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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57750232 No.57750232 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck are you supposed to spend your money on once you make it?
do you just build a castle on ten thousand acres and hoard gold like a dragon?

>> No.57750251

1) secure yours and family future (Parents, wife, son etc)
2)buy a nice house so you can stop being a rentcel
3)thai hookers and traveling

simpul as

>> No.57750264

You pay poor people to do repetitive tasks everyday and watch their souls drain from the burden.

>> No.57750266
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Based and smaugpilled

>> No.57750377

>basic survival
>sex and travel

>> No.57750384

>fucking 22 year old cuties and replacing them every year
>Renting out an olympic size swimming pools to pool the cuties of interest

>> No.57750387

Why is bilbo hiding in a fart? That wasn't in the book

>> No.57750404

only dimwits spend their money on big mansions yatchs and lambos
people love to lose their money paying high taxes on useless trash

>> No.57750405

If you spend your BTC on women you're a faggot.

>> No.57750409
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>what the fuck are you supposed to spend your money on once you make it?
>do you just build a castle on ten thousand acres and hoard gold like a dragon?

>> No.57750415
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Whatever you want. What I want:
>a nice house with a fine kitchen
One of my hobbies is cooking.
>a nice TV setup
I love watching movies
>a nice gaming setup
I like gaming with friends
>enough money to travel
I've been traveling my whole life
>home gym setup
Physical health is important

Pretty much everything I do now except with more time, less stress and with top tier equipment. I would also like to smoke meats and brew my own beer. And I want a jacuzzi and outdoor sauna and invite all my friends over every week.

>> No.57750422

>eastern europeans whore
>5 stars hotels and resorts
>travel in first class
>practice expensive sports and hobbies

>> No.57750441

Anyone else lose all their friends during Covid? I figure I'll buy some new ones, even better than before.

>> No.57750547

The best idea is to buy an infinite number of hot tubs and fill them with an infinite number of hookers.

To embark, let us first dive into the realms of infinity and its implications in our physical universe, before proving the mathematical impossibility of such an endeavor in a rather roundabout manner.

**Step 1: Understanding Infinity**

Infinity, denoted by the symbol ∞, is not a number but a concept that in mathematics represents an unbounded quantity that is larger than any real number. There are different sizes or types of infinity when we delve into set theory, such as countable and uncountable infinity. For simplicity, let's consider our hot tubs and hookers scenario in terms of countable infinity, akin to the set of natural numbers (1, 2, 3, ...).

**Step 2: The Concept of Infinite Hot Tubs**

Assuming we have an infinite number of hot tubs, we are essentially saying we have a hot tub for every natural number. This is akin to saying for every natural number n, there exists a unique hot tub labeled HT_n.

**Step 3: Filling Hot Tubs with Infinite Hookers**

Now, to fill each hot tub with an infinite number of hookers, we are assigning another set of countable infinity (the hookers) to each element of our first set of countable infinity (the hot tubs). In mathematical terms, this is like saying for every hot tub HT_n, there exists an infinite set of hookers H_n = {h_1, h_2, h_3, ...}.

>> No.57750554


**Step 4: The Paradox of Physical Space**

Here comes the twist. The physical universe, as we understand it, does not allow the manifestation of infinity in a tangible manner. Space is finite, or at least bounded in a manner that our human minds can comprehend. Filling an infinite number of hot tubs with an infinite number of hookers would require not just an infinite amount of space but also an infinite amount of resources, both of which contradict the finite nature of our universe.

**Step 5: The Mathematical Impossibility**

Let's approach the impossibility from a mathematical perspective, albeit in a roundabout way, through the famous Hilbert's Hotel paradox. Imagine a hotel with an infinite number of rooms, and each room is occupied. Hilbert's Hotel paradox shows that even if the hotel is fully occupied, it can still accommodate more guests. Now, replace guests with hookers and rooms with hot tubs. You might think, "Great! Infinite hot tubs and hookers should work!" But here's the catch: the paradox relies on the abstract concept of infinity, which does not translate into physical reality. Our scenario collapses under the weight of physical impossibility, as we cannot create or manipulate infinite entities within a finite universe.

**Step 6: The Conclusion**

While the journey through abstract mathematical concepts and paradoxes might suggest a possibility in a theoretical realm, the harsh reality of our finite universe and its laws render the idea of buying infinite hot tubs and filling them with infinite hookers not just impractical but mathematically impossible to achieve in any tangible sense. Thus, through a convoluted exploration of infinity, we arrive at the inevitable conclusion that our grandiose plan is, unfortunately, a mathematical and physical impossibility.

>> No.57750611

jokes on you, i'm spending mine on thai ladyboys

>> No.57750721

Buy a house, then find a coke dealer with the finest shit, then its hookers and blow time?

>> No.57750735

That sounds based as fucked

A modern castle, bauhaus style with a bunker underneath

>> No.57750738


>> No.57750768
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Invest in your health, family, community, education, environment.

Remember that true eudaimonic happiness comes not from consumption, but self-fulfillment and meaningful relationships.