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57762444 No.57762444 [Reply] [Original]

I've made more in one day than I make in a year
I feel nothing

>> No.57762459
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>> No.57762467

OK, keep us posted.

>> No.57762470

This is why unironically the entire market is pumping, nobody is selling because everyone is realizing money means jack shit in a dying civilization

Ironically it actually will lead to a good outcome by accelerating hyperbitcoinization

>> No.57762496

cause were all fucked either way

>> No.57762503

81K is literally nothing. If you are 23 a 300k net worth is a start, but its still poor. You should cross the 1 million net worth in assets when you turn 25. By the age of 30 you should have 2 million USD in assets by 35, 3 million net worth. Nothing what you posted is above average or impressive in any way unless you are comparing yourself to broke migrants or homeless.

>> No.57762507

I have touched a girls boobs and i feel nothing

>> No.57762512

Try withdrawing

>> No.57762519

300k at 23 is top 1%

>> No.57762525

>I feel nothing
You have transcended euphoria
Ironically, this leaves you incredibly vulnerable to immense pain when you lose it all

>> No.57762538

>I feel nothing
because it's just money bro

>> No.57762545

maybe you finally realized that money isnt real no matter what it is, usd, crypto, whatever. LOL at faggots wageslaving for shit that isnt real. It is sickening how many are just warped in the head to fall for this gay system. this is why a certain tribe is at the top because they swindled people to do whatever they want for numbers lmao.
>b-but muh military backed
dont care, it's still fake and gay, like you. Use that shit well OP, it is basically good boy points for free manipulation to get what you want.

>> No.57762549

Me too

Made more today than i make a month

>> No.57762558

300k at 23 is lower middle class. If you graduate at 21 and land a job paying six figures while living with parents, you can easily achieve a 300k net worth by 23.

>> No.57762584

Its not even money though. Its literally digits on a screen, and OP will have to pay 30% back to state and federal taxes. So he really only has 200k. Which is a good start if you are 18 years old

>> No.57762665

I lost around 96%, not saying the amount, and I felt nothing. Since then, I'm emailing poojacks to every shitcoins' sysadmins I come across.

>> No.57762697

Because there isnt an end. You know it just keeps going. Now you have to reinvest that, and stress over those new investments, or else worry about the investments you didnt make. Of course then thats just money, which could very easily mean nothing one day.
Keep on truckin brother, once you can afford your bug out missile silo you will have made it.
Not really though, youre still going to die one day.

>> No.57762698

How'd you do it though
And congrats

>> No.57762768

keep bragging until you do

>> No.57762787

imagine not having 1 million USD by 30

yikes, that gives me the ick

>> No.57762825

dont worry you'll feel something when you dont cash out because you think it's going higher but it actually goes to 0

>> No.57762826

>I've made more in one day
not until you cash it out

>> No.57762827

>300k at 23
>only 3 million by 35
You're not even keeping up with inflation

>> No.57762858

just make more op, and dont expect to feel something when talking about money, but hey, if you want to make more money, theres BRC20 tokens out there waiting for you

>> No.57762868

Yea, but you should have 1 million USD in liquid investments by 30 generating passive income, not including home value.

>> No.57763245

If you don't have at least 2M by the time you're 15 it's unironically over

>> No.57763268

Fuck off cunt

>> No.57763288

Demoralization post, ignore

>> No.57763327
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>> No.57763353

>t. poorfag

>> No.57763402

I make more than that in a month through my shovelware video game business.

>> No.57763443

There is no cashing out.

>> No.57763444
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yeah op is totally a richfag who makes shovelware video games its totally retarded no one even plays shovelware anymore its a dead business op probably only makes a couple bucks a month what a poorfag

>> No.57763936

Because you didn't sell, thus you didn't actually make anything. Sorry champ but that's the rules

>> No.57763940

JASMY and Doge

>> No.57764591
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That was me at 24, portfolio ATH of 470k in 2017. Lost a lot in the bear market and didn't break 150k net worth until 2023. Hoping that I finally make it this time around

>> No.57764620

Then it's literally numbers on a screen.

>> No.57764624

Because the money is only good for alleviating fear and not producing happiness.

Go out and obtain happiness now that you don't have to fear bills. That's what stops most people from pursuing their dream education or growing a big family.

If you don't want those kinds of things then you have just tricked yourself into thinking cars and yachts are cool when you could just ride a rollercoaster.

>> No.57764633

Guess the adrenaline wears out. You should try Dplay next, that’ll get you going

>> No.57765094
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>> No.57765107

because none of that money is real until you sell for cash

>> No.57765371

nice bait
Kys niggerfaggot

>> No.57766489
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Hold yourself to a higher standard. Imagine all the absolute slime that thing compares you to.

>> No.57766530


>> No.57766533
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digits speak the truth

>> No.57767670

fuck off demon scum

>> No.57768902

Because you know you haven't made it yet, there is still a long narrow path in front of you, and you could lose everything in a heartbeat along the way.

>> No.57769243

Nice IP faggot imagine if someone was sent to come kill you haha that'd just be crazy

>> No.57769256
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nice ip bro imagine if someone were to send a mob of 4channers to come and kill you you could lose all your crypto then good thing you're safe by hiding behind your keyboard like the weak little rat that you are

>> No.57769467

Stay gooning to all the blackmail donations rolling in ya groomer