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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57743741 No.57743741 [Reply] [Original]

This is the most money I've ever made in a day. It's almost 2 months worth of waging in a single day. Should I sell or not until peak bull?

>> No.57743761

Assuming your portfolio is ~$100k, fuck it cash out 8k and have some fun. Leave the rest

>> No.57743780

i'm up $200k today and dont care. you shouldnt even think about quitting any job until at least a million.

seriously crunch some numbers and see if you can possibly justify neeting with less than a million. cant be done

>> No.57743783

Hold until 65k to frontrun ATH sellers. Then buy the ATH selloff sub 60k.

>> No.57743789

Take some profits and have fun, reminds me of my 2020-2021. I'm in 6 figure hell right now, awaiting a 5-10x during the bullrun. But during the bullrun I took out about 10k and used it to make my life a bit more comfy.

>> No.57743795

You can neet with 400k
3% withdrawal every year is $12k, groceries are $3k, rent with roommates for $6-9k, you still have money left over

>> No.57743797
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biz neets are out of touch, everyone here telling you not to sell it is a signal TO sell. There has been a few posts like yours over the past two or three days, which is a top signal

>> No.57743871

Up $200k? Are you at 8 figures? Do you benefit that much from being on /biz/ at your level?
Hmm very smart. Where do you think the ath would be? Maybe $130k for btc?
true, but I might as well ride it out until at least $1M and honestly I don't think I'd ever stop actively investing. I'd hope to hit $5M one day to truly feel there's no point in working a day job.
but it's a local top, right? I just don't want to fuck myself long-term by cashing out. If we dip, I'll put every dollar possible to slurp it

>> No.57743920
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>you need 1m to neet
>n-no not like that
Skill issue

>> No.57744061

Kek yeah sell early in the golden bull run, good plan OP

>> No.57744339

Desiring better than hobo-tier shelter is a matter of skill?

>> No.57744366

>Skill issue
Anyone who uses this zoomer phrase you can instantly disregard their opinion

>> No.57744429

>sell months before a halving
if it helps you sleep at night, go for it I guess. you'll probably regret it though
t. sold all my LINK beginning of 2020 for a down-payment on a house

>> No.57744468

Still not a terrible decision. If you hadn't sold you'd have probably held all the way through 2022-2023 before capitulating at $6. At least this way you have a house.

>> No.57744594

newfaggot retard, enjoy fomoing in 2 more weeks.

>> No.57744696

>Up $200k? Are you at 8 figures? Do you benefit that much from being on /biz/ at your level?
Not him but same tier as him. Stopped office working a few years ago, and /biz/ bants helps take the place of the water cooler

>> No.57744707

Which shitcoin?

>> No.57744763

im at $4M in crypto (holding since 2013), I quit my job and now run three companies instead, im absolutely retarded

>> No.57744848

what type of companies?

>> No.57744896
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Don't listen to this nublet. Always buy and continue to buy.
We all are stupid monkies with no rational way to know when the market bottoms and when it tops. We're emotional. Just keep buying until your portfolio is making much more than you salary.

>> No.57744993

Cash out and reinvest.
Instead of holding then suiciding when it collapsed to 6? lmao

>> No.57745009
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Usually, when you start thinking about quitting your job, that's right about where the top is (give or take). Maybe this time it's different though!

>> No.57745592
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are you hiring? I got laid off a few months ago and now I'm bored.

>> No.57745779

>run three companies instead
Did you buy these companies or start them from scratch? My goal is to make enough from crypto to buy a business and hopefully own multiple at some point. I am very close to six figures and I hope I can buy one after this bull run. This seems like a good move.

>> No.57746141

I wouldn't have held through the top, 2020 wasn't my first bullrun. However I knew at the time it was 'early' to sell but did anyway because I had to. Could have been the difference between a down-payment and buying my house outright. My average buy-in price was like $0.50 though so oh well.