWN WEBSITE. ITS FAKE YOU DUMB NIGGER.

>> No.57793430

check coin market cap retard and youll find where citex is ranked

>> No.57793522

>top 25
Yeah that was yesterday. >>57773993
Volume changes every day.
It is currently
>38 on CMC
>34 on CG
Both sites (there are more than just CG and CMC tracking CEX volume) use different methods to track volume.
But I guess it's easy for you to just post "kek" and spam in all caps instead of dyor. Such a loser mentality honestly.

>> No.57793529

Did you even read what I said you dumb fuck. CITEXs MSB license they have on their page is also fake. They're not actually registered in the Virgin Islands.

>> No.57793545

Two different methods that result in literal billions in difference? lol. lmao even.

>> No.57793583

pick one

>> No.57793713
File: 135 KB, 454x818, DYORfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes actually. As I said there are more than just these two sites gauging volume. But instead of DYOR like I told you, you just scoff.
The amount of spoonfeeding I've done for you piss for brain monkeys is really excessive.

>> No.57793718
File: 318 KB, 2035x987, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they have fake volume
>sell/buy walls of 100+ btc

>> No.57793753

Ok just wait for the next better CEX and trade on Uniswap with gas fees then.

>> No.57793821
File: 159 KB, 1080x1074, 1708177272238165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have traded on uniswap for like 5+ fucking years lol i know how crazy gas can get, i've seen it cost more than $1000 at a time. I was early on shib and sold too early sadly. not doing that again.
Just be happy linu got on a real cex, doesn't matter if they're 'legit' or not, i don't fucking know. All I know is it's getting around me and the more it gets around the faster it will keep getting around because it will fucking SNOWBALL nigger.
I've been around and I'm retarded but I've been around.